// Line count breakdown: // - Definitions: 137 // - Helper functions: 45 // - Painting: 99 // - Core UI logic: 234 // - Layout panels: 107 // - Buttons and labels: 64 // - Platform layer: 283 // - Miscellaneous: 31 // Total: 1000 #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 #define Rectangle W32Rectangle #include #undef Rectangle #endif #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX #define Window X11Window #include #include #include #include #undef Window #endif ///////////////////////////////////////// // Definitions. ///////////////////////////////////////// #define UPDATE_HOVERED (1) #define UPDATE_PRESSED (2) typedef enum Message { MSG_PAINT, // dp = pointer to Painter MSG_LAYOUT, MSG_DESTROY, MSG_UPDATE, // di = UPDATE_... constant MSG_GET_WIDTH, // di = height (if known); return width MSG_GET_HEIGHT, // di = width (if known); return height MSG_LEFT_DOWN, MSG_LEFT_UP, MSG_MIDDLE_DOWN, MSG_MIDDLE_UP, MSG_RIGHT_DOWN, MSG_RIGHT_UP, MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, MSG_MOUSE_DRAG, MSG_CLICKED, MSG_BUTTON_GET_COLOR, MSG_USER, } Message; typedef struct Rectangle { int l, r, t, b; } Rectangle; typedef struct Painter { Rectangle clip; uint32_t *bits; int width, height; } Painter; struct Element; typedef int (*MessageHandler)(struct Element *element, Message message, int di, void *dp); typedef struct Element { #define ELEMENT_V_FILL (1 << 16) #define ELEMENT_H_FILL (1 << 17) #define ELEMENT_DESTROY (1 << 30) #define ELEMENT_DESTROY_DESCENDENT (1 << 31) uint32_t flags; // First 16 bits are element specific. uint32_t childCount; Rectangle bounds, clip; struct Element *parent; struct Element **children; struct Window *window; void *cp; // Context pointer (for user). MessageHandler messageClass, messageUser; } Element; typedef struct Button { Element e; char *text; size_t textBytes; } Button; typedef struct Label { #define LABEL_CENTER (1 << 0) Element e; char *text; size_t textBytes; } Label; typedef struct Panel { #define PANEL_HORIZONTAL (1 << 0) #define PANEL_GRAY (1 << 1) #define PANEL_WHITE (1 << 2) Element e; Rectangle border; int gap; } Panel; typedef struct Window { Element e; uint32_t *bits; int width, height; Element *hovered, *pressed; int pressedButton; int cursorX, cursorY; Rectangle updateRegion; #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 HWND hwnd; bool trackingLeave; #endif #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX X11Window window; XImage *image; #endif } Window; typedef struct GlobalState { Window **windows; size_t windowCount; #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX Display *display; Visual *visual; Atom windowClosedID; #endif } GlobalState; void Initialise(); int MessageLoop(); Element *ElementCreate(size_t bytes, Element *parent, uint32_t flags, MessageHandler messageClass); void ElementRepaint(Element *element, Rectangle *region); void ElementMove(Element *element, Rectangle bounds, bool alwaysLayout); int ElementMessage(Element *element, Message message, int di, void *dp); Element *ElementFindByPoint(Element *element, int x, int y); Window *WindowCreate(const char *cTitle, int width, int height); Button *ButtonCreate(Element *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes); Panel *PanelCreate(Element *parent, uint32_t flags); Label *LabelCreate(Element *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *label, ptrdiff_t labelBytes); void LabelSetContent(Label *code, const char *content, ptrdiff_t byteCount); Rectangle RectangleMake(int l, int r, int t, int b); Rectangle RectangleIntersection(Rectangle a, Rectangle b); Rectangle RectangleBounding(Rectangle a, Rectangle b); bool RectangleValid(Rectangle a); bool RectangleEquals(Rectangle a, Rectangle b); bool RectangleContains(Rectangle a, int x, int y); void StringCopy(char **destination, size_t *destinationBytes, const char *source, ptrdiff_t sourceBytes); void DrawString(Painter *painter, Rectangle r, const char *string, size_t bytes, uint32_t color, bool centerAlign); void DrawRectangle(Painter *painter, Rectangle r, uint32_t fill, uint32_t outline); void DrawBlock(Painter *painter, Rectangle r, uint32_t fill); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Helper functions. ///////////////////////////////////////// Rectangle RectangleMake(int l, int r, int t, int b) { Rectangle x; x.l = l, x.r = r, x.t = t, x.b = b; return x; } Rectangle RectangleIntersection(Rectangle a, Rectangle b) { if (a.l < b.l) a.l = b.l; if (a.t < b.t) a.t = b.t; if (a.r > b.r) a.r = b.r; if (a.b > b.b) a.b = b.b; return a; } Rectangle RectangleBounding(Rectangle a, Rectangle b) { if (a.l > b.l) a.l = b.l; if (a.t > b.t) a.t = b.t; if (a.r < b.r) a.r = b.r; if (a.b < b.b) a.b = b.b; return a; } bool RectangleValid(Rectangle a) { return a.r > a.l && a.b > a.t; } bool RectangleEquals(Rectangle a, Rectangle b) { return a.l == b.l && a.r == b.r && a.t == b.t && a.b == b.b; } bool RectangleContains(Rectangle a, int x, int y) { return a.l <= x && a.r > x && a.t <= y && a.b > y; } void StringCopy(char **destination, size_t *destinationBytes, const char *source, ptrdiff_t sourceBytes) { if (sourceBytes == -1) sourceBytes = strlen(source); *destination = (char *) realloc(*destination, sourceBytes); *destinationBytes = sourceBytes; memcpy(*destination, source, sourceBytes); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Painting. ///////////////////////////////////////// // Taken from https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Codepage-437.png // Public domain. #define GLYPH_WIDTH (9) #define GLYPH_HEIGHT (16) const uint64_t _font[] = { 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0xBD8181A5817E0000UL, 0x000000007E818199UL, 0xC3FFFFDBFF7E0000UL, 0x000000007EFFFFE7UL, 0x7F7F7F3600000000UL, 0x00000000081C3E7FUL, 0x7F3E1C0800000000UL, 0x0000000000081C3EUL, 0xE7E73C3C18000000UL, 0x000000003C1818E7UL, 0xFFFF7E3C18000000UL, 0x000000003C18187EUL, 0x3C18000000000000UL, 0x000000000000183CUL, 0xC3E7FFFFFFFFFFFFUL, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFE7C3UL, 0x42663C0000000000UL, 0x00000000003C6642UL, 0xBD99C3FFFFFFFFFFUL, 0xFFFFFFFFFFC399BDUL, 0x331E4C5870780000UL, 0x000000001E333333UL, 0x3C666666663C0000UL, 0x0000000018187E18UL, 0x0C0C0CFCCCFC0000UL, 0x00000000070F0E0CUL, 0xC6C6C6FEC6FE0000UL, 0x0000000367E7E6C6UL, 0xE73CDB1818000000UL, 0x000000001818DB3CUL, 0x1F7F1F0F07030100UL, 0x000000000103070FUL, 0x7C7F7C7870604000UL, 0x0000000040607078UL, 0x1818187E3C180000UL, 0x0000000000183C7EUL, 0x6666666666660000UL, 0x0000000066660066UL, 0xD8DEDBDBDBFE0000UL, 0x00000000D8D8D8D8UL, 0x6363361C06633E00UL, 0x0000003E63301C36UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x000000007F7F7F7FUL, 0x1818187E3C180000UL, 0x000000007E183C7EUL, 0x1818187E3C180000UL, 0x0000000018181818UL, 0x1818181818180000UL, 0x00000000183C7E18UL, 0x7F30180000000000UL, 0x0000000000001830UL, 0x7F060C0000000000UL, 0x0000000000000C06UL, 0x0303000000000000UL, 0x0000000000007F03UL, 0xFF66240000000000UL, 0x0000000000002466UL, 0x3E1C1C0800000000UL, 0x00000000007F7F3EUL, 0x3E3E7F7F00000000UL, 0x0000000000081C1CUL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x18183C3C3C180000UL, 0x0000000018180018UL, 0x0000002466666600UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x36367F3636000000UL, 0x0000000036367F36UL, 0x603E0343633E1818UL, 0x000018183E636160UL, 0x1830634300000000UL, 0x000000006163060CUL, 0x3B6E1C36361C0000UL, 0x000000006E333333UL, 0x000000060C0C0C00UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0C0C0C0C18300000UL, 0x0000000030180C0CUL, 0x30303030180C0000UL, 0x000000000C183030UL, 0xFF3C660000000000UL, 0x000000000000663CUL, 0x7E18180000000000UL, 0x0000000000001818UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000C18181800UL, 0x7F00000000000000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000018180000UL, 0x1830604000000000UL, 0x000000000103060CUL, 0xDBDBC3C3663C0000UL, 0x000000003C66C3C3UL, 0x1818181E1C180000UL, 0x000000007E181818UL, 0x0C183060633E0000UL, 0x000000007F630306UL, 0x603C6060633E0000UL, 0x000000003E636060UL, 0x7F33363C38300000UL, 0x0000000078303030UL, 0x603F0303037F0000UL, 0x000000003E636060UL, 0x633F0303061C0000UL, 0x000000003E636363UL, 0x18306060637F0000UL, 0x000000000C0C0C0CUL, 0x633E6363633E0000UL, 0x000000003E636363UL, 0x607E6363633E0000UL, 0x000000001E306060UL, 0x0000181800000000UL, 0x0000000000181800UL, 0x0000181800000000UL, 0x000000000C181800UL, 0x060C183060000000UL, 0x000000006030180CUL, 0x00007E0000000000UL, 0x000000000000007EUL, 0x6030180C06000000UL, 0x00000000060C1830UL, 0x18183063633E0000UL, 0x0000000018180018UL, 0x7B7B63633E000000UL, 0x000000003E033B7BUL, 0x7F6363361C080000UL, 0x0000000063636363UL, 0x663E6666663F0000UL, 0x000000003F666666UL, 0x03030343663C0000UL, 0x000000003C664303UL, 0x66666666361F0000UL, 0x000000001F366666UL, 0x161E1646667F0000UL, 0x000000007F664606UL, 0x161E1646667F0000UL, 0x000000000F060606UL, 0x7B030343663C0000UL, 0x000000005C666363UL, 