--- components: schemas: AccountCreateRequest: properties: account_subtype: example: "PERSONAL" type: string account_type: example: SAVINGS type: string apr: example: 1.0 type: number apy: example: 1.0 type: number available_balance: example: 1000.0 type: number balance: example: 1000.0 type: number cash_surrender_value: example: 1000.0 type: number credit_limit: example: 100.0 type: number currency_code: example: USD type: string death_benefit: example: 1000 type: integer interest_rate: example: 1.0 type: number is_business: example: false type: boolean is_closed: example: false type: boolean is_hidden: example: false type: boolean loan_amount: example: 1000.0 type: number metadata: example: some metadata type: string name: example: Test account 2 type: string nickname: example: Swiss Account type: string original_balance: example: 10.0 type: number property_type: example: VEHICLE type: string skip_webhook: example: true type: boolean required: - name - account_type type: object AccountCreateRequestBody: properties: account: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountCreateRequest" type: object AccountResponse: properties: account_number: example: "5366" nullable: true type: string account_ownership: example: "INDIVIDUAL" nullable: true type: string annuity_policy_to_date: example: "2016-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" nullable: true type: string annuity_provider: example: "Metlife" nullable: true type: string annuity_term_year: example: 2048 nullable: true type: number apr: example: 1.0 nullable: true type: number apy: example: 1.0 nullable: true type: number available_balance: example: 1000.0 nullable: true type: number available_credit: example: 1000.0 nullable: true type: number balance: example: 10000.0 nullable: true type: number cash_balance: example: 1000.0 nullable: true type: number cash_surrender_value: example: 1000.0 nullable: true type: number created_at: example: "2023-07-25T17:14:46Z" nullable: false type: string credit_limit: example: 100.0 nullable: true type: number currency_code: example: USD nullable: true type: string day_payment_is_due: example: 20 nullable: true type: integer death_benefit: example: 1000 nullable: true type: integer guid: example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 nullable: true type: string holdings_value: example: 1000.0 nullable: true type: number id: example: "1040434698" nullable: true type: string imported_at: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" nullable: true type: string interest_rate: example: 1.0 nullable: true type: number institution_code: example: "3af3685e-05d9-7060-359f-008d0755e993" nullable: true type: string insured_name: example: "Tommy Shelby" nullable: true type: string is_closed: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_hidden: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_manual: example: false nullable: true type: boolean last_payment: example: 100.0 nullable: true type: number last_payment_at: example: "2023-07-25T17:14:46Z" nullable: true type: string loan_amount: example: 1000.0 nullable: true type: number margin_balance: example: 1000.0 nullable: true type: number matures_on: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" nullable: true type: string member_guid: example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b nullable: true type: string member_id: example: member123 nullable: true type: string member_is_managed_by_user: example: false nullable: true type: boolean metadata: example: "some metadata" nullable: true type: string minimum_balance: example: 100.0 nullable: true type: number minimum_payment: example: 10.0 nullable: true type: number name: example: Test account 2 nullable: true type: string nickname: example: My Checking nullable: true type: string original_balance: example: 10.0 nullable: true type: number pay_out_amount: example: 10.0 nullable: true type: number payment_due_at: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" nullable: true type: string payoff_balance: example: 10.0 nullable: true type: number premium_amount: example: 1.0 nullable: true type: number property_type: example: VEHICLE nullable: true type: string routing_number: example: "68899990000000" nullable: true type: string started_on: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" nullable: true type: string subtype: example: NONE nullable: true type: string today_ugl_amount: example: 1000.50 nullable: true type: number today_ugl_percentage: example: 6.9 nullable: true type: number total_account_value: example: 1.0 nullable: true type: number type: example: SAVINGS nullable: true type: string updated_at: example: "2016-10-13T18:08:00.000Z" nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 nullable: true type: string user_id: example: "user123" nullable: true type: string type: object AccountResponseBody: properties: account: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" type: object AccountNumberResponse: properties: account_guid: example: ACT-06d7f45b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 nullable: true type: string account_number: example: "10001" nullable: true type: string guid: example: ACN-8899832e-e5b4-42cd-aa25-bbf1dc889a8f nullable: true type: string institution_number: example: "123" nullable: true type: string member_guid: example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b nullable: true type: string passed_validation: example: true nullable: true type: boolean routing_number: example: "68899990000000" nullable: true type: string transit_number: example: "12345" nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 nullable: true type: string type: object AccountNumbersResponseBody: properties: account_numbers: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountNumberResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object AccountOwnerResponse: properties: account_guid: example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 nullable: true type: string address: example: 123 This Way nullable: true type: string city: example: Middlesex nullable: true type: string country: example: US nullable: true type: string email: example: donnie@darko.co nullable: true type: string first_name: example: Donnie nullable: true type: string guid: example: ACO-63dc7714-6fc0-4aa2-a069-c06cdccd1af9 nullable: true type: string last_name: example: Darko nullable: true type: string member_guid: example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b nullable: true type: string owner_name: example: Donnie Darko nullable: true type: string phone: example: 555-555-5555 nullable: true type: string postal_code: example: 00000-0000 nullable: true type: string state: example: VA nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 nullable: true type: string type: object AccountOwnersResponseBody: properties: account_owners: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountOwnerResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object AccountUpdateRequest: properties: account_subtype: example: "PERSONAL" type: string account_type: example: SAVINGS type: string apr: example: 1.0 type: number apy: example: 1.0 type: number available_balance: example: 1000.0 type: number balance: example: 1000.0 type: number cash_surrender_value: example: 1000.0 type: number credit_limit: example: 100.00 type: number currency_code: example: USD type: string death_benefit: example: 1000 type: integer interest_rate: example: 1.0 type: number is_business: example: false type: boolean is_closed: example: false type: boolean is_hidden: example: false type: boolean loan_amount: example: 1000.0 type: number metadata: example: some metadata type: string name: example: Test account 2 type: string nickname: example: Swiss Account type: string original_balance: example: 10.0 type: number property_type: example: VEHICLE type: string skip_webhook: example: true type: boolean type: object AccountUpdateRequestBody: properties: account: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountUpdateRequest" type: object AccountsResponseBody: properties: accounts: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object AuthorizationCodeRequest: properties: scope: example: user-guid:USR-101ad774-288b-44ed-ad16-da87d522ea20 member-guid:MBR-54feffb9-8474-47bd-8442-de003910113a account-guid:ACT-32a64160-582a-4f00-ab34-5f49cc35ed35 read-protected nullable: true type: string type: object AuthorizationCodeRequestBody: properties: authorization_code: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AuthorizationCodeRequest" type: object AuthorizationCodeResponse: properties: code: example: 9nN-9D8_4Z3WYazx7-zXfmqsD3jwgL_2W927Sb3otI nullable: true type: string type: object AuthorizationCodeResponseBody: properties: authorization_code: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AuthorizationCodeResponse" type: object CategoriesResponseBody: properties: categories: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoryResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object CategoryCreateRequest: properties: metadata: example: some metadata type: string name: example: Online Shopping type: string parent_guid: example: CAT-aad51b46-d6f7-3da5-fd6e-492328b3023f type: string required: - name type: object CategoryCreateRequestBody: properties: category: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoryCreateRequest" type: object CategoryResponse: properties: created_at: example: "2015-04-13T18:01:23.000Z" nullable: true type: string guid: example: CAT-7829f71c-2e8c-afa5-2f55-fa3634b89874 nullable: true type: string is_default: example: true nullable: true type: boolean is_income: example: false nullable: true type: boolean metadata: example: some metadata nullable: true type: string name: example: Auto Insurance nullable: true type: string parent_guid: example: CAT-7829f71c-2e8c-afa5-2f55-fa3634b89874 nullable: true type: string updated_at: example: "2015-05-13T18:01:23.000Z" nullable: true type: string type: object CategoryResponseBody: properties: category: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoryResponse" type: object CategoryUpdateRequest: properties: metadata: example: some metadata type: string name: example: Web shopping type: string type: object CategoryUpdateRequestBody: properties: category: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoryUpdateRequest" type: object ChallengeResponse: properties: field_name: example: Who is this guy? nullable: true type: string guid: example: CRD-ce76d2e3-86bd-ec4a-ec52-eb53b5194bf5 nullable: true type: string image_data: example: Who is this guy? nullable: true type: string image_options: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ImageOptionResponse" type: array label: example: Who is this guy? nullable: true type: string options: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OptionResponse" type: array type: example: IMAGE_DATA nullable: true type: string type: object ChallengesResponseBody: properties: challenges: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ChallengeResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object ConnectWidgetRequest: properties: client_redirect_url: example: https://mx.com type: string color_scheme: example: light type: string current_institution_code: example: chase type: string current_member_guid: example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b type: string disable_background_agg: example: false type: boolean disable_institution_search: example: false type: boolean include_identity: example: false type: boolean include_transactions: example: true type: boolean is_mobile_webview: example: false type: boolean mode: example: aggregation type: string oauth_referral_source: example: BROWSER type: string ui_message_version: example: 4 type: integer ui_message_webview_url_scheme: example: mx type: string update_credentials: example: false type: boolean type: object ConnectWidgetRequestBody: properties: config: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConnectWidgetRequest" type: object ConnectWidgetResponse: properties: connect_widget_url: example: https://int-widgets.moneydesktop.com/md/connect/jb1rA14m85tw2lyvpgfx4gc6d3Z8z8Ayb8 nullable: true type: string guid: example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 nullable: true type: string type: object ConnectWidgetResponseBody: properties: user: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConnectWidgetResponse" type: object CredentialRequest: properties: guid: example: CRD-27d0edb8-1d50-5b90-bcbc-be270ca42b9f type: string value: example: password type: string type: object CredentialResponse: properties: display_order: example: 1 nullable: true type: integer field_name: example: LOGIN nullable: true type: string field_type: example: TEXT nullable: true type: string guid: example: CRD-1ec152cd-e628-e81a-e852-d1e7104624da nullable: true type: string label: example: Username nullable: true type: string type: example: TEXT nullable: true type: string type: object CredentialsResponseBody: properties: credentials: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CredentialResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object EnhanceTransactionResponse: properties: amount: example: 21.33 nullable: true type: number categorized_by: example: 13 nullable: true type: integer category: example: Rental Car & Taxi nullable: true type: string category_guid: example: CAT-9588eaad-90a4-bb5c-66c8-1812503d0db8 