Please make sure IN_MYBB is defined."); } /* EXAMPLE USE: $post = get from POST data $thread = get from DB using POST data id $postHandler = new postDataHandler(); if($postHandler->validate_post($post)) { $postHandler->insert_post($post); } */ /** * Post handling class, provides common structure to handle post data. * */ class PostDataHandler extends DataHandler { /** * The language file used in the data handler. * * @var string */ public $language_file = 'datahandler_post'; /** * The prefix for the language variables used in the data handler. * * @var string */ public $language_prefix = 'postdata'; /** * What are we performing? * post = New post * thread = New thread * edit = Editing a thread or post * * @var string */ public $action; /** * Array of data inserted in to a post. * * @var array */ public $post_insert_data = array(); /** * Array of data used to update a post. * * @var array */ public $post_update_data = array(); /** * Post ID currently being manipulated by the datahandlers. * * @var int */ public $pid = 0; /** * Array of data inserted in to a thread. * * @var array */ public $thread_insert_data = array(); /** * Array of data used to update a thread. * * @var array */ public $thread_update_data = array(); /** * Thread ID currently being manipulated by the datahandlers. * * @var int */ public $tid = 0; /** * Values to be returned after inserting/updating a post/thread. * * @var array */ public $return_values = array(); /** * Is this the first post of a thread when editing * * @var boolean */ public $first_post = false; /** * Verifies the author of a post and fetches the username if necessary. * * @return boolean True if the author information is valid, false if invalid. */ function verify_author() { global $mybb, $lang; $post = &$this->data; // Don't have a user ID at all - not good (note, a user id of 0 will still work). if(!isset($post['uid'])) { $this->set_error("invalid_user_id"); return false; } // If we have a user id but no username then fetch the username. else if($post['uid'] > 0 && empty($post['username'])) { $user = get_user($post['uid']); $post['username'] = $user['username']; } // if the uid is 0 verify the username else if($post['uid'] == 0 && $post['username'] != '') { // Set up user handler require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/datahandlers/user.php"; $userhandler = new UserDataHandler(); $data_array = array('username' => $post['username']); $userhandler->set_data($data_array); if(!$userhandler->verify_username()) { // invalid username $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $userhandler->get_errors()); return false; } if($userhandler->verify_username_exists()) { // username is in use $this->errors = array_merge($this->errors, $userhandler->get_errors()); return false; } } return true; } /** * Verifies a post subject. * * @return boolean True when valid, false when not valid. */ function verify_subject() { global $db; $post = &$this->data; $subject = &$post['subject']; $subject = trim_blank_chrs($subject); if($this->method == "update" && $post['pid']) { // If this is the first post there needs to be a subject, else make it the default one. if(my_strlen($subject) == 0 && $this->first_post) { $this->set_error("firstpost_no_subject"); return false; } elseif(my_strlen($subject) == 0) { $thread = get_thread($post['tid']); $subject = "RE: ".$thread['subject']; } } // This is a new post else if($this->action == "post") { if(my_strlen($subject) == 0) { $thread = get_thread($post['tid']); $subject = "RE: ".$thread['subject']; } } // This is a new thread and we require that a subject is present. else { if(my_strlen($subject) == 0) { $this->set_error("missing_subject"); return false; } } // If post is reply and begins with "RE: ", remove 4 from subject length. $subject_length = my_strlen($subject); if($this->action == "post") { $position_re = my_strpos($subject, "RE: "); if($position_re !== false && $position_re == 0) { $subject_length = $subject_length - 4; } } if($subject_length > 85) { // Subject is too long $this->set_error('subject_too_long', my_strlen($subject)); return false; } // Subject is valid - return true. return true; } /** * Verifies a post message. * * @return bool */ function verify_message() { global $db, $mybb; $post = &$this->data; $post['message'] = trim_blank_chrs($post['message']); // Do we even have a message at all? if(my_strlen($post['message']) == 0) { $this->set_error("missing_message"); return false; } else { $limit = (int)$mybb->settings['maxmessagelength']; $dblimit = 0; // If database is mysql or mysqli check field type and set max database limit if(stripos($db->type, 'my') !== false) { $fields = $db->show_fields_from("posts"); $type = $fields[array_search('message', array_column($fields, 'Field'))]['Type']; switch(strtolower($type)) { case 'longtext': $dblimit = 4294967295; break; case 'mediumtext': $dblimit = 16777215; break; case 'text': default: $dblimit = 65535; break; } } if($limit > 0 || $dblimit > 0) { if(isset($post['fid'])) { $fid = $post['fid']; } else { $fid = 0; } if(isset($post['uid'])) { $uid = $post['uid']; } else { $uid = 0; } $is_moderator = is_moderator($fid, "", $uid); // Consider minimum in user defined and database limit other than 0 if($limit > 0 && $dblimit > 0) { $limit = $is_moderator ? $dblimit : min($limit, $dblimit); } else { $limit = max($limit, $dblimit); } if(strlen($post['message']) > $limit && (!$is_moderator || $limit == $dblimit)) { $this->set_error("message_too_long", array($limit, strlen($post['message']))); return false; } } if(!isset($post['fid'])) { $post['fid'] = 0; } if(!