param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $SitePrefix = "sc103instance", [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$InstallSourcePath = (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "."), # The root folder with the WDP files. [string] $PatchType = "cumulative", # Root folder where the site is installd. If left on the default [systemdrive]:\inetpub\wwwroot will be used [string] $SitePhysicalRoot = "c:\inetpub\wwwroot\" , # Site suffix matches what is used by SIA [string] $SiteSuffix = ".dev.local" ) $watch = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() $watch.Start() # Timer start $SitePhysicalRootSitecore = $SitePhysicalRoot + $SitePrefix.Trim() + "sc" + $SiteSuffix $SitePhysicalRootxConnSrvr=$SitePhysicalRoot + $SitePrefix.Trim() + "xconnect" + $SiteSuffix $SitePhysicalRootIdSrvr=$SitePhysicalRoot + $SitePrefix.Trim() + "identityserver" + $SiteSuffix Write-Host "Site root" $SitePhysicalRootSitecore Write-Host "Id root" $SitePhysicalRootIdSrvr if (-not(Test-Path "Sitecore 10.3.0 rev. 008463 (Setup XP0 Developer Workstation rev. 1.5.0-r11).zip" -PathType Leaf)) { $preference = $ProgressPreference $ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue" $sitecoreDownloadUrl = "" $packages = @{ "Sitecore 10.3.0 rev. 008463 (Setup XP0 Developer Workstation rev. 1.5.0-r11).zip" = "" } # download packages from Sitecore $packages.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $filePath = Join-Path $InstallSourcePath $_.Key $fileUrl = $_.Value if (Test-Path $filePath -PathType Leaf) { Write-Host ("Required package found: '{0}'" -f $filePath) } else { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($fileName)) { Write-Host ("Downloading '{0}' to '{1}'..." -f $fileUrl, $filePath) Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $fileUrl -OutFile $filePath -UseBasicParsing } else { # Download package Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $fileUrl -OutFile $filePath -UseBasicParsing } } } Expand-Archive -Force -Path 'Sitecore * XP0 Developer Workstation rev. *.zip' -DestinationPath ".\xp0" $ProgressPreference = $preference Write-Host "Unzipped Sitecore Zip" } ################################Unzip Sitecore wdp file - start $SitecoreWebSiteZipPath = $InstallSourcePath + "\xp0\Sitecore * rev. * (OnPrem)" Write-Host "Sitecore Wdp zip file whole path "$SitecoreWebSiteZipPath #$SitecoreWebsiteZipPath = (Get-ChildItem $SitecoreWebSiteZipPath).FullName #Write-Host "Website zip Path" $SitecoreWebsiteZipPath $SitecoreWdpFileLocation=Split-Path $SitecoreWebSiteZipPath -Parent Write-Host "Sitecore Wdp file unzip path " $SitecoreWdpFileLocation Write-Host "Sitecore Wdp file whole path" $SitecoreWdpFileLocation"\SitecoreWdp" if (-not(Test-Path $SitecoreWdpFileLocation"\SitecoreWdp")) { Expand-Archive -Path $SitecoreWebSiteZipPath -DestinationPath $SitecoreWdpFileLocation"\SitecoreWdp" -Force } $SourcePath=$SitecoreWdpFileLocation + "\SitecoreWdp\Content\Website" Write-host "Source path " $SourcePath ################################Unzip Sitecore wdp file - end ################################Unzip Sitecore ID wdp file - start $SitecoreIDWebSiteZipPath = $InstallSourcePath + "\xp0\Sitecore.IdentityServer * rev. * (OnPrem)" Write-Host "Sitecore Wdp ID zip file whole path "$SitecoreIDWebSiteZipPath #$SitecoreIDWebsiteZipPath = (Get-ChildItem $SitecoreIDWebSiteZipPath).FullName #Write-Host "ID Website zip Path" $SitecoreIDWebsiteZipPath $SitecoreIDWdpFileLocation=Split-Path $SitecoreIDWebSiteZipPath -Parent Write-Host "Sitecore Wdp ID file whole path" $SitecoreIDWdpFileLocation"\SitecoreIdWdp" if (-not(Test-Path $SitecoreIDWdpFileLocation"\SitecoreIdWdp")) { Expand-Archive -Path $SitecoreIDWebSiteZipPath -DestinationPath $SitecoreIDWdpFileLocation"\SitecoreIdWdp" -Force } $IdSourcePath=$SitecoreIDWdpFileLocation + "\SitecoreIdWdp\Content\Website" Write-host "Id Source path " $IdSourcePath ################################Unzip Sitecore ID wdp