#!/bin/bash # Semi-automatic installer of macOS on VirtualBox # (c) myspaghetti, licensed under GPL2.0 or higher # url: https://github.com/myspaghetti/macos-guest-virtualbox # version 0.76.2 # Requirements: 40GB available storage on host # Dependencies: bash >= 4.0, unzip, wget, dmg2img, # VirtualBox with Extension Pack >= 6.0 function set_variables() { # Customize the installation by setting these variables: vmname="macOS" # name of the VirtualBox virtual machine storagesize=25000 # VM disk image size in MB. minimum 22000 cpucount=2 # VM CPU cores, minimum 2 memorysize=4096 # VM RAM in MB, minimum 2048 gpuvram=128 # VM video RAM in MB, minimum 34, maximum 128 resolution="1280x800" # VM display resolution # The following commented commands, when run on a genuine Mac, # may provide the values for the parameters required by iCloud, iMessage, # and other connected Apple applications. # Parameters taken from a genuine Mac may result in a "Call customer support" # message if they do not match the genuine Mac exactly. # Non-genuine yet genuine-like parameters usually work. # system_profiler SPHardwareDataType DmiSystemFamily="MacBook Pro" # Model Name DmiSystemProduct="MacBookPro11,2" # Model Identifier DmiSystemSerial="NO_DEVICE_SN" # Serial Number (system) DmiSystemUuid="CAFECAFE-CAFE-CAFE-CAFE-DECAFFDECAFF" # Hardware UUID DmiOEMVBoxVer="string:1" # Apple ROM Info DmiOEMVBoxRev="string:.23456" # Apple ROM Info DmiBIOSVersion="string:MBP7.89" # Boot ROM Version # ioreg -l | grep -m 1 board-id DmiBoardProduct="Mac-3CBD00234E554E41" # nvram 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:MLB | awk '{ print $NF }' DmiBoardSerial="NO_LOGIC_BOARD_SN" MLB="bytes:$(echo -n "${DmiBoardSerial}" | base64)" # nvram 4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14:ROM | awk '{ print $NF }' ROM='%aa*%bbg%cc%dd' # ioreg -l -p IODeviceTree | grep \"system-id SYSTEM_UUID="aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899" # csrutil status SYSTEM_INTEGRITY_PROTECTION='0x10' # '0x10' - enabled, '0x77' - disabled # The if-statement below converts the Mac output into VBox-readable values. # This is only necessary if you want to run connected Apple applications # such as iCloud, iMessage, etc. # Make sure the package xxd is installed, otherwise the conversion will fail. if [ -n "$(echo -n "aabbccddee" | xxd -r -p 2>/dev/null)" ]; then # Apologies for the one-liner below; it convers the mixed-ASCII-and-base16 # ROM value above into an ASCII string that represents a base16 number. ROM_b16="$(for (( i=0; i<${#ROM}; )); do let j=i+1; if [ "${ROM:${i}:1}" == "%" ]; then echo -n "${ROM:${j}:2}"; let i=i+3; else x="$(echo -n "${ROM:${i}:1}" | od -t x1 -An | tr -d ' ')"; echo -n "${x}"; let i=i+1; fi; done)" ROM_b64="$(echo -n "${ROM_b16}" | xxd -r -p | base64)" ROM="bytes:${ROM_b64}" SYSTEM_UUID_b64="$(echo -n "${SYSTEM_UUID}" | xxd -r -p | base64)" SYSTEM_UUID="bytes:${SYSTEM_UUID_b64}" SYSTEM_INTEGRITY_PROTECTION_b64="$(echo -n "${SYSTEM_INTEGRITY_PROTECTION}" | xxd -r -p | base64)" SYSTEM_INTEGRITY_PROTECTION="bytes:${SYSTEM_INTEGRITY_PROTECTION_b64}" else if [ "${ROM}" = '%aa*%bbg%cc%dd' -a "${SYSTEM_UUID}" = "aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899" -a "${SYSTEM_INTEGRITY_PROTECTION}" = '0x10' ]; then # base64 of the example values ROM="bytes:qiq7Z8zd" SYSTEM_UUID="bytes:qrvM3e7/ABEiM0RVZneImQ==" SYSTEM_INTEGRITY_PROTECTION="bytes:EA==" else echo "ROM, UUID, or SIP variables have been assigned non-default values. Applying" echo "these values to the virtual machine requires the package xxd. Please make sure" echo "the package xxd is installed." echo "Exiting." exit fi fi white_on_red="\e[48;2;255;0;0m\e[38;2;255;255;255m" white_on_black="\e[48;2;0;0;9m\e[38;2;255;255;255m" default_color="\033[0m" } # welcome message function welcome() { printf ' Semi-automatic installer of macOS on VirtualBox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This script installs only open-source software and unmodified Apple binaries. The script checks for dependencies and will prompt to install them if unmet. Some stages may fail due to errant keyboard presses; run the script with "'"${white_on_black}${0}"' stages'"${default_color}"'" to see how to run only certain stages. For iCloud and iMessage connectivity, the script needs to be edited with genuine or genuine-like Apple parameters. macOS will work without these parameters, but Apple-connected apps will not. The installation requires about '"${white_on_red}"'40GB'"${default_color}"' of available storage, 25GB for temporary installation files and 15GB for the virtual machine. Deleting the temporary files when prompted reduces the storage requirement by about 10GB. '"${white_on_black}"'Press enter to review the script settings.'"