$mybb->settings['mycodemessagelength']) { // Check to see of the text is full of MyCode require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_parser.php"; $parser = new postParser; $message = $parser->text_parse_message($post['message']); if(my_strlen($message) < $mybb->settings['minmessagelength'] && $mybb->settings['minmessagelength'] > 0 && !is_moderator($post['fid'], "", $post['uid'])) { $this->set_error("message_too_short", array($mybb->settings['minmessagelength'])); return false; } } else if(my_strlen($post['message']) < $mybb->settings['minmessagelength'] && $mybb->settings['minmessagelength'] > 0 && !is_moderator($post['fid'], "", $post['uid'])) { $this->set_error("message_too_short", array($mybb->settings['minmessagelength'])); return false; } } return true; } /** * Verifies the specified post options are correct. * * @return boolean True */ function verify_options() { $options = &$this->data['options']; // Verify yes/no options. $this->verify_yesno_option($options, 'signature', 0); $this->verify_yesno_option($options, 'disablesmilies', 0); return true; } /** * Verify that the user is not flooding the system. * * @return boolean */ function verify_post_flooding() { global $mybb; $post = &$this->data; // Check if post flooding is enabled within MyBB or if the admin override option is specified. if($mybb->settings['postfloodcheck'] == 1 && $post['uid'] != 0 && $this->admin_override == false) { if($this->verify_post_merge(true) !== true) { return true; } // Fetch the user information for this post - used to check their last post date. $user = get_user($post['uid']); // A little bit of calculation magic and moderator status checking. if(TIME_NOW-$user['lastpost'] <= $mybb->settings['postfloodsecs'] && !is_moderator($post['fid'], "", $user['uid'])) { // Oops, user has been flooding - throw back error message. $time_to_wait = ($mybb->settings['postfloodsecs'] - (TIME_NOW-$user['lastpost'])) + 1; if($time_to_wait == 1) { $this->set_error("post_flooding_one_second"); } else { $this->set_error("post_flooding", array($time_to_wait)); } return false; } } // All is well that ends well - return true. return true; } /** * @param bool $simple_mode * * @return array|bool */ function verify_post_merge($simple_mode=false) { global $mybb, $db, $session; $post = &$this->data; // Are we starting a new thread? if(empty($post['tid'])) { return true; } // Are we even turned on? if(empty($mybb->settings['postmergemins'])) { return true; } // Assign a default separator if none is specified if(trim($mybb->settings['postmergesep']) == "") { $mybb->settings['postmergesep'] = "[hr]"; } // Check to see if this person is in a usergroup that is excluded if(is_member($mybb->settings['postmergeuignore'], $post['uid'])) { return true; } // Select the lastpost and fid information for this thread $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "lastpost,fid", "lastposteruid='".$post['uid']."' AND tid='".$post['tid']."'", array('limit' => '1')); $thread = $db->fetch_array($query); // Check to see if the same author has posted within the merge post time limit if( !$thread || ( ((int)$mybb->settings['postmergemins'] != 0 && trim($mybb->settings['postmergemins']) != "") && (TIME_NOW-$thread['lastpost']) > ((int)$mybb->settings['postmergemins']*60) ) ) { return true; } if($mybb->settings['postmergefignore'] == -1) { return true; } elseif($mybb->settings['postmergefignore'] != '') { $fids = explode(',', (string)$mybb->settings['postmergefignore']); if(is_array($fids)) { foreach($fids as &$fid) { $fid = (int)$fid; } unset($fid); if(in_array($thread['fid'], $fids)) { return true; } } } if($simple_mode == true) { return false; } if(!empty($post['uid'])) { $user_check = "uid='".$post['uid']."'"; } else { $user_check = "ipaddress=".$db->escape_binary($session->packedip); } $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid,message,visible", "{$user_check} AND tid='".$post['tid']."' AND dateline='".$thread['lastpost']."'", array('order_by' => 'pid', 'order_dir' => 'DESC', 'limit' => 1)); return $db->fetch_array($query); } /** * Verifies the image count. * * @return boolean True when valid, false when not valid. */ function verify_image_count() { global $mybb, $db; $post = &$this->data; if(isset($post['uid'])) { $uid = $post['uid']; } else { $uid = null; } // Get the permissions of the user who is making this post or thread $permissions = user_permissions($uid); // Fetch the forum this post is being made in if(empty($post['fid'])) { $query = $db->simple_select('posts', 'fid', "pid = '{$post['pid']}'"); $post['fid'] = $db->fetch_field($query, 'fid'); } $forum = get_forum($post['fid']); // Check if this post contains more images than the forum allows if((!isset($post['savedraft']) || $post['savedraft'] != 1) && $mybb->settings['maxpostimages'] != 0 && $permissions['cancp'] != 1) { require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_parser.php"; $parser = new postParser; // Parse the message. $parser_options = array( "allow_html" => $forum['allowhtml'], "allow_mycode" => $forum['allowmycode'], "allow_imgcode" => $forum['allowimgcode'], "allow_videocode" => $forum['allowvideocode'], "filter_badwords" => 1 ); if(empty($post['options']['disablesmilies'])) { $parser_options['allow_smilies'] = $forum['allowsmilies']; } else { $parser_options['allow_smilies'] = 0; } $image_check = $parser->parse_message($post['message'], $parser_options); // And count the number of image tags in the message. $image_count = substr_count($image_check, " $mybb->settings['maxpostimages']) { // Throw back a message if over the count with the number of images as well as the maximum number of images per post. $this->set_error("too_many_images", array(1 => $image_count, 2 => $mybb->settings['maxpostimages'])); return false; } } return true; } /** * Verifies the video count. * * @return boolean True when valid, false when not valid. */ function verify_video_count() { global $mybb, $db; $post = &$this->data; if(isset($post['uid'])) { $uid = $post['uid']; } else { $uid = null; } // Get the permissions of the user who is making this post or thread $permissions = user_permissions($uid); // Check if this post contains more videos than the forum allows if((!isset($post['savedraft']) || $post['savedraft'] != 1) && $mybb->settings['maxpostvideos'] != 0 && $permissions['cancp'] != 1) { // And count the number of video tags in the message. $video_count = substr_count($post['message'], "[video="); if($video_count > $mybb->settings['maxpostvideos']) { // Throw back a message if over the count with the number of images as well as the maximum number of images per post. $this->set_error("too_many_videos", array(1 => $video_count, 2 => $mybb->settings['maxpostvideos'])); return false; } } return true; } /** * Verify the reply-to post. * * @return boolean True when valid, false when not valid. */ function verify_reply_to() { global $db; $post = &$this->data; // Check if the post being replied to actually exists in this thread. if($post['replyto']) { $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "pid='".