{ "AWSTemplateFormatVersion" : "2010-09-09", "Description" : "AWS CloudFormation Sample Template EC2InstanceWithSecurityGroupSample: Create an Amazon EC2 instance running the Amazon Linux AMI. The AMI is chosen based on the region in which the stack is run. This example creates an EC2 security group for the instance to give you SSH access. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon EC2 instance. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template.", "Parameters" : { "myVPC": { "Description" : "Id of my VPC", "Type" : "String", "Default" : "vpc-XXXXXXXX" }, "MySubnet": { "Description" : "My subnet from my VPC", "Type": "String", "Default": "subnet-YYYYYYYY" }, "MySG": { "Description" : "My Security Group from my VPC", "Type": "String", "Default": "SG-YYYYYYYY" }, "KeyName": { "Description" : "Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instance", "Type": "AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName", "ConstraintDescription" : "must be the name of an existing EC2 KeyPair." }, "Instance1" : { "Description" : "WebServer EC2 instance type", "Type" : "String", "Default" : "t2.small", "AllowedValues" : [ "t1.micro", "t2.nano", "t2.micro", "t2.small", "t2.medium", "t2.large", "m1.small", "m1.medium", "m1.large", "m1.xlarge", "m2.xlarge", "m2.2xlarge", "m2.4xlarge", "m3.medium", "m3.large", "m3.xlarge", "m3.2xlarge", "m4.large", "m4.xlarge", "m4.2xlarge", "m4.4xlarge", "m4.10xlarge", "c1.medium", "c1.xlarge", "c3.large", "c3.xlarge", "c3.2xlarge", "c3.4xlarge", "c3.8xlarge", "c4.large", "c4.xlarge", "c4.2xlarge", "c4.4xlarge", "c4.8xlarge", "g2.2xlarge", "g2.8xlarge", "r3.large", "r3.xlarge", "r3.2xlarge", "r3.4xlarge", "r3.8xlarge", "i2.xlarge", "i2.2xlarge", "i2.4xlarge", "i2.8xlarge", "d2.xlarge", "d2.2xlarge", "d2.4xlarge", "d2.8xlarge", "hi1.4xlarge", "hs1.8xlarge", "cr1.8xlarge", "cc2.8xlarge", "cg1.4xlarge"] , "ConstraintDescription" : "must be a valid EC2 instance type." }, "Instance2" : { "Description" : "WebServer EC2 instance type", "Type" : "String", "Default" : "t2.small", "AllowedValues" : [ "t1.micro", "t2.nano", "t2.micro", "t2.small", "t2.medium", "t2.large", "m1.small", "m1.medium", "m1.large", "m1.xlarge", "m2.xlarge", "m2.2xlarge", "m2.4xlarge", "m3.medium", "m3.large", "m3.xlarge", "m3.2xlarge", "m4.large", "m4.xlarge", "m4.2xlarge", "m4.4xlarge", "m4.10xlarge", "c1.medium", "c1.xlarge", "c3.large", "c3.xlarge", "c3.2xlarge", "c3.4xlarge", "c3.8xlarge", "c4.large", "c4.xlarge", "c4.2xlarge", "c4.4xlarge", "c4.8xlarge", "g2.2xlarge", "g2.8xlarge", "r3.large", "r3.xlarge", "r3.2xlarge", "r3.4xlarge", "r3.8xlarge", "i2.xlarge", "i2.2xlarge", "i2.4xlarge", "i2.8xlarge", "d2.xlarge", "d2.2xlarge", "d2.4xlarge", "d2.8xlarge", "hi1.4xlarge", "hs1.8xlarge", "cr1.8xlarge", "cc2.8xlarge", "cg1.4xlarge"] , "ConstraintDescription" : "must be a valid EC2 instance type." }, "Instance3" : { "Description" : "WebServer EC2 instance type", "Type" : "String", "Default" : "t2.small", "AllowedValues" : [ "t1.micro", "t2.nano", "t2.micro", "t2.small", "t2.medium", "t2.large", "m1.small", "m1.medium", "m1.large", "m1.xlarge", "m2.xlarge", "m2.2xlarge", "m2.4xlarge", "m3.medium", "m3.large", "m3.xlarge", "m3.2xlarge", "m4.large", "m4.xlarge", "m4.2xlarge", "m4.4xlarge", "m4.10xlarge", "c1.medium", "c1.xlarge", "c3.large", "c3.xlarge", "c3.2xlarge", "c3.4xlarge", "c3.8xlarge", "c4.large", "c4.xlarge", "c4.2xlarge", "c4.4xlarge", "c4.8xlarge", "g2.2xlarge", "g2.8xlarge", "r3.large", "r3.xlarge", "r3.2xlarge", "r3.4xlarge", "r3.8xlarge", "i2.xlarge", "i2.2xlarge", "i2.4xlarge", "i2.8xlarge", "d2.xlarge", "d2.2xlarge", "d2.4xlarge", "d2.8xlarge", "hi1.4xlarge", "hs1.8xlarge", "cr1.8xlarge", "cc2.8xlarge", "cg1.4xlarge"] , "ConstraintDescription" : "must be a valid EC2 instance type." }, "SSHLocation" : { "Description" : "The IP address range that can be used to SSH to the EC2 instances", "Type": "String", "MinLength": "9", "MaxLength": "18", "Default": "", "AllowedPattern": "(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})\\.(\\d{1,3})/(\\d{1,2})", "ConstraintDescription": "must be a valid IP CIDR range of the form x.x.x.x/x." } }, "Mappings" : { "AWSInstanceType2Arch" : { "t1.micro" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "t2.nano" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "t2.micro" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "t2.small" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "t2.medium" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "t2.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m1.small" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m1.medium" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m1.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m1.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m3.medium" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m3.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m4.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m4.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m4.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m4.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "m4.10xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c1.medium" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c1.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c3.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c3.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c3.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c4.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c4.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c4.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c4.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "c4.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "g2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVMG2" }, "g2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVMG2" }, "r3.large" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "r3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "r3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "r3.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "r3.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "i2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "i2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "i2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "i2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "d2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "d2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "d2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "d2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "hi1.