######################################################################## # Sample configuration file for NaviServer ######################################################################## # All default variables in "defaultConfig" can be overloaded by: # # 1) Setting these variables explicitly in this file after # "ns_configure_variables" (highest precedence) # # 2) Setting these variables as environment variables with the "nsd_" # prefix (suitable for e.g. docker setups). The lookup for # environment variables happens in "ns_configure_variables". # # 3) Alter/override the variables in the "defaultConfig" # (lowest precedence) # # Some comments: # "ipaddress": # specify an IPv4 or IPv6 address, or a blank separated # list of such addresses # "httpport": # might be as well a list of ports, when listening on # multiple ports # "nscpport": # when nonempty, load the nscp module and listen # on the specified port # "home": # the root directory, containng the subdirecturies # "pages", "logs", "lib", "bin", "tcl", .... # dict set defaultConfig ipaddress dict set defaultConfig httpport 8080 dict set defaultConfig httpsport "" dict set defaultConfig nscpport "" dict set defaultConfig home [file dirname [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]]] dict set defaultConfig hostname localhost dict set defaultConfig pagedir {$home/pages} dict set defaultConfig logdir {$home/logs} dict set defaultConfig certificate {$home/etc/server.pem} dict set defaultConfig vhostcertificates {$home/etc/certificates} dict set defaultConfig serverprettyname "My NaviServer Instance" dict set defaultConfig reverseproxymode false dict set defaultConfig trustedservers "" # # For all potential variables defined by the dict "defaultConfig", # allow environment variables such as "nsd_httpport" or # "nsd_ipaddress" to override local values. # source [file dirname [ns_info nsd]]/../tcl/init.tcl ns_configure_variables "nsd_" $defaultConfig set max_file_upload_size 20mb set max_file_upload_duration 5m #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set headers that should be included in every response from the # server. # set http_extraheaders { X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" Referrer-Policy "strict-origin" } set https_extraheaders { Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" } append https_extraheaders $http_extraheaders ######################################################################## # Global NaviServer parameters (for all servers) ######################################################################## ns_section ns/parameters { # # General server settings # ns_param home $home ns_param tcllibrary tcl #ns_param pidfile ${home}/logs/nsd.pid # Parameter for controlling caching via ns_cache. Potential values # are "full" or "none", future versions might allow as well # "cluster". The value of "none" makes ns_cache operations to # no-ops, this is a very conservative value for clusters. # # ns_param cachingmode "none" ;# default: "full" #ns_param progressminsize 1MB ;# default: 0 #ns_param listenbacklog 256 ;# default: 32; backlog for ns_socket commands # Reject output operations on already closed or detached connections (e.g. subsequent ns_return statements) #ns_param rejectalreadyclosedconn false;# default: true # # Tcl settings # #ns_param tclinitlock true ;# default: false #ns_param concurrentinterpcreate false ;# default: true #ns_param mutexlocktrace true ;# default false; print durations of long mutex calls to stderr # # Log settings (systemlog aka error.log) # ns_param serverlog $logdir/error.log #ns_param logdebug true ;# default: false #ns_param logroll false ;# default: true #ns_param logrollfmt %Y-%m-%d ;# format appended to log filename #ns_param logsec false ;# add timestamps in second resolution (default: true) #ns_param logusec true ;# add timestamps in microsecond (usec) resolution (default: false) #ns_param logusecdiff true ;# add timestamp diffs since in microsecond (usec) resolution (default: false) #ns_param logthread false ;# add thread-info the log file lines (default: true) #ns_param sanitizelogfiles 1 ;# default: 2; 0: none, 1: full, 2: human-friendly # # Encoding settings # # ns_param OutputCharset utf-8 # ns_param URLCharset utf-8 ns_param formfallbackcharset iso8859-1 ;# retry with this charset in case of failures # # Jobs setting # ns_param jobsperthread 1000 ;# default: 0 #ns_param jobtimeout 0s ;# default: 5m ns_param joblogminduration 100s ;# default: 1s ns_param schedsperthread 10 ;# default: 0 #ns_param schedlogminduration 2s ;# print warnings when scheduled job takes longer than that #ns_param dbcloseonexit off ;# default: off; from nsdb # # Configure the number of task threads for ns_http # # ns_param nshttptaskthreads 2 ;# default: 1; number of task threads for ns_http # # Configure SMTP module # ns_param smtphost "localhost" ns_param smtpport 25 ns_param smtptimeout 60 ns_param smtplogmode false ns_param smtpmsgid false ns_param smtpmsgidhostname "" ns_param smtpencodingmode false ns_param smtpencoding "utf-8" ns_param smtpauthmode "" ns_param smtpauthuser "" ns_param smtpauthpassword "" } # # When running behind a reverse proxy, use the following parameters # ns_section ns/parameters/reverseproxymode { # # Is the server running behind a reverse proxy server? # ns_param enabled $reverseproxymode # # When defining "trustedservers", the X-Forwarded-For header field # is only accepted in requests received from one of the specified # servers. The list of servers can be provided by using IP # addresses or CIDR masks. Additionally, the