(int)$post['replyto']."'"); $valid_post = $db->fetch_array($query); if(!$valid_post['pid']) { $post['replyto'] = 0; } else { return true; } } // If this post isn't a reply to a specific post, attach it to the first post. if(!$post['replyto']) { $options = array( "limit_start" => 0, "limit" => 1, "order_by" => "dateline, pid", ); $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "tid='{$post['tid']}'", $options); $reply_to = $db->fetch_array($query); $post['replyto'] = $reply_to['pid']; } return true; } /** * Verify the post icon. * * @return boolean True when valid, false when not valid. */ function verify_post_icon() { global $cache; $post = &$this->data; $posticons_cache = $cache->read("posticons"); // If we don't have a post icon assign it as 0. if(empty($post['icon']) || !isset($posticons_cache[$post['icon']])) { $post['icon'] = 0; } return true; } /** * Verify the dateline. * * @return boolean True when valid, false when not valid. */ function verify_dateline() { $dateline = &$this->data['dateline']; // The date has to be numeric and > 0. if($dateline < 0 || is_numeric($dateline) == false) { $dateline = TIME_NOW; } } /** * Verify thread prefix. * * @return boolean True when valid, false when not valid. */ function verify_prefix() { $prefix = &$this->data['prefix']; // If a valid prefix isn't supplied, don't assign one. if(empty($prefix)) { $prefix = 0; } else { if(!empty($this->data['tid'])) { // Fetch the thread $thread = get_thread($this->data['tid']); } $prefix_cache = build_prefixes($prefix); if(empty($prefix_cache)) { $this->set_error('invalid_prefix'); return false; } if($prefix_cache['groups'] != "-1") { if(!empty($this->data['edit_uid'])) { // Post is being edited $user = get_user($this->data['edit_uid']); } else { $user = get_user($this->data['uid']); } if(!is_member($prefix_cache['groups'], array('usergroup' => $user['usergroup'], 'additionalgroups' => $user['additionalgroups'])) && (empty($this->data['tid']) || $prefix != $thread['prefix'])) { $this->set_error('invalid_prefix'); return false; } } if($prefix_cache['forums'] != "-1") { // Decide whether this prefix can be used in our forum $forums = explode(",", $prefix_cache['forums']); if(!in_array($this->data['fid'], $forums) && (empty($this->data['tid']) || $prefix != $thread['prefix'])) { $this->set_error('invalid_prefix'); return false; } } } // Does this forum require a prefix? $forum = get_forum($this->data['fid']); if($forum['requireprefix'] == 1) { $num_prefixes = false; // Go through each of our prefixes and decide if there are any possible prefixes to use. if(!empty($this->data['edit_uid'])) { // Post is being edited $user = get_user($this->data['edit_uid']); } else { $user = get_user($this->data['uid']); } $prefix_cache = build_prefixes(); if(!empty($prefix_cache)) { foreach($prefix_cache as $required) { if($required['forums'] != "-1") { // Decide whether this prefix can be used in our forum $forums = explode(",", $required['forums']); if(!in_array($forum['fid'], $forums)) { continue; } } if(is_member($required['groups'], array('usergroup' => $user['usergroup'], 'additionalgroups' => $user['additionalgroups']))) { $num_prefixes = true; } } } if($prefix == 0 && $num_prefixes) { $this->set_error('require_prefix'); return false; } } return true; } /** * Validate a post. * * @return boolean True when valid, false when invalid. */ function validate_post() { global $mybb, $db, $plugins; $post = &$this->data; $time = TIME_NOW; $this->action = "post"; if($this->method != "update" && !$post['savedraft']) { $this->verify_post_flooding(); } // Are we editing an existing thread or post? if($this->method == "update") { if(empty($post['tid'])) { $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "tid", "pid='".(int)$post['pid']."'"); $post['tid'] = $db->fetch_field($query, "tid"); } // Here we determine if we're editing the first post of a thread or not. $options = array( "limit" => 1, "limit_start" => 0, "order_by" => "dateline, pid", ); $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "tid='".$post['tid']."'", $options); $first_check = $db->fetch_array($query); if($first_check['pid'] == $post['pid']) { $this->first_post = true; } } // Verify all post assets. if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('uid', $post)) { $this->verify_author(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('subject', $post)) { $this->verify_subject(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('message', $post)) { $this->verify_message(); $this->verify_image_count(); $this->verify_video_count(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('dateline', $post)) { $this->verify_dateline(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('replyto', $post)) { $this->verify_reply_to(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('icon', $post)) { $this->verify_post_icon(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('options', $post)) { $this->verify_options(); } if($this->method == "update" && $this->first_post) { $this->verify_prefix(); } $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_validate_post", $this); // We are done validating, return. $this->set_validated(true); if(count($this->get_errors()) > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Insert a post into the database. * * @return array Array of new post details, pid and visibility. */ function insert_post() { global $db, $mybb, $plugins, $cache, $lang; $post = &$this->data; // Yes, validating is required. if(!