file - end ################################Unzip Sitecore xconnect wdp file - start $SitecorexConnWebSiteZipPath = $InstallSourcePath + "\xp0\Sitecore * rev. * (OnPrem)" Write-Host "Sitecore Wdp xConnect zip file whole path "$SitecorexConnWebSiteZipPath #$SitecorexConnWebsiteZipPath = (Get-ChildItem $SitecorexConnWebSiteZipPath).FullName #Write-Host "xConnect Website zip Path" $SitecorexConnWebsiteZipPath $SitecorexConnWdpFileLocation=Split-Path $SitecorexConnWebSiteZipPath -Parent Write-Host "Sitecore Wdp xConnect file whole path" $SitecorexConnWdpFileLocation"\SitecorexConnWdp" if (-not(Test-Path $SitecorexConnWdpFileLocation"\SitecorexConnWdp")) { Expand-Archive -Path $SitecorexConnWebSiteZipPath -DestinationPath $SitecorexConnWdpFileLocation"\SitecorexConnWdp" -Force } $xConnSourcePath=$SitecorexConnWdpFileLocation + "\SitecorexConnWdp\Content\Website" Write-host "xConn Source path " $xConnSourcePath ################################Unzip Sitecore xconnect wdp file - end $HotFixFileName=Get-ChildItem -Path $InstallSourcePath -Filter *cumulative*.zip Write-Host "Unzipping the hotfix zip file - " $HotFixFileName if (-not(Test-Path ".\Hotfix")) { Expand-Archive -Path $HotFixFileName -Force -DestinationPath "Hotfix" } if ($PatchType -eq 'cumulative') { # The path to the Sitecore cumulative Package to Deploy. $SitecorePackageZipPath = $InstallSourcePath + "\Hotfix\Sitecore * rev. * (OnPrem)" Write-Host $SitecorePackageZipPath # The path to the Identity Server cumulative Package to Deploy. $IdentityServerPackageZipPath = $InstallSourcePath + "\Hotfix\Sitecore.IdentityServer * rev. * (OnPrem)" Write-Host $IdentityServerPackageZipPath # The path to the xConnect Server cumulative Package to Deploy. $XConnectPackageZipPath = $InstallSourcePath + "\Hotfix\Sitecore * rev. * (OnPrem)" Write-Host $XConnectPackageZipPath } else { # The path to the Sitecore Package to Deploy. $SitecorePackageZipPath = $InstallSourcePath + "\Hotfix_Delta\Sitecore * rev. * (OnPrem)" # The path to the Identity Server Package to Deploy. $IdentityServerPackageZipPath = $InstallSourcePath + "\Hotfix_Delta\Sitecore.IdentityServer * rev. * (OnPrem)" # The path to the xConnect Server Package to Deploy. $XConnectPackageZipPath = $InstallSourcePath + "\Hotfix_Delta\Sitecore * rev. * (OnPrem)" } # The path to the Sitecore Package to Deploy. $SitecorePackagePath = (Get-ChildItem $SitecorePackageZipPath).FullName # The path to the Identity Server Package to Deploy. $IdentityServerPackagePath = (Get-ChildItem $IdentityServerPackageZipPath).FullName # The path to the xConnect Server Package to Deploy. $XConnectPackagePath = (Get-ChildItem $XConnectPackageZipPath).FullName $SitecorePackageUnzipPath = (Get-Item $SitecorePackageZipPath).FullName $SitecorePackageUnzipDir = (Get-Item $SitecorePackageUnzipPath ).DirectoryName+"\sitecore" $SitecoreIdentityServerPackageUnzipPath = (Get-Item $IdentityServerPackageZipPath).FullName $SitecoreIdentityServerPackageUnzipDir = (Get-Item $SitecoreIdentityServerPackageUnzipPath ).DirectoryName+"\identity" $SitecorexConnectServerPackageUnzipPath = (Get-Item $XConnectPackageZipPath).FullName $SitecorexConnectServerPackageUnzipDir = (Get-Item $SitecorexConnectServerPackageUnzipPath ).DirectoryName+"\xconnect" if (-not(Test-Path $SitecorePackageUnzipDir)) { Write-Host "Unzipping the Sitecore Package file to - " $SitecorePackageUnzipDir Expand-Archive -Path $SitecorePackagePath -Destination $SitecorePackageUnzipDir -Force } if (-not(Test-Path $SitecoreIdentityServerPackageUnzipDir)) { Write-Host "Unzipping the Identity Package file to - " $SitecoreIdentityServerPackageUnzipDir Expand-Archive -Path $IdentityServerPackagePath -Destination $SitecoreIdentityServerPackageUnzipDir -Force } if (-not(Test-Path $SitecorexConnectServerPackageUnzipDir)) { Write-Host "Unzipping the xConnect Package file to - " $SitecorexConnectServerPackageUnzipDir Expand-Archive -Path $XConnectPackagePath -Destination $SitecorexConnectServerPackageUnzipDir -Force } #####################################################Sitecore webroot wdp package unzip and processing - start $SitecoreHotFixTraversePath=$SitecorePackageUnzipDir + "\content\website" Write-Host "Hotfix start path "$SitecoreHotFixTraversePath $files = get-childitem -Path $SitecoreHotFixTraversePath -recurse -Force -File Write-host "Starting revert Operation at " $SitePhysicalRootSitecore foreach ($file in $files) { $origPath=$file.FullName $fileName=$file.FullName.Replace($SitecoreHotFixTraversePath,$SitePhysicalRootSitecore) if (test-path $fileName) { Write-Host "Removing "$fileName remove-item $fileName -force } #Replace hotfix path with wdp path $WebSiteWdpPath=$origPath.Replace($SitecoreHotFixTraversePath,$SourcePath) #check if the wdp path exists if (test-path $WebSiteWdpPath) { Write-Host "WDP Path "$WebSiteWdpPath #if exists, copy over to webroot path $WebSiteRootPath=$WebSiteWdpPath.Replace($SourcePath,$SitePhysicalRootSitecore) Write-Host "Copy over Path "$WebSiteRootPath copy-item $WebSiteWdpPath -Destination $WebSiteRootPath -force } } #####################################################Sitecore webroot wdp package unzip and processing - end #####################################################Sitecore id wdp package unzip and processing - start $SitecoreIdSrvrHotFixTraversePath=$SitecoreIdentityServerPackageUnzipDir + "\content\website" Write-Host "Hotfix Id start path "$SitecoreIdSrvrHotFixTraversePath $idfiles = get-childitem -Path $SitecoreIdSrvrHotFixTraversePath -recurse -Force -File Write-host "Starting id srvr revert Operation at " + $SitePhysicalRootIdSrvr foreach ($file in $idfiles) { $OrigidPath=$file.FullName $IdFileName=$file.FullName.Replace($SitecoreIdSrvrHotFixTraversePath,$SitePhysicalRootIdSrvr) if (test-path $IdFileName) { Write-Host "Removing "$IdFileName remove-item $IdFileName -force } #Replace hotfix id path with wdp id path $IdWdpPath=$OrigidPath.Replace($SitecoreIdSrvrHotFixTraversePath,$IdSourcePath) #check if the id wdp path exists if (test-path $IdWdpPath) { Write-Host "ID WDP Path "$IdWdpPath #if exists, copy over to webroot path $IdWebSiteRootPath=$IdWdpPath.Replace($IdSourcePath,$SitePhysicalRootIdSrvr) Write-Host "Copy over ID Path "$IdWebSiteRootPath copy-item $IdWdpPath -Destination $IdWebSiteRootPath -force } } #####################################################Sitecore id wdp package unzip and processing - end #####################################################Sitecore id wdp package unzip and processing - start $SitecorexConnHotFixTraversePath=$SitecorexConnectServerPackageUnzipDir + "\content\website" Write-Host "Hotfix xConn start path "$SitecorexConnHotFixTraversePath $xConnfiles = get-childitem -Path $SitecorexConnHotFixTraversePath -recurse -Force -File Write-host "Starting xConn srvr revert Operation at " + $SitePhysicalRootxConnSrvr foreach ($file in $xConnfiles) { $OrigxConnPath=$file.FullName $xConnFileName=$file.FullName.Replace($SitecorexConnHotFixTraversePath,$SitePhysicalRootxConnSrvr) Write-Host "xconn file name path" $xConnFileName if (test-path $xConnFileName) { Write-Host "Removing "$xConnFileName remove-item $xConnFileName -force } #Replace hotfix xConn path with wdp xConn path $xConnWdpPath=$OrigxConnPath.Replace($SitecorexConnHotFixTraversePath,$xConnSourcePath) #check if the xConn wdp path exists if (test-path $xConnWdpPath) { Write-Host "xConnect WDP Path "$xConnWdpPath #if exists, copy over to xconn webroot path $xConnWebSiteRootPath=$xConnWdpPath.Replace($xConnSourcePath,$SitePhysicalRootxConnSrvr) Write-Host "xConnect Copy over Path "$xConnWebSiteRootPath copy-item $xConnWdpPath -Destination $xConnWebSiteRootPath -force } } #####################################################Sitecore id wdp package unzip and processing - end Write-Host "Process Complete!" $watch.Stop() # Stopping the timer Write-Host "Execution time in seconds " $watch.Elapsed # Print script execution time