#!/bin/bash ############################################################################ # Copyright Nash!Com, Daniel Nashed 2023-2025 - APACHE 2.0 see LICENSE ############################################################################ # Domino on Linux installation script # Version 4.0.2 04.01.2025 # - Installs required software # - Adds notes:notes user and group # - Creates directory structure in /local/ for the Domino server data (/local/notesdata, /local/translog, ...) # - Installs NashCom Domino on Linux start script # - Creates a new NRPC firewall rule and opens ports NRPC, HTTP, HTTPS and SMTP # - Installs Domino with default options using silent install # - Sets security limits SCRIPT_NAME=$(readlink -f $0) SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname $SCRIPT_NAME) # Get install options if specified if [ -n "$1" ]; then INSTALL_OPTIONS="$@" fi if [ -n "$DOWNLOAD_FROM" ]; then echo "Downloading and installing software from [$DOWNLOAD_FROM]" elif [ -n "$SOFTWARE_DIR" ]; then echo "Installing software from [$SOFTWARE_DIR]" else SOFTWARE_DIR=/local/software echo "Installing software from default location [$SOFTWARE_DIR]" fi # In any case set a software directory if [ -z "$SOFTWARE_DIR" ]; then SOFTWARE_DIR=/local/software fi if [ -z "$HCL_SOFTWARE" ]; then HCL_SOFTWARE=/local/HCLSoftware fi if [ -z "$INSTALL_TEMP_DIR" ]; then INSTALL_TEMP_DIR=/tmp/install_domino_$$ fi if [ -z "$DOMINO_START_SCRIPT_GIT_ZIP" ]; then DOMINO_START_SCRIPT_GIT_ZIP=https://github.com/nashcom/domino-startscript/archive/refs/heads/develop.zip fi if [ -z "$DOMINO_CONTAINER_GIT_ZIP" ]; then DOMINO_CONTAINER_GIT_ZIP=https://github.com/HCL-TECH-SOFTWARE/domino-container/archive/refs/heads/develop.zip fi SPECIAL_CURL_ARGS= CURL_CMD="curl --fail --location --connect-timeout 15 --max-time 300 $SPECIAL_CURL_ARGS" if [ -z "$DOMINO_USER" ]; then DOMINO_USER=notes fi if [ -z "$DOMINO_GROUP" ]; then DOMINO_GROUP=notes fi if [ -z "$DIR_PERM" ]; then DIR_PERM=770 fi print_delim() { echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" } log_ok () { echo echo "$1" echo } log_error() { echo echo "Failed - $1" echo } header() { echo print_delim echo "$1" print_delim echo } remove_directory() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then return 1 fi if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then return 2 fi rm -rf "$1" if [ -e "$1" ]; then echo " --- directory not completely deleted! ---" ls -l "$1" echo " --- directory not completely deleted! ---" fi return 0 } install_package() { if [ -x /usr/bin/zypper ]; then /usr/bin/zypper install -y "$@" elif [ -x /usr/bin/dnf ]; then /usr/bin/dnf install -y "$@" elif [ -x /usr/bin/tdnf ]; then /usr/bin/tdnf install -y "$@" elif [ -x /usr/bin/microdnf ]; then /usr/bin/microdnf install -y "$@" elif [ -x /usr/bin/yum ]; then /usr/bin/yum install -y "$@" elif [ -x /usr/bin/apt-get ]; then /usr/bin/apt-get install -y "$@" elif [ -x /usr/bin/pacman ]; then /usr/bin/pacman --noconfirm -Sy "$@" elif [ -x /sbin/apk ]; then /sbin/apk add "$@" else log_error "No package manager found!" exit 1 fi } install_packages() { local PACKAGE= for PACKAGE in $*; do install_package $PACKAGE done } config_firewall() { if [ -n "$1" ]; then STARTSCRIPT_DIR="$1" fi header "Configure firewall" if [ -n "$STARTSCRIPT_SKIP_FIREWALL_CFG" ]; then echo "Skip firewall config requested" return 0 fi if [ ! -e /usr/sbin/firewalld ]; then echo "Firewalld not installed" return 0 fi if [ -z "$STARTSCRIPT_DIR" ]; then echo "No start script directory found when