${default_color}" read # custom settings prompt printf ' vmname="'"${vmname}"'" # name of the VirtualBox virtual machine storagesize='"${storagesize}"' # VM disk image size in MB. minimum 22000 cpucount='"${cpucount}"' # VM CPU cores, minimum 2 memorysize='"${memorysize}"' # VM RAM in MB, minimum 2048 gpuvram='"${gpuvram}"' # VM video RAM in MB, minimum 34, maximum 128 resolution="'"${resolution}"'" # VM display resolution These values may be customized by editing them at the top of the script file. '"${white_on_black}"'Press enter to continue, CTRL-C to exit.'"${default_color}" read } # check dependencies function check_bash_version() { # check Bash version if [ -z "${BASH_VERSION}" ]; then echo "Can't determine BASH_VERSION. Exiting." exit elif [ "${BASH_VERSION:0:1}" -lt 4 ]; then echo "Please run this script on BASH 4.0 or higher." exit fi } function check_dependencies() { # check if running on macOS and non-GNU coreutils if [ -n "$(sw_vers 2>/dev/null)" ]; then # Add Homebrew GNU coreutils to PATH if path exists homebrew_gnubin="/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin" if [ -d "${homebrew_gnubin}" ]; then PATH="${homebrew_gnubin}:${PATH}" fi # if csplit isn't GNU variant, exit if [ -z "$(csplit --help 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo "" printf 'macOS detected.\nPlease use a package manager such as '"${white_on_black}"'homebrew'"${default_color}"', '"${white_on_black}"'pkgsrc'"${default_color}"', '"${white_on_black}"'nix'"${default_color}"', or '"${white_on_black}"'MacPorts'"${default_color}"'.\n' echo "Please make sure the following packages are installed and that" echo "their path is in the PATH variable:" printf "${white_on_black}"'bash coreutils wget unzip dmg2img'"${default_color}"'\n' echo "Please make sure bash and coreutils are the GNU variant." exit fi fi # check for unzip, coreutils, wget if [ -z "$(unzip -hh 2>/dev/null)" \ -o -z "$(csplit --help 2>/dev/null)" \ -o -z "$(wget --version 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo "Please make sure the following packages are installed:" echo "coreutils unzip wget" echo "Please make sure coreutils is the GNU variant." exit fi # wget supports --show-progress from version 1.16 if [[ "$(wget --version 2>/dev/null | head -n 1)" =~ 1\.1[6-9]|1\.2[0-9] ]]; then wgetargs="--quiet --continue --show-progress" # pretty else wgetargs="--continue" # ugly fi # VirtualBox in ${PATH} # Cygwin if [ -n "$(cygcheck -V 2>/dev/null)" ]; then if [ -n "$(cmd.exe /d /s /c call VBoxManage.exe -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then function VBoxManage() { cmd.exe /d /s /c call VBoxManage.exe "$@" } else cmd_path_VBoxManage='C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe' echo "Can't find VBoxManage in PATH variable," echo "checking ${cmd_path_VBoxManage}" if [ -n "$(cmd.exe /d /s /c call "${cmd_path_VBoxManage}" -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then function VBoxManage() { cmd.exe /d /s /c call "${cmd_path_VBoxManage}" "$@" } echo "Found VBoxManage" else echo "Please make sure VirtualBox version 6.0 or higher is installed, and that" echo "the path to the VBoxManage.exe executable is in the PATH variable, or assign" echo "in the script the full path including the name of the executable to" printf 'the variable '"${white_on_black}"'cmd_path_VBoxManage'"${default_color}" exit fi fi # Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) elif [[ "$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease 2>/dev/null)" =~ Microsoft ]]; then if [[ ! ( "$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease 2>/dev/null)" =~ 18362-Microsoft ) ]]; then echo "" echo "The script requires Windows 10 version 1903 or higher to run properly on WSL." echo "For lower versions, please run the script on a path on the Windows filesystem," printf 'for example '"${white_on_black}"'/mnt/c/Users/Public/Documents'"${default_color}" echo "" printf "${white_on_black}"'Press enter to continue, CTRL-C to exit.'"