--- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: streams.jetstream.nats.io spec: group: jetstream.nats.io scope: Namespaced names: kind: Stream singular: stream plural: streams versions: - name: v1beta2 served: true storage: true subresources: status: {} schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object properties: spec: type: object properties: name: description: A unique name for the Stream. type: string pattern: '^[^.*>]*$' minLength: 1 subjects: description: A list of subjects to consume, supports wildcards. type: array minLength: 1 items: type: string minLength: 1 retention: description: How messages are retained in the Stream, once this is exceeded old messages are removed. type: string enum: - limits - interest - workqueue default: limits maxConsumers: description: How many Consumers can be defined for a given Stream. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 maxMsgs: description: How many messages may be in a Stream, oldest messages will be removed if the Stream exceeds this size. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 maxBytes: description: How big the Stream may be, when the combined stream size exceeds this old messages are removed. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 maxAge: description: Maximum age of any message in the stream, expressed in Go's time.Duration format. Empty for unlimited. type: string default: '' maxMsgSize: description: The largest message that will be accepted by the Stream. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 storage: description: The storage backend to use for the Stream. type: string enum: - file - memory default: memory replicas: description: How many replicas to keep for each message. type: integer minimum: 1 default: 1 noAck: description: Disables acknowledging messages that are received by the Stream. type: boolean default: false discard: description: When a Stream reach it's limits either old messages are deleted or new ones are denied. type: string enum: - old - new default: old duplicateWindow: description: The duration window to track duplicate messages for. type: string description: description: The description of the stream. type: string maxMsgsPerSubject: description: The maximum of messages per subject. type: integer default: 0 mirror: description: A stream mirror. type: object properties: name: type: string optStartSeq: type: integer optStartTime: description: Time format must be RFC3339. type: string filterSubject: type: string externalApiPrefix: type: string externalDeliverPrefix: type: string subjectTransforms: description: List of subject transforms for this mirror. type: array items: description: A subject transform pair. type: object properties: source: description: Source subject. type: string dest: description: Destination subject. type: string placement: description: A stream's placement. type: object properties: cluster: type: string tags: type: array items: type: string sources: description: A stream's sources. type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string optStartSeq: type: integer optStartTime: description: Time format must be RFC3339. type: string filterSubject: type: string externalApiPrefix: type: string externalDeliverPrefix: type: string subjectTransforms: description: List of subject transforms for this mirror. type: array items: description: A subject transform pair. type: object properties: source: description: Source subject. type: string dest: description: Destination subject. type: string metadata: description: Additional Stream metadata. type: object additionalProperties: type: string servers: description: A list of servers for creating stream type: array items: type: string default: [] creds: description: NATS user credentials for connecting to servers. Please make sure your controller has mounted the cerds on its path. type: string default: '' nkey: description: NATS user NKey for connecting to servers. type: string default: '' tls: description: A client's TLS certs and keys. type: object properties: clientCert: description: A client's cert filepath. Should be mounted. type: string clientKey: description: A client's key filepath. Should be mounted. type: string rootCas: description: A list of filepaths to CAs. Should be mounted. type: array items: type: string account: description: Name of the account to which the Stream belongs. type: string pattern: '^[^.*>]*$' republish: description: Republish configuration of the stream. type: object properties: destination: type: string description: Messages will be additionally published to that subject. source: type: string description: Messages will be published from that subject to the destination subject. firstSequence: description: Sequence number from which the Stream will start. type: number default: 0 compression: description: Stream specific compression. type: string enum: - s2 - none - '' default: '' subjectTransform: description: SubjectTransform is for applying a subject transform (to matching messages) when a new message is received type: object properties: source: type: string description: Source subject dest: type: string description: Destination subject to transform into preventDelete: description: When true, the managed Stream will not be deleted when the resource is deleted type: boolean default: false preventUpdate: description: When true, the managed Stream will not be updated when the resource is updated type: boolean default: false allowDirect: description: When true, allow higher performance, direct access to get individual messages type: boolean default: false