
There's a lot of bad information on the Web (I'm looking at you, W3Schools) that leads new PHP users astray, propagating bad practices and bad code. This must stop. PHP: The Right Way provides an easy-to-read, quick reference for PHP best practices, accepted coding standards, and links to authoritative tutorials around the Web.

It is important to understand there is no canonical way to use PHP. That's the beauty of it. This website introduces new PHP developers to best practices, available options, and good information.


This is a living document and will continue to be updated with more helpful information and examples as they become available.

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Code Style Guide

The PHP community is large and diverse, composed of innumerable libraries, frameworks, and components. It is common for PHP developers to choose several of these and combine them into a single project. It is important that PHP code adhere (as close as possible) to a common code style to make it easy for developers to mix and match various libraries for their projects.

The Framework Interop Group (a.k.a. PHP Standards Group) has proposed and approved a code style standard — PSR-1 and PSR-2. Don't let the funny names confuse you. These two standards are merely a "shared set of rules and expectations about how to format PHP code." That's all.

You should write PHP code that adheres to one or both of these standards so that other developers can easily read and work with your code.

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As I mentioned above, the PHP community has a lot of developers creating lots of code. This means that one library's PHP code may use the same class name as another library. When both libraries are used in the same namespace, they collide and cause trouble.

Namespaces solve this problem. As described in the PHP reference manual, namespaces may be compared to operating system directories that namespace files; two files with the same name may co-exist in separate directories. Likewise, two PHP classes with the same name may co-exist in separate PHP namespaces. It's as simple as that.

It is important for you to namespace your code so that it may be used by other developers without fear of colliding with other libraries.

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Input Filtering

Never ever (ever) trust foreign input introduced to your PHP code. That leads to dark and dangerous places. Instead, always filter foreign input before you use it in your code.

PHP provides the filter_var and filter_input functions to help you do this. These two functions can sanitize text, verify formats (e.g. email addresses), and escape characters.

For example, if you accept code from an HTML form, you'll want to use filter_input before inserting the input into a database or inserting the input into an HTML response.

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Databases and PDO

Many times your PHP code will use a database to persist information. If you use a database, use PDO to talk with it. PDO is a database abstraction library — (usually) built-into PHP — that provides a common interface to talk with many different databases.

More importantly, PDO allows you to safely inject foreign input (e.g. IDs) into your SQL queries without worrying about database SQL injection attacks. This is possible using PDOStatements and bound parameters.

Let's assume a PHP script receives a numeric ID as a query parameter. This ID should be used to fetch a user record from a database. This is the wrong way to do this:

$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:users.db');
$pdo->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = " . $_GET['id']); // <-- NO!

This is terrible code. You are inserting a raw query parameter into a SQL query. This will get you hacked in a heartbeat. Instead, you should sanitize the ID input using PDO bound parameters.

$pdo = new PDO('sqlite:users.db');
$stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id');
$stmt->bindParam(':id', (int)$_GET['id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);

This is correct code. It uses a bound parameter on a PDO statement. This escapes the foreign input ID before it is introduced to the database preventing potential SQL injection attacks.

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Password Hashing with Bcrypt

Eventually everyone builds a PHP application that relies on user login. Usernames and (hashed) passwords are stored in a database and later used to authenticate users upon login.

It is important that you properly hash passwords that are stored in a database. If passwords are not hashed, and your database is hacked or accessed by an unauthorized third-party, all user accounts are now compromised.

Hash passwords with Bcrypt. It's super simple, and (for all intents and purposes) Bcrypt makes it impossible for someone to reverse-engineer the plain-text version of a password should the database be compromised.

There are several Bcrypt libraries for PHP that you may use.

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Dependency Management

There are a ton of PHP libraries, frameworks, and components to choose from. Your project will likely use several of them — these are project dependencies. Until recently, PHP did not have a good way to manage these project dependencies. Even if you managed them manually, you still had to worry about autoloaders. No more.

Composer and Packagist

Composer is a brilliant dependency manager for PHP. List your project's dependencies in a composer.json file and, with a few simple commands, Composer will automatically download your project's dependencies and setup autoloading for you.

There are already a lot of PHP libraries that are compatible with Composer, ready to be used in your project. These "packages" are listed on Packagist, the official repository for Composer-compatible PHP libraries.

How to Install Composer

You can install Composer locally (in your current working directory) or globally (e.g. /usr/local/bin). Let's assume you want to install Composer locally. From your project's root directory:

curl -s | php

This will download composer.phar (a PHP binary archive). You can run this with php to manage your project dependencies. Please Note: If you pipe downloaded code directly into an interpreter, please read the code online first to confirm it is safe.

How to Define and Install Dependencies

First, create a composer.json file in the same directory as composer.phar. Here's an example that lists Twig as a project dependency.

    "require": {
        "twig/twig": ">=1.8.0,<2.0-dev"

Next, run this command from your project root directory.

php composer.phar install

This will download and install the project dependencies into a vendors/ directory. Next, add this line to your application's primary PHP file; this will tell PHP to use Composer's autoloader for your project dependencies.

<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; ?>

Now you can use your project dependencies, and they'll be autoloaded on demand.


Another veteran package manager that many PHP developers enjoy is PEAR. It behaves much the same way, and is also worth researching for your projects.

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Web Application Security

There are bad people ready and willing to exploit your web application. It is important that you take necessary precautions to harden your web application's security. Luckily, the fine folks at The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) have compiled a comprehensive list of known security issues and methods to protect yourself against them. This is a must read for the security-conscious developer.

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Popular Frameworks

Rather than re-invent the wheel, many PHP developers use frameworks to build out web applications. Frameworks abstract away many of the low-level concerns and provide helpful, easy-to-use interfaces to complete common tasks.

You do not need to use a framework for every project. Sometimes, plain PHP is the right way to go. But if you do need a framework, here are a few of the most popular ones (in alphabetical order):

Full-Stack Frameworks

Micro Frameworks

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