#!/bin/bash # # Plex Linux Server download tool # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # This tool will download the latest version of Plex Media # Server for Linux. It supports both the public versions # as well as the PlexPass versions. # # See https://github.com/mrworf/plexupdate for more details. # # Returns 0 on success # 1 on error # 3 if page layout has changed. # 4 if download fails # 6 if update was deferred due to usage # 7 if update is available (requires --check-update) # 10 if new file was downloaded/installed (requires --notify-success) # 255 configuration is invalid # # All other return values not documented. # # Call program with -h for available options # # Enjoy! # # Check out https://github.com/mrworf/plexupdate for latest version # and also what's new. # ############################################################################## # Quick-check before we allow bad things to happen if [ -z "${BASH_VERSINFO}" ]; then echo "ERROR: You must execute this script with BASH" >&2 exit 255 fi ############################################################################## # Don't change anything below this point, use a plexupdate.conf file # to override this section. # DOWNLOADDIR is the full directory path you would like the download to go. # EMAIL= PASS= DOWNLOADDIR="/tmp" PLEXSERVER= PLEXPORT=32400 # Defaults # (aka "Advanced" settings, can be overriden with config file) FORCE=no PUBLIC=no AUTOINSTALL=no AUTODELETE=no AUTOUPDATE=no AUTOSTART=no ARCH=$(uname -m) BUILD="linux-$ARCH" SHOWPROGRESS=no WGETOPTIONS="" # extra options for wget. Used for progress bar. CHECKUPDATE=yes NOTIFY=no CHECKONLY=no SYSTEMDUNIT=plexmediaserver.service FILE_SHA=$(mktemp /tmp/plexupdate.sha.XXXX) FILE_WGETLOG=$(mktemp /tmp/plexupdate.wget.XXXX) SCRIPT_PATH="$(dirname "$0")" ###################################################################### usage() { echo "Usage: $(basename $0) [-acdfFhlpPqsuU] []" echo "" echo "" echo " -a Auto install if download was successful (requires root)" echo " -d Auto delete after auto install" echo " -f Force download/update even if the newest release is already installed" echo " -h This help" echo " -l List available builds and distros" echo " -p Public Plex Media Server version" echo " -P Show progressbar when downloading big files" echo " -r Print download URL and exit" echo " -s Auto start (needed for some distros)" echo " -u Auto update plexupdate.sh before running it (default with installer)" echo " -U Do not autoupdate plexupdate.sh" echo " -v Show additional debug information" echo "" echo " Long Argument Options:" echo " --check-update Check for new version of plex only" echo " --config Configuration file to use" echo " --dldir Download directory to use" echo " --help This help" echo " --notify-success Set exit code 10 if update is available/installed" echo " --port Port for Plex Server. Used with --server" echo " --server Address of Plex Server" echo " --token Manually specify the token to use to download Plex Pass releases" echo "" exit 0 } if ! source "${SCRIPT_PATH}/plexupdate-core"; then echo "ERROR: plexupdate-core can't be found. Please redownload plexupdate and try again." >2 exit 1 fi # Setup an exit handler so we cleanup cleanup() { rm "${FILE_SHA}" "${FILE_WGETLOG}" &> /dev/null } trap cleanup EXIT # Parse commandline ALLARGS=( "$@" ) optstring="-o acCdfFhlpPqrSsuUv -l