// Add document modification. #define STB_DS_IMPLEMENTATION #include "stb_ds.h" #include #include #include "ui_library_tutorial.c" ///////////////////////////////////////// // Definitions. ///////////////////////////////////////// #define PROPERTY_U32 (1) // ... typedef struct Property { uint8_t type; #define PROPERTY_KEY_MAX_SIZE (14) char key[PROPERTY_KEY_MAX_SIZE + 1]; // ... could be an ID. union { uint32_t u32; // ... }; } Property; #define OBJECT_COUNTER (1) // ... typedef struct Object { int type; Property *properties; } Object; #define STEP_SET_PROPERTY (1) // ... typedef struct Step { int type; uint64_t objectID; // ... or an array of IDs union { Property property; // ... }; } Step; #define MSG_PROPERTY_CHANGED ((Message) (MSG_USER + 1)) void Populate(); void ReactUpdate(Element *exclude, const char *key); ///////////////////////////////////////// // Global state. ///////////////////////////////////////// struct { uint64_t key; Object value; } *objects; uint64_t objectIDAllocator; uint64_t selectedObjectID; // ... or an array of IDs Element *container; Element **reactElements; ///////////////////////////////////////// // Freeing state. ///////////////////////////////////////// void PropertyFree(Property property) { (void) property; // ... } void ObjectFree(Object object) { for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(object.properties); i++) { PropertyFree(object.properties[i]); } arrfree(object.properties); } void StepFree(Step step) { if (step.type == STEP_SET_PROPERTY) { PropertyFree(step.property); } else { // ... } } void DocumentFree() { for (int i = 0; i < hmlen(objects); i++) { ObjectFree(objects[i].value); } hmfree(objects); arrfree(reactElements); } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Reading properties. ///////////////////////////////////////// Property ObjectReadAny(Object *object, const char *key) { for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(object->properties); i++) { if (0 == strcmp(object->properties[i].key, key)) { return object->properties[i]; } } Property empty = { 0 }; return empty; } uint32_t ObjectReadU32(Object *object, const char *key, uint32_t defaultValue) { Property property = ObjectReadAny(object, key); return property.type == PROPERTY_U32 ? property.u32 : defaultValue; } Object *SelectedObject() { return &hmgetp(objects, selectedObjectID)->value; } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Updating the document. ///////////////////////////////////////// void StepApply(Step step, Element *updateExclude) { bool changedSelectedObject = false; if (selectedObjectID != step.objectID) { selectedObjectID = step.objectID; changedSelectedObject = true; } Object *object = SelectedObject(); const char *updateKey = NULL; if (step.type == STEP_SET_PROPERTY) { updateKey = step.property.key; bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(object->properties); i++) { if (0 == strcmp(object->properties[i].key, step.property.key)) { object->properties[i] = step.property; found = true; break; } } if (!found) { arrput(object->properties, step.property); } } else { // ... } if (changedSelectedObject) { Populate(); } else { ReactUpdate(updateExclude, updateKey); } } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Reactive elements. ///////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct ReactData { const char *key; union { struct { const char *prefix; } u32Display; struct { uint32_t minimum, maximum; int32_t clickDelta; } u32Button; // ... }; } ReactData; int ReactU32DisplayMessage(Element *element, Message message, int di, void *dp) { Label *label = (Label *) element; ReactData *data = (ReactData *) element->cp; (void) di; (void) dp; if (message == MSG_DESTROY) { free(data); } else if (message == MSG_PROPERTY_CHANGED) { char buffer[64]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%s%d", data->u32Display.prefix, ObjectReadU32(SelectedObject(), data->key, 0)); LabelSetContent(label, buffer, -1); ElementRepaint(element, NULL); } return 0; } Label *ReactU32DisplayCreate(Element *parent, int flags, const char *key, const char *prefix) { ReactData *data = (ReactData *) calloc(1, sizeof(ReactData)); data->key = key; data->u32Display.prefix = prefix; Label *label = LabelCreate(parent, flags, NULL, 0); label->e.cp = data; label->e.messageUser = ReactU32DisplayMessage; arrput(reactElements, &label->e); return label; } int ReactU32ButtonMessage(Element *element, Message message, int di, void *dp) { ReactData *data = (ReactData *) element->cp; (void) di; (void) dp; if (message == MSG_DESTROY) { free(data); } else if (message == MSG_PROPERTY_CHANGED) { ElementRepaint(element, NULL); } else if (message == MSG_CLICKED) { Step step = { 0 }; step.type = STEP_SET_PROPERTY; step.objectID = selectedObjectID; step.property.type = PROPERTY_U32; strcpy(step.property.key, data->key); step.property.u32 = data->u32Button.clickDelta + ObjectReadU32(SelectedObject(), data->key, 0); if (step.property.u32 >= data->u32Button.minimum && step.property.u32 <= data->u32Button.maximum) { StepApply(step, NULL); } } else if (message == MSG_BUTTON_GET_COLOR) { int64_t result = data->u32Button.clickDelta + ObjectReadU32(SelectedObject(), data->key, 0); if (result < data->u32Button.minimum || result > data->u32Button.maximum) { // Our UI library doesn't have a proper way to disable buttons. // But this will do for now! *(uint32_t *) dp = 0xCCCCCC; } } return 0; } Button *ReactU32ButtonCreate(Element *parent, int flags, const char *key, const char *label, uint32_t minimum, uint32_t maximum, int32_t clickDelta) { ReactData *data = (ReactData *) calloc(1, sizeof(ReactData)); data->key = key; data->u32Button.minimum = minimum; data->u32Button.maximum = maximum; data->u32Button.clickDelta = clickDelta; Button *button = ButtonCreate(parent, flags, label, -1); button->e.cp = data; button->e.messageUser = ReactU32ButtonMessage; arrput(reactElements, &button->e); return button; } void ReactUpdate(Element *exclude, const char *key) { for (int i = 0; i < arrlen(reactElements); i++) { ReactData *data = (ReactData *) reactElements[i]->cp; if (reactElements[i] == exclude) continue; if (key && strcmp(data->key, key)) continue; ElementMessage(reactElements[i], MSG_PROPERTY_CHANGED, 0, NULL); } } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Setting up the UI. ///////////////////////////////////////// void Populate() { arrfree(reactElements); for (uintptr_t i = 0; i < container->childCount; i++) { ElementDestroy(container->children[i]); } Object *object = SelectedObject(); if (object->type == OBJECT_COUNTER) { Panel *row = PanelCreate(container, PANEL_HORIZONTAL | ELEMENT_H_FILL); ReactU32ButtonCreate(&row->e, 0, "count", "-", 0, 10, -1); ReactU32DisplayCreate(&row->e, ELEMENT_H_FILL | LABEL_CENTER, "count", "Count: "); ReactU32ButtonCreate(&row->e, 0, "count", "+", 0, 10, 1); } else { // ... } ReactUpdate(NULL, NULL); ElementMessage(container, MSG_LAYOUT, 0, 0); ElementRepaint(container, NULL); } #ifdef PLATFORM_WIN32 int WinMain(HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE previousInstance, LPSTR commandLine, int showCommand) { (void) instance; (void) previousInstance; (void) commandLine; (void) showCommand; #else int main() { #endif // Create the initial document. // You might want to put this into a separate function, // so if loading a document from a file fails, you can fall back to this. Object objectCounter = { 0 }; objectCounter.type = OBJECT_COUNTER; Property propertyCount = { 0 }; propertyCount.type = PROPERTY_U32; strcpy(propertyCount.key, "count"); propertyCount.u32 = 5; arrput(objectCounter.properties, propertyCount); objectIDAllocator++; hmput(objects, objectIDAllocator, objectCounter); selectedObjectID = objectIDAllocator; Initialise(); Window *window = WindowCreate("Hello, world", 400, 120); Panel *panel = PanelCreate(&window->e, PANEL_GRAY); panel->border = RectangleMake(10, 10, 10, 10); panel->gap = 15; container = &PanelCreate(&panel->e, ELEMENT_H_FILL | ELEMENT_V_FILL)->e; Populate(); int result = MessageLoop(); DocumentFree(); return result; }