0x637F636363630000UL, 0x0000000063636363UL, 0x18181818183C0000UL, 0x000000003C181818UL, 0x3030303030780000UL, 0x000000001E333333UL, 0x1E1E366666670000UL, 0x0000000067666636UL, 0x06060606060F0000UL, 0x000000007F664606UL, 0xC3DBFFFFE7C30000UL, 0x00000000C3C3C3C3UL, 0x737B7F6F67630000UL, 0x0000000063636363UL, 0x63636363633E0000UL, 0x000000003E636363UL, 0x063E6666663F0000UL, 0x000000000F060606UL, 0x63636363633E0000UL, 0x000070303E7B6B63UL, 0x363E6666663F0000UL, 0x0000000067666666UL, 0x301C0663633E0000UL, 0x000000003E636360UL, 0x18181899DBFF0000UL, 0x000000003C181818UL, 0x6363636363630000UL, 0x000000003E636363UL, 0xC3C3C3C3C3C30000UL, 0x00000000183C66C3UL, 0xDBC3C3C3C3C30000UL, 0x000000006666FFDBUL, 0x18183C66C3C30000UL, 0x00000000C3C3663CUL, 0x183C66C3C3C30000UL, 0x000000003C181818UL, 0x0C183061C3FF0000UL, 0x00000000FFC38306UL, 0x0C0C0C0C0C3C0000UL, 0x000000003C0C0C0CUL, 0x1C0E070301000000UL, 0x0000000040607038UL, 0x30303030303C0000UL, 0x000000003C303030UL, 0x0000000063361C08UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x0000FF0000000000UL, 0x0000000000180C0CUL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x3E301E0000000000UL, 0x000000006E333333UL, 0x66361E0606070000UL, 0x000000003E666666UL, 0x03633E0000000000UL, 0x000000003E630303UL, 0x33363C3030380000UL, 0x000000006E333333UL, 0x7F633E0000000000UL, 0x000000003E630303UL, 0x060F0626361C0000UL, 0x000000000F060606UL, 0x33336E0000000000UL, 0x001E33303E333333UL, 0x666E360606070000UL, 0x0000000067666666UL, 0x18181C0018180000UL, 0x000000003C181818UL, 0x6060700060600000UL, 0x003C666660606060UL, 0x1E36660606070000UL, 0x000000006766361EUL, 0x18181818181C0000UL, 0x000000003C181818UL, 0xDBFF670000000000UL, 0x00000000DBDBDBDBUL, 0x66663B0000000000UL, 0x0000000066666666UL, 0x63633E0000000000UL, 0x000000003E636363UL, 0x66663B0000000000UL, 0x000F06063E666666UL, 0x33336E0000000000UL, 0x007830303E333333UL, 0x666E3B0000000000UL, 0x000000000F060606UL, 0x06633E0000000000UL, 0x000000003E63301CUL, 0x0C0C3F0C0C080000UL, 0x00000000386C0C0CUL, 0x3333330000000000UL, 0x000000006E333333UL, 0xC3C3C30000000000UL, 0x00000000183C66C3UL, 0xC3C3C30000000000UL, 0x0000000066FFDBDBUL, 0x3C66C30000000000UL, 0x00000000C3663C18UL, 0x6363630000000000UL, 0x001F30607E636363UL, 0x18337F0000000000UL, 0x000000007F63060CUL, 0x180E181818700000UL, 0x0000000070181818UL, 0x1800181818180000UL, 0x0000000018181818UL, 0x18701818180E0000UL, 0x000000000E181818UL, 0x000000003B6E0000UL, 0x0000000000000000UL, 0x63361C0800000000UL, 0x00000000007F6363UL, }; void DrawBlock(Painter *painter, Rectangle rectangle, uint32_t color) { rectangle = RectangleIntersection(painter->clip, rectangle); for (int y = rectangle.t; y < rectangle.b; y++) { for (int x = rectangle.l; x < rectangle.r; x++) { painter->bits[y * painter->width + x] = color; } } } void DrawRectangle(Painter *painter, Rectangle r, uint32_t mainColor, uint32_t borderColor) { DrawBlock(painter, RectangleMake(r.l, r.r, r.t, r.t + 1), borderColor); DrawBlock(painter, RectangleMake(r.l, r.l + 1, r.t + 1, r.b - 1), borderColor); DrawBlock(painter, RectangleMake(r.r - 1, r.r, r.t + 1, r.b - 1), borderColor); DrawBlock(painter, RectangleMake(r.l, r.r, r.b - 1, r.b), borderColor); DrawBlock(painter, RectangleMake(r.l + 1, r.r - 1, r.t + 1, r.b - 1), mainColor); } void DrawString(Painter *painter, Rectangle bounds, const char *string, size_t bytes, uint32_t color, bool centerAlign) { Rectangle oldClip = painter->clip; painter->clip = RectangleIntersection(bounds, oldClip); int x = bounds.l; int y = (bounds.t + bounds.b - GLYPH_HEIGHT) / 2; if (centerAlign) { x += (bounds.r - bounds.l - bytes * GLYPH_WIDTH) / 2; } for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < bytes; i++) { uint8_t c = string[i]; if (c > 127) c = '?'; Rectangle rectangle = RectangleIntersection(painter->clip, RectangleMake(x, x + 8, y, y + 16)); const uint8_t *data = (const uint8_t *) _font + c * 16; for (int i = rectangle.t; i < rectangle.b; i++) { uint32_t *bits = painter->bits + i * painter->width + rectangle.l; uint8_t byte = data[i - y]; for (int j = rectangle.l; j < rectangle.r; j++) { if (byte & (1 << (j - x))) { *bits = color; } bits++; } } x += GLYPH_WIDTH; } painter->clip = oldClip; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Core user interface logic. ///////////////////////////////////////// void _WindowEndPaint(Window *window, Painter *painter); GlobalState global; void _ElementPaint(Element *element, Painter *painter) { Rectangle