$this->get_validated()) { die("The post needs to be validated before inserting it into the DB."); } if(count($this->get_errors()) > 0) { die("The post is not valid."); } // Fetch the thread $thread = get_thread($post['tid']); $closed = $thread['closed']; // This post is being saved as a draft. if($post['savedraft']) { $visible = -2; } // Otherwise this post is being made now and we have a bit to do. else { // Automatic subscription to the thread if($post['uid'] > 0) { require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_user.php"; if($post['options']['subscriptionmethod'] == "") { remove_subscribed_thread($post['tid'], $post['uid']); } else { switch($post['options']['subscriptionmethod']) { case "pm": $notification = 2; break; case "email": $notification = 1; break; default: $notification = 0; } add_subscribed_thread($post['tid'], $notification, $post['uid']); } } // Perform any selected moderation tools. $ismod = is_moderator($post['fid'], "", $post['uid']); if($ismod && isset($post['modoptions'])) { $lang->load($this->language_file, true); $modoptions = $post['modoptions']; $modlogdata['fid'] = $thread['fid']; $modlogdata['tid'] = $thread['tid']; $modoptions_update = array(); // Close the thread. if(!empty($modoptions['closethread']) && $thread['closed'] != 1 && is_moderator($post['fid'], "canopenclosethreads", $post['uid'])) { $modoptions_update['closed'] = $closed = 1; log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_closed); } // Open the thread. if(empty($modoptions['closethread']) && $thread['closed'] == 1 && is_moderator($post['fid'], "canopenclosethreads", $post['uid'])) { $modoptions_update['closed'] = $closed = 0; log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_opened); } // Stick the thread. if(!empty($modoptions['stickthread']) && $thread['sticky'] != 1 && is_moderator($post['fid'], "canstickunstickthreads", $post['uid'])) { $modoptions_update['sticky'] = 1; log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_stuck); } // Unstick the thread. if(empty($modoptions['stickthread']) && $thread['sticky'] == 1 && is_moderator($post['fid'], "canstickunstickthreads", $post['uid'])) { $modoptions_update['sticky'] = 0; log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_unstuck); } // Execute moderation options. if($modoptions_update) { $db->update_query('threads', $modoptions_update, "tid='{$thread['tid']}'"); } } // Fetch the forum this post is being made in $forum = get_forum($post['fid']); // Decide on the visibility of this post. $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($post['fid'], $post['uid']); if($forumpermissions['modposts'] == 1 && !$ismod) { $visible = 0; } else { $visible = 1; } // Are posts from this user being moderated? Change visibility if($mybb->user['uid'] == $post['uid'] && $mybb->user['moderateposts'] == 1) { $visible = 0; } } if(!isset($post['pid'])) { $post['pid'] = 0; } $post['pid'] = (int)$post['pid']; $post['uid'] = (int)$post['uid']; if($post['pid'] > 0) { $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "tid", "pid='{$post['pid']}' AND uid='{$post['uid']}' AND visible='-2'"); $draft_check = $db->fetch_field($query, "tid"); } else { $draft_check = false; } if($this->method != "update" && $visible == 1) { $double_post = $this->verify_post_merge(); // Only combine if they are both invisible (mod queue'd forum) or both visible if($double_post !== true && $double_post['visible'] == $visible) { $_message = $post['message']; $post['message'] = $double_post['message'] .= "\n".$mybb->settings['postmergesep']."\n".$post['message']; if ($this->validate_post()) { $this->pid = $double_post['pid']; $update_query = array( "message" => $db->escape_string($double_post['message']) ); $update_query['edituid'] = (int)$post['uid']; $update_query['edittime'] = TIME_NOW; $db->update_query("posts", $update_query, "pid='".$double_post['pid']."'"); if($draft_check) { $db->delete_query("posts", "pid='".$post['pid']."'"); } if($post['posthash']) { // Assign any uploaded attachments with the specific posthash to the merged post. $post['posthash'] = $db->escape_string($post['posthash']); $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "COUNT(aid) AS attachmentcount", "pid='0' AND visible='1' AND posthash='{$post['posthash']}'"); $attachmentcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "attachmentcount"); if($attachmentcount > 0) { // Update forum count update_thread_counters($post['tid'], array('attachmentcount' => "+{$attachmentcount}")); } $attachmentassign = array( "pid" => $double_post['pid'], "posthash" => '' ); $db->update_query("attachments", $attachmentassign, "posthash='{$post['posthash']}' AND pid='0'"); } // Return the post's pid and whether or not it is visible. $this->return_values = array( "pid" => $double_post['pid'], "visible" => $visible, "merge" => true ); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_merge", $this); return $this->return_values; } else { $post['message'] = $_message; } } } if($visible == 1) { $now = TIME_NOW; // Yes, the value to the lastpost key in this array has single quotes within double quotes. It's not a bug. $update_array = array( 'lastpost' => "'{$now}'" ); if($forum['usepostcounts'] != 0 && $thread['visible'] == 1) { $update_array['postnum'] = 'postnum+1'; } $db->update_query("users", $update_array, "uid='{$post['uid']}'", 1, true); } // Are we updating a post which is already a draft? Perhaps changing it into a visible post? if($draft_check) { // Update a post that is a draft $this->post_update_data = array( "subject" => $db->escape_string($post['subject']), "icon" => (int)$post['icon'], "uid" => $post['uid'], "username" => $db->escape_string($post['username']), "dateline" => (int)$post['dateline'], "message" => $db->escape_string($post['message']), "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary($post['ipaddress']), "includesig" => $post['options']['signature'], "smilieoff" => $post['options']['disablesmilies'], "visible" => $visible ); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_post", $this); $db->update_query("posts", $this->post_update_data, "pid='{$post['pid']}'"); $this->pid = $post['pid']; } else { // Insert the post. $this->post_insert_data = array( "tid" => (int)$post['tid'], "replyto" => (int)$post['replyto'], "fid" => (int)$post['fid'], "subject" => $db->escape_string($post['subject']), "icon" => (int)$post['icon'], "uid" => $post['uid'], "username" => $db->escape_string($post['username']), "dateline" => $post['dateline'], "message" => $db->escape_string($post['message']), "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary($post['ipaddress']), "includesig" => $post['options']['signature'], "smilieoff" => $post['options']['disablesmilies'], "visible" => $visible ); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_post", $this); $this->pid = $db->insert_query("posts", $this->post_insert_data); } // Assign any uploaded attachments with the specific posthash to the newly created post. if($post['posthash']) { $post['posthash'] = $db->escape_string($post['posthash']); $attachmentassign = array( "pid" => $this->pid, "posthash" => '' ); $db->update_query("attachments", $attachmentassign, "posthash='{$post['posthash']}' AND pid='0'"); } $thread_update = array(); if($visible == 1 && $thread['visible'] == 1) { require_once MYBB_ROOT.'inc/class_parser.php'; $parser = new Postparser; $done_users = array(); $subject = $parser->parse_badwords($thread['subject']); $parser_options = array( 'me_username' => $post['username'], 'filter_badwords' => 1 ); $excerpt = $parser->text_parse_message($post['message'], $parser_options); $excerpt = my_substr($excerpt, 0, $mybb->settings['subscribeexcerpt']).$lang->emailbit_viewthread; // Fetch any users subscribed to this thread receiving instant notification and queue up their subscription notices $query = $db->query(" SELECT u.username,, u.uid, u.language, u.loginkey, u.salt, u.regdate, s.notification FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."threadsubscriptions s LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=s.uid) WHERE (s.notification='1' OR s.notification='2') AND s.tid='{$post['tid']}' AND s.uid != '{$post['uid']}' AND u.lastactive>'{$thread['lastpost']}' "); $args = array( 'this' => &$this, 'done_users' => &$done_users, 'users' => array() ); while($subscribedmember = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if(isset($done_users[$subscribedmember['uid']])) { continue; } $args['users'][$subscribedmember['uid']] = (int)$subscribedmember['uid']; $done_users[$subscribedmember['uid']] = 1; $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($thread['fid'], $subscribedmember['uid']); if($forumpermissions['canview'] == 0 || $forumpermissions['canviewthreads'] == 0) { continue; } if($thread['uid'] != $subscribedmember['uid'] && $forumpermissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1 && !is_moderator($thread['fid'], "", $subscribedmember['uid'])) { // User isn't a moderator or the author of the thread... continue; } if($subscribedmember['language'] != '' && $lang->language_exists($subscribedmember['language'])) { $uselang = $subscribedmember['language']; } elseif($mybb->settings['orig_bblanguage']) { $uselang = $mybb->settings['orig_bblanguage']; } else { $uselang = "english"; } if($uselang == $mybb->settings['bblanguage']) { if($subscribedmember['notification'] == 1) { $emailsubject = $lang->emailsubject_subscription; $emailmessage = $lang->email_subscription; } // If the poster is unregistered and hasn't set a username, call them Guest if(!$post['uid'] && !$post['username']) { $post['username'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($lang->guest); } } else { if(($subscribedmember['notification'] == 1 && !isset($langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_subscription'])) || !isset($langcache[$uselang]['guest'])) { $userlang = new MyLanguage; $userlang->set_path(MYBB_ROOT."inc/languages"); $userlang->set_language($uselang); if($subscribedmember['notification'] == 1) { $userlang->load("messages"); $langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_subscription'] = $userlang->emailsubject_subscription; $langcache[$uselang]['email_subscription'] = $userlang->email_subscription; } $userlang->load("global"); $langcache[$uselang]['guest'] = $userlang->guest; unset($userlang); } if($subscribedmember['notification'] == 1) { $emailsubject = $langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_subscription']; $emailmessage = $langcache[$uselang]['email_subscription']; } // If the poster is unregistered and hasn't set a username, call them Guest if(!$post['uid'] && !$post['username']) { $post['username'] = $langcache[$uselang]['guest']; } } if($subscribedmember['notification'] == 1) { $emailsubject = $lang->sprintf($emailsubject, $subject); $emailmessage = $lang->sprintf($emailmessage, $subscribedmember['username'], $post['username'], $mybb->settings['bbname'], $subject, $excerpt, $mybb->settings['bburl'], str_replace("&", "&", get_thread_link($thread['tid'], 0, "newpost")), $thread['tid']); $new_email = array( "mailto" => $db->escape_string($subscribedmember['email']), "mailfrom" => '', "subject" => $db->escape_string($emailsubject), "message" => $db->escape_string($emailmessage), "headers" => '' ); $db->insert_query("mailqueue", $new_email); unset($userlang); $queued_email = 1; } elseif($subscribedmember['notification'] == 2) { $pm = array( 'subject' => array('pmsubject_subscription', $subject), 'message' => array('pm_subscription', $subscribedmember['username'], $post['username'], $subject, $excerpt, $mybb->settings['bburl'], str_replace("&", "&", get_thread_link($thread['tid'], 0, "newpost")), $thread['tid']), 'touid' => $subscribedmember['uid'], 'language' => $subscribedmember['language'], 'language_file' => 'messages' ); // Workaround for eliminating PHP warnings in PHP 8. Ref: $pm['sender']['uid'] = -1; send_pm($pm, -1, true); } } $plugins->run_hooks('datahandler_post_insert_subscribed', $args); // Have one or more emails been queued? Update the queue count if(isset($queued_email) && $queued_email == 1) { $cache->update_mailqueue(); } $thread_update = array('replies' => '+1'); // Update counters update_last_post($post['tid']); update_forum_counters($post['fid'], array("posts" => "+1")); update_forum_lastpost($thread['fid']); } // Post is stuck in moderation queue else if($visible == 0) { // Update the unapproved posts count for the current thread and current forum $thread_update = array('unapprovedposts' => '+1'); update_thread_counters($post['tid'], array("unapprovedposts" => "+1")); update_forum_counters($post['fid'], array("unapprovedposts" => "+1")); } else if($thread['visible'] == 0) { // Update the unapproved posts count for the current forum $thread_update = array('replies' => '+1'); update_forum_counters($post['fid'], array("unapprovedposts" => "+1")); } else if($thread['visible'] == -1) { // Update the unapproved posts count for the current forum $thread_update = array('replies' => '+1'); update_forum_counters($post['fid'], array("deletedposts" => "+1")); } // Update last poster if($visible == 1 && $thread['visible'] != 1) { update_last_post($post['tid']); } $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "COUNT(aid) AS attachmentcount", "pid='{$this->pid}' AND visible='1'"); $attachmentcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "attachmentcount"); if($attachmentcount > 0) { $thread_update['attachmentcount'] = "+{$attachmentcount}"; } update_thread_counters($post['tid'], $thread_update); // Return the post's pid and whether or not it is visible. $this->return_values = array( "pid" => $this->pid, "visible" => $visible, "closed" => $closed ); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_post_end", $this); return $this->return_values; } /** * Validate a thread. * * @return boolean True when valid, false when invalid. */ function validate_thread() { global $mybb, $db, $plugins; $thread = &$this->data; // Validate all thread assets. if(!$thread['savedraft']) { $this->verify_post_flooding(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('uid', $thread)) { $this->verify_author(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('prefix', $thread)) { $this->verify_prefix(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('subject', $thread)) { $this->verify_subject(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('message', $thread)) { $this->verify_message(); $this->verify_image_count(); $this->verify_video_count(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('dateline', $thread)) { $this->verify_dateline(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('icon', $thread)) { $this->verify_post_icon(); } if($this->method == "insert" || array_key_exists('options', $thread)) { $this->verify_options(); } $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_validate_thread", $this); // We are done validating, return. $this->set_validated(true); if(count($this->get_errors()) > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } /** * Insert a thread into the database. * * @return array Array of new thread details, tid and visibility. */ function insert_thread() { global $db, $mybb, $plugins, $cache, $lang; // Yes, validating is required. if(!$this->get_validated()) { die("The thread needs to be validated before inserting it into the DB."); } if(count($this->get_errors()) > 0) { die("The thread is not valid."); } $thread = &$this->data; // Fetch the forum this thread is being made in $query = $db->simple_select("forums", "*", "fid='{$thread['fid']}'"); $forum = $db->fetch_array($query); // This thread is being saved as a draft. if($thread['savedraft']) { $visible = -2; } // Thread is being made now and we have a bit to do. else { $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($thread['fid'], $thread['uid']); // Decide on the visibility of this post. if($forumpermissions['modthreads'] == 1 && !is_moderator($thread['fid'], "", $thread['uid'])) { $visible = 0; } else { $visible = 1; } // Are posts from this user being moderated? Change visibility if($mybb->user['uid'] == $thread['uid'] && $mybb->user['moderateposts'] == 1) { $visible = 0; } } // Have a post ID but not a thread ID - fetch thread ID if(!empty($thread['pid']) && !$thread['tid']) { $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "tid", "pid='{$thread['pid']}"); $thread['tid'] = $db->fetch_field($query, "tid"); } if(isset($thread['pid']) && $thread['pid'] > 0) { $query = $db->simple_select("posts", "pid", "pid='{$thread['pid']}' AND uid='{$thread['uid']}' AND visible='-2'"); $draft_check = $db->fetch_field($query, "pid"); } else { $draft_check = false; } // Are we updating a post which is already a draft? Perhaps changing it into a visible post? if($draft_check) { $this->thread_insert_data = array( "subject" => $db->escape_string($thread['subject']), "icon" => (int)$thread['icon'], "username" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "dateline" => (int)$thread['dateline'], "lastpost" => (int)$thread['dateline'], "lastposter" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "visible" => $visible ); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_thread", $this); $db->update_query("threads", $this->thread_insert_data, "tid='{$thread['tid']}'"); $this->post_insert_data = array( "subject" => $db->escape_string($thread['subject']), "icon" => (int)$thread['icon'], "username" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "dateline" => (int)$thread['dateline'], "message" => $db->escape_string($thread['message']), "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip())), "includesig" => $thread['options']['signature'], "smilieoff" => $thread['options']['disablesmilies'], "visible" => $visible ); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_thread_post", $this); $db->update_query("posts", $this->post_insert_data, "pid='{$thread['pid']}'"); $this->tid = $thread['tid']; $this->pid = $thread['pid']; } // Inserting a new thread into the database. else { $this->thread_insert_data = array( "fid" => $thread['fid'], "subject" => $db->escape_string($thread['subject']), "prefix" => (int)$thread['prefix'], "icon" => (int)$thread['icon'], "uid" => $thread['uid'], "username" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "dateline" => (int)$thread['dateline'], "lastpost" => (int)$thread['dateline'], "lastposter" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "lastposteruid" => $thread['uid'], "views" => 0, "replies" => 0, "visible" => $visible, "notes" => '' ); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_thread", $this); $this->tid = $db->insert_query("threads", $this->thread_insert_data); $this->post_insert_data = array( "tid" => $this->tid, "fid" => $thread['fid'], "subject" => $db->escape_string($thread['subject']), "icon" => (int)$thread['icon'], "uid" => $thread['uid'], "username" => $db->escape_string($thread['username']), "dateline" => (int)$thread['dateline'], "message" => $db->escape_string($thread['message']), "ipaddress" => $db->escape_binary(my_inet_pton(get_ip())), "includesig" => $thread['options']['signature'], "smilieoff" => $thread['options']['disablesmilies'], "visible" => $visible ); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_thread_post", $this); $this->pid = $db->insert_query("posts", $this->post_insert_data); // Now that we have the post id for this first post, update the threads table. $firstpostup = array("firstpost" => $this->pid); $db->update_query("threads", $firstpostup, "tid='{$this->tid}'"); } // If we're not saving a draft there are some things we need to check now if(!