# ElixirFormatter Sublime Text 3 plugin for formatting Elixir files on save via `mix format`. 1. Formats the file on save using test env 2. Maintains position in buffer 3. Goes to line on syntax error 4. Considers project configs ## Caveat Emptor This code is a fork from [this gist](https://gist.github.com/Fire-Dragon-DoL/df4d33a6f836fc295451d94991fcbaf5) which, in turn, is a fork from [this unmantained repo](https://github.com/karolsluszniak/elixir-formatter-sublime). It is currently "maintained" by non-python devs. Use with care. ## Installation ### 1. Package Control Look for ElixirFormatter. ### 2. Through git 1. Go to your packages folder (in Sublime: Preferences > Browse Packages...). 2. Clone the repo `git clone https://github.com/myskoach/sublime-elixir-formatter.git` ### 3. Manually Download this repo as an ElixirFormatter folder and save it into your packages (in Sublime: Preferences > Browse Packages...). ## Contributing We need: 1. Tests 2. Some config (specifically, which env to use on `mix format`) PRs welcome.