#! /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash ########## INFO ############ # This is boot-nethunter installer, you can delete this file safely after installation. ## File Name: install_bootkali.sh v1.1 # Author: Aravind Potluri (CIPH3R) # Description: Installs boot-kali script that can start nethunter's chroot in other # terminal like termux. ## Msg for Devs: # If you alter the number of lines in boot-kali script please count the final number of # lines that would be created and update the argument passed to ibar integrity checker in # install_boot-nethunter() function. ############################ # CODE Begins here -> function banner_boot-nethunter() { blue='\033[1;34m' light_cyan='\033[1;96m' reset='\033[0m' clear printf " ${blue}##############################\n" printf " ${blue}## ##\n" printf " ${blue}## Boot-Nethunter ##\n" printf " ${blue}## ##\n" printf " ${blue}##############################\n" printf " ${blue}|||||| ${light_cyan}name-is-cipher ${blue}||||||||\n" printf " ${blue}--------------------------------------${reset}" echo " " echo " " } function check_update() { if [ ! -d ~/.termux ]; then clear echo " " echo " [!] Your are on older version of Termux !!!" echo " Updating Termux...." sleep 4 apt update clear echo " [!] if prompted any, hit -> y" sleep 5 apt upgrade -y apt install wget -y clear echo " " echo " [*] You need to completly restart the termux, " echo " And start the installation again !!!" echo " " exit; fi } function check_tbin() { if [ ! -d ~/.termux/bin ]; then mkdir ~/.termux/bin echo >> ~/.bashrc echo "# This PATH is for Termux superuser bin folder" >> ~/.bashrc echo "export PATH=\$PATH:/data/data/com.termux/files/home/.termux/bin" >> ~/.bashrc echo " [*] Created Termux bin" echo " " fi } function clean_temp() { if [ -f ~/.wget-hsts ]; then rm ~/.wget-hsts fi } function ibar { FILE=$1 BAR='##############################' FILL='------------------------------' Lines=$2 # To No. lines in file that need to be present. barLen=30 # Bar Lenght of progressbar. count=0 echo " " # --- iterate over lines in of passed on file --- while IFS=, read -r line; do # update progress bar sleep 0.3 count=$(($count + 1)) percent=$((($count * 100 / $Lines * 100) / 100)) i=$(($percent * $barLen / 100)) echo -ne "\r[${BAR:0:$i}${FILL:$i:barLen}] $count/$Lines ($percent %)" done < $FILE echo " " # Integrity checker if [ $percent != 100 ]; then echo " " echo " [!] File is corrupt, Please try to reinstall !!!" echo " " echo " If you keep seeing this error, contact the Author:-" echo " " echo " Author: Aravind Potluri (CIPH3R)" echo " Mail: aravindswami135@gmail.com" echo " Github: name-is-cipher" clean_temp read exit fi echo " " echo " " } function install_boot-nethunter() { echo " [*] Installing Boot Nethunter ..." echo " " # Making boot-kali echo "#! /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/bash" > ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "# This scrpit boots nethunter in termux" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "su -c '" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "nethunter_env=\$PATH:/system/sbin" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "nethunter_env=\$nethunter_env:/product/bin" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "nethunter_env=\$nethunter_env:/apex/com.android.runtime/bin" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "nethunter_env=\$nethunter_env:/odm/bin" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "nethunter_env=\$nethunter_env:/vendor/bin" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "nethunter_env=\$nethunter_env:/vendor/xbin" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "nethunter_env=\$nethunter_env:/data/data/com.offsec.nethunter/files/scripts" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "nethunter_env=\$nethunter_env:/data/data/com.offsec.nethunter/scripts" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "nethunter_env=\$nethunter_env:/data/data/com.offsec.nethunter/files/scripts/bin" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "export PATH=\$nethunter_env; exec bootkali'" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "# Author: Aravind Swami [github: name-is-cipher]" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali echo "# Mail: aravindswami135@gmail.com" >> ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali chmod +x ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali ibar ~/.termux/bin/boot-kali 17 # Integrity checker, the number argument to ibar is number of lines in boot-kali script. echo " " echo " [*] Installation successful !!!" echo " " echo "> Run 'boot-kali' anywhere to start Kali Chroot." echo " " echo " [*] Termux needs to be restarted to work properly," echo " Please restart !" echo " " read exit } ############ Main ############# banner_boot-nethunter check_update check_tbin install_boot-nethunter clean_temp ##############################