$thread['savedraft']) { if($thread['options']['subscriptionmethod'] != "" && $thread['uid'] > 0) { switch($thread['options']['subscriptionmethod']) { case "pm": $notification = 2; break; case "email": $notification = 1; break; default: $notification = 0; } require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_user.php"; add_subscribed_thread($this->tid, $notification, $thread['uid']); } // Perform any selected moderation tools. if(is_moderator($thread['fid'], "", $thread['uid']) && isset($thread['modoptions'])) { $lang->load($this->language_file, true); $modoptions = $thread['modoptions']; $modlogdata['fid'] = $thread['fid']; if(isset($thread['tid'])) { $modlogdata['tid'] = $thread['tid']; } $modoptions_update = array(); // Close the thread. if(!empty($modoptions['closethread']) && is_moderator($thread['fid'], "canopenclosethreads", $thread['uid'])) { $modoptions_update['closed'] = 1; log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_closed); } // Stick the thread. if(!empty($modoptions['stickthread']) && is_moderator($thread['fid'], "canstickunstickthreads", $thread['uid'])) { $modoptions_update['sticky'] = 1; log_moderator_action($modlogdata, $lang->thread_stuck); } // Execute moderation options. if($modoptions_update) { $db->update_query('threads', $modoptions_update, "tid='{$this->tid}'"); } } if($visible == 1) { // If we have a registered user then update their post count and last post times. if($thread['uid'] > 0) { $user = get_user($thread['uid']); $update_query = array(); // Only update the lastpost column of the user if the date of the thread is newer than their last post. if($thread['dateline'] > $user['lastpost']) { // Yes this has a single quote within a double quote. It's not a bug. $update_query['lastpost'] = "'{$thread['dateline']}'"; } // Update the post count if this forum allows post counts to be tracked if($forum['usepostcounts'] != 0) { $update_query['postnum'] = "postnum+1"; } if($forum['usethreadcounts'] != 0) { $update_query['threadnum'] = 'threadnum+1'; } // Only update the table if we need to. if(!empty($update_query)) { $db->update_query("users", $update_query, "uid='{$thread['uid']}'", 1, true); } } $done_users = array(); // Queue up any forum subscription notices to users who are subscribed to this forum. $excerpt = $thread['message']; // Parse badwords require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_parser.php"; $parser = new postParser; $excerpt = $parser->parse_badwords($excerpt); $excerpt = $parser->text_parse_message($excerpt); if(strlen($excerpt) > $mybb->settings['subscribeexcerpt']) { $excerpt = my_substr($excerpt, 0, $mybb->settings['subscribeexcerpt']).$lang->emailbit_viewthread; } $query = $db->query(" SELECT u.username,, u.uid, u.language, u.loginkey, u.salt, u.regdate FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."forumsubscriptions fs LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."users u ON (u.uid=fs.uid) LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."usergroups g ON (g.gid=u.usergroup) WHERE fs.fid='".(int)$thread['fid']."' AND fs.uid != '".(int)$thread['uid']."' AND u.lastactive > '{$forum['lastpost']}' AND g.isbannedgroup != 1 "); while($subscribedmember = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if(!empty($done_users[$subscribedmember['uid']])) { continue; } $done_users[$subscribedmember['uid']] = 1; $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($thread['fid'], $subscribedmember['uid']); if($forumpermissions['canview'] == 0 || $forumpermissions['canviewthreads'] == 0) { continue; } if(!is_moderator($thread['fid'], "", $subscribedmember['uid']) && $forumpermissions['canonlyviewownthreads'] == 1) { // In a 'view own only' forum and not a moderator continue; } // Determine the language pack we'll be using to send this email in and load it if it isn't already. if($subscribedmember['language'] != '' && $lang->language_exists($subscribedmember['language'])) { $uselang = $subscribedmember['language']; } else if($mybb->settings['bblanguage']) { $uselang = $mybb->settings['bblanguage']; } else { $uselang = "english"; } if($uselang == $mybb->settings['bblanguage']) { $emailsubject = $lang->emailsubject_forumsubscription; $emailmessage = $lang->email_forumsubscription; // If the poster is unregistered and hasn't set a username, call them Guest if(!$thread['uid'] && !$thread['username']) { $thread['username'] = htmlspecialchars_uni($lang->guest); } } else { if(!isset($langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_forumsubscription'])) { $userlang = new MyLanguage; $userlang->set_path(MYBB_ROOT."inc/languages"); $userlang->set_language($uselang); $userlang->load("messages"); $userlang->load("global"); $langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_forumsubscription'] = $userlang->emailsubject_forumsubscription; $langcache[$uselang]['email_forumsubscription'] = $userlang->email_forumsubscription; $langcache[$uselang]['guest'] = $userlang->guest; unset($userlang); } $emailsubject = $langcache[$uselang]['emailsubject_forumsubscription']; $emailmessage = $langcache[$uselang]['email_forumsubscription']; // If the poster is unregistered and hasn't set a username, call them Guest if(!$thread['uid'] && !