--- published: true title: Just first try without fancy stuff layout: post tags: [ignore, test] --- Git commit from TinyPress editor works well. Letʼs add more meta and change "advanced options." Hmm, changing path made a new post, but Itʼs probably OK. Deletion of the first post works. Anyway, the post seems editable again weee! (Gonna test it more.) Yup, saved, commited, propagated, properly. Now for some formatting exercises. Now the preview does not display anything. But posting works. In the meantime, remarks so far: - colon in site name produces invalid YML, should be in parentheses. - advanced options lacks proper labels, using placeholder is antipattern. - cannot reproduce code leakage (yet) - "Post update" commit message keeps its first value - preview pane definitely should be iframe - markdown help somewhere near the edit erea - this list appeareed well on github with "-__" (double space) bullets, but not on the page, changing to "-_" (single space) - yes, that works. [krmdn] really is not markdown... - [raw] [krmdn]: http://kramdown.gettalong.org/syntax.html "Kramdown" [raw]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/myfonj/myfonj.github.io/master/_posts/2015-10-19-test1.markdown "Source of this page at Github"