allowRollup: description: When true, allows the use of the Nats-Rollup header to replace all contents of a stream, or subject in a stream, with a single new message. type: boolean default: false denyDelete: description: When true, restricts the ability to delete messages from a stream via the API. Cannot be changed once set to true. type: boolean default: false denyPurge: description: When true, restricts the ability to purge a stream via the API. Cannot be changed once set to true. type: boolean default: false discardPerSubject: description: Allows to discard messages on a subject basis. type: boolean default: false status: type: object properties: observedGeneration: type: integer conditions: type: array items: type: object properties: type: type: string status: type: string lastTransitionTime: type: string reason: type: string message: type: string additionalPrinterColumns: - name: State type: string description: The current state of the stream. jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].reason - name: Stream Name type: string description: The name of the Jetstream Stream. jsonPath: .spec.name - name: Subjects type: string description: The subjects this Stream produces. jsonPath: .spec.subjects - name: v1beta1 served: false storage: false subresources: status: {} schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object properties: spec: type: object properties: name: description: A unique name for the Stream. type: string pattern: '^[^.*>]*$' minLength: 1 subjects: description: A list of subjects to consume, supports wildcards. type: array minLength: 1 items: type: string minLength: 1 retention: description: How messages are retained in the Stream, once this is exceeded old messages are removed. type: string enum: - limits - interest - workqueue default: limits maxConsumers: description: How many Consumers can be defined for a given Stream. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 maxMsgs: description: How many messages may be in a Stream, oldest messages will be removed if the Stream exceeds this size. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 maxBytes: description: How big the Stream may be, when the combined stream size exceeds this old messages are removed. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 maxAge: description: Maximum age of any message in the stream, expressed in Go's time.Duration format. Empty for unlimited. type: string default: '' maxMsgSize: description: The largest message that will be accepted by the Stream. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 storage: description: The storage backend to use for the Stream. type: string enum: - file - memory default: memory replicas: description: How many replicas to keep for each message. type: integer minimum: 1 default: 1 noAck: description: Disables acknowledging messages that are received by the Stream. type: boolean default: false discard: description: When a Stream reach it's limits either old messages are deleted or new ones are denied. type: string enum: - old - new default: old duplicateWindow: description: The duration window to track duplicate messages for. type: string description: description: The description of the stream. type: string maxMsgsPerSubject: description: The maximum of messages per subject. type: integer default: 0 mirror: description: A stream mirror. type: object properties: name: type: string optStartSeq: type: integer optStartTime: description: Time format must be RFC3339. type: string filterSubject: type: string externalApiPrefix: type: string externalDeliverPrefix: type: string placement: description: A stream's placement. type: object properties: cluster: type: string tags: type: array items: type: string sources: description: A stream's sources. type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string optStartSeq: type: integer optStartTime: description: Time format must be RFC3339. type: string filterSubject: type: string externalApiPrefix: type: string externalDeliverPrefix: type: string status: type: object properties: observedGeneration: type: integer conditions: type: array items: type: object properties: type: type: string status: type: string lastTransitionTime: type: string reason: type: string message: type: string additionalPrinterColumns: - name: State type: string description: The current state of the stream. jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].reason - name: Stream Name type: string description: The name of the Jetstream Stream. jsonPath: .spec.name - name: Subjects type: string description: The subjects this Stream produces. jsonPath: .spec.subjects --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: consumers.jetstream.nats.io spec: group: jetstream.nats.io scope: Namespaced names: kind: Consumer singular: consumer plural: consumers versions: - name: v1beta2 served: true storage: true subresources: status: {} schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object properties: spec: type: object properties: streamName: description: The name of the Stream to create the Consumer in. type: string deliverPolicy: type: string enum: - all - last - new # Requires optStartSeq - byStartSequence # Requires optStartTime - byStartTime default: all optStartSeq: type: integer minimum: 0 optStartTime: description: Time format must be RFC3339. type: string durableName: description: The name of the Consumer. type: string pattern: '^[^.