nullable: true type: string described_by: example: 6 nullable: true type: integer description: example: Uber nullable: true type: string extended_transaction_type: example: partner_transaction_type nullable: true type: string id: example: ID-123 nullable: true type: string is_bill_pay: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_direct_deposit: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_expense: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_fee: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_income: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_international: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_overdraft_fee: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_payroll_advance: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_subscription: example: false nullable: true type: boolean memo: example: Additional-information*on_transaction nullable: true type: string merchant_category_code: example: 4121 nullable: true type: integer merchant_guid: example: MCH-14f25b63-ef47-a38e-b2b6-d02b280b6e4e nullable: true type: string merchant_location_guid: example: MCL-00024e59-18b5-4d79-b879-2a7896726fea nullable: true type: string original_description: example: ubr* pending.uber.com nullable: true type: string type: example: DEBIT nullable: true type: string type: object EnhanceTransactionsRequest: properties: amount: example: 21.33 type: number description: example: ubr* pending.uber.com type: string extended_transaction_type: example: partner_transaction_type type: string id: example: ID-123 type: string memo: example: Additional-information*on_transaction type: string merchant_category_code: example: 4121 type: integer type: example: DEBIT type: string required: - description - id type: object EnhanceTransactionsRequestBody: properties: transactions: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnhanceTransactionsRequest" type: array type: object EnhanceTransactionsResponseBody: properties: transactions: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnhanceTransactionResponse" type: array type: object HoldingResponse: properties: account_guid: example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 nullable: true type: string cost_basis: example: 827.0 nullable: true type: number created_at: example: "2015-04-13T18:01:23.000Z" nullable: true type: string currency_code: example: USD nullable: true type: string cusip: example: 18383M878 nullable: true type: string daily_change: example: 2.5 nullable: true type: number description: example: Guggenheim Defensive Equity ETF nullable: true type: string guid: example: HOL-d65683e8-9eab-26bb-bcfd-ced159c9abe2 nullable: true type: string holding_type: example: MONEY_MARKET nullable: true type: string holding_type_id: example: 1 nullable: true type: integer id: example: ID-123 nullable: true type: string market_value: example: 989.5 nullable: true type: number member_guid: example: MBR-d65683e8-9eab-26bb-bcfd-ced159c9abe nullable: true type: string metadata: example: metadata nullable: true type: string purchase_price: example: 26.3 nullable: true type: number shares: example: 6.0 nullable: true type: number symbol: example: DEF nullable: true type: string updated_at: example: "2015-04-13T18:01:23.000Z" nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-743e5d7f-1116-28fa-5de1-d3ba02e41d8d nullable: true type: string type: object HoldingResponseBody: properties: holding: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HoldingResponse" type: object HoldingsResponseBody: properties: holdings: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HoldingResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object ImageOptionResponse: properties: data_uri: example:  ... more image data ... nullable: true type: string label: example: IMAGE_1 nullable: true type: string value: example: image_data nullable: true type: string type: object InstitutionResponse: properties: code: example: chase nullable: true type: string forgot_password_url: example: https://example.url.chase.com/forgot-password nullable: true type: string forgot_username_url: example: https://example.url.chase.com/forgot-username nullable: true type: string instructional_text: example: Some instructional text for end users. nullable: true type: string medium_logo_url: example: https://content.moneydesktop.com/storage/MD_Assets/Ipad%20Logos/100x100/default_100x100.png nullable: true type: string name: example: Chase Bank nullable: true type: string small_logo_url: example: https://content.moneydesktop.com/storage/MD_Assets/Ipad%20Logos/50x50/default_50x50.png nullable: true type: string supports_account_identification: example: true nullable: true type: boolean supports_account_statement: example: true nullable: true type: boolean supports_account_verification: example: true nullable: true type: boolean supports_oauth: example: true nullable: true type: boolean supports_transaction_history: example: true nullable: true type: boolean trouble_signing_in_url: example: https://example.url.chase.com/login-trouble nullable: true type: string url: example: https://www.chase.com nullable: true type: string type: object InstitutionResponseBody: properties: institution: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/InstitutionResponse" type: object InstitutionsResponseBody: properties: institutions: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/InstitutionResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object ManagedAccountCreateRequest: properties: account_number: example: "5366" type: string apr: example: 1.0 type: number apy: example: 1.0 type: number available_balance: example: 1000.0 type: number available_credit: example: 1000.0 type: number balance: example: 1000.0 type: number cash_surrender_value: example: 1000.0 type: number credit_limit: example: 100.0 type: number currency_code: example: USD type: string day_payment_is_due: example: 20 type: integer death_benefit: example: 1000 type: integer id: example: "1040434698" type: string interest_rate: example: 1.0 type: number is_closed: example: false type: boolean is_hidden: example: false type: boolean last_payment: example: 100.0 type: number last_payment_at: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" type: string loan_amount: example: 1000.0 type: number matures_on: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" type: string metadata: example: some metadata type: string minimum_balance: example: 100.0 type: number minimum_payment: example: 10.0 type: number name: example: Test account 2 type: string nickname: example: Swiss Account type: string original_balance: example: 10.0 type: number payment_due_at: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" type: string payoff_balance: example: 10.0 type: number routing_number: example: "68899990000000" type: string started_on: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" type: string subtype: example: NONE type: string type: example: SAVINGS type: string required: - balance - name - type type: object ManagedAccountCreateRequestBody: properties: account: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedAccountCreateRequest" type: object ManagedAccountUpdateRequest: properties: account_number: example: "5366" type: string apr: example: 1.0 type: number apy: example: 1.0 type: number available_balance: example: 1000.0 type: number available_credit: example: 1000.0 type: number balance: example: 1000.0 type: number cash_surrender_value: example: 1000.0 type: number credit_limit: example: 100.0 type: number currency_code: example: USD type: string day_payment_is_due: example: 20 type: integer death_benefit: example: 1000 type: integer id: example: "1040434698" type: string interest_rate: example: 1.0 type: number is_closed: example: false type: boolean is_hidden: example: false type: boolean last_payment: example: 100.0 type: number last_payment_at: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" type: string loan_amount: example: 1000.0 type: number matures_on: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" type: string metadata: example: some metadata type: string minimum_balance: example: 100.0 type: number minimum_payment: example: 10.0 type: number name: example: Test account 2 type: string nickname: example: Swiss Account type: string original_balance: example: 10.0 type: number payment_due_at: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" type: string payoff_balance: example: 10.0 type: number routing_number: example: "68899990000000" type: string started_on: example: "2015-10-13T17:57:37.000Z" type: string subtype: example: NONE type: string type: example: SAVINGS type: string type: object ManagedAccountUpdateRequestBody: properties: account: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedAccountUpdateRequest" type: object ManagedMemberCreateRequest: properties: id: example: member123 type: string institution_code: example: mxbank type: string metadata: example: some metadata type: string name: example: MX Bank type: string required: - institution_code type: object ManagedMemberCreateRequestBody: properties: member: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedMemberCreateRequest" type: object ManagedMemberUpdateRequest: properties: id: example: member123 type: string metadata: example: some metadata type: string name: example: MX Bank type: string type: object ManagedMemberUpdateRequestBody: properties: member: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedMemberUpdateRequest" type: object ManagedTransactionCreateRequest: properties: amount: example: "61.11" type: string category: example: Groceries type: string check_number_string: example: "6812" type: string currency_code: example: USD type: string description: example: Whole foods type: string id: example: transaction-265abee9-889b-af6a-c69b-25157db2bdd9 type: string is_international: example: false type: boolean latitude: example: -43.2075 type: number localized_description: example: This is a localized_description type: string localized_memo: example: This is a localized_memo type: string longitude: example: 139.691706 type: number memo: example: This is a memo type: string merchant_category_code: example: 5411 type: integer merchant_guid: example: MCH-7ed79542-884d-2b1b-dd74-501c5cc9d25b type: string merchant_location_guid: example: MCL-00024e59-18b5-4d79-b879-2a7896726fea type: string metadata: example: some metadata type: string posted_at: example: "2016-10-07T06:00:00.000Z" type: string status: example: POSTED type: string transacted_at: example: "2016-10-06T13:00:00.000Z" type: string type: example: DEBIT type: string required: - amount - description - status - transacted_at - type type: object ManagedTransactionCreateRequestBody: properties: transaction: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedTransactionCreateRequest" type: object ManagedTransactionUpdateRequest: properties: amount: example: "61.11" type: string category: example: Groceries type: string check_number_string: example: "6812" type: string currency_code: example: USD type: string description: example: Whole foods type: string id: example: transaction-265abee9-889b-af6a-c69b-25157db2bdd9 type: string is_international: example: false type: boolean latitude: example: -43.2075 type: number localized_description: example: This is a localized_description type: string localized_memo: example: This is a localized_memo type: string longitude: example: 139.691706 type: number memo: example: This is a memo type: string merchant_category_code: example: 5411 type: integer merchant_guid: example: MCH-7ed79542-884d-2b1b-dd74-501c5cc9d25b type: string merchant_location_guid: example: MCL-00024e59-18b5-4d79-b879-2a7896726fea type: string metadata: example: some metadata type: string posted_at: example: "2016-10-07T06:00:00.000Z" type: string status: example: POSTED type: string transacted_at: example: "2016-10-06T13:00:00.000Z" type: string type: example: DEBIT type: string type: object ManagedTransactionUpdateRequestBody: properties: transaction: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedTransactionUpdateRequest" type: object MemberCreateRequest: properties: background_aggregation_is_disabled: example: false type: boolean credentials: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CredentialRequest" type: array id: example: unique_id type: string institution_code: example: chase type: string is_oauth: example: false type: boolean metadata: example: '\"credentials_last_refreshed_at\": \"2015-10-15\"' type: string skip_aggregation: example: false type: boolean required: - credentials - institution_code type: object MemberCreateRequestBody: properties: client_redirect_url: example: https://mx.com type: string enable_app2app: example: false type: boolean member: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberCreateRequest" referral_source: example: APP type: string ui_message_webview_url_scheme: example: mx type: string type: object MemberResponse: properties: aggregated_at: example: "2016-10-13T18:07:57.000Z" nullable: true type: string background_aggregation_is_disabled: example: false type: boolean connection_status: example: CONNECTED nullable: true type: string guid: example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b nullable: true type: string id: example: unique_id nullable: true type: string institution_code: example: chase nullable: true type: string is_being_aggregated: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_managed_by_user: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_oauth: example: false nullable: true type: boolean metadata: example: '\"credentials_last_refreshed_at\": \"2015-10-15\"' nullable: true type: string name: example: Chase Bank nullable: true type: string oauth_window_uri: example: https://mxbank.mx.