${default_color}" read fi if [ -n "$(VBoxManage.exe -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then function VBoxManage() { VBoxManage.exe "$@" } else wsl_path_VBoxManage='/mnt/c/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe' echo "Can't find VBoxManage in PATH variable," echo "checking ${wsl_path_VBoxManage}" if [ -n "$("${wsl_path_VBoxManage}" -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then PATH="${PATH}:${wsl_path_VBoxManage%/*}" function VBoxManage() { VBoxManage.exe "$@" } echo "Found VBoxManage" else echo "Please make sure VirtualBox is installed on Windows, and that the path to the" echo "VBoxManage.exe executable is in the PATH variable, or assigned in the script" printf 'to the variable '"${white_on_black}"'wsl_path_VBoxManage'"${default_color}"' including the name of the executable.' exit fi fi # everything else (not cygwin and not wsl) elif [ -z "$(VBoxManage -v 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo "Please make sure VirtualBox version 6.0 or higher is installed," echo "and that the path to the VBoxManage executable is in the PATH variable." exit fi # VirtualBox version vbox_version="$(VBoxManage -v 2>/dev/null)" if [ -z "${vbox_version}" ]; then echo "Can't determine VirtualBox version. Exiting." exit elif [[ ! ${vbox_version:0:1} == 6 && ! "${vbox_version:0:6}" =~ 5\.2\.1[0-9] && ! "${vbox_version:0:5}" =~ 5\.2\.[2-9] ]]; then echo "Please make sure VirtualBox version 6.0 or higher is installed." exit elif [ "${vbox_version:0:1}" -lt 6 ]; then echo "" printf 'VirtualBox version '"${white_on_black}${vbox_version}${default_color}"' detected. Please see the following\n' echo "URL for issues with the VISO filesystem on VirtualBox 5.2 to 5.2.32:" echo "" echo " https://github.com/myspaghetti/macos-guest-virtualbox/issues/86" echo "" printf "${white_on_black}"'Press enter to continue, CTRL-C to exit.'"${default_color}" read fi # Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack extpacks="$(VBoxManage list extpacks 2>/dev/null)" if [ "$(expr match "${extpacks}" '.*Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack')" -le "0" \ -o "$(expr match "${extpacks}" '.*Usable:[[:blank:]]*false')" -gt "0" ]; then echo "Please make sure Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack is installed, and that" echo "all installed VirtualBox extensions are listed as usable when" echo "running the command \"VBoxManage list extpacks\"" exit fi # dmg2img if [ -z "$(dmg2img -d 2>/dev/null)" ]; then if [ -z "$(cygcheck -V 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo "Please install the package dmg2img." exit elif [ -z "$(${PWD}/dmg2img -d 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo "Locally installing dmg2img" wget "http://vu1tur.eu.org/tools/dmg2img-1.6.6-win32.zip" \ ${wgetargs} \ --output-document="dmg2img-1.6.6-win32.zip" if [ ! -s dmg2img-1.6.6-win32.zip ]; then echo "Error downloading dmg2img. Please provide the package manually." exit fi unzip -oj "dmg2img-1.6.6-win32.zip" "dmg2img.exe" rm "dmg2img-1.6.6-win32.zip" chmod +x "dmg2img.exe" fi fi # prompt for macOS version HighSierra_sucatalog='https://swscan.apple.com/content/catalogs/others/index-10.13-10.12-10.11-10.10-10.9-mountainlion-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog' Mojave_sucatalog='https://swscan.apple.com/content/catalogs/others/index-10.14-10.13-10.12-10.11-10.10-10.9-mountainlion-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog' Catalina_sucatalog='https://swscan.apple.com/content/catalogs/others/index-10.15-10.14-10.13-10.12-10.11-10.10-10.9-mountainlion-lion-snowleopard-leopard.merged-1.sucatalog' printf "${white_on_black}"' Press a key to select the macOS version to install on the virtual machine:'"${default_color}"' [H]igh Sierra (10.13) [M]ojave (10.14) [C]atalina (10.15) ' read -n 1 -p " [H/M/C] " macOS_release_name 2>/dev/tty echo "" if [ "${macOS_release_name^^}" == "H" ]; then macOS_release_name="HighSierra" CFBundleShortVersionString="10.13" sucatalog="${HighSierra_sucatalog}" elif [ "${macOS_release_name^^}" == "M" ]; then macOS_release_name="Mojave" CFBundleShortVersionString="10.14" sucatalog="${Mojave_sucatalog}" else macOS_release_name="Catalina" CFBundleShortVersionString="10.15" sucatalog="${Catalina_sucatalog}" fi echo "${macOS_release_name} selected" } # Done with dependencies function prompt_delete_existing_vm() { if [ -n "$(VBoxManage showvminfo "${vmname}" 2>/dev/null)" ]; then printf '\n"'"${vmname}"'" virtual machine already exists. '"${white_on_red}"'Delete existing virtual machine "'"${vmname}"'"?'"