9-digit Numeric RegistryID Enter 4-digit year of IECC code Enter ERI score 4-digit Year enter Building Permit Date as YYYY-MM-DD ProviderID in the form XXXX-XXX RaterID in the form XXXXXXX Enter name of Rating Company ProviderSampleSetID in the form XXXXXXXX "Date Rated shall be the date of the final inspection" Single-Family=1, Duplex=2, Low-rise Multi-family=3, High-rise Multi-family=4 RemRate=1, EnergyGauge=2, EnergyInsights=3, OptiMiser=4, Ekotrope=5, Right-Energy HERS=6 Optional EPA Rater Pro App ID as assigned by the EPA App Publication Year of RESNET/ICC 301 Standard used to determine the HERS Rating CDATA tag must be used to enclose the InputFile string Heating Energy Consumption (EC_x) in Rated Home (MBtu) Cooling Energy Consumption (EC_x) in Rated Home (MBtu) Hot Water Energy Consumption (EC_x) in Rated Home (MBtu) Lighting and Appliance Energy Consumption (EULLA) in the Rated Home (MBtu) Heating normalized Modified End Use Load (nMEUL) in Rated Home (MBtu) Cooling normalized Modified End Use Load (nMEUL) in Rated Home (MBtu) Hot Water normalized Modified End Use Load (nMEUL) in Rated Home (MBtu) Lighting and Appliance load (EULLA) in Rated Home (MBtu) normalized Heating Energy Consumption (nEC_x) in Rated Home (MBtu) normalized Cooling Energy Consumption (nEC_x) in Rated Home (MBtu) normalized Hot Water Energy Consumption (nEC_x) in Rated Home (MBtu) Lighting and Appliance Energy Consumption (EULLA) in Rated Home (MBtu) Heating Load (REUL) in Reference Home (MBtu) Cooling Load (REUL) in Reference Home (MBtu) Hot Water Load (REUL) in Reference Home (MBtu) Lighting and Appliance Load (REULLA) in Reference Home (MBtu) Heating Energy Consumption (EC_r) in Reference Home (MBtu) Cooling Energy Consumption (EC_r) in Reference Home (MBtu) Hot Water Energy Consumption (EC_r) in Reference Home (MBtu) Lighting and Appliance Energy Consumption (REULLA) in Reference Home (MBtu) Energy Efficiency Program Qualified? Indoor Air-Plus [A = ∑ Ai for i = 1, n] [Uo = (∑ (Ui * Ai)) / A for i = 1, n] [A = ∑ Ai for i = 1, n] [Uo = (∑ (Ui * Ai)) / A for i = 1, n] [exterior film coeff = 0] [A = ∑ Ai for i = 1, n] [Uo = (∑ (Ui * Ai)) / A for i = 1, n] [A = ∑ Ai for i = 1, n] [Uo = (∑ (Ui * Ai)) / A for i = 1, n] [A = ∑ Ai for i = 1, n] [Uo = (∑ (Ui * Ai)) / A for i = 1, n] [exterior film coeff = 0] [A = ∑ Ai for i = 1, n] [Uo = (∑ (Ui * Ai)) / A for i = 1, n] [SHGCo = (∑ (SHGCi * Ai)) / A for i = 1, n] [A = ∑ Ai for i = 1, n] [Uo = (∑ (Ui * Ai)) / A for i = 1, n] [Enclosure UA = AG Floor (Uo*A) + Ceiling (Uo*A) + AG Wall (Uo*A) + Window (Uo*A) + Door (Uo*A)] Rated Output Capacity (kBtu/h) The following mechanical ventilation system Types are acceptable: none, Supply, Exhaust, HRV, ERV, CFIS, hybrid or other A Supply-only ventilation system that brings in outdoor air An Exhaust-only ventilation system that exhausts indoor air A Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) is a Balanced System An Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) is a Balanced System A Central Fan Integrated System (CFIS) or "Air Cycler" is a Supply ventilation system using the AHU to bring in and distribute outdoor air Vent fan flow rate in cfm Vent fan power in watts Vent fan run time hours per day Capacity in liters per day Efficiency in liters per kWh percent lumens/watt less than 50 percent fluorescent lighting percent LED lighting decimal faction for qualifying interior fluorescent lighting (Tier I) decimal fraction for qualifying interior LED lighting (Tier II) decimal fraction for qualifying exterior fluorescent lighting (Tier I) decimal fraction for qualifying exterior LED lighting (Tier II) decimal fraction for qualifying garage fluorescent lighting (Tier I) decimal fraction qualifying garage LED lighting (Tier II) Storage capacity (Gallons) All Ratings using Threshold Analsyis, including all Sampled and Threshold Ratings, must use this "Threshold Type" ...Threshold values must be reported for all homes using this "Measurement Type" ...Tested values must be reported for all Threshold