configuring firewall settings" return 0 fi if [ -e "/etc/firewalld/services/nrpc.xml" ]; then echo "Firewall settings for NRPC already configured" return 0 fi # Add well known NRPC port cp "$STARTSCRIPT_DIR/extra/firewalld/nrpc.xml" /etc/firewalld/services/ # Reload just in case to let firewalld notice the change firewall-cmd --reload # enable NRPC, HTTP, HTTPS and SMTP in firewall firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-service={nrpc,http,https,smtp} # reload firewall changes firewall-cmd --reload echo "Info: Firewall services enabled - TCP/Inbound: NRPC, HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP" } config_sudo() { if [ -n "$(cat /etc/sudoers | grep "notes" |grep "/usr/bin/systemctl")" ]; then echo "sudo for 'notes' to execute systemctl is already configured" return 0 fi echo "%notes ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl *" >> /etc/sudoers echo "sudo for 'notes' to execute systemctl configured" } add_notes_user() { header "Add Notes user" local NOTES_UID=$(id -u $DOMINO_USER 2>/dev/null) if [ -n "$NOTES_UID" ]; then echo "$DOMINO_USER user already exists (UID:$NOTES_UID)" return 0 fi # creates user and group groupadd $DOMINO_GROUP useradd $DOMINO_USER -g $DOMINO_GROUP -m } create_directory() { TARGET_FILE=$1 OWNER=$2 GROUP=$3 PERMS=$4 if [ -z "$TARGET_FILE" ]; then return 0 fi if [ -e "$TARGET_FILE" ]; then return 0 fi mkdir -p "$TARGET_FILE" if [ ! -z "$OWNER" ]; then chown $OWNER:$GROUP "$TARGET_FILE" fi if [ ! -z "$PERMS" ]; then chmod "$PERMS" "$TARGET_FILE" fi return 0 } create_directories() { header "Create directory structure /local ..." # creates local directory structure with the right owner create_directory /local $DOMINO_USER $DOMINO_GROUP 777 create_directory "$SOFTWARE_DIR" $DOMINO_USER $DOMINO_GROUP 777 create_directory /local/notesdata $DOMINO_USER $DOMINO_GROUP $DIR_PERM create_directory /local/translog $DOMINO_USER $DOMINO_GROUP $DIR_PERM create_directory /local/daos $DOMINO_USER $DOMINO_GROUP $DIR_PERM create_directory /local/nif $DOMINO_USER $DOMINO_GROUP $DIR_PERM create_directory /local/ft $DOMINO_USER $DOMINO_GROUP $DIR_PERM create_directory /local/backup $DOMINO_USER $DOMINO_GROUP $DIR_PERM } print_runtime() { echo hours=$((SECONDS / 3600)) seconds=$((SECONDS % 3600)) minutes=$((seconds / 60)) seconds=$((seconds % 60)) h=""; m=""; s="" if [ ! $hours = "1" ] ; then h="s"; fi if [ ! $minutes = "1" ] ; then m="s"; fi if [ ! $seconds = "1" ] ; then s="s"; fi if [ ! $hours = 0 ] ; then echo "Completed in $hours hour$h, $minutes minute$m and $seconds second$s" elif [ ! $minutes = 0 ] ; then echo "Completed in $minutes minute$m and $seconds second$s" else echo "Completed in $seconds second$s"; fi } must_be_root() { if [ "$EUID" = "0" ]; then return 0 fi log_error "Installation requires root permissions. Switch to root or try 'sudo'" exit 1 } find_scripts() { local SEARCH_DIR=$1 if [ -z "$SEARCH_DIR" ]; then SEARCH_DIR=$(pwd) fi if [ -z "$INSTALL_DOMDOWNLOAD_SCRIPT" ]; then INSTALL_DOMDOWNLOAD_SCRIPT=$(find "$SEARCH_DIR" -maxdepth 2 -name "domdownload.sh") fi if [ -n "$INSTALL_DOMDOWNLOAD_SCRIPT" ]; then START_SCRIPT_DIR="$(dirname "$INSTALL_DOMDOWNLOAD_SCRIPT")" fi if [ -n "$START_SCRIPT_DIR" ]; then INSTALL_DOMINO_SCRIPT="$START_SCRIPT_DIR/install_script" # Search for container porject on same level SEARCH_DIR=$(dirname "$START_SCRIPT_DIR") fi if [ -z "$CONTAINER_SCRIPT_DIR" ]; then CONTAINER_SCRIPT_DIR=$(find "$SEARCH_DIR" -type d -name "domino-container*") fi if [ -n "$CONTAINER_SCRIPT_DIR" ]; then