${default_color}" delete="" read -n 1 -p " [y/n] " delete 2>/dev/tty echo "" if [ "${delete,,}" == "y" ]; then VBoxManage unregistervm "${vmname}" --delete else printf ' '"${white_on_black}"'Please assign a different VM name to variable "vmname" by editing the script,'"${default_color}"' or skip this check manually as described when running the following command: '"${0}"' stages\n' exit fi fi } # Attempt to create new virtual machine named "${vmname}" function create_vm() { if [ -n "$(VBoxManage createvm --name "${vmname}" --ostype "MacOS1013_64" --register 2>&1 1>/dev/null)" ]; then printf '\nError: Could not create virtual machine "'"${vmname}"'". '"${white_on_black}"'Please delete exising "'"${vmname}"'" VirtualBox configuration files '"${white_on_red}"'manually'"${default_color}"'. Error message: ' VBoxManage createvm --name "${vmname}" --ostype "MacOS1013_64" --register 2>/dev/tty exit fi } function prepare_macos_installation_files() { # Find the correct download URL in the Apple catalog echo "" echo "Downloading Apple macOS ${macOS_release_name} software update catalog" wget "${sucatalog}" \ ${wgetargs} \ --output-document="${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog" # if file was not downloaded correctly if [ ! -s "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog" ]; then wget --debug -O /dev/null -o "${macOS_release_name}_wget.log" "${sucatalog}" echo "" echo "Couldn't download the Apple software update catalog." if [ "$(expr match "$(cat "${macOS_release_name}_wget.log")" '.*ERROR[[:print:]]*is not trusted')" -gt "0" ]; then printf ' Make sure certificates from a certificate authority are installed. Certificates are often installed through the package manager with a package named '"${white_on_black}"'ca-certificates'"${default_color}" fi echo "Exiting." exit fi echo "Trying to find macOS ${macOS_release_name} InstallAssistant download URL" tac "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog" | csplit - '/InstallAssistantAuto.smd/+1' '{*}' -f "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog_" -s for catalog in "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog_"* "error"; do if [[ "${catalog}" == error ]]; then rm "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog"* printf "Couldn't find the requested download URL in the Apple catalog. Exiting." exit fi urlbase="$(tail -n 1 "${catalog}" 2>/dev/null)" urlbase="$(expr match "${urlbase}" '.*\(http://[^<]*/\)')" wget "${urlbase}InstallAssistantAuto.smd" \ ${wgetargs} \ --output-document="${catalog}_InstallAssistantAuto.smd" found_version="$(head -n 6 "${catalog}_InstallAssistantAuto.smd" | tail -n 1)" if [[ "${found_version}" == *${CFBundleShortVersionString}* ]]; then echo "Found download URL: ${urlbase}" echo "" rm "${macOS_release_name}_sucatalog"* break fi done echo "Downloading macOS installation files from swcdn.apple.com" for filename in "BaseSystem.chunklist" \ "InstallInfo.plist" \ "AppleDiagnostics.dmg" \ "AppleDiagnostics.chunklist" \ "BaseSystem.dmg" \ "InstallESDDmg.pkg"; \ do wget "${urlbase}${filename}" \ ${wgetargs} \ --output-document "${macOS_release_name}_${filename}" done echo "" echo "Downloading open-source APFS EFI drivers" wget 'https://github.com/acidanthera/AppleSupportPkg/releases/download/2.0.4/AppleSupport-v2.0.4-RELEASE.zip' \ ${wgetargs} \ --output-document 'AppleSupport-v2.0.4-RELEASE.zip' unzip -oj 'AppleSupport-v2.0.4-RELEASE.zip' echo "" echo "Creating EFI startup script" echo 'echo -off load fs0:\EFI\driver\AppleImageLoader.efi load fs0:\EFI\driver\AppleUiSupport.efi load fs0:\EFI\driver\ApfsDriverLoader.efi map -r for %a run (1 5) if exist "fs%a:\macOS Install Data\Locked Files\Boot Files\boot.efi" then "fs%a:\macOS Install Data\Locked Files\Boot Files\boot.efi" endif endfor for %a run (1 5) if exist "fs%a:\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi" then "fs%a:\System\Library\CoreServices\boot.efi" endif endfor' > "startup.nsh" } function create_macos_installation_files_viso() { echo "Creating VirtualBox 6 virtual ISO containing the" echo "installation files from swcdn.apple.com" echo "" echo "Splitting the several-GB InstallESDDmg.pkg into 1GB parts because" echo "VirtualBox hasn't implemented UDF/HFS VISO support yet and macOS" echo "doesn't support ISO 9660 Level 3 with files larger than 2GB." split -a 2 -d -b 1000000000 "${macOS_release_name}_InstallESDDmg.pkg" "${macOS_release_name}_InstallESD.part" echo "--iprt-iso-maker-file-marker-bourne-sh 57c0ec7d-2112-4c24-a93f-32e6f08702b9 --volume-id=${macOS_release_name:0:5}-files /AppleDiagnostics.chunklist=${macOS_release_name}_AppleDiagnostics.chunklist /AppleDiagnostics.dmg=${macOS_release_name}_AppleDiagnostics.dmg /BaseSystem.chunklist=${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.chunklist /BaseSystem.dmg=${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.dmg /InstallInfo.plist=${macOS_release_name}_InstallInfo.plist /ApfsDriverLoader.efi=ApfsDriverLoader.efi /AppleImageLoader.efi=AppleImageLoader.efi /AppleUiSupport.efi=AppleUiSupport.efi /startup.nsh=startup.nsh" > "${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso" for part in "${macOS_release_name}_InstallESD.part"*; do echo "/InstallESD${part##*InstallESD}=${part}" >> "${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso" done } # Create the macOS base system virtual disk image: function create_basesystem_vdi() { if [ -s "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.vdi" ]; then echo "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.vdi bootstrap virtual disk image ready." elif [ ! -s "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.dmg" ]; then echo "" echo "Could not find ${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.dmg; exiting." exit else echo "Converting to BaseSystem.dmg to BaseSystem.img" if [ -n "$("${PWD}/dmg2img.exe" -d 2>/dev/null)" ]; then "${PWD}/dmg2img.exe" "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.dmg" "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.img" else dmg2img "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.dmg" "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.img" fi VBoxManage convertfromraw --format VDI "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.img" "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.vdi" if [ -s "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.vdi" ]; then rm "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.img" 2>/dev/null fi fi } # Create the target virtual disk image: function create_target_vdi() { if [ -w "${vmname}.vdi" ]; then echo "${vmname}.vdi target system virtual disk image ready." elif [ "${storagesize}" -lt 22000 ]; then echo "Attempting to install macOS on a disk smaller than 22000MB will fail." echo "Please assign a larger virtual disk image size. Exiting." exit else echo "Creating ${vmname} target system virtual disk image." VBoxManage createmedium --size="${storagesize}" \ --filename "${vmname}.vdi" \ --variant standard 2>/dev/tty fi } # Create the installation media virtual disk image: function create_install_vdi() { if [ -w "Install ${macOS_release_name}.vdi" ]; then echo "Installation media virtual disk image ready." else echo "Creating ${macOS_release_name} installation media virtual disk image." VBoxManage createmedium --size=12000 \ --filename "Install ${macOS_release_name}.vdi" \ --variant standard 2>/dev/tty fi } # Attach virtual disk images of the base system, installation, and target # to the virtual machine function attach_initial_storage() { VBoxManage storagectl "${vmname}" --add sata --name SATA --hostiocache on VBoxManage storageattach "${vmname}" --storagectl SATA --port 0 \ --type hdd --nonrotational on --medium "${vmname}.vdi" VBoxManage storageattach "${vmname}" --storagectl SATA --port 1 \ --type hdd --nonrotational on --medium "Install ${macOS_release_name}.vdi" VBoxManage storageattach "${vmname}" --storagectl SATA --port 2 \ --type hdd --nonrotational on --medium "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.vdi" VBoxManage storageattach "${vmname}" --storagectl SATA --port 3 \ --type dvddrive --medium "${macOS_release_name}_installation_files.viso" } function configure_vm() { VBoxManage modifyvm "${vmname}" --cpus "${cpucount}" --memory "${memorysize}" \ --vram "${gpuvram}" --pae on --boot1 dvd --boot2 disk --boot3 none \ --boot4 none --firmware efi --rtcuseutc on --usbxhci on --chipset ich9 \ --mouse usbtablet --keyboard usb --audiocontroller hda --audiocodec stac9221 VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemFamily" "${DmiSystemFamily}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemProduct" "${DmiSystemProduct}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemSerial" "${DmiSystemSerial}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemUuid" "${DmiSystemUuid}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiOEMVBoxVer" "${DmiOEMVBoxVer}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiOEMVBoxRev" "${DmiOEMVBoxRev}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBIOSVersion" "${DmiBIOSVersion}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardProduct" "${DmiBoardProduct}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiBoardSerial" "${DmiBoardSerial}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