# Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/) and this project adheres (more or less) to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## Unreleased ## 0.28.0 * Add unit argument to onZoom and onTimeChange callbacks @hckr #655 * Add `className` prop to Timeline component to override `react-calendar-timeline` class #682 * support zoom level seconds #835 @horizon-plaza * custom buffer prop (help with controlled scrolling) @Ilaiwi * Fix injecting custom vertical line's class names for time periods longer than day @RafikiTiki * fix Context Menu unintentionally disabled by default @dsgipe #769 * delete props `headerLabelFormats` and `subHeaderLabelFormats` not you can pass `formatLabel` function to `DateHeader` with label width and start and end time of intervals ## 0.26.7 * fix scrolling with trackpad @ilaiwi #679 * remove duplicate proptype validation in `TimelineStateContext` @xat ## 0.26.6 * fix `visibleTimeStart`, `visibleTimeEnd` and `onTimeChange` not working as expected in controlled mode @ilaiwi ### examples two new examples #### Controlled scroll Controlled visible port of the calendar using `visibleTimeStart` and `visibleTimeEnd`. This also limits scrolling by mouse and adds two buttons to change the visible port of the calendar [Example Codesandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/timeline-demo-controlled-visible-time-no-scroll-659jb) #### Programmatically Scrolling Using controlled scroll and react-spring to trigger scrolling and create an animation. [Example Codesandbox](https://codesandbox.io/s/confident-waterfall-3kq2503y8p) ## 0.26.5 * improve performance by: - eliminate extra call of layout on state update @ilaiwi - eliminate unmounting and mounting of Interval Component @ilaiwi ## 0.26.4 * fix `react-calendar-timeline` not working with `react-hot-loader` #607 @ilaiwi + @westn * add documentation for `stackItems` format #661 @tyson-kubota ## 0.26.3 * add documentation for `onItemDeselect` #350 @ilaiwi * solve a bug where `onItemDeselect` is not triggered as expected for several item clicks #350 @ilaiwi * fix row height on browser scaling #615 @gaston-niglia ### Packages update to `node-sass@4.12.0` for newer versions of node. ## 0.26.2 * render the items layer after columns and rows for layring @ilaiwi ## 0.26.1 * fix issue where mouse down gets stuck when scrolling the timeline #526 @KhalidArdah you can as well solve the issue without upgrading by adding the following style ``` .react-calendar-timeline .rct-horizontal-lines { -webkit-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: -moz-none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } ``` [as here](https://codesandbox.io/s/timeline-demo-sticky-header-w6s5f) ## 0.26.0 #### Added * Add `onItemDrag` prop to `` #517 @bettymakes * Upgrade to Babel 7.5.0, Jest 24.8.0, Enzyme 3.10.0 @trevdor #### Breaking * Removed `` in favour of allowing for custom component to be rendered on move or resize. Check out the demo in `demo/app/demo-custom-info-label` for an example on how to display your own custom info label or [this example](https://codesandbox.io/s/timeline-demo-info-label-neec9). ## 0.25.4 * Move `classnames` to a production dependency ## 0.25.3 * Fixed the `undefined` classnames in TimelineHeaders #566 @trevdor ## 0.25.2 * Fixed the auto-scroll right bug in a scaled browser. #528 @cw196 ## 0.25.1 * fix error when using `week` unit causing format error in `DateHeader` #562 @dkarnutsch * fix Wheel/Mousewheel Event errors on chrome 73 #541 @ilaiwi ## 0.25.0 ### Custom Headers This new feature gives more control to dev to create customizable headers to provide better UI. Now user have more control through a set of new components to render headers. This new feature came with a breaking change though. ```jsx import Timeline, { TimelineHeaders, SidebarHeader, DateHeader } from 'react-calendar-timeline' {({ getRootProps }) => { return
{({ headerContext: { intervals }, getRootProps, getIntervalProps, showPeriod, data, }) => { return (
{intervals.map(interval => { const intervalStyle = { lineHeight: '30px', textAlign: 'center', borderLeft: '1px solid black', cursor: 'pointer', backgroundColor: 'Turquoise', color: 'white' } return (
{ showPeriod(interval.startTime, interval.endTime) }} {...getIntervalProps({ interval, style: intervalStyle })} >
) })}
) }}