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "hs1.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "cr1.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" }, "cc2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "HVM64" } }, "AWSInstanceType2NATArch" : { "t1.micro" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "t2.nano" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "t2.micro" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "t2.small" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "t2.medium" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "t2.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m1.small" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m1.medium" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m1.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m1.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m3.medium" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m3.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m4.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m4.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m4.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m4.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "m4.10xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c1.medium" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c1.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c3.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c3.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c3.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c4.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c4.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c4.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c4.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "c4.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "g2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVMG2" }, "g2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVMG2" }, "r3.large" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "r3.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "r3.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "r3.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "r3.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "i2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "i2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "i2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "i2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "d2.xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "d2.2xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "d2.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "d2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "hi1.4xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "hs1.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "cr1.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" }, "cc2.8xlarge" : { "Arch" : "NATHVM64" } } , "AWSRegionArch2AMI" : { "us-east-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-0080e4c5bc078760e", "HVMG2" : "ami-0aeb704d503081ea6"}, "us-west-2" : {"HVM64" : "ami-01e24be29428c15b2", "HVMG2" : "ami-0fe84a5b4563d8f27"}, "us-west-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-0ec6517f6edbf8044", "HVMG2" : "ami-0a7fc72dc0e51aa77"}, "eu-west-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-08935252a36e25f85", "HVMG2" : "ami-0d5299b1c6112c3c7"}, "eu-west-2" : {"HVM64" : "ami-01419b804382064e4", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"}, "eu-west-3" : {"HVM64" : "ami-0dd7e7ed60da8fb83", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"}, "eu-central-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-0cfbf4f6db41068ac", "HVMG2" : "ami-0aa1822e3eb913a11"}, "eu-north-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-86fe70f8", "HVMG2" : "ami-32d55b4c"}, "ap-northeast-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-00a5245b4816c38e6", "HVMG2" : "ami-09d0e0e099ecabba2"}, "ap-northeast-2" : {"HVM64" : "ami-00dc207f8ba6dc919", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"}, "ap-northeast-3" : {"HVM64" : "ami-0b65f69a5c11f3522", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"}, "ap-southeast-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-05b3bcf7f311194b3", "HVMG2" : "ami-0e46ce0d6a87dc979"}, "ap-southeast-2" : {"HVM64" : "ami-02fd0b06f06d93dfc", "HVMG2" : "ami-0c0ab057a101d8ff2"}, "ap-south-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-0ad42f4f66f6c1cc9", "HVMG2" : "ami-0244c1d42815af84a"}, "us-east-2" : {"HVM64" : "ami-0cd3dfa4e37921605", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"}, "ca-central-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-07423fb63ea0a0930", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"}, "sa-east-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-05145e0b28ad8e0b2", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"}, "cn-north-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-053617c9d818c1189", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"}, "cn-northwest-1" : {"HVM64" : "ami-0f7937761741dc640", "HVMG2" : "NOT_SUPPORTED"} } }, "Resources" : { "EC2Instance1" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : { "InstanceType" : { "Ref" : "Instance1" }, "SubnetId" : { "Ref": "MySubnet" }, "SecurityGroups" : [ { "Ref" : "MySG" } ], "KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyName" }, "ImageId" : { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "AWSRegionArch2AMI", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "AWSInstanceType2Arch", { "Ref" : "Instance1" }, "Arch" ] } ] } } }, "EC2Instance2" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : { "InstanceType" : { "Ref" : "Instance2" }, "SubnetId" : { "Ref": "MySubnet" }, "SecurityGroups" : [ { "Ref" : "MySG" } ], "KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyName" }, "ImageId" : { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "AWSRegionArch2AMI", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "AWSInstanceType2Arch", { "Ref" : "Instance2" }, "Arch" ] } ] } } }, "EC2Instance3" : { "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", "Properties" : { "InstanceType" : { "Ref" : "Instance3" }, "SubnetId" : { "Ref": "MySubnet" }, "SecurityGroups" : [ { "Ref" : "MySG" } ], "KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyName" }, "ImageId" : { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "AWSRegionArch2AMI", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "AWSInstanceType2Arch", { "Ref" : "Instance3" }, "Arch" ] } ] } } } } }