config:,dldir:,email:,pass:,server:,port:,token:,notify-success,check-update,help" GETOPTRES=$(getopt $optstring -- "$@") if [ $? -eq 1 ]; then exit 1 fi set -- ${GETOPTRES} for i in `seq 1 $#`; do if [ "${!i}" == "--config" ]; then config_index=$((++i)) CONFIGFILE=$(trimQuotes ${!config_index}) break fi done #DEPRECATED SUPPORT: Temporary error checking to notify people of change from .plexupdate to plexupdate.conf # We have to double-check that both files exist before trying to stat them. This is going away soon. if [ -z "${CONFIGFILE}" -a -f ~/.plexupdate -a ! -f /etc/plexupdate.conf ] || \ ([ -f "${CONFIGFILE}" -a -f ~/.plexupdate ] && [ `stat -Lc %i "${CONFIGFILE}"` == `stat -Lc %i ~/.plexupdate` ]); then warn ".plexupdate has been deprecated. Please run ${SCRIPT_PATH}/extras/installer.sh to update your configuration." if [ -t 1 ]; then for i in `seq 1 5`; do echo -n .\ ; sleep 1; done echo . fi CONFIGFILE=~/.plexupdate fi #DEPRECATED END # If a config file was specified, or if /etc/plexupdate.conf exists, we'll use it. Otherwise, just skip it. source "${CONFIGFILE:-"/etc/plexupdate.conf"}" 2>/dev/null while true; do case "$1" in (-h) usage;; (-a) AUTOINSTALL=yes;; (-c) error "CRON option is deprecated, please use cronwrapper (see README.md)"; exit 255;; (-C) error "CRON option is deprecated, please use cronwrapper (see README.md)"; exit 255;; (-d) AUTODELETE=yes;; (-f) FORCE=yes;; (-F) error "FORCEALL/-F option is deprecated, please use FORCE/-f instead"; exit 255;; (-l) LISTOPTS=yes;; (-p) PUBLIC=yes;; (-P) SHOWPROGRESS=yes;; (-q) error "QUIET option is deprecated, please redirect to /dev/null instead"; exit 255;; (-r) PRINT_URL=yes;; (-s) AUTOSTART=yes;; (-u) AUTOUPDATE=yes;; (-U) AUTOUPDATE=no;; (-v) VERBOSE=yes;; (--config) shift;; #gobble up the paramater and silently continue parsing (--dldir) shift; DOWNLOADDIR=$(trimQuotes ${1});; (--email) shift; warn "EMAIL is deprecated. Use TOKEN instead."; EMAIL=$(trimQuotes ${1});; (--pass) shift; warn "PASS is deprecated. Use TOKEN instead."; PASS=$(trimQuotes ${1});; (--server) shift; PLEXSERVER=$(trimQuotes ${1});; (--port) shift; PLEXPORT=$(trimQuotes ${1});; (--token) shift; TOKEN=$(trimQuotes ${1});; (--help) usage;; (--notify-success) NOTIFY=yes;; (--check-update) CHECKONLY=yes;; (--) ;; (-*) error "Unrecognized option $1"; usage; exit 1;; (*) break;; esac shift done # Sanity, make sure wget is in our path... if ! hash wget 2>/dev/null; then error "This script requires wget in the path. It could also signify that you don't have the tool installed." exit 1 fi if [ "${SHOWPROGRESS}" = "yes" ]; then if ! wget --show-progress -V &>/dev/null; then warn "Your wget is too old to support --show-progress, ignoring" else WGETOPTIONS="--show-progress" fi fi if [ "${CRON}" = "yes" ]; then error "CRON has been deprecated, please use cronwrapper (see README.md)" exit 255 fi if [ "${KEEP}" = "yes" ]; then error "KEEP is deprecated and must be removed from config file" exit 255 fi if [ "${FORCEALL}" = "yes" ]; then error "FORCEALL is deprecated, please use FORCE instead" exit 255 fi if [ ! -z "${RELEASE}" ]; then error "RELEASE keyword is deprecated and must be removed from config file" error "Use DISTRO and BUILD instead to manually select what to install (check README.md)" exit 255 fi if [ "${AUTOUPDATE}" = "yes" ]; then if ! hash git 2>/dev/null; then error "You need to have git installed for this to work" exit 1 fi pushd "${SCRIPT_PATH}" >/dev/null if [ ! -d .git ]; then warn "This is not a git repository. Auto-update only works if you've done a git clone" elif ! git diff --quiet; then warn "You have made changes to the plexupdate files, cannot auto update" else if [ -z "${BRANCHNAME}" ]; then BRANCHNAME="$(git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)" elif [ "${BRANCHNAME}" != "$(git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)" ]; then git checkout "${BRANCHNAME}" fi # Force FETCH_HEAD to point to the correct branch (for older versions of git which don't default to current branch) if git fetch origin ${BRANCHNAME} --quiet && ! git diff --quiet FETCH_HEAD; then info "Auto-updating..." # Use an associative array to store permissions. If you're running bash < 4, the declare will fail and we'll # just run in "dumb" mode without trying to restore permissions declare -A FILE_OWNER FILE_PERMS && \ for filename in $PLEXUPDATE_FILES; do FILE_OWNER[$filename]=$(stat -c "%u:%g" "$filename") FILE_PERMS[$filename]=$(stat -c "%a" "$filename") done if ! git merge --quiet FETCH_HEAD; then error 'Unable to update git, try running "git pull" manually to see what is wrong' exit 1 fi if [ ${#FILE_OWNER[@]} -gt 0 ]; then for filename in $PLEXUPDATE_FILES; do chown ${FILE_OWNER[$filename]} $filename &> /dev/null || error "Failed to restore ownership for '$filename' after auto-update" chmod ${FILE_PERMS[$filename]} $filename &> /dev/null || error "Failed to restore permissions for '$filename' after auto-update" done fi # .git permissions don't seem to be affected by running as root even though files inside do, so just reset # the permissions to match the folder chown -R --reference=.git .git info "Update complete" #make sure we're back in the right relative location before testing $0 popd >/dev/null if [ ! -f "$0" ]; then error "Unable to relaunch, couldn't find $0" exit 1 else [ -x "$0" ] || chmod 755 "$0" "$0" ${ALLARGS[@]} exit $? fi fi fi #we may have already returned, so ignore any errors as well popd &>/dev/null fi if [ "${AUTOINSTALL}" = "yes" -o "${AUTOSTART}" = "yes" ] && [ ${EUID} -ne 0 ]; then error "You need to be root to use AUTOINSTALL/AUTOSTART option." exit 1 fi # Remove any ~ or other oddness in the path we're given DOWNLOADDIR_PRE=${DOWNLOADDIR} DOWNLOADDIR="$(eval cd ${DOWNLOADDIR// /\\ } 2>/dev/null && pwd)" if [ ! -d "${DOWNLOADDIR}" ]; then error "Download directory does not exist or is not a directory (tried \"${DOWNLOADDIR_PRE}\")" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${DISTRO_INSTALL}" ]; then if [ -z "${DISTRO}" ]; then # Detect if we're running on redhat instead of ubuntu if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then DISTRO="redhat" if ! hash dnf 2>/dev/null; then DISTRO_INSTALL="${REDHAT_INSTALL/dnf/yum}" else DISTRO_INSTALL="${REDHAT_INSTALL}" fi elif [ -f /etc/synoinfo.conf ]; then DISTRO="synology" DISTRO_INSTALL="synopkg install" else DISTRO="debian" DISTRO_INSTALL="${DEBIAN_INSTALL}" fi fi else if [ -z "${DISTRO}" -o -z "${BUILD}" ]; then error "Using custom DISTRO_INSTALL requires custom DISTRO and BUILD too" exit 255 fi fi if [ "${CHECKUPDATE}" = "yes" -a "${AUTOUPDATE}" = "no" ]; then pushd "${SCRIPT_PATH}" > /dev/null for filename in $PLEXUPDATE_FILES; do [ -f "$filename" ] || error "Update check failed. '$filename' could not be found" REMOTE_SHA=$(getRemoteSHA "$UPSTREAM_GIT_URL/$filename") || error "Update check failed. Unable to fetch '$UPSTREAM_GIT_URL/$filename'." LOCAL_SHA=$(getLocalSHA "$filename") if [ "$REMOTE_SHA" != "$LOCAL_SHA" ]; then info "Newer version of this script is available at https://github.com/${GIT_OWNER:-mrworf}/plexupdate" break fi done popd > /dev/null fi if [ "${PUBLIC}" = "no" ] && ! getPlexToken; then error "Unable to get Plex token, falling back to public release" PUBLIC="yes" fi if [ "$PUBLIC" != "no" ]; then # It's a public version, so change URL URL_DOWNLOAD=${URL_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC} fi if [ "${LISTOPTS}" = "yes" ]; then wgetresults="$(wget "${URL_DOWNLOAD}" -o "${FILE_WGETLOG}" -O -)" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "Unable to retrieve available builds due to a wget error, run with -v for details" [ "$VERBOSE" = "yes" ] && cat "${FILE_WGETLOG}" exit 1 fi opts="$(grep -oe '"label"[^}]*' <<<"${wgetresults}" | grep -v Download | sed 's/"label":"\([^"]*\)","build":"\([^"]*\)","distro":"\([^"]*\)".*/"\3" "\2" "\1"/' | uniq | sort)" eval opts=( "DISTRO" "BUILD" "DESCRIPTION" "======" "=====" "==============================================" $opts ) BUILD= DISTRO= for X in "${opts[@]}" ; do if [ -z "$DISTRO" ]; then DISTRO="$X" elif [ -z "$BUILD" ]; then BUILD="$X" else printf "%-12s %-30s %s\n" "$DISTRO" "$BUILD" "$X" BUILD= DISTRO= fi done exit 0 fi # Extract the URL for our release info "Retrieving list of available distributions" # Set "X-Plex-Token" to the auth token, if no token is specified or it is invalid, the list will return public downloads by default wgetresults="$(wget --header "X-Plex-Token:"${TOKEN}"" "${URL_DOWNLOAD}" -o "${FILE_WGETLOG}" -O -)" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "Unable to retrieve the URL needed for download due to a wget error, run with -v for details" [ "$VERBOSE" = "yes" ] && cat "${FILE_WGETLOG}" exit 1 fi RELEASE=$(grep -ioe '"label"[^}]*' <<<"${wgetresults}" | grep -i "\"distro\":\"${DISTRO}\"" | grep -m1 -i "\"build\":\"${BUILD}\"") DOWNLOAD=$(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -m1 -ioe 'https://[^\"]*') CHECKSUM=$(echo ${RELEASE} | grep -ioe '\"checksum\"\:\"[^\"]*' | sed 's/\"checksum\"\:\"//') verboseOutput RELEASE DOWNLOAD CHECKSUM if [ -z "${DOWNLOAD}" ]; then if [ "$DISTRO" = "ubuntu" -a "$BUILD" = "linux-ubuntu-armv7l" ]; then error "Plex Media Server on Raspbian is not officially supported and script cannot download a working package." else error "Unable to retrieve the URL needed for download (Query DISTRO: $DISTRO, BUILD: $BUILD)" fi if [ ! -z "${RELEASE}" ]; then error "It seems release info is missing a link" error "Please try https://plex.tv and confirm it works there before reporting this issue" fi exit 3 elif [ -z "${CHECKSUM}" ]; then error "Unable to retrieve a checksum for the download. Please try https://plex.tv/downloads before reporting this issue." exit 3 fi FILENAME="$(basename 2>/dev/null ${DOWNLOAD})" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then error "Failed to parse HTML, download cancelled." exit 3 fi echo "${CHECKSUM} ${DOWNLOADDIR}/${FILENAME}" >"${FILE_SHA}" if [ "${PRINT_URL}" = "yes" ]; then info "${DOWNLOAD}" exit 0 fi # By default, try downloading SKIP_DOWNLOAD="no" INSTALLED_VERSION="$(getPlexVersion)" || warn "Unable to detect installed version, first time?" FILE_VERSION="$(parseVersion "${FILENAME}")" verboseOutput INSTALLED_VERSION FILE_VERSION if [ "${DISTRO}" = "redhat" -a "${AUTOINSTALL}" = "yes" -a "${AUTOSTART}" = "no" ]; then warn "Your distribution may require the use of the AUTOSTART [-s] option for the service to start after the upgrade completes." fi if [ "${CHECKONLY}" = "yes" ]; then if [ -n "${INSTALLED_VERSION}" ] && isNewerVersion "$FILE_VERSION" "$INSTALLED_VERSION"; then info "Your OS reports Plex $INSTALLED_VERSION installed, newer version is available (${FILE_VERSION})" exit 7 elif [ -n "${INSTALLED_VERSION}" ]; then info "You are running the latest version of Plex (${INSTALLED_VERSION})" fi exit 0 fi if ! isNewerVersion "$FILE_VERSION" "$INSTALLED_VERSION" && [ "${FORCE}" != "yes" ]; then info "Your OS reports the latest version of Plex ($INSTALLED_VERSION) is already installed. Use -f to force download." exit 0 fi if [ -f "${DOWNLOADDIR}/${FILENAME}" ]; then if sha1sum --status -c "${FILE_SHA}"; then info "File already exists (${FILENAME}), won't download." if [ "${AUTOINSTALL}" != "yes" ]; then exit 0 fi SKIP_DOWNLOAD="yes" else info "File exists but fails checksum. Redownloading." SKIP_DOWNLOAD="no" fi fi if [ "${SKIP_DOWNLOAD}" = "no" ]; then info "Downloading release \"${FILENAME}\"" wget ${WGETOPTIONS} -o "${FILE_WGETLOG}" "${DOWNLOAD}" -O "${DOWNLOADDIR}/${FILENAME}" 2>&1 CODE=$? if [ ${CODE} -ne 0 ]; then error "Download failed with code ${CODE}:" cat "${FILE_WGETLOG}" >&2 exit ${CODE} fi info "File downloaded" fi if ! sha1sum --status -c "${FILE_SHA}"; then error "Downloaded file corrupt. Try again." exit 4 fi if [ -n "${PLEXSERVER}" -a "${AUTOINSTALL}" = "yes" ]; then # Check if server is in-use before continuing (thanks @AltonV, @hakong and @sufr3ak)... if running "${PLEXSERVER}" "${PLEXPORT}"; then error "Server ${PLEXSERVER} is currently being used by one or more users, skipping installation. Please run again later" exit 6 fi fi if [ "${AUTOINSTALL}" = "yes" ]; then if ! hash ldconfig 2>/dev/null && [ "${DISTRO}" != "redhat" ]; then export PATH=$PATH:/sbin fi ${DISTRO_INSTALL} "${DOWNLOADDIR}/${FILENAME}" RET=$? if [ ${RET} -ne 0 ]; then # Clarify why this failed, so user won't be left in the dark error "Failed to install update. Command '${DISTRO_INSTALL} "${DOWNLOADDIR}/${FILENAME}"' returned error code ${RET}" if [ "${DISTRO}" = "synology" -a ${RET} -eq 1 ]; then error "On Synology devices, you need to add Plex's public key to Package Center. If you have not done so, follow the instructions at https://support.plex.tv/articles/205165858-how-to-add-plex-s-package-signing-public-key-to-synology-nas-package-center/" fi exit ${RET} fi fi if [ "${AUTODELETE}" = "yes" ]; then if [ "${AUTOINSTALL}" = "yes" ]; then rm -rf "${DOWNLOADDIR}/${FILENAME}" info "Deleted \"${FILENAME}\"" else info "Will not auto delete without [-a] auto install" fi fi if [ "${AUTOSTART}" = "yes" ]; then if [ "${DISTRO}" != "redhat" -a "${DISTRO}" != "synology" ]; then warn "The AUTOSTART [-s] option may not be needed on your distribution." fi # Check for systemd if hash systemctl 2>/dev/null; then systemctl start "$SYSTEMDUNIT" elif hash service 2>/dev/null; then service plexmediaserver start elif [ -x /etc/init.d/plexmediaserver ]; then /etc/init.d/plexmediaserver start elif [ "${DISTRO}" = "synology" ]; then synopkg start "Plex Media Server" else error "AUTOSTART was specified but no startup scripts were found for 'plexmediaserver'." exit 1 fi fi if [ "${NOTIFY}" = "yes" ]; then # Notify success if we downloaded and possibly installed the update exit 10 fi exit 0