# [phpfmt](https://github.com/nanch/phpfmt_stable) support for Sublime Text 3 ## Installation #### Requirements - **You must have a running copy of PHP on the machine you are running Sublime Text** Plugin runs with PHP 7.0 or newer installed in the machine running the plugin. #### Install this plugin through Package Manager. - In Sublime Text press `ctrl+shift+P` - Choose `Package Control: Install Package` - Choose `phpfmt` #### Configuration (Windows) - Edit configuration file (`%AppData%\Sublime Text\Packages\phpfmt\phpfmt.sublime-settings`) - For field `"php_bin"` enter the path to the php.exe Example: `"php_bin":"c:/PHP/php.exe"` #### Configuration (OS X and Linux) - Edit configuration file (`phpfmt.sublime-settings`) - For field `"php_bin"` enter the path to the php Example: `"php_bin":"/usr/local/bin/php"` ### Settings Prefer using the toggle options at command palette. However you might find yourself in need to setup where PHP is running, use this option below for the configuration file. ``` { "php_bin":"/usr/local/bin/php", } ``` **The following features are available through command palette (`ctrl+shift+P` or `cmd+shift+P`) :** * phpfmt: format now * phpfmt: indentation with spaces * phpfmt: toggle additional transformations * phpfmt: toggle excluded transformations * phpfmt: toggle skip execution when .php.tools.ini is missing * phpfmt: toggle autocomplete * phpfmt: toggle dependency autoimport * phpfmt: toggle format on save * phpfmt: toggle PSR1 - Class and Methods names * phpfmt: toggle PSR1 * phpfmt: toggle PSR2 * phpfmt: analyse this * phpfmt: build autocomplete database * phpfmt: getter and setter (camelCase) * phpfmt: getter and setter (Go) * phpfmt: getter and setter (snake_case) * phpfmt: generate PHPDoc block * phpfmt: look for .php.tools.ini * phpfmt: reorganize content of class * phpfmt: enable/disable additional transformations * phpfmt: troubleshoot information * phpfmt: update PHP binary path ### Currently Supported Transformations: * AddMissingParentheses Add extra parentheses in new instantiations. * AliasToMaster Replace function aliases to their masters - only basic syntax alias. * AlignConstVisibilityEquals Vertically align "=" of visibility and const blocks. * AlignDoubleArrow Vertically align T_DOUBLE_ARROW (=>). * AlignDoubleSlashComments Vertically align "//" comments. * AlignEquals Vertically align "=". * AlignGroupDoubleArrow Vertically align T_DOUBLE_ARROW (=>) by line groups. * AlignPHPCode Align PHP code within HTML block. * AlignTypehint Vertically align function type hints. * AllmanStyleBraces Transform all curly braces into Allman-style. * AutoPreincrement Automatically convert postincrement to preincrement. * AutoSemicolon Add semicolons in statements ends. * CakePHPStyle Applies CakePHP Coding Style * ClassToSelf "self" is preferred within class, trait or interface. * ClassToStatic "static" is preferred within class, trait or interface. * ConvertOpenTagWithEcho Convert from " implode()). * LeftWordWrap Word wrap at 80 columns - left justify. * LongArray Convert short to long arrays. * MergeElseIf Merge if with else. * SplitElseIf Merge if with else. * MergeNamespaceWithOpenTag Ensure there is no more than one linebreak before namespace * MildAutoPreincrement Automatically convert postincrement to preincrement. (Deprecated pass. Use AutoPreincrement instead). * NewLineBeforeReturn Add an empty line before T_RETURN. * OrganizeClass Organize class, interface and trait structure. * OrderAndRemoveUseClauses Order use block and remove unused imports. * OnlyOrderUseClauses Order use block - do not remove unused imports. * OrderMethod Organize class, interface and trait structure. * OrderMethodAndVisibility Organize class, interface and trait structure. * PHPDocTypesToFunctionTypehint Read variable types from PHPDoc blocks and add them in function signatures. * PrettyPrintDocBlocks Prettify Doc Blocks * PSR2EmptyFunction Merges in the same line of function header the body of empty functions. * PSR2MultilineFunctionParams Break function parameters into multiple lines. * ReindentAndAlignObjOps Align object operators. * ReindentSwitchBlocks Reindent one level deeper the content of switch blocks. * RemoveIncludeParentheses Remove parentheses from include declarations. * RemoveSemicolonAfterCurly Remove semicolon after closing curly brace. * RemoveUseLeadingSlash Remove leading slash in T_USE imports. * ReplaceBooleanAndOr Convert from "and"/"or" to "&&"/"||". Danger! This pass leads to behavior change. * ReplaceIsNull Replace is_null($a) with null === $a. * RestoreComments Revert any formatting of comments content. * ReturnNull Simplify empty returns. * ShortArray Convert old array into new array. (array() -> []) * SmartLnAfterCurlyOpen Add line break when implicit curly block is added. * SortUseNameSpace Organize use clauses by length and alphabetic order. * SpaceAroundControlStructures Add space around control structures. * SpaceAroundExclamationMark Add spaces around exclamation mark. * SpaceBetweenMethods Put space between methods. * StrictBehavior Activate strict option in array_search, base64_decode, in_array, array_keys, mb_detect_encoding. Danger! This pass leads to behavior change. * StrictComparison All comparisons are converted to strict. Danger! This pass leads to behavior change. * StripExtraCommaInArray Remove trailing commas within array blocks * StripNewlineAfterClassOpen Strip empty lines after class opening curly brace. * StripNewlineAfterCurlyOpen Strip empty lines after opening curly brace. * StripNewlineWithinClassBody Strip empty lines after class opening curly brace. * StripSpaces Remove all empty spaces * StripSpaceWithinControlStructures Strip empty lines within control structures. * TightConcat Ensure string concatenation does not have spaces, except when close to numbers. * TrimSpaceBeforeSemicolon Remove empty lines before semi-colon. * UpgradeToPreg Upgrade ereg_* calls to preg_* * WordWrap Word wrap at 80 columns. * WrongConstructorName Update old constructor names into new ones. http://php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.decon.php * YodaComparisons Execute Yoda Comparisons. ### What does it do?
Before After
for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
echo "Flipflop";
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
  if ($i%2 == 0) {
    echo "Flipflop";
$a = 10;
$otherVar = 20;
$third = 30;
$a        = 10;
$otherVar = 20;
$third    = 30;
This can be enabled with the option "enable_auto_align"
namespace NS\Something;
use \OtherNS\C;
use \OtherNS\B;
use \OtherNS\A;
use \OtherNS\D;