``` Check out the new docs before please [here](https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/tree/custom-headers#timeline-headers) #### removed props * `stickyOffset` and `stickyHeader` now you can make your header sticky by following this [examples](https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/tree/master/examples#custom-item-rendering) * `headerRef` to get the headerRef you need to pass ref callback to `TimelineHeader` component * `headerLabelGroupHeight` and `headerLabelHeight` now you can pass a `height` prop to both `CustomHeader` and `DateHeader` * `headerLabelFormats` and `subHeaderLabelFormats` not you can pass `formatLabel` function to `DateHeader` with label width and start and end time of intervals ## 0.23.1 * fix height calculation of stacked items is off if no item is visible in a line @Felix-N * fix Unsubscribing markers correctly when unmounted @gaston-niglia ## 0.23.0 * improve unit tests coverage #426 - @ilaiwi * stack items by group #384 - @acemac * fix bug where `canMove` prop gets ignored #484 - @acemac + @ilaiwi * fix sidebar re-render when groupHeights do not change #478 - @SDupZ ### Stack per group now you can stack choose to stack items in individual groups by providing the property `stackItems` in group object. The property in group overrides the timeline prop `stackItems`. ``` const groups = [{ id: 1, title: 'group 1', stackItems: false }, { id: 2, title: 'group 2', stackItems: true }] const items = [ { id: 1, group: 1, title: 'item 1', start_time: moment(), end_time: moment().add(1, 'hour') }, { id: 2, group: 2, title: 'item 2', start_time: moment().add(-0.5, 'hour'), end_time: moment().add(0.5, 'hour') }, { id: 3, group: 1, title: 'item 3', start_time: moment().add(2, 'hour'), end_time: moment().add(3, 'hour') } ] ReactDOM.render(
Rendered by react!
, document.getElementById('root') ) ``` ## 0.22.0 ### Fixed * Provided a new key `groupLabelKey` to allow splitting of the key used to render the Sidebar and the InfoLabel visible during drag operations. `groupTitleKey` continues to be used to render the Sidebar. #442 @thiagosatoshi * fix scroll left/right causes item move/edit to be at incorrect time #401 @acemac * now `getResizeProps` take `leftClassName` and `rightClassName` and returns className for left and right props @acemac * fix functionality of `itemTitle` and `itemDivTitle` [issue](https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/issues/429#issuecomment-426456693) @acemac ### 0.21.0 #### fixes * fix item dimensions not being rendered on zoom in/out @ilaiwi + @acemac * correct `right_sidebar` to `rightTitle` in readme @maxlibin #### breaking changes * add `rct` to `.top-header` and `.bottom-header` to become `.rct-top-header` and `.rct-bottom-header` @Simek * upgrade dev dependance `react@16.3` @acemac ### 0.20.0 ### improvements * eliminate extra renders on every scroll - #357 [acemac](https://github.com/acemac) ### Fixed * When the `date` prop on a `CustomMarker` changes the marker will now move on the timeline - #421 [kevinmanncito](https://github.com/kevinmanncito) [ilaiwi](https://github.com/ilaiwi) * Header has a bounce effect - #311 [acemac](https://github.com/acemac) ####dev * update to `react-testing-library` version 5 * remove deprecated `toBeInDom` ### 0.19.0 ### Added * ability to set classes for timeline columns depending on its time - #364 * ability to add custom classes and custom heights to the timeline rows - #367 * add `scrollRef` to allow for programmatically scrolling timeline - #372 ### Breaking * rework item renderer to render the whole item using render prop and prop getters - #289 ### 0.18.2 ### Fixed * `onCanvasClick` not fired - #383 * cursor marker disappear while hovering over item - #378 ### 0.18.1 ### Fixed * Date passed to CursorMarker child is wrong - #379 * groupRenderer doesnt work for right sidebar - #377 ### 0.18.0 ### Fixed * Timeline now respects changes to `headerLabelFormats` and `subHeaderLabelFormats` - #362 ### Added * timeline markers - user can have more control over markers that are rendered on the timeline. See `TimelineMarkers` section of README for documentation - #327 ### Breaking * Removed support for React 15 and lower. This is due to the fact that 16+ supports returning arrays from render, something that the TimelineMarker feature relies on. * removed `showCursorLine` prop in favor of using the `CursorMarker` component. See `TimelineMarkers` section of README for documentation. ```diff import Timeline, + {TimelineMarkers, CursorMarker} from 'react-calendar-timeline' + > + + + + ``` ### 0.17.3 ### Added * fix issue with single row header - #359 ### 0.17.2 ### Added * support passing `style` prop from item - #347 * `selected` is provided to `itemRenderer` - #348 * simplify logic for calculate dimensions and prevent item width and left properties from being unbounded - (refactoring) ### 0.17.1 ### Added * pass canvasTimeStart/End via timelineContext to the itemRenderer prop ### 0.17.0 ### Breaking * throw more descriptive error if visibleTimeStart/End and defaultTimeStart/End are not passed as props. Timeline no longer calculates visibleTime start and end from items. Removed `onTimeInit` prop as it no longer serves a purpose. - #299 * `interactjs` is a peerDependency (wasn't previously). Upped version to 1.3.4 to fix issue #297 ### Fixed * fix for issue where NaN is returned in onItemMove if the startTime is not unix timestamp #300 ### 0.16.3 ### Fixed * tap on canvas now dispatches `onCanvasClicked` - #168 * regression bug related to touch zoom * code cleanup and refactoring around group rows ### 0.16.2 ### Fixed * clicking on canvas when item is selected now calls `onCanvasClicked` - #312 ### 0.16.1 ### Added * added `stickyHeader` to disable/enable timeline header sticking on scroll. * removed `fullUpdate` prop and functionality. Labels rely on `position: sticky` to show for items that start before `visibleTimeStart`. This (should) greatly improve scroll performance. * removed extraneous css such as `text-align: center` on `.rct-item`, `.rct-item-overflow` to simplify the dom structure of `Item.js` * added `headerRef` callback to receive a reference to the header element. Due to the change in how the header positioning is implemented (i.e. using `position: sticky`), there is a need to use a polyfill in [certain browsers](https://caniuse.com/#feat=css-sticky) that don't support `position: sticky`. With a reference to the header dom element, you can use a polyfill to apply sticky behavior. * `minimumWidthForItemContentVisibility` prop to control at what width inner item content is rendered. ### Breaking * removed `fixedHeader` prop in favor of using `position: sticky` by default * removed import of stylesheets in library code, put onus on user to handle this stylesheet ## 0.15.12 ### Fixed * Shift + Scroll via mouse wheel scrolls canvas horizontally - #281 ## 0.15.11 ### Fixed * removed `preventDefault` call in item double click handler - #277 ## 0.15.10 ### Fixed * fix issue with time report with onItem\* callbacks for browsers that don't support `x` property in rect object - #266 ## 0.15.9 ### Fixed * header positioned incorrectly when not fixed/sticky - caused by #236 ## 0.15.8 ### Fixed * propTypes error related to Item prop - #239 * onCanvasClick and onCanvasDoubleClick were being called on header click - #236 ### Added * on timeline zoom, onZoom prop is called with timelineContext - #248 ## 0.15.7 This release contains a lot of code cleanup as well as an API change to the `itemRenderer` prop. ### Fixed * peerDependency warning if using React 16 #187 ### Added * `timelineContext` is provided to `itemRenderer` #233 ## 0.15.6 ### Fixed * Fixed issue with state not properly updated when ending resize #173 * Fixed issue with onItem\* events not reporting correct time when timeline has outer padding #227 ## 0.15.5 ### Fixed * context click actually calls double click callback #225 * Removed href attribute from header divs #222 ## 0.15.4 ### Fixed * Clicking on Svg element throws error #216 ## 0.15.3 This version contains one crucial bug fix and a simple update to item clicks to report time. Much of the other work was around repo maintenance and preparing the repo for future development (update to dev-tooling, some documentation updates) ### Added * Report time with all item clicks #210 ### Fixed * Drag doesn't stop when you leave the timeline canvas #182 ## [0.15.0] Plugin support and sticky header! ### Added * Plugins system (pass them as children) @mariusandra #122 * Sticky header (`fixedHeader='sticky'`) @mariusandra #125 ### Removed * [BREAKING] Removed deprecated option to pass sidebar header content as children. Use `sidebarContent` instead. @mariusandra * [BREAKING] Removed fixedHeader option `absolute`, which was broken and is now replaced with the option `sticky` @mariusandra ### Demo & Docs * Notice for modern module bundlers @jlubben @mariusandra #128 * Add [treeGroups](http://namespace.ee/react-calendar-timeline-docs/#/treeGroups) demo ## [0.14.11] Plenty of bugfixes, tests