.TH ZF 1 "2024-10-01" "zf 0.10.0" .SH NAME zf -\ a commandline fuzzy finder that prioritizes matches on filenames .SH SYNOPSIS .B zf [options] .SH DESCRIPTION .B zf is a simple, general-purpose fuzzy finder that prioritizes matches on filenames. zf reads a list of newline separated strings on stdin and displays an interactive interface. Pressing enter outputs the selected line on stdout. Text may be entered to filter the list of strings. Multiple lines may be marked as selected with tab and shift-tab. When multiple lines are selected, pressing enter outputs only the marked lines to stdout. Each whitespace-separated term in the query string is used separately to narrow down the search results. For example, searching for "init config" will select all results that match both "init" and "config". Note that the query is restricted to a maximum of 16 whitespace-separated tokens. Matching is case insensitive unless an uppercase letter is found in the query. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BR \-d ", " \-\-delimiter Set the delimiter used to split candidates (default \\n) . .TP .BR \-0 Shorthand for -d'\\0' to split on null bytes . .TP .BR \-f ", " \-\-filter Skip interactive use and filter using the given query . .TP .BR \-\-height The height of the interface in rows (default 10) . .TP .BR \-k ", " \-\-keep\-order Don't sort by rank and preserve order of lines read on stdin. This makes zf remove any lines that don't match, but the order of lines will not change. . .TP .BR \-l ", " \-\-lines Alias of --height. Deprecated and will be removed in version 1.0.0. . .TP .BR \-p ", " \-\-plain Treat input as plaintext and disable filepath matching features. Useful when the input lines are not file paths. . .TP .BR \-\-preview Executes a command substituting {} with the current selected line and displays the output in a side column. . .TP .BR \-\-preview-width Sets the preview column width (default 60%). . .TP .BR \-v ", " \-\-version Show version information and exit . .TP .BR \-h ", " \-\-help Display help and exit .SH ENV VARIABLES .BR ZF_PROMPT Override the default > prompt by assigning a string to this variable. For example export ZF_PROMPT="$ ". .BR ZF_HIGHLIGHT Set the color used to highlight matches. Valid colors are: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white bright_black, bright_red, bright_green, bright_yellow, bright_blue, bright_magenta, bright_cyan, and bright_white. The default color is cyan. .BR ZF_VI_MODE When this variable is present and not empty ctrl+k moves up a line. When disabled ctrl+k deletes from the cursor to the end of line. .BR NO_COLOR Disables colors. See https://no-color.org .SH COMMANDS .TP .BR enter Write the selected line or all marked lines to stdout and exit . .TP .BR "escape, ctrl-c" Exit zf without selecting anything . .TP .BR "up, ctrl-p, ctrl-k" Select the next line up . .TP .BR "down ctrl-n, ctrl-j" Select the next line down . .TP .BR "tab" Mark the current line as selected and select the next line . .TP .BR shift-tab Mark the current line as selected and select the previous line . .TP .BR "left, ctrl-b" Move the cursor left . .TP .BR "right, ctrl-f" Move the cursor right . .TP .BR ctrl-a Move the cursor to the beginning of the line . .TP .BR ctrl-e Move the cursor to the end of the line . .TP .BR "backspace, ctrl-h" Delete the character before the cursor . .TP .BR "delete, ctrl-d" Delete the character under the cursor . .TP .BR ctrl-w Delete the word before the cursor . .TP .BR ctrl-u Delete from the cursor to the beginning of the line .SH EXAMPLES .TP .BR "find -type f | zf" Fuzzy find on the file tree in the current directory . .TP .BR "vim $(find -type f | zf)" Fuzzy find on the file tree and open the selcted file in vim . .TP .BR "git switch $(git branch | cut -c 3- | zf)" Switch to selected git branch . .TP .BR "find -type f | zf --preview 'cat {}'" Fuzzy find files and show a preview of the contents using cat .SH EXIT STATUS .TP .BR 0 Success . .TP .BR 1 No candidates given on stdin or aborted the interactive interface with esc or ctrl-c . .TP .BR 2 Error .SH AUTHOR Written by Nathan Craddock