complete -c zf -f complete -f -c zf -s d -l delimiter -d "Set the delimiter used to split candidates (default \n)" complete -f -c zf -s 0 -d "Shorthand for -d'\0' to split on null bytes" complete -f -c zf -s f -l filter -d "Skip interactive use and filter using the given query" complete -f -c zf -l height -d "The height of the interface in rows (default 10)" complete -f -c zf -s k -l keep-order -d "Don't sort by rank and preserve order of lines read on stdin" complete -x -c zf -s l -l lines -d "Alias of --height (deprecated)" complete -f -c zf -s p -l plain -d "Treat input as plaintext and disable filepath matching features" complete -f -c zf -l preview -d "Execute COMMAND substituting {} with the selected line and display the output in a side column" complete -f -c zf -l preview-width -d "Set the preview column width (default 60%)" complete -f -c zf -s v -l version -d "Show version information and exit" complete -f -c zf -s h -l help -d "Display this help and exit"