*>]+$' minLength: 1 deliverSubject: description: The subject to deliver observed messages, when not set, a pull-based Consumer is created. type: string ackPolicy: description: How messages should be acknowledged. type: string enum: - none - all - explicit default: none ackWait: description: How long to allow messages to remain un-acknowledged before attempting redelivery. type: string default: 1ns maxDeliver: type: integer minimum: -1 backoff: description: List of durations representing a retry time scale for NaK'd or retried messages type: array items: type: string filterSubject: description: Select only a specific incoming subjects, supports wildcards. type: string filterSubjects: description: List of incoming subjects, supports wildcards. Available since 2.10. type: array items: type: string replayPolicy: description: How messages are sent. type: string enum: - instant - original default: instant sampleFreq: description: What percentage of acknowledgements should be samples for observability. type: string maxWaiting: description: The number of pulls that can be outstanding on a pull consumer, pulls received after this is reached are ignored. type: integer rateLimitBps: description: rate at which messages will be delivered to clients, expressed in bit per second. type: integer maxAckPending: description: Maximum pending Acks before consumers are paused. type: integer deliverGroup: description: The name of a queue group. type: string description: description: The description of the consumer. type: string flowControl: description: Enables flow control. type: boolean default: false headersOnly: description: When set, only the headers of messages in the stream are delivered, and not the bodies. Additionally, Nats-Msg-Size header is added to indicate the size of the removed payload type: boolean default: false heartbeatInterval: description: The interval used to deliver idle heartbeats for push-based consumers, in Go's time.Duration format. type: string maxRequestBatch: description: The largest batch property that may be specified when doing a pull on a Pull Consumer. type: integer maxRequestExpires: description: The maximum expires duration that may be set when doing a pull on a Pull Consumer. type: string maxRequestMaxBytes: description: The maximum max_bytes value that maybe set when dong a pull on a Pull Consumer. type: integer replicas: description: When set do not inherit the replica count from the stream but specifically set it to this amount. type: integer memStorage: description: Force the consumer state to be kept in memory rather than inherit the setting from the stream. type: boolean default: false metadata: description: Additional Consumer metadata. type: object additionalProperties: type: string tls: description: A client's TLS certs and keys. type: object properties: clientCert: description: A client's cert filepath. Should be mounted. type: string clientKey: description: A client's key filepath. Should be mounted. type: string rootCas: description: A list of filepaths to CAs. Should be mounted. type: array items: type: string servers: description: A list of servers for creating consumer type: array items: type: string default: [] creds: description: NATS user credentials for connecting to servers. Please make sure your controller has mounted the cerds on its path. type: string default: '' nkey: description: NATS user NKey for connecting to servers. type: string default: '' account: description: Name of the account to which the Consumer belongs. type: string pattern: '^[^.*>]*$' preventDelete: description: When true, the managed Consumer will not be deleted when the resource is deleted type: boolean default: false preventUpdate: description: When true, the managed Consumer will not be updated when the resource is updated type: boolean default: false status: type: object properties: observedGeneration: type: integer conditions: type: array items: type: object properties: type: type: string status: type: string lastTransitionTime: type: string reason: type: string message: type: string additionalPrinterColumns: - name: State type: string description: The current state of the consumer. jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].reason - name: Stream type: string description: The name of the Jetstream Stream. jsonPath: .spec.streamName - name: Consumer type: string description: The name of the Jetstream Consumer. jsonPath: .spec.durableName - name: Ack Policy type: string description: The ack policy. jsonPath: .spec.ackPolicy - name: v1beta1 served: false storage: false subresources: status: {} schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object properties: spec: type: object properties: streamName: description: The name of the Stream to create the Consumer in. type: string deliverPolicy: type: string enum: - all - last - new # Requires optStartSeq - byStartSequence # Requires optStartTime - byStartTime default: all optStartSeq: type: integer minimum: 0 optStartTime: description: Time format must be RFC3339. type: string durableName: description: The name of the Consumer. type: string pattern: '^[^.