Ratings ...Tested values must be reported for all tested homes in Samples Ratings sample sets All Ratings using Threshold Analsyis, including all Sampled and Threshold Ratings, must use "Threshold Type" Unless DuctSystem is qualified for testing exception or for TotalLeakAlternative, then TestedLeakage entries are required. Certifies either of two things. First, that this dwelling unit meets the requirements for duct testing exemption in accordance with the RESNET Standard. Or, that it meets the requirements for the total duct leakage alternatives described in the RESNET Standard. Total Duct Leakage test result value (cfm25 - cubic feet per minute at 25 Pa pressurization) obtained from testing of the Rated Dwelling Unit that is qualified for Tested Leakge Exception. Percentage of duct area inside the Conditioned Space Volume for Attached Dwelling Unit qualified for Tested Leakage Exception using ExceptionType = TotalLeakAlternative. Not for use with ExceptionType = TestExemptDSE. Determination if air handler unit is within the Conditioned Space Volume for Attached Dwelling units qualified for Tested Leakage Exception using ExceptionType = TotalLeakAlternative. Not for use with ExceptionType = TestExemptDSE. If Threshold ducted, enter ...Threshold values required for all Sampled and Threshold Ratings If Threshold ductless, do not enter ...Threshold values Qn=cfm25out/CFA ...Tested values required for all Confirmed Ratings, all Threshold Ratings and for the tested home in sample set for Sampled Ratings Qn=cfm25out/CFA % supply ducts located in conditioned space % return ducts located in conditioned space On-site Power Production (OPP) Net power production Solar Hot Water Systems Enter Projected annual MBtu savings for Solar Hot Water System Enter the Solar Fraction as a decimal value for solar hot water system) Drain Water Heat Recovery Systems (DWHR) DWHR efficiency (% - default = 46%) Projected Savings (MBtu/y = Rated EC_x - Reference EC_r) Air Conditioner Heat Recovery Unit (HRU) also known as a desuperheater Projected Savings (MBtu/y = Rated EC_x - Reference EC_r) Provide unique identification for this HVAC system (e.g. Cooling-01) Total Maximum Cooling Load(kBtu/h) Heating Load (kBtu/h) Was Total Duct Leakage exception used? Was alternative testing completed per ANSI/ACCA 5 QI ? Total normalized duct leakage served by system (cfm25/CFA) Total Duct Leakage Grade Designation Was Blower Fan Airflow exception used? Airflow test method Design-specified blower fan airflow (CFM) Blower fan airflow at operating conditions (CFM) Pressure difference for OEM Static Pressure Table (IWC) Airflow Fault (%) Blower fan volumetric airflow grade Test method for measuring blower fan watt draw Watt draw of blower fan (W) Blower fan efficiency (W/CFM) Blower fan watt draw grade Did alternative source provide superheat / subcooling values that meet the limits specified within ANSI/ACCA 5 QI Section 4.3.1? Test method for assessing refrigerant charge Metering device type Measured outdoor air dry-bulb temperature (F) DifferenceDTD (F) DifferenceCTOA (F) Total reported refrigerant weight (oz) Absolute value of deviation btw total anticipated and reported refrigerant weight (%) Refrigerant charge grade designation [See Section 5.1, RESNET Publication 002-15 for full explanation of elements in this element} [Integer equal to the number of stories above grade; GE 1 and LE 4] [Floating point value equal to the volume/CFA expressed in feet; GE 7 and LE 15] [Integer equal to the number of below grade slab floors; GE 1 if below grade walls] [Integer equal to the number of below grade walls: GE 1 if bleow grade slab floors] [Floating point value equal to crawl space perimeter expressed in feet; GE 1 and LE (Enclosure Floor Area)^0.5*7] [Floating point value equal to basement perimeter expressed in feet; GE 1 and LE (Enclosure Floor Area)^0.5*7] [Floating point value equal to the slab perimeter expressed in feet; GE 1 and LE (Enclosure Floor Area)^0.5*7] [Floating point value equal to the foundation wall