$thread['username']) { $thread['username'] = $langcache[$uselang]['guest']; } } $emailsubject = $lang->sprintf($emailsubject, $forum['name']); $emailmessage = $lang->sprintf($emailmessage, $subscribedmember['username'], $thread['username'], $forum['name'], $mybb->settings['bbname'], $thread['subject'], $excerpt, $mybb->settings['bburl'], get_thread_link($this->tid), $thread['fid']); $new_email = array( "mailto" => $db->escape_string($subscribedmember['email']), "mailfrom" => '', "subject" => $db->escape_string($emailsubject), "message" => $db->escape_string($emailmessage), "headers" => '' ); $db->insert_query("mailqueue", $new_email); unset($userlang); $queued_email = 1; } // Have one or more emails been queued? Update the queue count if(isset($queued_email) && $queued_email == 1) { $cache->update_mailqueue(); } } } // Assign any uploaded attachments with the specific posthash to the newly created post. if(!empty($thread['posthash'])) { $thread['posthash'] = $db->escape_string($thread['posthash']); $attachmentassign = array( "pid" => $this->pid, "posthash" => '' ); $db->update_query("attachments", $attachmentassign, "posthash='{$thread['posthash']}' AND pid='0'"); } if($visible == 1) { update_last_post($this->tid); update_forum_counters($thread['fid'], array("threads" => "+1", "posts" => "+1")); update_forum_lastpost($thread['fid']); } else if($visible == 0) { update_forum_counters($thread['fid'], array("unapprovedthreads" => "+1", "unapprovedposts" => "+1")); } $query = $db->simple_select("attachments", "COUNT(aid) AS attachmentcount", "pid='{$this->pid}' AND visible='1'"); $attachmentcount = $db->fetch_field($query, "attachmentcount"); if($attachmentcount > 0) { update_thread_counters($this->tid, array("attachmentcount" => "+{$attachmentcount}")); } // Return the post's pid and whether or not it is visible. $this->return_values = array( "pid" => $this->pid, "tid" => $this->tid, "visible" => $visible ); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_insert_thread_end", $this); return $this->return_values; } /** * Updates a post that is already in the database. * * @return array */ function update_post() { global $db, $mybb, $plugins; // Yes, validating is required. if($this->get_validated() != true) { die("The post needs to be validated before inserting it into the DB."); } if(count($this->get_errors()) > 0) { die("The post is not valid."); } $post = &$this->data; $post['pid'] = (int)$post['pid']; $existing_post = get_post($post['pid']); $post['tid'] = $existing_post['tid']; $post['fid'] = $existing_post['fid']; if(isset($post['uid'])) { $uid = $post['uid']; } else { $uid = 0; } $forum = get_forum($post['fid']); $forumpermissions = forum_permissions($post['fid'], $uid); // Decide on the visibility of this post. $ismod = is_moderator($post['fid'], "", $uid); // Keep visibility for unapproved and deleted posts if($existing_post['visible'] == 0) { $visible = 0; } elseif($existing_post['visible'] == -1) { $visible = -1; } elseif($forumpermissions['mod_edit_posts'] == 1 && !$ismod) { $visible = 0; require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/class_moderation.php"; $moderation = new Moderation; $moderation->unapprove_posts(array($post['pid'])); } else { $visible = 1; } // Update the thread details that might have been changed first. if($this->first_post) { $this->tid = $post['tid']; if(isset($post['prefix'])) { $this->thread_update_data['prefix'] = (int)$post['prefix']; } if(isset($post['subject'])) { $this->thread_update_data['subject'] = $db->escape_string($post['subject']); } if(isset($post['icon'])) { $this->thread_update_data['icon'] = (int)$post['icon']; } if(count($this->thread_update_data) > 0) { $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_update_thread", $this); $db->update_query("threads", $this->thread_update_data, "tid='".(int)$post['tid']."'"); } // Update any moved thread links to have corresponding new subject. if(isset($post['subject'])) { $query = $db->simple_select("threads", "tid, closed", "closed='moved|".$this->tid."'"); if($db->num_rows($query) > 0) { $update_data['subject'] = $db->escape_string($post['subject']); while($result = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $db->update_query("threads", $update_data, "tid='".(int)$result['tid']."'"); } } } } // Prepare array for post updating. $this->pid = $post['pid']; if(isset($post['subject'])) { $this->post_update_data['subject'] = $db->escape_string($post['subject']); } if(isset($post['message'])) { $this->post_update_data['message'] = $db->escape_string($post['message']); } if(isset($post['editreason']) && trim($post['editreason']) != '') { $this->post_update_data['editreason'] = $db->escape_string(trim($post['editreason'])); } elseif(empty($post['editreason'])) { $this->post_update_data['editreason'] = ''; } if(isset($post['icon'])) { $this->post_update_data['icon'] = (int)$post['icon']; } if(isset($post['options'])) { if(isset($post['options']['disablesmilies'])) { $this->post_update_data['smilieoff'] = $db->escape_string($post['options']['disablesmilies']); } if(isset($post['options']['signature'])) { $this->post_update_data['includesig'] = $db->escape_string($post['options']['signature']); } } // If we need to show the edited by, let's do so. if(($mybb->settings['showeditedby'] == 1 && !is_moderator($post['fid'], "caneditposts", $post['edit_uid'])) || ($mybb->settings['showeditedbyadmin'] == 1 && is_moderator($post['fid'], "caneditposts", $post['edit_uid']))) { $this->post_update_data['edituid'] = (int)$post['edit_uid']; $this->post_update_data['edittime'] = TIME_NOW; } $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_update", $this); $db->update_query("posts", $this->post_update_data, "pid='".(int)$post['pid']."'"); // Automatic subscription to the thread if($post && !empty($post['options']['subscriptionmethod']) && $uid > 0) { switch($post['options']['subscriptionmethod']) { case "pm": $notification = 2; break; case "email": $notification = 1; break; default: $notification = 0; } require_once MYBB_ROOT."inc/functions_user.php"; add_subscribed_thread($post['tid'], $notification, $post['uid']); } else { $db->delete_query("threadsubscriptions", "uid='".(int)$uid."' AND tid='".(int)$post['tid']."'"); } update_forum_lastpost($post['fid']); update_last_post($post['tid']); // Return the thread's first post id and whether or not it is visible. $this->return_values = array( 'visible' => $visible, 'first_post' => $this->first_post ); $plugins->run_hooks("datahandler_post_update_end", $this); return $this->return_values; } }