clip = RectangleIntersection(element->clip, painter->clip); if (!RectangleValid(clip)) { return; } painter->clip = clip; ElementMessage(element, MSG_PAINT, 0, painter); for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < element->childCount; i++) { painter->clip = clip; _ElementPaint(element->children[i], painter); } } Element *ElementFindByPoint(Element *element, int x, int y) { for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < element->childCount; i++) { if (RectangleContains(element->children[i]->clip, x, y)) { return ElementFindByPoint(element->children[i], x, y); } } return element; } void _WindowSetPressed(Window *window, Element *element, int button) { Element *previous = window->pressed; window->pressed = element; window->pressedButton = button; if (previous) ElementMessage(previous, MSG_UPDATE, UPDATE_PRESSED, 0); if (element) ElementMessage(element, MSG_UPDATE, UPDATE_PRESSED, 0); } bool _ElementDestroyNow(Element *element) { if (element->flags & ELEMENT_DESTROY_DESCENDENT) { element->flags &= ~ELEMENT_DESTROY_DESCENDENT; for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < element->childCount; i++) { if (_ElementDestroyNow(element->children[i])) { memmove(&element->children[i], &element->children[i + 1], sizeof(Element *) * (element->childCount - i - 1)); element->childCount--, i--; } } } if (element->flags & ELEMENT_DESTROY) { ElementMessage(element, MSG_DESTROY, 0, 0); if (element->window->pressed == element) { _WindowSetPressed(element->window, NULL, 0); } if (element->window->hovered == element) { element->window->hovered = &element->window->e; } free(element->children); free(element); return true; } else { return false; } } void _Update() { for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < global.windowCount; i++) { Window *window = global.windows[i]; if (_ElementDestroyNow(&window->e)) { global.windows[i] = global.windows[global.windowCount - 1]; global.windowCount--, i--; } else if (RectangleValid(window->updateRegion)) { Painter painter; painter.bits = window->bits; painter.width = window->width; painter.height = window->height; painter.clip = RectangleIntersection(RectangleMake(0, window->width, 0, window->height), window->updateRegion); _ElementPaint(&window->e, &painter); _WindowEndPaint(window, &painter); window->updateRegion = RectangleMake(0, 0, 0, 0); } } } void _WindowInputEvent(Window *window, Message message, int di, void *dp) { if (window->pressed) { if (message == MSG_MOUSE_MOVE) { ElementMessage(window->pressed, MSG_MOUSE_DRAG, di, dp); } else if (message == MSG_LEFT_UP && window->pressedButton == 1) { if (window->hovered == window->pressed) { ElementMessage(window->pressed, MSG_CLICKED, di, dp); } if (window->pressed) { ElementMessage(window->pressed, MSG_LEFT_UP, di, dp); _WindowSetPressed(window, NULL, 1); } } else if (message == MSG_MIDDLE_UP && window->pressedButton == 2) { ElementMessage(window->pressed, MSG_MIDDLE_UP, di, dp); _WindowSetPressed(window, NULL, 2); } else if (message == MSG_RIGHT_UP && window->pressedButton == 3) { ElementMessage(window->pressed, MSG_RIGHT_UP, di, dp); _WindowSetPressed(window, NULL, 3); } } if (window->pressed) { bool inside = RectangleContains(window->pressed->clip, window->cursorX, window->cursorY); if (inside && window->hovered == &window->e) { window->hovered = window->pressed; ElementMessage(window->pressed, MSG_UPDATE, UPDATE_HOVERED, 0); } else if (!inside && window->hovered == window->pressed) { window->hovered = &window->e; ElementMessage(window->pressed, MSG_UPDATE, UPDATE_HOVERED, 0); } } if (!window->pressed) { Element *hovered = ElementFindByPoint(&window->e, window->cursorX, window->cursorY); if (message == MSG_MOUSE_MOVE) { ElementMessage(hovered, MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, di, dp); } else if (message == MSG_LEFT_DOWN) { _WindowSetPressed(window, hovered, 1); ElementMessage(hovered, message, di, dp); } else if (message == MSG_MIDDLE_DOWN) { _WindowSetPressed(window, hovered, 2); ElementMessage(hovered, message, di, dp); } else if (message == MSG_RIGHT_DOWN) { _WindowSetPressed(window, hovered, 3); ElementMessage(hovered, message, di, dp); } if (hovered != window->hovered) { Element *previous = window->hovered; window->hovered = hovered; ElementMessage(previous, MSG_UPDATE, UPDATE_HOVERED, 0); ElementMessage(window->hovered, MSG_UPDATE, UPDATE_HOVERED, 0); } } _Update(); } void ElementMove(Element *element, Rectangle bounds, bool