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=b8OikQ4Ep3NuSUrQ13DdvFuwpNx-qqoAsJDVAQCyLkQ&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fint-app.moneydesktop.com%2Foauth%2Fredirect_from&response_type=code&scope=openid&state=d745bd4ee6f0f9c184757f574bcc2df2 nullable: true type: string successfully_aggregated_at: example: "2016-10-13T17:57:38.000Z" nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 nullable: true type: string user_id: example: user123 nullable: true type: string type: object MemberResponseBody: properties: member: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponse" type: object MemberResumeRequest: properties: challenges: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CredentialRequest" type: array type: object MemberResumeRequestBody: properties: member: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResumeRequest" type: object MemberStatusResponse: properties: aggregated_at: example: "2016-10-13T18:07:57.000Z" nullable: true type: string challenges: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ChallengeResponse" type: array connection_status: example: CONNECTED nullable: true type: string guid: example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b nullable: true type: string has_processed_accounts: example: true nullable: true type: boolean has_processed_transactions: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_authenticated: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_being_aggregated: example: false nullable: true type: boolean successfully_aggregated_at: example: "2016-10-13T17:57:38.000Z" nullable: true type: string type: object MemberStatusResponseBody: properties: member: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberStatusResponse" type: object MemberUpdateRequest: properties: background_aggregation_is_disabled: example: false type: boolean credentials: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CredentialRequest" type: array id: example: unique_id type: string metadata: example: '\"credentials_last_refreshed_at\": \"2015-10-15\"' type: string skip_aggregation: example: false type: boolean type: object MemberUpdateRequestBody: properties: member: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberUpdateRequest" type: object MembersResponseBody: properties: members: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object MerchantLocationResponse: properties: city: example: Greenwood Village nullable: true type: string country: example: US nullable: true type: string created_at: example: 2020-04-13 21:05:09.000000000 Z nullable: true type: string guid: example: MCL-00024e59-18b5-4d79-b879-2a7896726fea nullable: true type: string latitude: example: 39.5963005 nullable: true type: number longitude: example: -104.89158799999998 nullable: true type: number merchant_guid: example: MCH-09466f0a-fb58-9d1a-bae2-2af0afbea621 nullable: true type: string phone_number: example: "(303) 689-0728" nullable: true type: string postal_code: example: "801121436" nullable: true type: string state: example: CO nullable: true type: string street_address: example: 8547 E Arapahoe Rd, Ste 1 nullable: true type: string updated_at: example: 2020-04-13 21:05:09.000000000 Z nullable: true type: string type: object MerchantLocationResponseBody: properties: merchant_location: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MerchantLocationResponse" type: object MerchantResponse: properties: created_at: example: "2017-04-20T19:30:12.000Z" nullable: true type: string guid: example: MCH-7ed79542-884d-2b1b-dd74-501c5cc9d25b nullable: true type: string logo_url: example: https://s3.amazonaws.com/MD_Assets/merchant_logos/comcast.png nullable: true type: string name: example: Comcast nullable: true type: string updated_at: example: "2018-09-28T21:13:53.000Z" nullable: true type: string website_url: example: https://www.xfinity.com nullable: true type: string type: object MerchantResponseBody: properties: merchant: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MerchantResponse" type: object MerchantsResponseBody: properties: merchants: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MerchantResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object OAuthWindowResponse: properties: guid: example: MBR-df96fd60-7122-4464-b3c2-ff11d8c74f6f nullable: true type: string oauth_window_uri: example: https://mxbank.mx.com/oauth/authorize?client_id=b8OikQ4Ep3NuSUrQ13DdvFuwpNx-qqoAsJDVAQCyLkQ&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fint-app.moneydesktop.com%2Foauth%2Fredirect_from&response_type=code&scope=openid&state=d745bd4ee6f0f9c184757f574bcc2df2 nullable: true type: string type: object OAuthWindowResponseBody: properties: member: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OAuthWindowResponse" type: object OptionResponse: properties: label: example: IMAGE_1 nullable: true type: string value: example: image_data nullable: true type: string type: object PaginationResponse: properties: current_page: example: 1 type: integer per_page: example: 25 type: integer total_entries: example: 1 type: integer total_pages: example: 1 type: integer type: object PaymentProcessorAuthorizationCodeRequest: properties: account_guid: example: ACT-4d4c0068-33bc-4d06-bbd6-cd270fd0135c nullable: true type: string member_guid: example: MBR-46637bc5-942d-4229-9370-ddd858bf805e nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-f12b1f5a-7cbe-467c-aa30-0a10d0b2f549 nullable: true type: string type: object PaymentProcessorAuthorizationCodeRequestBody: properties: payment_processor_authorization_code: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaymentProcessorAuthorizationCodeRequest" type: object PaymentProcessorAuthorizationCodeResponse: properties: authorization_code: example: 9nN-9D8_4Z3WYazx7-zXfmqsD3jwgL_2W927Sb3otI nullable: true type: string type: object PaymentProcessorAuthorizationCodeResponseBody: properties: payment_processor_authorization_code: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaymentProcessorAuthorizationCodeResponse" type: object SpendingPlanAccountResponse: properties: account_guid: example: ACT-97d3948f-ebe7-434a-9bd0-20b29d67c9d4 type: string client_guid: example: CLT-024284fc-a6a7-42ee-b363-dab9343e3f72 type: string created_at: example: 2023-04-27T23:14:16Z type: string guid: example: SPA-c76e4a85-b2c4-4335-82b7-8f8b8f28c35a type: string spending_plan_guid: example: SPL-dbfe201d-c341-4bff-93c0-62a918d0b600 type: string updated_at: example: 2023-04-27T23:14:16Z type: string user_guid: example: USR-72086f59-6684-4adf-8f29-c4d32db43cd7 type: string type: object SpendingPlanAccountsResponse: properties: spending_plan_accounts: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanAccountResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object SpendingPlanIterationsResponse: properties: iterations: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanIterationResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object SpendingPlanIterationResponse: properties: created_at: example: "2016-10-13T18:08:00+00:00" nullable: true type: string end_on: example: 2023-05-31 nullable: true type: string guid: example: SPI-848e6648-3fa3-4632-ac8f-e65f03167102 nullable: true type: string iteration_number: example: 1 nullable: true type: integer spending_plan_guid: example: SPL-dbfe201d-c341-4bff-93c0-62a918d0b600 nullable: true type: string start_on: example: 2023-05-01 nullable: true type: string updated_at: example: 2016-10-13T18:09:00+00:00 nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-72086f59-6684-4adf-8f29-c4d32db43cd7 nullable: true type: string type: object SpendingPlanIterationItemsResponseBody: properties: iteration_items: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanIterationItemResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object SpendingPlanIterationItemCreateRequestBody: properties: category_guid: example: CAT-40faf068-abb4-405c-8f6a-e883ed541fff type: string item_type: example: 1 type: number planned_amount: example: 110 type: number scheduled_payment_guid: example: SCP-c731988a-712f-4f83-9b3b-0aa5b3d5208b type: string top_level_category_guid: example: CAT-9588eaad-90a4-bb5c-66c8-1812503d0db8 type: string required: - planned_amount type: object SpendingPlanIterationItemResponse: properties: actual_amount: example: 345.0 nullable: true type: number category_guid: example: CAT-40faf068-abb4-405c-8f6a-e883ed541fff nullable: true type: string created_at: example: "2016-10-13T18:08:00+00:00" nullable: true type: string guid: example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 nullable: true type: string item_type: example: "0" nullable: true type: string planned_amount: example: 345.0 nullable: true type: number scheduled_payment_guid: example: SCP-54bed778-6600-4262-908c-8822f141cc30 nullable: true type: string spending_plan_iteration_guid: example: SPI-848e6648-3fa3-4632-ac8f-e65f03167102 nullable: true type: string top_level_category_guid: example: CAT-50af068-abb4-405c-8f6a-e883ed541f4f nullable: true type: string transaction_guids: items: example: TRN-265abee9-889b-af6a-c69b-25157db2bdd9 nullable: true type: string type: array updated_at: example: 2016-10-13T18:09:00+00:00 nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 nullable: true type: string type: object SpendingPlansResponseBody: properties: spending_plans: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanResponse" type: array pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" type: object SpendingPlanResponse: properties: created_at: example: 2016-10-13T18:08:00+00:00 nullable: true type: string current_iteration_number: example: 1 nullable: true type: integer guid: example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 nullable: true type: string updated_at: example: "2016-10-13T18:09:00+00:00" nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 nullable: true type: string type: object StatementResponse: properties: account_guid: example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 nullable: true type: string content_hash: example: ca53785b812d00ef821c3d94bfd6e5bbc0020504410589b7ea8552169f021981 nullable: true type: string created_at: example: "2016-10-13T18:08:00+00:00" nullable: true type: string guid: example: STA-737a344b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 nullable: true type: string member_guid: example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b nullable: true type: string updated_at: example: "2016-10-13T18:09:00+00:00" nullable: true type: string uri: example: uri/to/statement nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 nullable: true type: string type: object StatementResponseBody: properties: statement: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StatementResponse" type: object StatementsResponseBody: properties: pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" statements: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StatementResponse" type: array type: object TagCreateRequest: properties: name: example: MY TAG type: string required: - name type: object TagCreateRequestBody: properties: tag: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TagCreateRequest" type: object TagResponse: properties: guid: example: TAG-aef36e72-6294-4c38-844d-e573e80aed52 nullable: true type: string name: example: MY TAG nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-11141024-90b3-1bce-cac9-c06ced52ab4c nullable: true type: string type: object TagResponseBody: properties: tag: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TagResponse" type: object TagUpdateRequest: properties: name: example: MY TAG type: string required: - name type: object TagUpdateRequestBody: properties: tag: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TagUpdateRequest" type: object TaggingCreateRequest: properties: tag_guid: example: TAG-40faf068-abb4-405c-8f6a-e883ed541fff type: string transaction_guid: example: TRN-810828b0-5210-4878-9bd3-f4ce514f90c4 type: string required: - tag_guid - transaction_guid type: object TaggingCreateRequestBody: properties: tagging: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaggingCreateRequest" type: object TaggingResponse: properties: guid: example: TGN-007f5486-17e1-45fc-8b87-8f03984430fe nullable: true type: string member_is_managed_by_user: example: false nullable: true type: boolean tag_guid: example: TAG-40faf068-abb4-405c-8f6a-e883ed541fff nullable: true type: string transaction_guid: example: TRN-810828b0-5210-4878-9bd3-f4ce514f90c4 nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-11141024-90b3-1bce-cac9-c06ced52ab4c nullable: true type: string type: object TaggingResponseBody: properties: tagging: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaggingResponse" type: object TaggingUpdateRequest: properties: tag_guid: example: TAG-40faf068-abb4-405c-8f6a-e883ed541fff type: string required: - tag_guid type: object TaggingUpdateRequestBody: properties: tagging: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaggingUpdateRequest" type: object TaggingsResponseBody: properties: pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" taggings: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaggingResponse" type: array type: object TagsResponseBody: properties: pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" tags: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TagResponse" type: array type: object TaxDocumentResponse: properties: content_hash: example: a16c580c4fcdfa8088edaa7b4d35b290 nullable: true type: string created_at: example: "2022-10-18T19:23:16Z" nullable: true type: string document_type: example: TAX1099_C nullable: true type: string guid: example: TAX-ee8776ea-468b-4b02-b95d-743adf6ba50e nullable: true type: string issued_on: example: "2022-03-31" nullable: true type: string member_guid: example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b nullable: true type: string tax_year: example: "2023" nullable: true type: string updated_at: example: "2022-10-18T19:23:16Z" nullable: true type: string uri: example: "/users/USR-11141024-90b3-1bce-cac9-c06ced52ab4c/members/MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b/tax_documents/TAX-ee8776ea-468b-4b02-b95d-743adf6ba50e.pdf" nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-11141024-90b3-1bce-cac9-c06ced52ab4c nullable: true type: string type: object TaxDocumentResponseBody: properties: tax_document: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaxDocumentResponse" type: object TaxDocumentsResponseBody: properties: pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" tax_documents: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaxDocumentResponse" type: array type: object TransactionResponse: properties: account_guid: example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 nullable: true type: string account_id: example: account123 nullable: true type: string amount: example: 61.11 nullable: true type: number category: example: Groceries nullable: true type: string category_guid: example: CAT-9588eaad-90a4-bb5c-66c8-1812503d0db8 nullable: true type: string check_number_string: example: "6812" nullable: true type: string created_at: example: "2016-10-06T09:43:42.000Z" nullable: true type: string currency_code: example: USD nullable: true type: string date: example: "2013-09-23T00:00:00.000Z" nullable: true type: string description: example: Whole foods nullable: true type: string extended_transaction_type: example: partner_transaction_type nullable: true type: string guid: example: TRN-265abee9-889b-af6a-c69b-25157db2bdd9 nullable: true type: string id: example: transaction-265abee9-889b-af6a-c69b-25157db2bdd9 nullable: true type: string is_bill_pay: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_direct_deposit: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_expense: example: true nullable: true type: boolean is_fee: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_income: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_international: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_overdraft_fee: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_payroll_advance: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_recurring: example: false nullable: true type: boolean is_subscription: example: false nullable: true type: boolean latitude: example: -43.2075 nullable: true type: number localized_description: example: This is a localized_description nullable: true type: string localized_memo: example: This is a localized_memo nullable: true type: string longitude: example: 139.691706 nullable: true type: number member_guid: example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b nullable: true type: string member_is_managed_by_user: example: false nullable: true type: boolean memo: example: This is a memo nullable: true type: string merchant_category_code: example: 5411 nullable: true type: integer merchant_guid: example: MCH-7ed79542-884d-2b1b-dd74-501c5cc9d25b nullable: true type: string merchant_location_guid: example: MCL-00024e59-18b5-4d79-b879-2a7896726fea nullable: true type: string metadata: example: some metadata nullable: true type: string original_description: example: WHOLEFDS TSQ 102 nullable: true type: string posted_at: example: "2016-10-07T06:00:00.000Z" nullable: true type: string status: example: POSTED nullable: true type: string top_level_category: example: Food & Dining nullable: true type: string transacted_at: example: "2016-10-06T13:00:00.000Z" nullable: true type: string type: example: DEBIT nullable: true type: string updated_at: example: "2016-10-07T05:49:12.000Z" nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 nullable: true type: string user_id: example: user123 nullable: true type: string type: object TransactionResponseBody: properties: transaction: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionResponse" type: object TransactionRuleCreateRequest: properties: category_guid: example: CAT-b1de2a04-db08-b6ed-f6fe-ca2f5b11c2d0 type: string description: example: Wal-mart food storage type: string match_description: example: Wal-mart type: string required: - category_guid - match_description type: object TransactionRuleCreateRequestBody: properties: transaction_rule: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionRuleCreateRequest" type: object TransactionRuleResponse: properties: category_guid: example: CAT-b1de2a04-db08-b6ed-f6fe-ca2f5b11c2d0 nullable: true type: string created_at: example: "2018-10-02T22:00:50+00:00" nullable: true type: string description: example: Wal-mart food storage nullable: true type: string guid: example: TXR-a080e0f9-a2d4-4d6f-9e03-672cc357a4d3 nullable: true type: string match_description: example: Wal-mart nullable: true type: string updated_at: example: "2018-10-02T23:54:40+00:00" nullable: true type: string user_guid: example: USR-22fc3203-b3e6-8340-43db-8e50b2f56995 nullable: true type: string type: object TransactionRuleResponseBody: properties: transaction_rule: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionRuleResponse" type: object TransactionRuleUpdateRequest: properties: category_guid: example: CAT-b1de2a04-db08-b6ed-f6fe-ca2f5b11c2d0 type: string description: example: Wal-mart food storage type: string match_description: example: Wal-mart type: string type: object TransactionRuleUpdateRequestBody: properties: transaction_rule: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionRuleUpdateRequest" type: object TransactionRulesResponseBody: properties: pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" transaction_rules: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionRuleResponse" type: array type: object TransactionUpdateRequest: properties: description: example: new description type: string required: - description type: object TransactionUpdateRequestBody: properties: transaction: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionUpdateRequest" type: object TransactionsResponseBody: properties: pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" transactions: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionResponse" type: array type: object UserCreateRequest: properties: email: example: email@provider.com type: string id: example: My-Unique-ID type: string is_disabled: example: false type: boolean metadata: example: '{\"type\": \"individual\", \"status\": \"preferred\"}' type: string type: object UserCreateRequestBody: properties: user: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserCreateRequest" type: object UserResponse: properties: email: example: email@provider.com nullable: true type: string guid: example: USR-d74cb14f-fd0a-449f-991b-e0362a63d9c6 nullable: true type: string id: example: My-Unique-ID nullable: true type: string is_disabled: example: false nullable: true type: boolean metadata: example: '{\"first_name\": \"Steven\", \"last_name\": \"Universe\"}' nullable: true type: string type: object UserResponseBody: properties: user: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserResponse" type: object UserUpdateRequest: properties: email: example: email@provider.com type: string id: example: My-Unique-ID type: string is_disabled: example: false type: boolean metadata: example: '{\"first_name\": \"Steven\", \"last_name\": \"Universe\"}' type: string type: object UserUpdateRequestBody: properties: user: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserUpdateRequest" type: object UsersResponseBody: properties: pagination: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationResponse" users: items: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserResponse" type: array type: object WidgetRequest: properties: client_redirect_url: example: https://mx.com type: string color_scheme: example: light type: string current_institution_code: example: chase type: string current_institution_guid: example: INS-f1a3285d-e855-b61f-6aa7-8ae575c0e0e9 type: string current_member_guid: example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b type: string disable_background_agg: example: false type: boolean disable_institution_search: example: false type: boolean include_identity: example: false type: boolean include_transactions: example: true type: boolean is_mobile_webview: example: false type: boolean microwidget_instance_id: example: false type: string mode: example: aggregation type: string oauth_referral_source: example: BROWSER type: string ui_message_version: example: 4 type: integer ui_message_webview_url_scheme: example: mx type: string update_credentials: example: false type: boolean widget_type: example: connect_widget type: string required: - widget_type type: object WidgetRequestBody: properties: widget_url: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/WidgetRequest" type: object WidgetResponse: properties: type: example: connect_widget nullable: true type: string url: example: https://int-widgets.moneydesktop.com/md/connect/yxcdk7f1nb99jwApp34lA24m0AZ8rzprgmw17gm8z8h2AzjyAnd1rj42qfv42r3xnn07Amfwlg3j09hwp8bkq8tc5z21j33xjggmp2qtlpkz2v4gywfhfn31l44tx2w91bfc2thc58j4syqp0hgxcyvA4g7754hk7gjc56kt7tc36s45mmkdz2jqqqydspytmtr3dAb9jh6fkb24f3zkfpdjj0v77f0vmrtzvzxkmxz7dklsq8gd0gstkbhlw5bgpgc3m9mAtpAcr2w15gwy5xc4blgxppl42Avnm63291z3cyp0wm3lqgmvgzdAddct423gAdqxdlfx5d4mvc0ck2gt7ktqgks4vxq1pAy5 nullable: true type: string user_id: example: U-jeff-201709221210 nullable: true type: string type: object WidgetResponseBody: properties: widget_url: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/WidgetResponse" type: object securitySchemes: basicAuth: scheme: basic type: http info: contact: name: MX Platform API url: https://www.mx.com/products/platform-api description: The MX Platform API is a powerful, fully-featured API designed to make aggregating and enhancing financial data easy and reliable. It can seamlessly connect your app or website to tens of thousands of financial institutions. title: MX Platform API version: 0.1.0 openapi: 3.0.0 paths: "/authorization_code": post: description: Clients use this endpoint to request an authorization code according to the parameters specified in the scope. Clients then pass this code to processors. Processor access is scoped only to the GUIDs and features specified in this request. Before requesting an authorization code which includes a member in the scope, clients must have verified that member. operationId: requestAuthorizationCode requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AuthorizationCodeRequestBody" description: The scope for the authorization code. required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AuthorizationCodeResponseBody" description: OK summary: Request an authorization code. tags: - mx_platform "/categories/default": get: description: Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of all the default categories and subcategories offered within the MX Platform API. In other words, each item in the returned list will have its `is_default` field set to `true`. There are currently 119 default categories and subcategories. Both the _list default categories_ and _list default categories by user_ endpoints return the same results. The different routes are provided for convenience. operationId: listDefaultCategories parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoriesResponseBody" description: OK summary: List default categories tags: - mx_platform "/categories/{category_guid}": get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of a default category. operationId: readDefaultCategory parameters: - description: The unique id for a `category`. example: CAT-7829f71c-2e8c-afa5-2f55-fa3634b89874 in: path name: category_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoryResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read a default category tags: - mx_platform "/institutions": get: description: This endpoint returns a list of institutions based on the specified search term or parameter. operationId: listInstitutions parameters: - description: This will list only institutions in which the appended string appears. example: chase in: query name: name schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: Filter only institutions which support account identification. example: true in: query name: supports_account_identification schema: type: boolean - description: Filter only institutions which support account statements. example: true in: query name: supports_account_statement schema: type: boolean - description: Filter only institutions which support account verification. example: true in: query name: supports_account_verification schema: type: boolean - description: Filter only institutions which support extended transaction history. example: true in: query name: supports_transaction_history schema: type: boolean responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/InstitutionsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List institutions tags: - mx_platform "/institutions/favorites": get: description: This endpoint returns a paginated list containing institutions that have been set as the partner’s favorites, sorted by popularity. Please contact MX to set a list of favorites. operationId: listFavoriteInstitutions parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/InstitutionsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List favorite institutions tags: - mx_platform "/institutions/{institution_code}": get: description: This endpoint returns information about the institution specified by `institution_code`. operationId: readInstitution parameters: - description: The institution_code of the institution. example: chase in: path name: institution_code required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/InstitutionResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read institution tags: - mx_platform "/institutions/{institution_code}/credentials": get: description: Use this endpoint to see which credentials will be needed to create a member for a specific institution. operationId: listInstitutionCredentials parameters: - description: The institution_code of the institution. example: chase in: path name: institution_code required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CredentialsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List institution credentials tags: - mx_platform "/managed_institutions": get: description: This endpoint returns a list of institutions which can be used to create partner-managed members. operationId: listManagedInstitutions parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/InstitutionsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List managed institutions tags: - mx_platform "/merchant_locations/{merchant_location_guid}": get: description: This endpoint returns the specified merchant_location resource. operationId: readMerchantLocation parameters: - description: The unique id for a `merchant_location`. example: MCH-09466f0a-fb58-9d1a-bae2-2af0afbea621 in: path name: merchant_location_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MerchantLocationResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read merchant location tags: - mx_platform "/merchants": get: description: This endpoint returns a paginated list of all the merchants in the MX system. operationId: listMerchants parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MerchantsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List merchants tags: - mx_platform "/merchants/{merchant_guid}": get: description: Returns information about a particular merchant, such as a logo, name, and website. operationId: readMerchant parameters: - description: The unique id for a `merchant`. example: MCH-7ed79542-884d-2b1b-dd74-501c5cc9d25b in: path name: merchant_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MerchantResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read merchant tags: - mx_platform "/payment_processor_authorization_code": post: description: "(This endpoint is deprecated. Clients should use `/authorization_code`.) Clients use this endpoint to request an authorization_code according to a user, member, and account specified in the request body. Clients then pass this code to processors. Processor access is scoped only to the user/member/account specified in this request. Before requesting an authorization_code, clients must have verified the specified member." operationId: deprecatedRequestPaymentProcessorAuthorizationCode requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaymentProcessorAuthorizationCodeRequestBody" description: The scope for the authorization code. required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaymentProcessorAuthorizationCodeResponseBody" description: OK summary: "(Deprecated) Request an authorization code." tags: - mx_platform "/transactions/enhance": post: description: Use this endpoint to categorize, cleanse, and classify transactions. These transactions are not persisted or stored on the MX platform. operationId: enhanceTransactions requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnhanceTransactionsRequestBody" description: Transaction object to be enhanced required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnhanceTransactionsResponseBody" description: OK summary: Enhance transactions tags: - mx_platform "/users": get: description: Use this endpoint to list every user you've created in the MX Platform API. operationId: listUsers parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The user `id` to search for. example: u-12324-abdc in: query name: id schema: type: string - description: The user `email` to search for. example: example@example.com in: query name: email schema: type: string - description: Search for users that are diabled. example: true in: query name: is_disabled schema: type: boolean responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UsersResponseBody" description: OK summary: List users tags: - mx_platform post: description: Use this endpoint to create a new user. The API will respond with the newly-created user object if successful. Disabling a user means that accounts and transactions associated with it will not be updated in the background by MX. It will also restrict access to that user’s data until they are no longer disabled. operationId: createUser requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserCreateRequestBody" description: User object to be created. (None of these parameters are required, but the user object cannot be empty) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserResponseBody" description: OK summary: Create user tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}": delete: description: Use this endpoint to delete the specified `user`. The response will have a status of `204 No Content` without an object. operationId: deleteUser parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete user tags: - mx_platform get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of a specific user. operationId: readUser parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read user tags: - mx_platform put: description: Use this endpoint to update the attributes of the specified user. operationId: updateUser parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserUpdateRequestBody" description: User object to be updated (None of these parameters are required, but the user object cannot be empty.) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UserResponseBody" description: OK summary: Update user tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/accounts": get: description: This endpoint returns a list of all the accounts associated with the specified `user`. operationId: listUserAccounts parameters: - description: List only accounts whose member is managed by the user. example: true in: query name: member_is_managed_by_user schema: type: boolean - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: List only accounts that were manually created. example: true in: query name: is_manual schema: type: boolean - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List accounts tags: - mx_platform post: description: This endpoint can only be used to create manual accounts. Creating a manual account will automatically create it under the Manual Institution member. Since a manual account has no credentials tied to the member, the account will never aggregate or include data from a data feed.. operationId: createManualAccount parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountCreateRequestBody" description: Manual account object to be created. required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountResponseBody" description: OK summary: Create manual account tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/accounts/{account_guid}": get: description: This endpoint returns the specified `account` resource. operationId: readAccount parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read account tags: - mx_platform delete: description: This endpoint deletes accounts that were manually created. The API will respond with an empty object and a status of `204 No Content`. operationId: deleteManualAccount parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No content. summary: Delete manual account tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/accounts/{account_guid}/account_numbers": get: description: This endpoint returns a list of account numbers associated with the specified `account`. operationId: listAccountNumbersByAccount parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountNumbersResponseBody" description: OK summary: List account numbers by account tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/accounts/{account_guid}/holdings": get: description: This endpoint returns all holdings associated with the specified `account`. operationId: listHoldingsByAccount parameters: - description: The unique id for the `account`. example: ACT-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Filter holdings from this date. example: "2015-09-20" in: query name: from_date schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: Filter holdings to this date. example: "2019-10-20" in: query name: to_date schema: type: string - description: The unique id for the `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HoldingsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List holdings by account tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/accounts/{account_guid}/transactions": get: description: This endpoint returns a list of the last 90 days of transactions associated with the specified account. operationId: listTransactionsByAccount parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Filter transactions from this date. example: "2015-09-20" in: query name: from_date schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: Filter transactions to this date. example: "2019-10-20" in: query name: to_date schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List transactions by account tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/categories": get: description: Use this endpoint to list all categories associated with a `user`, including both default and custom categories. operationId: listCategories parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoriesResponseBody" description: OK summary: List categories tags: - mx_platform post: description: Use this endpoint to create a new custom category for a specific `user`. operationId: createCategory parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoryCreateRequestBody" description: Custom category object to be created required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoryResponseBody" description: OK summary: Create category tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/categories/default": get: description: Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of all the default categories and subcategories, scoped by user, offered within the MX Platform API. In other words, each item in the returned list will have its `is_default` field set to `true`. There are currently 119 default categories and subcategories. Both the _list default categories_ and _list default categories by user_ endpoints return the same results. The different routes are provided for convenience. operationId: listDefaultCategoriesByUser parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoriesResponseBody" description: OK summary: List default categories by user tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/categories/{category_guid}": delete: description: Use this endpoint to delete a specific custom category according to its unique GUID. The API will respond with an empty object and a status of `204 No Content`. operationId: deleteCategory parameters: - description: The unique id for a `category`. example: CAT-7829f71c-2e8c-afa5-2f55-fa3634b89874 in: path name: category_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete category tags: - mx_platform get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of either a default category or a custom category. operationId: readCategory parameters: - description: The unique id for a `category`. example: CAT-7829f71c-2e8c-afa5-2f55-fa3634b89874 in: path name: category_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoryResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read a custom category tags: - mx_platform put: description: Use this endpoint to update the attributes of a custom category according to its unique GUID. operationId: updateCategory parameters: - description: The unique id for a `category`. example: CAT-7829f71c-2e8c-afa5-2f55-fa3634b89874 in: path name: category_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoryUpdateRequestBody" description: Category object to be updated (While no single parameter is required, the `category` object cannot be empty) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CategoryResponseBody" description: OK summary: Update category tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/connect_widget_url": post: description: This endpoint will return a URL for an embeddable version of MX Connect. operationId: requestConnectWidgetURL parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConnectWidgetRequestBody" description: Optional config options for WebView (is_mobile_webview, current_institution_code, current_member_guid, update_credentials) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ConnectWidgetResponseBody" description: OK summary: Request connect widget url tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/holdings": get: description: This endpoint returns all holdings associated with the specified `user` across all accounts and members. operationId: listHoldings parameters: - description: Filter holdings from this date. example: "2015-09-20" in: query name: from_date schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: Filter holdings to this date. example: "2019-10-20" in: query name: to_date schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HoldingsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List holdings tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/holdings/{holding_guid}": get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of a specific `holding`. operationId: readHolding parameters: - description: The unique id for a `holding`. example: HOL-d65683e8-9eab-26bb-bcfd-ced159c9abe2 in: path name: holding_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HoldingResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read holding tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/managed_members": get: description: This endpoint returns a list of all the partner-managed members associated with the specified `user`. operationId: listManagedMembers parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MembersResponseBody" description: OK summary: List managed members tags: - mx_platform post: description: Use this endpoint to create a new partner-managed `member`. operationId: createManagedMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedMemberCreateRequestBody" description: Managed member to be created. required: true responses: "202": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: OK summary: Create managed member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/managed_members/{member_guid}": delete: description: Use this endpoint to delete the specified partner-managed `member`. The endpoint will respond with a status of `204 No Content` without a resource. operationId: deleteManagedMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete managed member tags: - mx_platform get: description: This endpoint returns the attributes of the specified partner-managed `member`. operationId: readManagedMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read managed member tags: - mx_platform put: description: Use this endpoint to update the attributes of the specified partner_managed `member`. operationId: updateManagedMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedMemberUpdateRequestBody" description: Managed member object to be updated (While no single parameter is required, the request body can't be empty) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: OK summary: Update managed member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/managed_members/{member_guid}/accounts": get: description: Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of all the partner-managed accounts associated with the given partner-manage member. operationId: listManagedAccounts parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List managed accounts tags: - mx_platform post: description: Use this endpoint to create a partner-managed account. operationId: createManagedAccount parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedAccountCreateRequestBody" description: Managed account to be created. required: true responses: "202": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountResponseBody" description: OK summary: Create managed account tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/managed_members/{member_guid}/accounts/{account_guid}": delete: description: Use this endpoint to delete a partner-managed account according to its unique GUID. If successful, the API will respond with a status of `204 No Content`. operationId: deleteManagedAccount parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete managed account tags: - mx_platform get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of a partner-managed account according to its unique guid. operationId: readManagedAccount parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read managed account tags: - mx_platform put: description: Use this endpoint to update the attributes of a partner-managed account according to its unique GUID. operationId: updateManagedAccount parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedAccountUpdateRequestBody" description: Managed account object to be updated (While no single parameter is required, the request body can't be empty) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountResponseBody" description: OK summary: Update managed account tags: - mx_platform ? "/users/{user_guid}/managed_members/{member_guid}/accounts/{account_guid}/transactions" : get: description: This endpoint returns a list of all the partner-managed transactions associated with the specified `account`, scoped through a `user` and a `member`. operationId: listManagedTransactions parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List managed transactions tags: - mx_platform post: description: Use this endpoint to create a new partner-managed `transaction`. operationId: createManagedTransaction parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedTransactionCreateRequestBody" description: Managed transaction to be created. required: true responses: "202": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionResponseBody" description: OK summary: Create managed transaction tags: - mx_platform ? "/users/{user_guid}/managed_members/{member_guid}/accounts/{account_guid}/transactions/{transaction_guid}" : delete: description: Use this endpoint to delete the specified partner-managed `transaction`. The endpoint will respond with a status of `204 No Content` without a resource. operationId: deleteManagedTransaction parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `transaction`. example: TRN-810828b0-5210-4878-9bd3-f4ce514f90c4 in: path name: transaction_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete managed transaction tags: - mx_platform get: description: Requests to this endpoint will return the attributes of the specified partner-managed `transaction`. operationId: readManagedTransaction parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `transaction`. example: TRN-810828b0-5210-4878-9bd3-f4ce514f90c4 in: path name: transaction_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read managed transaction tags: - mx_platform put: description: Use this endpoint to update the attributes of the specified partner_managed `transaction`. operationId: updateManagedTransaction parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `transaction`. example: TRN-810828b0-5210-4878-9bd3-f4ce514f90c4 in: path name: transaction_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ManagedTransactionUpdateRequestBody" description: Managed transaction object to be updated (While no single parameter is required, the request body can't be empty) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionResponseBody" description: OK summary: Update managed transaction tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members": get: description: This endpoint returns an array which contains information on every member associated with a specific user. operationId: listMembers parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MembersResponseBody" description: OK summary: List members tags: - mx_platform post: description: This endpoint allows you to create a new member. Members are created with the required parameters credentials and institution_code, and the optional parameters id and metadata. When creating a member, youll need to include the correct type of credential required by the financial institution and provided by the user. You can find out which credential type is required with the `/institutions/{institution_code}/credentials` endpoint. If successful, the MX Platform API will respond with the newly-created member object. Once you successfully create a member, MX will immediately validate the provided credentials and attempt to aggregate data for accounts and transactions. operationId: createMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberCreateRequestBody" description: Member object to be created with optional parameters (id and metadata) and required parameters (credentials and institution_code) required: true responses: "202": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: Accepted summary: Create member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}": delete: description: Accessing this endpoint will permanently delete a member. operationId: deleteMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete member tags: - mx_platform get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of a specific member. operationId: readMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read member tags: - mx_platform put: description: Use this endpoint to update a members attributes. Only the credentials, id, and metadata parameters can be updated. To get a list of the required credentials for the member, use the list member credentials endpoint. operationId: updateMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberUpdateRequestBody" description: Member object to be updated (While no single parameter is required, the request body can't be empty) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: OK summary: Update member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/account_numbers": get: description: This endpoint returns a list of account numbers associated with the specified `member`. operationId: listAccountNumbersByMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountNumbersResponseBody" description: OK summary: List account numbers by member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/account_owners": get: description: This endpoint returns an array with information about every account associated with a particular member. operationId: listAccountOwnersByMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountOwnersResponseBody" description: OK summary: List account owners by member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/accounts": get: description: This endpoint returns a list of all the accounts associated with the specified `member`. operationId: listMemberAccounts parameters: - description: List only accounts whose member is managed by the user. example: true in: query name: member_is_managed_by_user schema: type: boolean - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List accounts by member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/accounts/{account_guid}": get: description: This endpoint allows you to read the attributes of an `account` resource. operationId: readAccountByMember parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read account by member tags: - mx_platform put: description: This endpoint allows you to update certain attributes of an `account` resource. operationId: updateAccountByMember parameters: - description: The unique id for an `account`. example: ACT-06d7f44b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: account_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountUpdateRequestBody" description: Account object to be created with optional parameters (is_hidden) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountResponseBody" description: OK summary: Update account by member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/aggregate": post: description: Calling this endpoint initiates an aggregation event for the member. This brings in the latest account and transaction data from the connected institution. If this data has recently been updated, MX may not initiate an aggregation event. operationId: aggregateMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "202": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: Accepted summary: Aggregate member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/challenges": get: description: Use this endpoint for information on what multi-factor authentication challenges need to be answered in order to aggregate a member. If the aggregation is not challenged, i.e., the member does not have a connection status of `CHALLENGED`, then code `204 No Content` will be returned. If the aggregation has been challenged, i.e., the member does have a connection status of `CHALLENGED`, then code `200 OK` will be returned - along with the corresponding credentials. operationId: listMemberChallenges parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ChallengesResponseBody" description: OK summary: List member challenges tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/check_balance": post: description: This endpoint operates much like the aggregate member endpoint except that it gathers only account balance information; it does not gather any transaction data. operationId: checkBalances parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "202": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: Accepted summary: Check balances tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/credentials": get: description: This endpoint returns an array which contains information on every non-MFA credential associated with a specific member. operationId: listMemberCredentials parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CredentialsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List member credentials tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/extend_history": post: description: Some institutions allow developers to access an extended transaction history with up to 24 months of data associated with a particular member. The process for fetching and then reading this extended transaction history is much like standard aggregation, and it may trigger multi-factor authentication. operationId: extendHistory parameters: - description: The unique identifier for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique identifier for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "202": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: Accepted summary: Extend history tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/fetch_statements": post: description: Use this endpoint to fetch the statements associated with a particular member. operationId: fetchStatements parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "202": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: Accepted summary: Fetch statements tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/fetch_tax_documents": post: description: Use this endpoint to fetch (aggregate) the tax documents associated with the specified member. This request **does not** return the latest tax documents. It just starts the document aggregation process and returns the initial state of the process. You must interact with the newly aggregated data using the other document endpoints in this reference. This request may also trigger multi-factor authentication which requires end-user input and a specific process for answering authentication challenges. operationId: fetchTaxDocuments parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "202": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: Accepted summary: Fetch Tax Documents tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/holdings": get: description: This endpoint returns all holdings associated with the specified `member` across all accounts. operationId: listHoldingsByMember parameters: - description: Filter holdings from this date. example: "2015-09-20" in: query name: from_date schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: Filter holdings to this date. example: "2019-10-20" in: query name: to_date schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/HoldingsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List holdings by member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/identify": post: description: The identify endpoint begins an identification process for an already-existing member. operationId: identifyMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "202": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: Accepted summary: Identify member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/oauth_window_uri": get: description: This endpoint will generate an `oauth_window_uri` for the specified `member`. operationId: requestOAuthWindowURI parameters: - description: A URL that MX will redirect to at the end of OAuth with additional query parameters. Only available with `referral_source=APP`. example: https://mx.com in: query name: client_redirect_url schema: type: string - description: This indicates whether OAuth app2app behavior is enabled for institutions that support it. Defaults to `true`. This setting is not persistent. example: false in: query name: enable_app2app schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Must be either `BROWSER` or `APP` depending on the implementation. Defaults to `BROWSER`. example: APP in: query name: referral_source schema: type: string - description: Setting this parameter to `true` will prevent the member from automatically aggregating after being redirected from the authorization page. example: false in: query name: skip_aggregation schema: type: boolean - description: A scheme for routing the user back to the application state they were previously in. Only available with `referral_source=APP`. example: mx in: query name: ui_message_webview_url_scheme schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OAuthWindowResponseBody" description: OK summary: Request oauth window uri tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/resume": put: description: This endpoint answers the challenges needed when a member has been challenged by multi-factor authentication. operationId: resumeAggregation parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResumeRequestBody" description: Member object with MFA challenge answers required: true responses: "202": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: Accepted summary: Resume aggregation tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/statements": get: description: Use this endpoint to get an array of available statements. operationId: listStatementsByMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StatementsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List statements by member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/statements/{statement_guid}": get: description: Use this endpoint to read a JSON representation of the statement. operationId: readStatementByMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `statement`. example: STA-737a344b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: statement_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StatementResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read statement by member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/statements/{statement_guid}.pdf": get: description: Use this endpoint to download a specified statement PDF. operationId: downloadStatementPDF parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `statement`. example: STA-737a344b-caae-0f6e-1384-01f52e75dcb1 in: path name: statement_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+pdf: schema: format: binary type: string description: OK summary: Download statement pdf tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/status": get: description: This endpoint provides the status of the members most recent aggregation event. This is an important step in the aggregation process, and the results returned by this endpoint should determine what you do next in order to successfully aggregate a member. MX has introduced new, more detailed information on the current status of a members connection to a financial institution and the state of its aggregation - the connection_status field. These are intended to replace and expand upon the information provided in the status field, which will soon be deprecated; support for the status field remains for the time being. operationId: readMemberStatus parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberStatusResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read member status tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/tax_documents": get: description: Use this endpoint to get a paginated list of tax documents. operationId: listTaxDocuments parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaxDocumentsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List Tax Documents tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/tax_documents/{tax_document_guid}": get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of the specified tax document. operationId: readTaxDocument parameters: - description: The unique id for a `tax_document`. example: TAX-987dfds1b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: tax_document_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaxDocumentResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read a Tax Document tags: - mx_platform ? "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/tax_documents/{tax_document_guid}.pdf" : get: description: Use this endpoint to download a PDF version of the specified tax document. The endpoint URL is the base URL appended with the uri of the tax_document. operationId: downloadTaxDocument parameters: - description: The unique id for a `tax_document`. example: TAX-987dfds1b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: tax_document_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+pdf: schema: format: binary type: string description: OK summary: Download a Tax Document PDF tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/transactions": get: description: Requests to this endpoint return a list of transactions associated with the specified `member`, accross all accounts associated with that `member`. operationId: listTransactionsByMember parameters: - description: Filter transactions from this date. example: "2015-09-20" in: query name: from_date schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: Filter transactions to this date. example: "2019-10-20" in: query name: to_date schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List transactions by member tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/members/{member_guid}/verify": post: description: The verify endpoint begins a verification process for a member. operationId: verifyMember parameters: - description: The unique id for a `member`. example: MBR-7c6f361b-e582-15b6-60c0-358f12466b4b in: path name: member_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/MemberResponseBody" description: OK summary: Verify member tags: - mx_platform ? "/users/{user_guid}/spending_plans/{spending_plan_guid}/iterations/current/iteration_items" : post: description: This endpoint creates a new `spending_plan_iteration_item`. operationId: createSpendingPlanIterationItem parameters: - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanIterationItemCreateRequestBody" description: Iteration item to be created with required parameter (planned_amount) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanIterationItemResponse" description: OK summary: Create spending plan iteration item tags: - spending plan get: description: Use this endpoint to list all the spending plan `iteration_items` associated with the `iteration`. operationId: listSpendingPlanIterationItems parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanIterationItemsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List spending plan iteration items tags: - spending plan "/users/{user_guid}/spending_plans": post: description: This endpoint creates a new `spending_plan` for the user. operationId: createSpendingPlan parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanResponse" description: OK summary: Create spending plan tags: - spending plan get: description: Use this endpoint to list all the spending plans associated with the user. operationId: listSpendingPlans parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlansResponseBody" description: OK summary: List spending plans tags: - spending plan ? "/users/{user_guid}/spending_plans/{spending_plan_guid}/spending_plan_accounts/{spending_plan_account_guid}" : delete: description: Use this endpoint to delete a `spending_plan_account`. operationId: deleteSpendingPlanAccount parameters: - description: The unique ID for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the specified account. example: ACT-e9f80fee-84da-7s7r-9a5e-0346g4279b4c in: path name: spending_plan_account_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete spending plan account tags: - spending plan get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of a specific spending plan account according to its unique GUID. operationId: readSpendingPlanAccount parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the specified account. example: ACT-e9f80fee-84da-7s7r-9a5e-0346g4279b4c in: path name: spending_plan_account_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanAccountResponse" description: OK summary: Read spending plan account tags: - spending plan ? "/users/{user_guid}/spending_plans/{spending_plan_guid}/iterations/current/iteration_items/{iteration_item_guid}" : delete: description: Use this endpoint to delete a spending plan `iteration_item`. operationId: deleteSpendingPlanIterationItem parameters: - description: The unique ID for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `iteration_item`. example: SII-a4dc1549-da28-1245-9c9c-53eee4cdfbe3 in: path name: iteration_item_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete spending plan iteration item tags: - spending plan get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of a specific spending plan `iteration_item` according to its unique GUID. operationId: readSpendingPlanIterationItem parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `iteration_item`. example: SII-a4dc1549-da28-1245-9c9c-53eee4cdfbe3 in: path name: iteration_item_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanIterationItemResponse" description: OK summary: Read a spending plan iteration item tags: - spending plan put: description: Use this endpoint to update an existing `spending_plan_iteration_item`. operationId: updateSpendingPlanIterationItem parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `iteration_item`. example: SII-a4dc1549-da28-1245-9c9c-53eee4cdfbe3 in: path name: iteration_item_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanIterationItemCreateRequestBody" description: Iteration item to be updated with required parameter (planned_amount) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanIterationItemResponse" description: OK summary: Update a spending plan iteration item tags: - spending plan "/users/{user_guid}/spending_plans/{spending_plan_guid}": delete: description: Use this endpoint to delete a user's `spending_plan`. operationId: deleteSpendingPlan parameters: - description: The unique ID for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete spending plan tags: - spending plan get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of a specific spending plan according to its unique GUID. operationId: readSpendingPlanUser parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanResponse" description: OK summary: Read a spending plan for a user tags: - spending plan ? "/users/{user_guid}/spending_plans/{spending_plan_guid}/spending_plan_accounts" : get: description: Use this endpoint to list all the spending plan accounts associated with the spending plan. operationId: listSpendingPlanAccounts parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanAccountsResponse" description: OK summary: List spending plan accounts tags: - spending plan "/users/{user_guid}/spending_plans/{spending_plan_guid}/iterations": get: description: Use this endpoint to list all the spending plan `iterations` associated with the `spending_plan`. operationId: listSpendingPlanIterations parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanIterationsResponse" description: OK summary: List spending plan iterations tags: - spending plan ? "/users/{user_guid}/spending_plans/{spending_plan_guid}/iterations/{iteration_number}" : get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of a specific spending plan `iteration` according to its `iteration_number`. operationId: readSpendingPlanIteration parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique ID for the `spending_plan`. example: SPL-e5f9a5bd-c5b3-4901-bdc0-62119b9db262 in: path name: spending_plan_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The current iteration number for the spending plan `iteration``. example: 1 in: path name: iteration_number required: true schema: type: integer responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SpendingPlanIterationResponse" description: OK summary: Read a spending plan iteration tags: - spending plan "/users/{user_guid}/taggings": get: description: Use this endpoint to retrieve a list of all the taggings associated with a specific user. operationId: listTaggings parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaggingsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List taggings tags: - mx_platform post: description: Use this endpoint to create a new association between a tag and a particular transaction, according to their unique GUIDs. operationId: createTagging parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaggingCreateRequestBody" description: Tagging object to be created with required parameters (tag_guid and transaction_guid) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaggingResponseBody" description: Accepted summary: Create tagging tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/taggings/{tagging_guid}": delete: description: Use this endpoint to delete a tagging according to its unique GUID. If successful, the API will respond with an empty body and a status of 204 NO Content. operationId: deleteTagging parameters: - description: The unique id for a `tagging`. example: TGN-007f5486-17e1-45fc-8b87-8f03984430fe in: path name: tagging_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete tagging tags: - mx_platform get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of a `tagging` according to its unique GUID. operationId: readTagging parameters: - description: The unique id for a `tagging`. example: TGN-007f5486-17e1-45fc-8b87-8f03984430fe in: path name: tagging_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaggingResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read tagging tags: - mx_platform put: description: Use this endpoint to update a tagging. operationId: updateTagging parameters: - description: The unique id for a `tagging`. example: TGN-007f5486-17e1-45fc-8b87-8f03984430fe in: path name: tagging_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaggingUpdateRequestBody" description: Tagging object to be updated with required parameter (tag_guid) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TaggingResponseBody" description: OK summary: Update tagging tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/tags": get: description: Use this endpoint to list all tags associated with the specified `user`. Each user includes the `Business` tag by default. operationId: listTags parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TagsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List tags tags: - mx_platform post: description: Use this endpoint to create a new custom tag. operationId: createTag parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TagCreateRequestBody" description: Tag object to be created with required parameters (tag_guid) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TagResponseBody" description: OK summary: Create tag tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/tags/{tag_guid}": delete: description: Use this endpoint to permanently delete a specific tag based on its unique GUID. If successful, the API will respond with status of `204 No Content`. operationId: deleteTag parameters: - description: The unique id for a `tag`. example: TAG-aef36e72-6294-4c38-844d-e573e80aed52 in: path name: tag_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete tag tags: - mx_platform get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of a particular tag according to its unique GUID. operationId: readTag parameters: - description: The unique id for a `tag`. example: TAG-aef36e72-6294-4c38-844d-e573e80aed52 in: path name: tag_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TagResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read tag tags: - mx_platform put: description: Use this endpoint to update the name of a specific tag according to its unique GUID. operationId: updateTag parameters: - description: The unique id for a `tag`. example: TAG-aef36e72-6294-4c38-844d-e573e80aed52 in: path name: tag_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TagUpdateRequestBody" description: Tag object to be updated with required parameter (tag_guid) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TagResponseBody" description: OK summary: Update tag tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/tags/{tag_guid}/transactions": get: description: Use this endpoint to get a list of all transactions associated with a particular tag according to the tag’s unique GUID. In other words, a list of all transactions that have been assigned to a particular tag using the create a tagging endpoint. operationId: listTransactionsByTag parameters: - description: Filter transactions from this date. example: "2015-09-20" in: query name: from_date schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `tag`. example: TAG-aef36e72-6294-4c38-844d-e573e80aed52 in: path name: tag_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: Filter transactions to this date. example: "2019-10-20" in: query name: to_date schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List transactions by tag tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/transaction_rules": get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of all existing transaction rules belonging to the user. operationId: listTransactionRules parameters: - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionRulesResponseBody" description: OK summary: List transaction rules tags: - mx_platform post: description: Use this endpoint to create a new transaction rule. The newly-created `transaction_rule` object will be returned if successful. operationId: createTransactionRule parameters: - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionRuleCreateRequestBody" description: TransactionRule object to be created with optional parameters (description) and required parameters (category_guid and match_description) required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionRuleResponseBody" description: OK summary: Create transaction rule tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/transaction_rules/{transaction_rule_guid}": delete: description: Use this endpoint to permanently delete a transaction rule based on its unique GUID. operationId: deleteTransactionRule parameters: - description: The unique id for a `transaction_rule`. example: TXR-a080e0f9-a2d4-4d6f-9e03-672cc357a4d3 in: path name: transaction_rule_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "204": description: No Content summary: Delete transaction rule tags: - mx_platform get: description: Use this endpoint to read the attributes of an existing transaction rule based on the rule’s unique GUID. operationId: readTransactionRule parameters: - description: The unique id for a `transaction_rule`. example: TXR-a080e0f9-a2d4-4d6f-9e03-672cc357a4d3 in: path name: transaction_rule_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionRuleResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read transaction rule tags: - mx_platform put: description: Use this endpoint to update the attributes of a specific transaction rule based on its unique GUID. The API will respond with the updated transaction_rule object. Any attributes not provided will be left unchanged. operationId: updateTransactionRule parameters: - description: The unique id for a `transaction_rule`. example: TXR-a080e0f9-a2d4-4d6f-9e03-672cc357a4d3 in: path name: transaction_rule_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionRuleUpdateRequestBody" description: TransactionRule object to be updated required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionRuleResponseBody" description: OK summary: Update transaction_rule tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/transactions": get: description: Requests to this endpoint return a list of transactions associated with the specified `user`, accross all members and accounts associated with that `user`. operationId: listTransactions parameters: - description: Filter transactions from this date. example: "2015-09-20" in: query name: from_date schema: type: string - description: Specify current page. example: 1 in: query name: page schema: type: integer - description: Specify records per page. example: 10 in: query name: records_per_page schema: type: integer - description: Filter transactions to this date. example: "2019-10-20" in: query name: to_date schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionsResponseBody" description: OK summary: List transactions tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/transactions/{transaction_guid}": get: description: Requests to this endpoint will return the attributes of the specified `transaction`. operationId: readTransaction parameters: - description: The unique id for a `transaction`. example: TRN-810828b0-5210-4878-9bd3-f4ce514f90c4 in: path name: transaction_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionResponseBody" description: OK summary: Read transaction tags: - mx_platform put: description: Use this endpoint to update the `description` of a specific transaction according to its unique GUID. operationId: updateTransaction parameters: - description: The unique id for a `transaction`. example: TRN-810828b0-5210-4878-9bd3-f4ce514f90c4 in: path name: transaction_guid required: true schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionUpdateRequestBody" description: Transaction object to be updated with a new description required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TransactionResponseBody" description: OK summary: Update transaction tags: - mx_platform "/users/{user_guid}/widget_urls": post: description: This endpoint allows partners to get a URL by passing the `widget_type` in the request body, as well as configuring it in several different ways. In the case of Connect, that means setting the `widget_type` to `connect_widget`. Partners may also pass an optional `Accept-Language` header as well as a number of configuration options. Note that this is a `POST` request. operationId: requestWidgetURL parameters: - description: The desired language of the widget. example: en-US in: header name: Accept-Language schema: type: string - description: The unique id for a `user`. example: USR-fa7537f3-48aa-a683-a02a-b18940482f54 in: path name: user_guid required: true schema: type: string requestBody: content: application/json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/WidgetRequestBody" description: The widget url configuration options. required: true responses: "200": content: application/vnd.mx.api.v1+json: schema: "$ref": "#/components/schemas/WidgetResponseBody" description: OK summary: Request widget url tags: - mx_platform security: - basicAuth: [] servers: - url: https://api.mx.com - url: https://int-api.mx.com tags: - name: mx_platform