0000/Uuid" "4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0000/Name" "MLB" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0000/Value" "${MLB}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0001/Uuid" "4D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0001/Name" "ROM" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0001/Value" "${ROM}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0002/Uuid" "7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0002/Name" "system-id" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0002/Value" "${SYSTEM_UUID}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0003/Uuid" "7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0003/Name" "csr-active-config" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/LUN#0/Config/Vars/0003/Value" "${SYSTEM_INTEGRITY_PROTECTION}" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVendor" "Apple Inc." VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/efi/0/Config/DmiSystemVersion" "1.0" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/DeviceKey" \ "ourhardworkbythesewordsguardedpleasedontsteal(c)AppleComputerInc" VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal/Devices/smc/0/Config/GetKeyFromRealSMC" 0 VBoxManage setextradata "${vmname}" \ "VBoxInternal2/EfiGraphicsResolution" "${resolution}" } # QWERTY-to-scancode dictionary. Hex scancodes, keydown and keyup event. # Virtualbox Mac scancodes found here: # https://wiki.osdev.org/PS/2_Keyboard#Scan_Code_Set_1 # First half of hex code - press, second half - release, unless otherwise specified declare -A ksc=( ["ESC"]="01 81" ["1"]="02 82" ["2"]="03 83" ["3"]="04 84" ["4"]="05 85" ["5"]="06 86" ["6"]="07 87" ["7"]="08 88" ["8"]="09 89" ["9"]="0A 8A" ["0"]="0B 8B" ["-"]="0C 8C" ["="]="0D 8D" ["BKSP"]="0E 8E" ["TAB"]="0F 8F" ["q"]="10 90" ["w"]="11 91" ["e"]="12 92" ["r"]="13 93" ["t"]="14 94" ["y"]="15 95" ["u"]="16 96" ["i"]="17 97" ["o"]="18 98" ["p"]="19 99" ["["]="1A 9A" ["]"]="1B 9B" ["ENTER"]="1C 9C" ["CTRLprs"]="1D" ["CTRLrls"]="9D" ["a"]="1E 9E" ["s"]="1F 9F" ["d"]="20 A0" ["f"]="21 A1" ["g"]="22 A2" ["h"]="23 A3" ["j"]="24 A4" ["k"]="25 A5" ["l"]="26 A6" [";"]="27 A7" ["'"]="28 A8" ['`']="29 A9" ["LSHIFTprs"]="2A" ["LSHIFTrls"]="AA" ['\']="2B AB" ["z"]="2C AC" ["x"]="2D AD" ["c"]="2E AE" ["v"]="2F AF" ["b"]="30 B0" ["n"]="31 B1" ["m"]="32 B2" [","]="33 B3" ["."]="34 B4" ["/"]="35 B5" ["RSHIFTprs"]="36" ["RSHIFTrls"]="B6" ["ALTprs"]="38" ["ALTrls"]="B8" ["LALT"]="38 B8" ["SPACE"]="39 B9" [" "]="39 B9" ["CAPS"]="3A BA" ["CAPSLOCK"]="3A BA" ["F1"]="3B BB" ["F2"]="3C BC" ["F3"]="3D BD" ["F4"]="3E BE" ["F5"]="3F BF" ["F6"]="40 C0" ["F7"]="41 C1" ["F8"]="42 C2" ["F9"]="43 C3" ["F10"]="44 C4" ["UP"]="E0 48 E0 C8" ["RIGHT"]="E0 4D E0 CD" ["LEFT"]="E0 4B E0 CB" ["DOWN"]="E0 50 E0 D0" ["HOME"]="E0 47 E0 C7" ["END"]="E0 4F E0 CF" ["PGUP"]="E0 49 E0 C9" ["PGDN"]="E0 51 E0 D1" ["CMDprs"]="E0 5C" ["CMDrls"]="E0 DC" # all codes below start with LSHIFTprs as commented in first item: ["!"]="2A 02 82 AA" # LSHIFTprs 1prs 1rls LSHIFTrls ["@"]="2A 03 83 AA" ["#"]="2A 04 84 AA" ["$"]="2A 05 85 AA" ["%"]="2A 06 86 AA" ["^"]="2A 07 87 AA" ["&"]="2A 08 88 AA" ["*"]="2A 09 89 AA" ["("]="2A 0A 8A AA" [")"]="2A 0B 8B AA" ["_"]="2A 0C 8C AA" ["+"]="2A 0D 8D AA" ["Q"]="2A 10 90 AA" ["W"]="2A 11 91 AA" ["E"]="2A 12 92 AA" ["R"]="2A 13 93 AA" ["T"]="2A 14 94 AA" ["Y"]="2A 15 95 AA" ["U"]="2A 16 96 AA" ["I"]="2A 17 97 AA" ["O"]="2A 18 98 AA" ["P"]="2A 19 99 AA" ["{"]="2A 1A 9A AA" ["}"]="2A 1B 9B AA" ["A"]="2A 1E 9E AA" ["S"]="2A 1F 9F AA" ["D"]="2A 20 A0 AA" ["F"]="2A 21 A1 AA" ["G"]="2A 22 A2 AA" ["H"]="2A 23 A3 AA" ["J"]="2A 24 A4 AA" ["K"]="2A 25 A5 AA" ["L"]="2A 26 A6 AA" [":"]="2A 27 A7 AA" ['"']="2A 28 A8 AA" ["~"]="2A 29 A9 AA" ["|"]="2A 2B AB AA" ["Z"]="2A 2C AC AA" ["X"]="2A 2D AD AA" ["C"]="2A 2E AE AA" ["V"]="2A 2F AF AA" ["B"]="2A 30 B0 AA" ["N"]="2A 31 B1 AA" ["M"]="2A 32 B2 AA" ["<"]="2A 33 B3 AA" [">"]="2A 34 B4 AA" ["?"]="2A 35 B5 AA" ) # hacky way to clear input buffer before sending scancodes function clear_input_buffer() { while read -d '' -r -t 0; do read -d '' -t 0.1 -n 10000; break; done } # read variable kbstring and convert string to scancodes and send to guest vm function send_keys() { scancode=$(for (( i=0; i < ${#kbstring}; i++ )); do c[i]=${kbstring:i:1}; echo -n ${ksc[${c[i]}]}" "; done) scancode="${scancode} ${ksc['ENTER']}" clear_input_buffer VBoxManage controlvm "${vmname}" keyboardputscancode ${scancode} } # read variable kbspecial and send keystrokes by name, # for example "CTRLprs c CTRLrls", and send to guest vm function send_special() { scancode="" for keypress in ${kbspecial}; do scancode="${scancode}${ksc[${keypress}]}"" " done clear_input_buffer VBoxManage controlvm "${vmname}" keyboardputscancode ${scancode} } function send_enter() { kbspecial="ENTER" send_special } function prompt_lang_utils() { printf "${white_on_black}"' Press enter when the Language window is ready.'"