alwaysLayout) { Rectangle oldClip = element->clip; element->clip = RectangleIntersection(element->parent->clip, bounds); if (!RectangleEquals(element->bounds, bounds) || !RectangleEquals(element->clip, oldClip) || alwaysLayout) { element->bounds = bounds; ElementMessage(element, MSG_LAYOUT, 0, 0); } } void ElementRepaint(Element *element, Rectangle *region) { if (!region) { region = &element->bounds; } Rectangle r = RectangleIntersection(*region, element->clip); if (RectangleValid(r)) { if (RectangleValid(element->window->updateRegion)) { element->window->updateRegion = RectangleBounding(element->window->updateRegion, r); } else { element->window->updateRegion = r; } } } void ElementDestroy(Element *element) { if (element->flags & ELEMENT_DESTROY) { return; } element->flags |= ELEMENT_DESTROY; Element *ancestor = element->parent; while (ancestor) { ancestor->flags |= ELEMENT_DESTROY_DESCENDENT; ancestor = ancestor->parent; } for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < element->childCount; i++) { ElementDestroy(element->children[i]); } } int ElementMessage(Element *element, Message message, int di, void *dp) { if (message != MSG_DESTROY && (element->flags & ELEMENT_DESTROY)) { return 0; } if (element->messageUser) { int result = element->messageUser(element, message, di, dp); if (result) { return result; } } if (element->messageClass) { return element->messageClass(element, message, di, dp); } else { return 0; } } Element *ElementCreate(size_t bytes, Element *parent, uint32_t flags, MessageHandler messageClass) { Element *element = (Element *) calloc(1, bytes); element->flags = flags; element->messageClass = messageClass; if (parent) { element->window = parent->window; element->parent = parent; parent->childCount++; parent->children = realloc(parent->children, sizeof(Element *) * parent->childCount); parent->children[parent->childCount - 1] = element; } return element; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Layout panels. ///////////////////////////////////////// int _PanelMeasure(Panel *panel) { bool horizontal = panel->e.flags & PANEL_HORIZONTAL; int size = 0; for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < panel->e.childCount; i++) { if (panel->e.children[i]->flags & ELEMENT_DESTROY) continue; int childSize = ElementMessage(panel->e.children[i], horizontal ? MSG_GET_HEIGHT : MSG_GET_WIDTH, 0, 0); if (childSize > size) size = childSize; } int border = horizontal ? panel->border.t + panel->border.b : panel->border.l + panel->border.r; return size + border; } int _PanelLayout(Panel *panel, Rectangle bounds, bool measure) { bool horizontal = panel->e.flags & PANEL_HORIZONTAL; int position = horizontal ? panel->border.l : panel->border.t; int hSpace = bounds.r - bounds.l - panel->border.r - panel->border.l; int vSpace = bounds.b - bounds.t - panel->border.b - panel->border.t; int available = horizontal ? hSpace : vSpace; int fill = 0, perFill = 0, count = 0; for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < panel->e.childCount; i++) { if (panel->e.children[i]->flags & ELEMENT_DESTROY) continue; count++; if (horizontal) { if (panel->e.children[i]->flags & ELEMENT_H_FILL) { fill++; } else if (available > 0) { available -= ElementMessage(panel->e.children[i], MSG_GET_WIDTH, vSpace, 0); } } else { if (panel->e.children[i]->flags & ELEMENT_V_FILL) { fill++; } else if (available > 0) { available -= ElementMessage(panel->e.children[i], MSG_GET_HEIGHT, hSpace, 0); } } } if (count) { available -= (count - 1) * panel->gap; } if (available > 0 && fill) { perFill = available / fill; } int border2 = horizontal ? panel->border.t : panel->border.l; for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < panel->e.childCount; i++) { Element *child = panel->e.children[i]; if (child->flags & ELEMENT_DESTROY) continue; if (horizontal) { int height = (child->flags & ELEMENT_V_FILL) ? vSpace : ElementMessage(child, MSG_GET_HEIGHT, (child->flags & ELEMENT_H_FILL) ? perFill : 0, 0); int width = (child->flags & ELEMENT_H_FILL) ? perFill : ElementMessage(child, MSG_GET_WIDTH, height, 0); Rectangle r = RectangleMake(position + bounds.l, position + width + bounds.l, border2 + (vSpace - height) / 2 + bounds.t, border2 + (vSpace + height) / 2 + bounds.t); if (!measure) ElementMove(child, r, false); position += width + panel->gap; } else { int width = (child->flags & ELEMENT_H_FILL) ? hSpace : ElementMessage(child, MSG_GET_WIDTH, (child->flags & ELEMENT_V_FILL) ? perFill : 0, 0); int height = (child->flags & ELEMENT_V_FILL) ? perFill : ElementMessage(child, MSG_GET_HEIGHT, width, 0); Rectangle r = RectangleMake(border2 + (hSpace - width) / 2 + bounds.l, border2 + (hSpace + width) / 2 + bounds.l, position + bounds.t, position + height + bounds.t); if (!measure) ElementMove(child, r, false); position += height + panel->gap; } } return position - (count ? panel->gap : 0) + (horizontal ? panel->border.r : panel->border.b); } int _PanelMessage(Element *element, Message message, int di, void *dp) { Panel *panel = (Panel *) element; bool horizontal = element->flags & PANEL_HORIZONTAL; if (message == MSG_LAYOUT) { _PanelLayout(panel, element->bounds, false); ElementRepaint(element, NULL); } else if (message == MSG_GET_WIDTH) { return horizontal ? _PanelLayout(panel, RectangleMake(0, 0, 0, di), true) : _PanelMeasure(panel); } else if (message == MSG_GET_HEIGHT) { return horizontal ? _PanelMeasure(panel) : _PanelLayout(panel, RectangleMake(0, di, 0, 0), true); } else if (message == MSG_PAINT) { if (element->flags & PANEL_GRAY) { DrawBlock((Painter *) dp, element->bounds, 0xCCCCCC); } else if (element->flags & PANEL_WHITE) { DrawBlock((Painter *) dp, element->bounds, 0xFFFFFF); } } return 0; } Panel *PanelCreate(Element *parent, uint32_t flags) { return (Panel *) ElementCreate(sizeof(Panel), parent, flags, _PanelMessage); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Buttons and labels. ///////////////////////////////////////// int _LabelMessage(Element *element, Message message, int di, void *dp) { Label *label = (Label *) element; (void) di; if (message == MSG_GET_HEIGHT) { return GLYPH_HEIGHT; } else if (message == MSG_GET_WIDTH) { return GLYPH_WIDTH * label->textBytes; } else if (message == MSG_PAINT) { DrawString((Painter *) dp, element->bounds, label->text, label->textBytes, 0x000000, element->flags & LABEL_CENTER); } else if (message == MSG_DESTROY) { free(label->text); } return 0; } void LabelSetContent(Label *label, const char *text, ptrdiff_t textBytes) { StringCopy(&label->text, &label->textBytes, text, textBytes); } Label *LabelCreate(Element *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *text, ptrdiff_t textBytes) { Label *label = (Label *) ElementCreate(sizeof(Label), parent, flags, _LabelMessage); LabelSetContent(label, text, textBytes); return label; } int _ButtonMessage(Element *element, Message message, int di, void *dp) { Button *button = (Button *) element; (void) di; if (message == MSG_GET_HEIGHT) { return 25; } else if (message == MSG_GET_WIDTH) { return 30 + GLYPH_WIDTH * button->textBytes; } else if (message == MSG_PAINT) { Painter *painter = (Painter *) dp; bool pressed = element->window->pressed == element && element->window->hovered == element; uint32_t c = 0xFFFFFF; ElementMessage(element, MSG_BUTTON_GET_COLOR, 0, &c); uint32_t c1 = pressed ? 0xFFFFFF : 0x000000, c2 = pressed ? 0x000000 : c; DrawRectangle(painter, element->bounds, c2, c1); DrawString(painter, element->bounds, button->text, button->textBytes, c1, true); } else if (message == MSG_UPDATE) { ElementRepaint(element, NULL); } else if (message == MSG_DESTROY) { free(button->text); } return 0; } Button *ButtonCreate(Element *parent, uint32_t flags, const char *text, ptrdiff_t textBytes) { Button *button = (Button *) ElementCreate(sizeof(Button), parent, flags, _ButtonMessage); StringCopy(&button->text, &button->textBytes, text, textBytes); return button; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Platform specific code. ///////////////////////////////////////// #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 LRESULT CALLBACK _WindowProcedure(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { Window *window = (Window *) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA); if (!window) { return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } if (message == WM_CLOSE) { PostQuitMessage(0); } else if (message == WM_SIZE) { RECT client; GetClientRect(hwnd, &client); window->width = client.right; window->height = client.bottom; window->bits = (uint32_t *) realloc(window->bits, window->width * window->height * 4); window->e.bounds = RectangleMake(0, window->width, 0, window->height); window->e.clip = RectangleMake(0, window->width, 0, window->height); ElementMessage(&window->e, MSG_LAYOUT, 0, 0); _Update(); } else if (message == WM_MOUSEMOVE) { if (!window->trackingLeave) { window->trackingLeave = true; TRACKMOUSEEVENT leave = { 0 }; leave.cbSize = sizeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT); leave.dwFlags = TME_LEAVE; leave.hwndTrack = hwnd; TrackMouseEvent(&leave); } POINT cursor; GetCursorPos(&cursor); ScreenToClient(hwnd, &cursor); window->cursorX = cursor.x; window->cursorY = cursor.y; _WindowInputEvent(window, MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0); } else if (message == WM_MOUSELEAVE) { window->trackingLeave = false; if (!window->pressed) { window->cursorX = -1; window->cursorY = -1; } _WindowInputEvent(window, MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0); } else if (message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) { SetCapture(hwnd); _WindowInputEvent(window, MSG_LEFT_DOWN, 0, 0); } else if (message == WM_LBUTTONUP) { if (window->pressedButton == 1) ReleaseCapture(); _WindowInputEvent(window, MSG_LEFT_UP, 0, 0); } else if (message == WM_MBUTTONDOWN) { SetCapture(hwnd); _WindowInputEvent(window, MSG_MIDDLE_DOWN, 0, 0); } else if (message == WM_MBUTTONUP) { if (window->pressedButton == 2) ReleaseCapture(); _WindowInputEvent(window, MSG_MIDDLE_UP, 0, 0); } else if (message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) { SetCapture(hwnd); _WindowInputEvent(window, MSG_RIGHT_DOWN, 0, 0); } else if (message == WM_RBUTTONUP) { if (window->pressedButton == 3) ReleaseCapture(); _WindowInputEvent(window, MSG_RIGHT_UP, 0, 0); } else if (message == WM_PAINT) { PAINTSTRUCT paint; HDC dc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &paint); BITMAPINFOHEADER info = { 0 }; info.biSize = sizeof(info); info.biWidth = window->width, info.biHeight = -window->height; info.biPlanes = 1, info.biBitCount = 32; StretchDIBits(dc, 0, 0, window->e.bounds.r - window->e.bounds.l, window->e.bounds.b - window->e.bounds.t, 0, 0, window->e.bounds.r - window->e.bounds.l, window->e.bounds.b - window->e.bounds.t, window->bits, (BITMAPINFO *) &info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); EndPaint(hwnd, &paint); } else { return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } return 0; } int _WindowMessage(Element *element, Message message, int di, void *dp) { (void) di; (void) dp; if (message == MSG_DESTROY) { Window *window = (Window *) element; free(window->bits); SetWindowLongPtr(window->hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, 0); DestroyWindow(window->hwnd); } else if (message == MSG_LAYOUT && element->childCount) { ElementMove(element->children[0], element->bounds, false); ElementRepaint(element, NULL); } return 0; } void _WindowEndPaint(Window *window, Painter *painter) { (void) painter; HDC dc = GetDC(window->hwnd); BITMAPINFOHEADER info = { 0 }; info.biSize = sizeof(info); info.biWidth = window->width, info.biHeight = window->height; info.biPlanes = 1, info.biBitCount = 32; StretchDIBits(dc, window->updateRegion.l, window->updateRegion.t, window->updateRegion.r - window->updateRegion.l, window->updateRegion.b - window->updateRegion.t, window->updateRegion.l, window->updateRegion.b + 1, window->updateRegion.r - window->updateRegion.l, window->updateRegion.t - window->updateRegion.b, window->bits, (BITMAPINFO *) &info, DIB_RGB_COLORS, SRCCOPY); ReleaseDC(window->hwnd, dc); } Window *WindowCreate(const char *cTitle, int width, int height) { Window *window = (Window *) ElementCreate(sizeof(Window), NULL, 0, _WindowMessage); window->hovered = &window->e; window->e.window = window; global.windowCount++; global.windows = realloc(global.windows, sizeof(Window *) * global.windowCount); global.windows[global.windowCount - 1] = window; window->hwnd = CreateWindow("UILibraryTutorial", cTitle, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, width, height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); SetWindowLongPtr(window->hwnd, GWLP_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR) window); ShowWindow(window->hwnd, SW_SHOW); PostMessage(window->hwnd, WM_SIZE, 0, 0); return window; } int MessageLoop() { MSG message = { 0 }; while (GetMessage(&message, NULL, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&message); DispatchMessage(&message); } return message.wParam; } void Initialise() { WNDCLASS windowClass = { 0 }; windowClass.lpfnWndProc = _WindowProcedure; windowClass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); windowClass.lpszClassName = "UILibraryTutorial"; RegisterClass(&windowClass); } #endif #ifdef PLATFORM_LINUX Window *_FindWindow(X11Window