******************** ConvertFullHalfWidth ******************** About ----- ConvertFullHalfWidth supported for sublime text 3. It convert Full-width to Half-width or Half-width to Full-width. It Supported Katakana(kana), Alphabet(ascii) and Number(digit). Installation ------------ It's simple. Use Package Control. Search ConvertFullHalfWidth key Binding ----------- This package exclude Default.sublime-keymap. Key map example. .. code-block:: javascript [ // All Word convert to full-width. { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+a, ctrl+shift+"], "command": "convert_full_half_width", "args": {"to": "full", "kana": true, "ascii": true, "digit": true}}, // Katakana convert to half-width. { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+k, ctrl+shift+f"], "command": "convert_full_half_width", "args": {"to": "half", "kana": true}}, ]