# DOPPLER VARS SHOULD BE PROPOSED TO CF COMMUNITY - standard_name: surface_radial_doppler_sea_water_velocity long_name: Radial Doppler Current short_name: Ur units: m s-1 minmax: -1 1 colormap: jet - standard_name: surface_backwards_doppler_frequency_shift_of_radar_wave_due_to_surface_velocity long_name: Radar Doppler frequency shift due to surface velocity short_name: fdg units: Hz minmax: -60 60 colormap: jet - standard_name: surface_backwards_doppler_frequency_shift_of_radar_wave_due_to_wind_waves long_name: Radar Doppler frequency shift due to wind waves short_name: fww units: Hz minmax: -60 60 colormap: jet - standard_name: predicted_surface_backwards_doppler_frequency_shift_of_radar_wave long_name: Geometrically predicted Doppler frequency shift of radar wave short_name: fdp units: Hz minmax: 0 2000 colormap: jet - standard_name: standard_deviation_of_surface_backwards_doppler_centroid_frequency_shift_of_radar_wave long_name: Standard deviation of Radar Doppler centroid frequency shift estimate short_name: dc_std units: Hz minmax: 0 5 colormap: jet - standard_name: surface_backwards_doppler_centroid_frequency_shift_of_radar_wave long_name: Radar Doppler centroid frequency shift short_name: dc units: Hz minmax: 0 2000 colormap: jet - standard_name: anomaly_of_surface_backwards_doppler_centroid_frequency_shift_of_radar_wave long_name: Radar Doppler centroid frequency shift subtracted by the geometrically predicted Doppler frequency shift short_name: dca units: Hz minmax: -100 100 colormap: jet - standard_name: valid_pixels_in_grid_of_surface_backwards_doppler_centroid_frequency_shift_of_radar_wave long_name: Valid pixels in grid of radar Doppler centroid frequency shift short_name: valid_doppler units: na minmax: 0 2 colormap: jet - standard_name: valid_land_pixels_in_grid_of_surface_backwards_doppler_centroid_frequency_shift_of_radar_wave long_name: Valid land cover pixels in grid of radar Doppler centroid frequency shift short_name: valid_land_doppler units: na minmax: 0 1 colormap: jet - standard_name: valid_sea_pixels_in_grid_of_surface_backwards_doppler_centroid_frequency_shift_of_radar_wave long_name: Valid sea cover pixels in grid of radar Doppler centroid frequency shift short_name: valid_sea_doppler units: na minmax: 0 1 colormap: jet - standard_name: surface_backwards_brightness_coefficient_of_radar_wave long_name: Reflectivity per unit area in slant range short_name: beta0 units: m/m minmax: 0 0.1 colormap: gray - standard_name: surface_backwards_scattering_coefficient_of_radar_wave long_name: Normalized Radar Cross Section short_name: sigma0 units: m/m minmax: 0 0.1 colormap: gray - standard_name: surface_backwards_scattering_coefficient_of_radar_wave_normalized_over_ice long_name: Normalized Radar Cross Section - normalized over ice short_name: sigma0_ice units: m/m minmax: 0 0.1 colormap: gray - standard_name: surface_backwards_scattering_coefficient_of_radar_wave_normalized_over_water long_name: Normalized Radar Cross Section - normalized over water short_name: sigma0_water units: m/m minmax: 0 0.1 colormap: gray - standard_name: albedo long_name: Albedo short_name: albedo units: percent minmax: 0 100 colormap: gray - standard_name: eastward_wind long_name: Eastward wind velocity short_name: U units: m s-1 minmax: -10 10 colormap: jet - standard_name: northward_wind long_name: Northward wind velocity short_name: V units: m s-1 minmax: -10 10 colormap: jet - standard_name: wind_speed long_name: Wind speed short_name: W units: m s-1 minmax: 0 18 colormap: jet - standard_name: wind_to_direction long_name: Wind direction (towards) short_name: D units: degrees minmax: 0 360 colormap: jet - standard_name: wind_from_direction long_name: Wind direction (from) short_name: D units: degrees minmax: 0 360 colormap: jet - standard_name: surface_upwelling_spectral_radiance_in_air_emerging_from_sea_water long_name: Upward spectral radiance short_name: nLw units: W m-2 m-1 