*>]+$' minLength: 1 deliverSubject: description: The subject to deliver observed messages, when not set, a pull-based Consumer is created. type: string ackPolicy: description: How messages should be acknowledged. type: string enum: - none - all - explicit default: none ackWait: description: How long to allow messages to remain un-acknowledged before attempting redelivery. type: string default: 1ns maxDeliver: type: integer minimum: -1 filterSubject: description: Select only a specific incoming subjects, supports wildcards. type: string replayPolicy: description: How messages are sent. type: string enum: - instant - original default: instant sampleFreq: description: What percentage of acknowledgements should be samples for observability. type: string rateLimitBps: description: rate at which messages will be delivered to clients, expressed in bit per second. type: integer maxAckPending: description: Maximum pending Acks before consumers are paused. type: integer deliverGroup: description: The name of a queue group. type: string description: description: The description of the consumer. type: string flowControl: description: Enables flow control. type: boolean default: false heartbeatInterval: description: The interval used to deliver idle heartbeats for push-based consumers, in Go's time.Duration format. type: string status: type: object properties: observedGeneration: type: integer conditions: type: array items: type: object properties: type: type: string status: type: string lastTransitionTime: type: string reason: type: string message: type: string additionalPrinterColumns: - name: State type: string description: The current state of the consumer. jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].reason - name: Stream type: string description: The name of the Jetstream Stream. jsonPath: .spec.streamName - name: Consumer type: string description: The name of the Jetstream Consumer. jsonPath: .spec.durableName - name: Ack Policy type: string description: The ack policy. jsonPath: .spec.ackPolicy --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: streamtemplates.jetstream.nats.io spec: group: jetstream.nats.io scope: Namespaced names: kind: StreamTemplate singular: streamtemplate plural: streamtemplates versions: - name: v1beta1 served: false storage: true subresources: status: {} schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object properties: spec: type: object properties: name: description: A unique name for the Stream Template. type: string pattern: '^[^.*>]*$' minLength: 1 maxStreams: description: The maximum number of Streams this Template can create, -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 subjects: description: A list of subjects to consume, supports wildcards. type: array minLength: 1 items: type: string minLength: 1 retention: description: How messages are retained in the Stream, once this is exceeded old messages are removed. type: string enum: - limits - interest - workqueue default: limits maxConsumers: description: How many Consumers can be defined for a given Stream. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 maxMsgs: description: How many messages may be in a Stream, oldest messages will be removed if the Stream exceeds this size. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 maxBytes: description: How big the Stream may be, when the combined stream size exceeds this old messages are removed. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 maxAge: description: Maximum age of any message in the stream, expressed in Go's time.Duration format. Empty for unlimited. type: string default: '' maxMsgSize: description: The largest message that will be accepted by the Stream. -1 for unlimited. type: integer minimum: -1 default: -1 storage: description: The storage backend to use for the Stream. type: string enum: - file - memory default: memory replicas: description: How many replicas to keep for each message. type: integer minimum: 1 default: 1 noAck: description: Disables acknowledging messages that are received by the Stream. type: boolean default: false discard: description: When a Stream reach it's limits either old messages are deleted or new ones are denied. type: string enum: - old - new default: old duplicateWindow: description: The duration window to track duplicate messages for. type: string status: type: object properties: observedGeneration: type: integer conditions: type: array items: type: object properties: type: type: string status: type: string lastTransitionTime: type: string reason: type: string message: type: string additionalPrinterColumns: - name: State type: string description: The current state of the stream. jsonPath: .status.conditions[?(@.type == 'Ready')].reason - name: Stream Template Name type: string description: The name of the Jetstream Stream Template. jsonPath: .spec.name - name: Subjects type: string description: The subjects this Stream produces. jsonPath: .spec.subjects --- apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1 kind: CustomResourceDefinition metadata: name: accounts.jetstream.nats.io spec: group: jetstream.nats.io scope: Namespaced names: kind: Account singular: account plural: accounts versions: - name: v1beta2 served: true storage: true subresources: status: {} schema: openAPIV3Schema: type: object properties: spec: type: object properties: name: description: A unique name for the Account. type: string pattern: '^[^.*>]*$' minLength: 1 servers: description: A list of servers to connect. type: array minLength: 1 items: type: string minLength: 1 tls: description: The TLS certs to be used to connect to the NATS Service. type: object properties: secret: type: object properties: name: description: Name of the TLS secret with the certs. type: string ca: description: Filename of the Root CA of the TLS cert. type: string cert: description: Filename of the TLS cert. type: string key: description: Filename of the TLS cert key. type: string creds: description: The creds to be used to connect to the NATS Service. type: object properties: secret: type: object properties: name: description: Name of the secret with the creds. type: string file: description: Credentials file, generated with github.com/nats-io/nsc tool. type: string