and new demos in these 0.14 patch releases. ### Fixed * Fixed bug with `resizeDetector` and with detecting changes in `sidebarWidth` @mariusandra * Fixed bug where order `0` was evaluated as a falsy @nicocrm #111 * Fix overflow-x with header @signalwerk ### Added * Add meta+wheel modifier that zooms 3x the speed of the normal wheel events @mariusandra ### Changed * Refactor `calculateDimensions` to be pure @signalwerk * Convert `groupHeights` and `groupTops` to arrays (from objects) @mariusandra ### Demo & docs * Add [linkedTimelines](http://namespace.ee/react-calendar-timeline-docs/#/linkedTimelines) demo * Add [elementResize](http://namespace.ee/react-calendar-timeline-docs/#/elementResize) demo * Add docs about modifier keys for zooming/scrolling @signalwerk ## [0.14.2] ### Changed * Use `prop-types` instead of `React.PropTypes` to support React 15.5+. @mariusandra #110 ## [0.14.0] ### Added * Use `headerLabelFormats` and `subHeaderLabelFormats` to customise the header labels. @Slowyn #68 * Optional pluggable `resizeDetector` to detect when the element's container is resized. @Ziller321 #94 ### Fixed * Fix renders with empty `groups` array. @signalwerk #106 ## [0.13.0] ### Added * An option to add another sidebar to the right of the Timeline. @goooseman #80 * `itemRenderer` prop to allow specifying a custom component to render the items @nicocrm #103 * `groupRenderer` prop to allow specifying a custom component to render the groups @nicocrm #103 * `showCursorLine` prop to show a vertical line at the snap position @meikoudras * You can now select multiple items if you take control of the `selected` prop and the `onItemSelect` handler. @meengit #71 * Canvas context menu handler `onCanvasContextMenu` @meikoudras ### Fixed * Calculate width when we receive sidebar width property @jmerriweather #75 * Avoid updating updateDimensions right after updateScrollCanvas @nicocrm #87 * Fix typo collision detection in stack() @nicocrm #96 * Remove dead code @signalwerk #101 * Disable cursor style by interactjs @bkniffler #89 * Fixed header width and Header label weekday support @meikoudras #66 ### Changed * [Deprecated] To have content above the left sidebar, pass it in a `sidebarContent={
}` prop, not as children to the component. ## [0.11.1] ### Fixed * Without canResize prop in items it gave a Uncaught TypeError. @tgosp ## [0.11.0] ### Added * An option to fully update the calendar at every scroll event. With this change, labels of items are always fully visible, even if looking at a multi day event with a zoom level set at 30min. @mariusandra ## [0.10.1] ### Changed * The left resize edge mouse cursor is now a left arrow @mariusandra ## [0.10.0] ### Added * You can also resize items from the left now @mariusandra ## [0.9.0] ### Added * Allow disabling selection clicks on items #58 by @sjchmiela * Allow passing additional props to `Item`'s `
` #58 by @sjchmiela * Add `clickTolerance` so dragging more than 3 pixels is no longer a click @mariusandra ### Changed * [BREAKING] Same arguments order (groupId, time, e) for onCanvasDoubleClick and onCanvasClick #52 by @signalwerk * [Deprecated] `onTimeChange` now gets `updateScrollCanvas` as the third argument. Doing `this.updateScrollCanvas` is no longer needed and will be removed soon. * Moved React & Moment from dependencies to peerDependencies #53 by @meikoudras * Fix resizing when inside DIV #47 by @semargal * Fix demo for IE11 #44 by @lucidlemon * Package a .css file, not a .scss file as previously done. @mariusandra [0.9.0]: https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/compare/v0.8.6...v0.9.0 [0.10.0]: https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/compare/v0.9.0...v0.10.0 [0.10.1]: https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/compare/v0.10.0...v0.10.1 [0.11.0]: https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/compare/v0.10.1...v0.11.0 [0.11.1]: https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/compare/v0.11.0...v0.11.1 [0.13.0]: https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/compare/v0.11.1...v0.13.0 [0.14.0]: https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/compare/v0.13.0...v0.14.0 [0.14.2]: https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/compare/v0.14.0...v0.14.2 [0.14.11]: https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/compare/v0.14.2...v0.14.11 [0.15.0]: https://github.com/namespace-ee/react-calendar-timeline/compare/v0.14.11...v0.15.0