sr-1 minmax: 0.000 500 colormap: jet - standard_name: surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_air long_name: Reflectance short_name: Rrs units: sr-1 minmax: 0.000 0.05 colormap: jet - standard_name: surface_ratio_of_upwelling_radiance_emerging_from_sea_water_to_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_water long_name: Reflectance short_name: Rrsw units: sr-1 minmax: 0.000 0.05 colormap: jet - standard_name: mass_concentration_of_chlorophyll_a_in_sea_water long_name: Chlorophyll-a short_name: chlor_a units: kg m-3 minmax: 0.001 15.000 colormap: jet - standard_name: sea_surface_temperature long_name: Sea Surface Temperature short_name: SST units: celsius minmax: 10 25 colormap: jet - standard_name: sea_surface_salinity long_name: Sea Surface Salinity short_name: SSS units: psu minmax: 30 40 colormap: jet - standard_name: volume_absorption_coefficient_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water_due_to_dissolved_organic_matter long_name: Yellow Substance Absorption short_name: cdom_a units: m-1 minmax: 0.000 2.000 colormap: jet - standard_name: mass_concentration_of_dissolved_organic_carbon_in_sea_water long_name: Dissolved Organic Carbon short_name: doc units: kg m-3 minmax: 0.001 10.000 colormap: jet - standard_name: mass_concentration_of_suspended_matter_in_sea_water long_name: Inorganic Suspended Matter short_name: tsm units: kg m-3 minmax: 0.001 5.000 colormap: jet - standard_name: volume_attenuation_coefficient_of_downwelling_radiative_flux_in_sea_water long_name: Kd_490 short_name: Kd units: m-1 minmax: 0.000 2.000 colormap: jet - standard_name: sensor_zenith_angle long_name: Sensor Zenith Angle short_name: sensor_zenith units: degrees minmax: 0 90 colormap: jet - standard_name: sensor_view_angle long_name: Sensor View Angle short_name: sensor_view units: degrees minmax: 0 90 colormap: jet - standard_name: sensor_azimuth_angle long_name: Sensor Azimuth Angle short_name: sensor_azimuth units: degrees minmax: 0 360 colormap: jet - standard_name: solar_zenith_angle long_name: Solar Zenith Angle short_name: sol_zenith units: degrees minmax: 0 90 colormap: jet - standard_name: solar_azimuth_angle long_name: Solar Azimuth Angle short_name: sol_azimuth units: degrees minmax: 0 360 colormap: jet - standard_name: angle_of_incidence long_name: Incidence Angle short_name: incidence_angle units: degrees minmax: 0 90 colormap: jet - standard_name: quality_flags long_name: Quality Flags short_name: flags units: na minmax: 0 1 colormap: jet - standard_name: air_temperature long_name: Air Temperature short_name: T units: celsius minmax: 10 30 colormap: jet - standard_name: brightness_temperature long_name: Brightness Temperature short_name: BT units: kelvin minmax: 230 330 colormap: jet - standard_name: height_above_reference_ellipsoid long_name: Digital elevation model height above mean sea level short_name: topo units: m minmax: 0 4000 colormap: jet - standard_name: land_binary_mask long_name: Land mask short_name: landmask units: na minmax: 0 1 colormap: jet - standard_name: swath_binary_mask long_name: Swath mask short_name: swathmask units: na minmax: 0 1 colormap: jet - standard_name: latitude long_name: Latitude short_name: latitude units: deg N minmax: -90 90 colormap: jet - standard_name: longitude long_name: Longitude short_name: longitude units: deg E minmax: -180 180 colormap: jet - standard_name: surface_geostrophic_eastward_sea_water_velocity long_name: Eastward Geostrophic Current short_name: U units: cm s-1 minmax: -20 20 colormap: jet - standard_name: surface_geostrophic_northward_sea_water_velocity long_name: Northward Geostrophic Current short_name: V units: cm s-1 minmax: -20 20 colormap: jet - standard_name: sea_surface_height_above_sea_level long_name: Sea Surface Anomaly short_name: SSA units: m minmax: -100 100 colormap: jet - standard_name: sea_surface_height_above_geoid long_name: Sea Surface Height short_name: SSH