BUILD_SCRIPT="$CONTAINER_SCRIPT_DIR/build.sh" fi } # -- Main logic -- SAVED_DIR=$(pwd) LINUX_VERSION=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "VERSION_ID="| cut -d= -f2 | xargs) LINUX_PRETTY_NAME=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "PRETTY_NAME="| cut -d= -f2 | xargs) LINUX_ID=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "^ID="| cut -d= -f2 | xargs) LINUX_ID_LIKE=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "^ID_LIKE="| cut -d= -f2 | xargs) LINUX_PLATFORM_ID=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep "^PLATFORM_ID="| cut -d= -f2 | xargs) if [ -z "$LINUX_PRETTY_NAME" ]; then echo "Unsupported platform!" exit 1 fi LINUX_VM_INFO= if [ -n "$(uname -r|grep microsoft)" ]; then LINUX_VM_INFO="on WSL" fi header "Nash!Com Domino Installer for $LINUX_PRETTY_NAME $LINUX_VM_INFO" must_be_root add_notes_user create_directories # Set posix locale for installing Domino to ensure the right res/C link export LANG=C if [ -z "SOFTWARE_DIR" ]; then export SOFTWARE_DIR=/local/software fi mkdir -p "$INSTALL_TEMP_DIR" cd "$INSTALL_TEMP_DIR" header "Installing required software" install_packages unzip ncurses jq procps # Install sudo if not present. It's required for systemd if [ ! -e /usr/bin/sudo ]; then install_package sudo fi header "Download Domino Start Script Project" # Check if projects exist already and determine scripts find_scripts "$SCRIPT_DIR" if [ -z "$START_SCRIPT_DIR" ]; then if [ -e "$SOFTWARE_DIR/domino-startscript.zip" ]; then unzip -q "$SOFTWARE_DIR/domino-startscript.zip" else curl -L "$DOMINO_START_SCRIPT_GIT_ZIP" -o domino-startscript.zip unzip -q domino-startscript.zip fi else echo "Using existing Start Script directory: $START_SCRIPT_DIR" fi if [ -z "$CONTAINER_SCRIPT_DIR" ]; then header "Download Domino Container Project" if [ -e "$SOFTWARE_DIR/domino-container.zip" ]; then unzip -q "$SOFTWARE_DIR/domino-container.zip" else curl -L "$DOMINO_CONTAINER_GIT_ZIP" -o domino-container.zip unzip -q domino-container.zip fi else echo "Using existing Container Domino project: $CONTAINER_SCRIPT_DIR" fi # Check again after extract find_scripts if [ -z "$INSTALL_DOMDOWNLOAD_SCRIPT" ]; then echo "Domino Download Script not found" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$START_SCRIPT_DIR" ]; then echo "Domino Start Script dir not found" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$INSTALL_DOMINO_SCRIPT" ]; then echo "Domino Start Script installer not found" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$BUILD_SCRIPT" ]; then echo "Build script not found" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$CONTAINER_SCRIPT_DIR" ]; then echo "Domino Container script dir not found" exit 1 fi if [ -z "$LinuxYumUpdate" ]; then export LinuxYumUpdate=yes fi cp -f "$CONTAINER_SCRIPT_DIR/software/software.txt" "$SOFTWARE_DIR" cp -f "$CONTAINER_SCRIPT_DIR/software/current_version.txt" "$SOFTWARE_DIR" # Install Domino Download Script "$INSTALL_DOMDOWNLOAD_SCRIPT" -connect install if [ -n "$DOMDOWNLOAD_TOKEN" ]; then "$INSTALL_DOMDOWNLOAD_SCRIPT" -token "$DOMDOWNLOAD_TOKEN" fi header "Installing Domino" if [ -z "$INSTALL_OPTIONS" ]; then echo "Install native via menu" "$BUILD_SCRIPT" menu -installnative else echo "Install native silent" "$BUILD_SCRIPT" domino $INSTALL_OPTIONS -installnative fi header "Installing Domino Start Script" "$INSTALL_DOMINO_SCRIPT" config_sudo cd $SAVED_DIR # Cleanup remove_directory "$INSTALL_TEMP_DIR" # remove_directory "$SOFTWARE_DIR" echo echo "Done" print_runtime echo