# Copyright 2017, 2019, Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at http://oss.oracle.com/licenses/upl. # # This is an example of how to define a Domain resource. Please read through the comments which explain # what updates are needed. # apiVersion: "weblogic.oracle/v2" kind: Domain metadata: # Update this with the `domainUID` of your domain: name: sample-domain1 # Update this with the namespace your domain will run in: namespace: sample-domain1-ns labels: weblogic.resourceVersion: domain-v2 # Update this with the `domainUID` of your domain: weblogic.domainUID: sample-domain1 spec: # This parameter provides the location of the WebLogic Domain Home (from the container's point of view). # Note that this might be in the image itself or in a mounted volume or network storage. domainHome: /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/sample-domain1 # If the domain home is inside the Docker image, set this to `true`, otherwise set `false`: domainHomeInImage: true # Update this with the name of the Docker image that will be used to run your domain: #image: "YOUR_OCI_REGION_CODE.ocir.io/YOUR_TENANCY_NAME/weblogic-operator-tutorial:latest" #image: "fra.ocir.io/johnpsmith/weblogic-operator-tutorial:latest" image: "iad.ocir.io/weblogick8s/weblogic-operator-tutorial-store:1.0" # imagePullPolicy defaults to "Always" if image version is :latest imagePullPolicy: "Always" # If credentials are needed to pull the image, uncomment this section and identify which # Secret contains the credentials for pulling an image: #imagePullSecrets: #- name: ocirsecret # Identify which Secret contains the WebLogic Admin credentials (note that there is an example of # how to create that Secret at the end of this file) webLogicCredentialsSecret: # Update this with the name of the secret containing your WebLogic server boot credentials: name: sample-domain1-weblogic-credentials # If you want to include the server out file into the pod's stdout, set this to `true`: includeServerOutInPodLog: true # If you want to use a mounted volume as the log home, i.e. to persist logs outside the container, then # uncomment this and set it to `true`: # logHomeEnabled: false # The in-pod name of the directory to store the domain, node manager, server logs, and server .out # files in. # If not specified or empty, domain log file, server logs, server out, and node manager log files # will be stored in the default logHome location of /shared/logs//. # logHome: /shared/logs/domain1 # serverStartPolicy legal values are "NEVER", "IF_NEEDED", or "ADMIN_ONLY" # This determines which WebLogic Servers the Operator will start up when it discovers this Domain # - "NEVER" will not start any server in the domain # - "ADMIN_ONLY" will start up only the administration server (no managed servers will be started) # - "IF_NEEDED" will start all non-clustered servers, including the administration server and clustered servers up to the replica count serverStartPolicy: "IF_NEEDED" # restartVersion: "applicationV2" serverPod: # an (optional) list of environment variable to be set on the servers env: - name: JAVA_OPTIONS value: "-Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false" - name: USER_MEM_ARGS value: "-Xms64m -Xmx256m " # nodeSelector: # licensed-for-weblogic: true # If you are storing your domain on a persistent volume (as opposed to inside the Docker image), # then uncomment this section and provide the PVC details and mount path here (standard images # from Oracle assume the mount path is `/shared`): # volumes: # - name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume # persistentVolumeClaim: # claimName: domain1-weblogic-sample-pvc # volumeMounts: # - mountPath: /shared # name: weblogic-domain-storage-volume # adminServer is used to configure the desired behavior for starting the administration server. adminServer: # serverStartState legal values are "RUNNING" or "ADMIN" # "RUNNING" means the listed server will be started up to "RUNNING" mode # "ADMIN" means the listed server will be start up to "ADMIN" mode serverStartState: "RUNNING" adminService: channels: # Update this to set the NodePort to use for the Admin Server's default channel (where the # admin console will be available): - channelName: default nodePort: 30701 # Uncomment to export the T3Channel as a service #- channelName: T3Channel # serverPod: # nodeSelector: # wlservers2: true # managedServers: # - serverName: managed-server1 # serverPod: # nodeSelector: # wlservers1: true # - serverName: managed-server2 # serverPod: # nodeSelector: # wlservers1: true # - serverName: managed-server3 # serverPod: # nodeSelector: # wlservers2: true # clusters is used to configure the desired behavior for starting member servers of a cluster. # If you use this entry, then the rules will be applied to ALL servers that are members of the named clusters. clusters: - clusterName: cluster-1 serverStartState: "RUNNING" replicas: 2 # The number of managed servers to start for any unlisted clusters # replicas: 1 # # configOverrides: jdbccm # configOverrideSecrets: [dbsecret]