units: cm minmax: -100 100 colormap: jet - standard_name: sea_ice_area_fraction long_name: Sea Ice Concentration short_name: ice_conc units: '%' minmax: 0 100 colormap: jet - standard_name: net_primary_productivity_of_carbon long_name: Net Primary Production short_name: npp units: kg m-2 s-1 minmax: 0 10000 colormap: jet - standard_name: toa_outgoing_spectral_radiance long_name: top of atmosphere emitted toward outer space per unit wavenumber or as a function of wavenumber radiative flux in a particular direction, per unit of solid angle short_name: L units: mW m-2 sr-1 (cm-1)-1 minmax: 0.000 1000 colormap: jet - standard_name: instantaneous_photosynthetically_available_radiation long_name: Instantaneous Photosynthetically Available Radiation short_name: PAR units: mol m-2 s-1 sr-1 minmax: 0 0.0024 colormap: jet - standard_name: volume_backscattering_coefficient_of_radiative_flux_in_sea_water_due_to_suspended_particles long_name: Particle backscatter short_name: bbp units: m-1 minmax: 0 0.1 colormap: jet - standard_name: sea_surface_skin_temperature long_name: Sea Surface Temperature short_name: SST units: kelvin minmax: 280 300 colormap: jet - standard_name: downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_radiance_in_sea_water long_name: Photosynthetically Available Radiation short_name: PAR units: mol m-2 s-1 sr-1 minmax: 0 80 colormap: jet - standard_name: instantaneous_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_radiance_in_sea_water long_name: Instantaneous Photosynthetically Available Radiation short_name: IPAR units: mol m-2 s-1 sr-1 minmax: 0 80 colormap: jet - standard_name: depth long_name: Depth short_name: depth units: m minmax: 0 13000 colormap: jet - standard_name: concentration_of_coccoliths_in_sea_water long_name: Coccoliths short_name: ccl units: 10e12 plates m-3 minmax: 0.001 15.000 colormap: jet - standard_name: status_flag long_name: Status flag short_name: status_flag units: na minmax: 0 1 colormap: jet - standard_name: sea_water_potential_temperature_at_sea_floor long_name: "Bottom temperature" short_name: bottomT units: celsius minmax: 1 40 colormap: jet - standard_name: sea_surface_wave_mean_period long_name: "Average zero crossing wave period (Tz)" short_name: VTZA units: s minmax: 2000 25000 colormap: jet - standard_name: sea_water_salinity_at_bottom long_name: "Sea water salinity at bottom" short_name: salinity_bottom units: psu minmax: 0 50 colormap: jet - standard_name: sea_water_temperature_at_bottom long_name: "Sea water temperature at bottom" short_name: water_temp_bottom units: celsius minmax: -2 40 colormap: jet - standard_name: y_sea_water_velocity long_name: Y Sea Water Velocity short_name: V units: m s-1 minmax: -20 20 colormap: jet - standard_name: x_sea_water_velocity long_name: X Sea Water Velocity short_name: U units: m s-1 minmax: -20 20 colormap: jet - standard_name: surface_boundary_layer_thickness long_name: Surface boundary layer thickness short_name: surface_boundary_layer_thickness units: m minmax: 0 5000 colormap: jet - standard_name: ice_coverage long_name: Ice coverage short_name: ice_coverage units: na minmax: 0 1 colormap: jet - standard_name: ice_temperature long_name: Ice temperature short_name: ice_temperature units: celsius minmax: -100 0 colormap: jet - standard_name: ice_thickness long_name: Ice thickness short_name: ice_thickness units: m minmax: 0 100 colormap: jet - standard_name: ice_uvelocity long_name: Eastward sea ice velocity short_name: ice_uvelocity units: m s-1 minmax: -10 10 colormap: jet - standard_name: icd_vvelocity long_name: Northward sea ice velocity short_name: ice_vvelocity units: m s-1 minmax: -10 10 colormap: jet - standard_name: fraction_of_first_year_ice long_name: Fraction of first year ice short_name: fy_frac units: '' minmax: 0 1 colormap: jet - standard_name: age_of_first_year_ice long_name: Age of first year ice short_name: fy_age units: days minmax: 0 300 colormap: jet