$a = new A();
$b = new C();
$d = new D();
namespace NS\Something;

use \OtherNS\A;
use \OtherNS\C;
use \OtherNS\D;

$a = new A();
$b = new C();
$d = new D();
note how it sorts the use clauses, and removes unused ones
### What does it do? - PSR version
Before After
for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
echo "Flipflop";
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    if ($i%2 == 0) {
        echo "Flipflop";
Note the identation of 4 spaces.
class A {
function a(){
return 10;
class A
    public function a()
        return 10;
Note the braces position, and the visibility adjustment in the method a().
namespace NS\Something;
use \OtherNS\C;
use \OtherNS\B;
use \OtherNS\A;
use \OtherNS\D;

$a = new A();
$b = new C();
$d = new D();
namespace NS\Something;

use \OtherNS\A;
use \OtherNS\C;
use \OtherNS\D;

$a = new A();
$b = new C();
$d = new D();
note how it sorts the use clauses, and removes unused ones
### Troubleshooting - Be sure you can run PHP from the command line. - If you need support, please open an issue at [fmt issues](https://github.com/nanch/phpfmt_stable/issues) ### The Most FAQ ***I want to use sublime-phpfmt, but it needs PHP 5.6 or newer and on my production server I have PHP 5.5 or older. What should I do?*** Consider installing a standalone PHP 5.6 in a separate directory and have it *not* configured in the environment. Within the plugin, ensure `php_bin` parameter is pointed to this standalone installation. ### Acknowledgements - GoSublime - for the method to update the formatted buffer - Google's diff match patch - http://code.google.com/p/google-diff-match-patch/