${default_color}" read -p "" send_enter printf "${white_on_black}"' Press enter when the macOS Utilities window is ready.'"${default_color}" read -p "" kbspecial='CTRLprs F2 CTRLrls u ENTER t ENTER' send_special } function prompt_terminal_ready() { printf "${white_on_black}"' Press enter when the Terminal command prompt is ready.'"${default_color}" read -p "" } # Start the virtual machine. This should take a couple of minutes. function populate_virtual_disks() { echo "Starting virtual machine ${vmname}. This should take a couple of minutes." VBoxManage startvm "${vmname}" 2>/dev/null prompt_lang_utils prompt_terminal_ready echo "" echo "Partitioning target virtual disk." # get "physical" disks from largest to smallest kbstring='disks="$(diskutil list | grep -o "[0-9][^ ]* GB *disk[012]$" | sort -gr | grep -o disk[012])"; disks=(${disks[@]})' send_keys prompt_terminal_ready # partition largest disk as APFS kbstring='diskutil partitionDisk "/dev/${disks[0]}" 1 GPT APFS "'"${vmname}"'" R' send_keys prompt_terminal_ready echo "" echo "Partitioning installer virtual disk." # partition second-largest disk as JHFS+ kbstring='diskutil partitionDisk "/dev/${disks[1]}" 1 GPT JHFS+ "Install" R' send_keys prompt_terminal_ready echo "" echo "Loading base system onto installer virtual disk" # Create secondary base system and shut down the virtual machine kbstring='asr restore --source "/Volumes/'"${macOS_release_name:0:5}-files"'/BaseSystem.dmg" --target /Volumes/Install --erase --noprompt' send_keys prompt_terminal_ready kbstring='shutdown -h now' send_keys printf "${white_on_black}"' Shutting down the virtual machine. Press enter when the virtual machine shutdown is complete.'"${default_color}" read -p "" echo "" echo "Detaching initial base system and starting virtual machine." # Detach the original 2GB BaseSystem.vdi VBoxManage storageattach "${vmname}" --storagectl SATA --port 2 --medium none } function prepare_the_installer_app() { #Boot from "Install.vdi" that contains the 2GB BaseSystem and 10GB free space echo "The VM will boot from the new base system on the installer virtual disk." VBoxManage startvm "${vmname}" 2>/dev/null prompt_lang_utils prompt_terminal_ready echo "" echo "Moving installation files to installer virtual disk." echo "The virtual machine may report that disk space is critically low; this is fine." kbstring='app_path="$(ls -d /Install*.app)" && mount -rw / && install_path="${app_path}/Contents/SharedSupport/" && mkdir -p "${install_path}" && cd "/Volumes/'"${macOS_release_name:0:5}-files/"'" && cp *.chunklist *.plist *.dmg "${install_path}" && cat InstallESD.part* > "${install_path}/InstallESD.dmg"' send_keys # update InstallInfo.plist prompt_terminal_ready kbstring='sed -i.bak -e "s/InstallESDDmg\.pkg/InstallESD.dmg/" -e "s/pkg\.InstallESDDmg/dmg.InstallESD/" "${install_path}InstallInfo.plist" && sed -i.bak2 -e "/InstallESD\.dmg/{n;N;N;N;d;}" "${install_path}InstallInfo.plist"' send_keys # reboot, because the installer does not work when the partition is remounted prompt_terminal_ready kbstring='shutdown -h now' send_keys printf "${white_on_black}"' Shutting down virtual machine. Press enter when the virtual machine shutdown is complete.'"${default_color}" read -p "" } function start_the_installer_app() { VBoxManage startvm "${vmname}" 2>/dev/null prompt_lang_utils prompt_terminal_ready # Start the installer. kbstring='app_path="$(ls -d /Install*.app)" && cd "/${app_path}/Contents/Resources/"; ./startosinstall --agreetolicense --volume "/Volumes/'"${vmname}"'"' send_keys echo "" echo "Installer started." echo "When the installer finishes preparing, the virtual machine will reboot" echo "into the base system again, not the installer." } function place_efi_apfs_drivers { printf "${white_on_black}"' After the VM boots, press enter when either the Language window'"${default_color}"' '"${white_on_black}"'or Utilities window is ready.'"${default_color}" read -p "" send_enter printf "${white_on_black}"' Press enter when the macOS Utilities window is ready.'"