window) { for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < global.windowCount; i++) { if (global.windows[i]->window == window) { return global.windows[i]; } } return NULL; } void _WindowEndPaint(Window *window, Painter *painter) { (void) painter; XPutImage(global.display, window->window, DefaultGC(global.display, 0), window->image, window->updateRegion.l, window->updateRegion.t, window->updateRegion.l, window->updateRegion.t, window->updateRegion.r - window->updateRegion.l, window->updateRegion.b - window->updateRegion.t); } int _WindowMessage(Element *element, Message message, int di, void *dp) { (void) di; (void) dp; if (message == MSG_DESTROY) { Window *window = (Window *) element; free(window->bits); window->image->data = NULL; XDestroyImage(window->image); XDestroyWindow(global.display, window->window); } else if (message == MSG_LAYOUT && element->childCount) { ElementMove(element->children[0], element->bounds, false); ElementRepaint(element, NULL); } return 0; } Window *WindowCreate(const char *cTitle, int width, int height) { Window *window = (Window *) ElementCreate(sizeof(Window), NULL, 0, _WindowMessage); window->hovered = &window->e; window->e.window = window; global.windowCount++; global.windows = realloc(global.windows, sizeof(Window *) * global.windowCount); global.windows[global.windowCount - 1] = window; XSetWindowAttributes attributes = {}; window->window = XCreateWindow(global.display, DefaultRootWindow(global.display), 0, 0, width, height, 0, 0, InputOutput, CopyFromParent, CWOverrideRedirect, &attributes); XStoreName(global.display, window->window, cTitle); XSelectInput(global.display, window->window, SubstructureNotifyMask | ExposureMask | PointerMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | StructureNotifyMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | ButtonMotionMask | KeymapStateMask | FocusChangeMask | PropertyChangeMask); XMapRaised(global.display, window->window); XSetWMProtocols(global.display, window->window, &global.windowClosedID, 1); window->image = XCreateImage(global.display, global.visual, 24, ZPixmap, 0, NULL, 10, 10, 32, 0); return window; } int MessageLoop() { _Update(); while (true) { XEvent event; XNextEvent(global.display, &event); if (event.type == ClientMessage && (Atom) event.xclient.data.l[0] == global.windowClosedID) { return 0; } else if (event.type == Expose) { Window *window = _FindWindow(event.xexpose.window); if (!window) continue; XPutImage(global.display, window->window, DefaultGC(global.display, 0), window->image, 0, 0, 0, 0, window->width, window->height); } else if (event.type == ConfigureNotify) { Window *window = _FindWindow(event.xconfigure.window); if (!window) continue; if (window->width != event.xconfigure.width || window->height != event.xconfigure.height) { window->width = event.xconfigure.width; window->height = event.xconfigure.height; window->bits = (uint32_t *) realloc(window->bits, window->width * window->height * 4); window->image->width = window->width; window->image->height = window->height; window->image->bytes_per_line = window->width * 4; window->image->data = (char *) window->bits; window->e.bounds = RectangleMake(0, window->width, 0, window->height); window->e.clip = RectangleMake(0, window->width, 0, window->height); ElementMessage(&window->e, MSG_LAYOUT, 0, 0); _Update(); } } else if (event.type == MotionNotify) { Window *window = _FindWindow(event.xmotion.window); if (!window) continue; window->cursorX = event.xmotion.x; window->cursorY = event.xmotion.y; _WindowInputEvent(window, MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0); } else if (event.type == LeaveNotify) { Window *window = _FindWindow(event.xcrossing.window); if (!window) continue; if (!window->pressed) { window->cursorX = -1; window->cursorY = -1; } _WindowInputEvent(window, MSG_MOUSE_MOVE, 0, 0); } else if (event.type == ButtonPress || event.type == ButtonRelease) { Window *window = _FindWindow(event.xbutton.window); if (!window) continue; window->cursorX = event.xbutton.x; window->cursorY = event.xbutton.y; if (event.xbutton.button >= 1 && event.xbutton.button <= 3) { _WindowInputEvent(window, (Message) ((event.type == ButtonPress ? MSG_LEFT_DOWN : MSG_LEFT_UP) + event.xbutton.button * 2 - 2), 0, 0); } } } } void Initialise() { global.display = XOpenDisplay(NULL); global.visual = XDefaultVisual(global.display, 0); global.windowClosedID = XInternAtom(global.display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", 0); } #endif