height from ground level to top of foundation expressed in feet; GT 0 and LE 20] [Floating point value equal to the basement wall depth below grade expressed in feet; GE 2 and LE (wall height - 0.5)] [Floating point value equal to the enclosure floor area expressed in feet] [Floating point value equal to gross wall area of the enclosure expressed in square feet [Integer value equal to number of conditioned stories, including conditioned basements [See Section 5.3, RESNET Publication 002-15 for details on this element. Include the value for each of the available appliance types] {Floating point value [(21*Nbr+73)> CWkWh >(4.7*Nbr+16.4)]} {Floating point value [(163*Nbr+577)> eCDkWh >(55*Nbr+194)]} {Floating point value [(5.9*Nbr+20.6)> gCDtherms >(2.0*Nbr+6.9)]} {Floating point value [(12.9*Nbr+45.5)> gCDkWh >(4.3*Nbr+15.3)]} {Floating point value [(0.59*Nbr+2.1)> CW HWgalSaved/day]} Size Adjusted HERS Index Target (required if qualified = 'true') Size Adjustment Factor (required if qualified = 'true') HERS Index without OPP (required if qualified = 'true') All entries for insulation installation grade equal Grade I? (true/false) Duct leakage to outdoors (less than or equal to) the greater of 4 CFM / 100 sq ft of CFA or 40 CFM for all duct systems? (true/false) Total duct leakage (less than or equal to) the greater of 12 CFM / 100 sq ft of CFA or 120 CFM for all duct systems? (true/false) Size Adjusted HERS Index Target (required if qualified = 'true') Size Adjustment Factor (required if qualified = 'true') HERS Index without OPP (required if qualified = 'true') Conditioned space including basement (floating point value) Conditioned space excluding basement (floating point value) Electric kWh/year (floating point value - default = 0) Natural gas therms/year (floating point value - default = 0) Fuel Oil gallons/year (floating point value - default = 0) Propane gallons/year (floating point value - default = 0) CO2 ton/year (floating point value - default = 0) SO2 lb/year (floating point value - default = 0) NOx lb/year (floating point value - default = 0) Meets EnergyStar v3 requirement (true/false - default = false) Meets mandatory Fenestration requirement (true/false - default = false) Meets mandatory Insulation requirements (true/false - default = false) Meets mandatory duct location (true/false - default = false) Meets mandatory appliances requirements (true/false - default = false) Meets mandatory lighting requirement (true/false - default = false) Meets mandatory fan efficiency requirement (true/false - default = false) Meets mandatory Indoor airPLUS requirement (true/false - default = false) Meets mandatory Hot Water distribution requirements (true/false - default = false) Meets mandatory Renewable Ready Home requirements (true/false - default = false) Home qualified via sampling (true/false - default = false) Certified EPA WaterSense (true/false - default = false) Certified IBHS Fortified (true/false - default = false) Followed DOE ZERH Quality Management Guide (true/false - default = false) Buyer signed utility bill waiver (true/false - default = false) Name of EE program for which home qualifies IAPv1.0 Meets mandatory Indoor airPLUS requirement National version 3.0 National version 3.1 National version 3.2 National version 4.0 California version 3.0 California version 3.1 California version 3.2 California version 3.3 ENERGY STAR California Version 4.0 Florida version 3.0 Florida version 3.1 Guam, Hawaii and the Northan Mariana Islands version 3.0 Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands version 3.0 Washington State version 3.2 National MFNC version 1 National MFNC version 1.1 National MFNC version 1.2 National MFNC version 4.0 Caribbean MFNC version 1. California MFNC version 1.2 California MFNC version 1.3 California MFNC version 4.0 Washington State + Oregon MFNC version 1.2 EnergyStar version number. EnergyStar version number. This name can used instead of VersionNo ENERGY STAR National NextGen Version 1.0 ENERGY STAR National NextGen Version 1.1