${default_color}" read -p "" kbspecial='CTRLprs F2 CTRLrls u ENTER t ENTER' send_special prompt_terminal_ready # find largest drive kbstring='disks="$(diskutil list | grep -o "[0-9][^ ]* GB *disk[012]$" | sort -gr | grep -o disk[012])"; disks=(${disks[@]})' send_keys prompt_terminal_ready echo "" echo "Copying open-source APFS drivers to EFI partition" # move drivers into path on EFI partition kbstring='mkdir -p "/Volumes/'"${vmname}"'/mount_efi" && mount_msdos /dev/${disks[0]}s1 "/Volumes/'"${vmname}"'/mount_efi" && mkdir -p "/Volumes/'"${vmname}"'/mount_efi/EFI/driver/" && cp "/Volumes/'"${macOS_release_name:0:5}-files"'/"*.efi "/Volumes/'"${vmname}"'/mount_efi/EFI/driver/"' send_keys prompt_terminal_ready # place startup.nsh EFI script echo "" echo "Placing EFI startup script that searches for boot.efi on the EFI partition" kbstring='cp "/Volumes/'"${macOS_release_name:0:5}-files"'/startup.nsh" "/Volumes/'"${vmname}"'/mount_efi/startup.nsh"' send_keys } function detach_installer_vdi_and_viso() { # Shut down the virtual machine printf "${white_on_black}"' Press enter when the terminal is ready.'"${default_color}" read -p "" kbstring='shutdown -h now' send_keys echo "" echo "Shutting down virtual machine." printf "${white_on_black}"' Press enter when the virtual machine shutdown is complete.'"${default_color}" read -p "" # detach installer from virtual machine VBoxManage storageattach "${vmname}" --storagectl SATA --port 1 --medium none VBoxManage storageattach "${vmname}" --storagectl SATA --port 3 --medium none } function boot_macos_and_clean_up() { echo "The VM will boot from the target virtual disk image." VBoxManage startvm "${vmname}" echo "" echo "macOS will now install and start up." echo "" # temporary files cleanup VBoxManage closemedium "${macOS_release_name}_BaseSystem.vdi" 2>/dev/null VBoxManage closemedium "Install ${macOS_release_name}.vdi" 2>/dev/null printf 'Temporary files are safe to delete. '"${white_on_red}"'Delete temporary files?'"${default_color}" delete="" read -n 1 -p " [y/n] " delete 2>/dev/tty echo "" if [ "${delete,,}" == "y" ]; then rm "${macOS_release_name}_"* \ "Install ${macOS_release_name}.vdi" \ "ApfsDriverLoader.efi" "AppleImageLoader.efi" \ "AppleSupport-v2.0.4-RELEASE.zip" "AppleUiSupport.efi" \ "startup.nsh" rm "dmg2img.exe" 2>/dev/null fi printf 'macOS installation should complete in a few minutes. After the installation is complete, the virtual disk image may be increased through VirtualBox, and then the macOS system APFS container size may be increased. Inside the virtual machine run "sudo diskutil repairDisk disk0" and then from Disk Utility delete the "Free space" partition, allowing the macOS system APFS container to take up the available space. That'\''s it. Enjoy your virtual machine. ' } function stages() { printf '\nUSAGE: '"${white_on_black}${0}"' [STAGE]...'"${default_color}"' The script is divided into stages that run as separate functions. Add one or more stage titles to the command line to run the corresponding function. If the first argument is "stages" all others are ignored. Some examples: "'"${0}"' populate_virtual_disks prepare_the_installer_app" These stages might be useful by themselves if the VDI files and the VM are already initialized. "'"${0}"' configure_vm" This stage might be useful after copying an existing VM VDI to a different VirtualBox installation and having the script automatically configure the VM. Dependency-checking and variable-setting is always performed first, whether or not these stages are specified. Available stage titles: check_bash_version set_variables welcome check_dependencies prompt_delete_existing_vm create_vm prepare_macos_installation_files create_macos_installation_files_viso create_basesystem_vdi create_target_vdi create_install_vdi attach_initial_storage configure_vm populate_virtual_disks prepare_the_installer_app start_the_installer_app place_efi_apfs_drivers detach_installer_vdi_and_viso boot_macos_and_clean_up ' } if [ -z "${1}" ]; then check_bash_version set_variables welcome check_dependencies prompt_delete_existing_vm create_vm prepare_macos_installation_files create_macos_installation_files_viso create_basesystem_vdi create_target_vdi create_install_vdi attach_initial_storage configure_vm populate_virtual_disks prepare_the_installer_app start_the_installer_app place_efi_apfs_drivers detach_installer_vdi_and_viso boot_macos_and_clean_up else if [ "${1}" != "stages" ]; then check_bash_version set_variables check_dependencies for argument in "$@"; do ${argument}; done else stages fi fi