#devtools::install_github("nathaniel-mahieu/macha", auth_token = "1fb2171d23be84346ef42d8654440acde687301f") #macha-machine token library(macha) library(data.table) setwd("X:/Nate/2016/05172017_cphB/data_positive") main_dir = getwd() folders = c("all_data") if (!exists("main_dir")) main_dir = getwd() for (folder in folders) { cat("Working in folder", main_dir, "\n") cat("Starting folder", folder, "\n") setwd(file.path(main_dir, folder)) files = list.files("./", full.names = T, pattern = "\\.mzXML$") library(doRedis) registerDoRedis("nate", "") ######### #### Machas ######### #### Local library(doParallel) cl <- makeCluster(6) registerDoParallel(cl) cat("Working on Baselines", "\n") # ROIs, Baselines foreach (file = files, .packages = "macha", .errorhandling = "pass") %dopar% { cat(file) macha = rawdata(file, rbind(c(0, 400), c(400, 3000))) macha = findrois(macha, minlength = 15, ppm = 2, rtwid = 7) macha = baseline(macha, ppmwin = 3, lambda1 = 6, lambda2 = 7) saveRDS(macha, file = file.path("./", paste0(basename(file), ".macha.rds"))) } cat("Caching findComponents", "\n") # Cache findComponents foreach (file = files, .errorhandling = "pass") %do% { cat(" ", file, "\n") macha = readRDS(file.path("./", paste0(basename(file), ".macha.rds"))) macha = makeroicache(macha) .roil = foreach(r = unique(macha$r$r), .packages="macha") %dopar% { nextElem(getroi.iter(macha, r)) } saveRDS(.roil, file = file.path("./", paste0(basename(file), ".macha_findcomponentsinput.rds"))) } stopCluster(cl) #### /Local #### Remote library(doRedis) registerDoRedis("nate", "") cat("Running findComponents", "\n") # findComponents foreach (file = files, .errorhandling = "pass") %do% { cat(" ", file, "\n") macha = readRDS(file.path("./", paste0(basename(file), ".macha.rds"))) .roil = readRDS(file.path("./", paste0(basename(file), ".macha_findcomponentsinput.rds"))) macha = findcomponents( macha, .roil = .roil, S = 3:7, seed.maxdensity=1/7, seed.maxdist=4, seed.sn.perpeak =c(Inf, 10, 7, 3, 2.5, 2), seed.sn.range = 3, seed.sn.adjust = 1, seed.minwidth = 4, unrelated.dist = 40, min.peakwidth = 3, sn.adjust.comp = 1, min.sharpness = 6E3, min.fracobs = .4, do.plot = F ) saveRDS(macha, file = file.path("./", paste0(basename(file), ".macha.rds"))) pdf(file = file.path("./", paste0(basename(file), ".macha.pdf")), width = 10, height = 10) try({ for (i in 1:10) { plot.components(macha, sample(macha$r$r, 1)) } for (i in 1:10) { plot.components(macha, sample(which(macha$c$r %>% table >1) %>% names %>% as.numeric, 1)) } }) dev.off() } #### /Remote ######### #### Nmacha ######### #### Local files = list.files("./", full.names = T, pattern = "\\.mzXML\\.macha\\.rds$") filename_replicates = paste0(strsplit(basename(files[[1]]), "_")[[1]][[1]], "_", basename(folder)) cat("Working on Nmacha", "\n") Nmacha = do.call(what=nmacha, lapply(files, readRDS)) gl = dengroup.ppm(Nmacha$m.c[,.(mz, rtpeak, intpeak)] %>% as.matrix, ppm = 2, rtwid = 1, minlength = 32) Nmacha$m.c[,g:=rep(seq_along(gl),sapply(gl, length))[order(unlist(gl))]] Nmacha = grtgmzcor(Nmacha, shaperng = 1, fracobs = .7) # Cache corrected retention times Nmacha$m.c[,rtpeak.g := corrt(rtpeak, Nmacha$grt[[m[1]]]), by="m"] Nmacha$m.c[,rtmin.g := corrt(rtmin, Nmacha$grt[[m[1]]]), by="m"] Nmacha$m.c[,rtmax.g := corrt(rtmax, Nmacha$grt[[m[1]]]), by="m"] Nmacha$m.c[,mz.g := cormz(mz, Nmacha$gmz[[m[1]]]), by="m"] Nmacha$m.r[,minrt.g := corrt(minrt, Nmacha$grt[[m[1]]]), by="m"] Nmacha$m.r[,maxrt.g := corrt(maxrt, Nmacha$grt[[m[1]]]), by="m"] Nmacha$m.r[,minmz.g := cormz(minmz, Nmacha$gmz[[m[1]]]), by="m"] Nmacha$m.r[,maxmz.g := cormz(maxmz, Nmacha$gmz[[m[1]]]), by="m"] Nmacha$m.r[,meanmz.g := cormz(meanmz, Nmacha$gmz[[m[1]]]), by="m"] # Regroup with corrected mass and retention time gl = dengroup.ppm(Nmacha$m.c[,.(mz.g, rtpeak.g, intpeak)] %>% as.matrix, ppm = 1, rtwid = 1, minlength = 1) Nmacha$m.c[,g:=rep(seq_along(gl),sapply(gl, length))[order(unlist(gl))]] Nmacha$m.c = Nmacha$m.c[!is.na(mz.g + rtpeak.g + rtmin.g + rtmax.g)] pdf(file = file.path(paste0(filename_replicates, "_grt.nmacha.pdf")), width = 10, height = 10) try({ plotgrt(Nmacha) }); gc() dev.off() #pdf(file = file.path(paste0(filename_replicates, "_gmz.nmacha.pdf")), width = 10, height = 10) #try({ plotgmz(Nmacha) }); gc() #dev.off() pdf(file = file.path(paste0(filename_replicates, "_groups.nmacha.pdf")), width = 10, height = 10) try({ for (i in sample(Nmacha$m.c$g %>% table %>% '>'(ceiling(length(files)/3)) %>% which %>% names %>% as.numeric, 10)) { plot.group(Nmacha,i) } for (i in sample(Nmacha$m.c$g %>% table %>% '>'(ceiling(length(files))) %>% which %>% names %>% as.numeric, 10)) { plot.group(Nmacha,i) } }); gc() dev.off() library(doParallel) cl <- makeCluster(6) registerDoParallel(cl) maxdriftppm = 1 maxdriftrt = 1 min.peaks = 21 ugs = unique(Nmacha$m.c[,.N,by="g"][N>min.peaks, g]) Nmacha$m = lapply(Nmacha$m, makeroicache) setkey(Nmacha$m.r, "m", "r") cat("Caching warpgroup Nmacha", "\n") # Cache warpgroup warpgroup.nmacha_data_l = foreach(ug = ugs, .packages = "macha") %dopar% { f = nextElem(warpgroup.nmacha.iter(Nmacha, ug, maxdriftppm, maxdriftrt)) gc() f } saveRDS(warpgroup.nmacha_data_l, paste0(filename_replicates, ".nmacha_data_l.rds")) stopCluster(cl) #### /Local #### Remote library(doRedis) registerDoRedis("nate", "") cat("Warpgrouping Nmacha", "\n") # Warpgroup Nmacha = warpgroup.nmacha(Nmacha, ugs = ugs, warpgroup.nmacha_data_l = warpgroup.nmacha_data_l, sc.aligned.lim = 4, pct.pad = 0.1, min.peaks = min.peaks, maxdriftrt = 1, maxdriftppm = 1, fraccontrib = 0.6, refit.var = c(1.5, 0.25, 0.5), do.plot = F) saveRDS(Nmacha, paste0(filename_replicates, ".nmacha.rds")) pdf(file = file.path("./", paste0(filename_replicates, "_wgroup1.nmacha.warpgroup.pdf")), width = 10, height = 10) try({ for (i in sample(which(table(Nmacha$m.c$g) > ceiling(length(files)*1)))) { plot.wgroup(Nmacha, i) } }); gc() dev.off() pdf(file = file.path("./", paste0(filename_replicates, "_wgroup3.nmacha.warpgroup.pdf")), width = 10, height = 10) try({ for (i in sample(which(table(Nmacha$m.c$g) > ceiling(length(files)*3)))) { plot.wgroup(Nmacha, i) } }); gc() dev.off() rm(Nmacha) cat("Done") #### /Remote }