processing mode of # the contents of the X-Forwarded-For contents switches to # right-to-left, skipping trusted servers. So, the dangerof # obtaining spoofed addresses can be reduced. # ns_param trustedservers $trustedservers # # Optionally, non-public entries in the content of X-Forwarded-For # can be ignored. These are not useful for e.g. geo-location # analysis. # #ns_param skipnonpublic false } ns_section ns/threads { ns_param stacksize 512kB } ns_section ns/mimetypes { ns_param default text/plain ns_param noextension text/plain } ns_section ns/fastpath { #ns_param cache false ;# default: false #ns_param cachemaxsize 10MB ;# default: 10MB #ns_param cachemaxentry 8kB ;# default: 8kB #ns_param mmap false ;# default: false ns_param gzip_static true ;# check for static gzip; default: false ns_param gzip_refresh true ;# refresh stale .gz files on the fly using ::ns_gzipfile ns_param gzip_cmd "/usr/bin/gzip -9" ;# use for re-compressing ns_param brotli_static true ;# check for static brotli files; default: false ns_param brotli_refresh true ;# refresh stale .br files on the fly using ::ns_brotlifile ns_param brotli_cmd "/usr/bin/brotli -f -Z" ;# use for re-compressing #ns_param brotli_cmd "/opt/local/bin/brotli -f -Z" ;# use for re-compressing (macOS + ports) } ns_section ns/servers { ns_param default $serverprettyname } # # Global network modules (for all servers) # if {[info exists httpport] && $httpport ne ""} { # # We have an "httpport" configured, so configure this module. # ns_section ns/modules { ns_param http nssock } ns_section ns/module/http { ns_param defaultserver default ns_param port $httpport ns_param address $ipaddress ;# Space separated list of IP addresses #ns_param hostname [ns_info hostname] #ns_param backlog 1024 ;# default: 256; backlog for listen operations #ns_param acceptsize 10 ;# default: value of "backlog"; max number of accepted (but unqueued) requests #ns_param sockacceptlog 3 ;# ns/param sockacceptlog; report, when one accept operation ;# receives more than this threshold number of sockets #ns_param closewait 0s ;# default: 2s; timeout for close on socket #ns_param keepwait 5s ;# 5s, timeout for keep-alive #ns_param maxqueuesize 1024 ;# default: 1024; maximum size of the queue #ns_param readahead 1MB ;# default: 16384; size of readahead for requests #ns_param maxupload 1MB ;# default: 0, when specified, spool uploads larger than this value to a temp file ns_param maxinput $max_file_upload_size ;# Maximum file size for uploads ns_param recvwait $max_file_upload_duration ;# 30s, timeout for receive operations #ns_param keepalivemaxuploadsize 0.5MB ;# 0, don't allow keep-alive for upload content larger than this #ns_param keepalivemaxdownloadsize 1MB ;# 0, don't allow keep-alive for download content larger than this # # Spooling Threads # ns_param writerthreads 1 ;# default: 0, number of writer threads #ns_param writersize 1KB ;# default: 1MB, use writer threads for files larger than this value #ns_param writerbufsize 16kB ;# default: 8kB, buffer size for writer threads #ns_param writerstreaming true ;# false; activate writer for streaming HTML output (e.g. ns_writer) #ns_param spoolerthreads 1 ;# default: 0; number of upload spooler threads #ns_param driverthreads 2 ;# default: 1, number of driver threads (requires support of SO_REUSEPORT) # # TCP tuning # #ns_param nodelay false ;# true; deactivate TCP_NODELAY if Nagle algorithm is wanted #ns_param deferaccept true ;# false, Performance optimization } # # Define, which "host" (as supplied by the "host:" header field) # accepted over this driver should be associated with which # server. This parameter is for virtual servers. Here we have just # the "default" server and we register the $hostname and the # $address (in case, the server is addressed via its IP address). # The variable "hostname" can contain multiple hostnames (domain # names) which are all registered for the server "default". # ns_section ns/module/http/servers { foreach domainname $hostname { ns_param default $domainname } ns_param default [ns_info hostname] foreach address $ipaddress { ns_param default $address } } } ns_log notice "HTTPSPORT=[info exists httpsport]" if {[info exists httpsport] && $httpsport ne ""} { # # We have an "httpsport" configured, so configure this module. # # # We have an "httpsport" configured, so load and configure the # module "nsssl" as a global server module with the name "https". # ns_log notice "HTTPSPORT=[info exists httpsport] => <$httpsport>" ns_section ns/modules { ns_param https nsssl } ns_section ns/module/https { ns_param defaultserver default ns_param port $httpsport ns_param address $ipaddress #ns_param hostname [ns_info hostname] #ns_param backlog 1024 ;# default: 256; backlog for listen operations #ns_param acceptsize 10 ;# default: value of "backlog"; max number of accepted (but unqueued) requests #ns_param sockacceptlog 3 ;# ns/param sockacceptlog; report, when one accept operation ;# receives more than this threshold number of sockets #ns_param closewait 0s ;# default: 2s; timeout for close on socket #ns_param keepwait 5s ;# 5s, timeout for keep-alive #ns_param maxqueuesize 1024 ;# default: 1024; maximum size of the queue #ns_param readahead 1MB ;# default: 16384; size of readahead for requests #ns_param maxupload 1MB ;# default: 0, when specified, spool uploads larger than this value to a temp file ns_param maxinput $max_file_upload_size ;# Maximum file size for uploads ns_param recvwait $max_file_upload_duration ;# 30s, timeout for receive operations #ns_param keepalivemaxuploadsize 0.5MB ;# 0, don't allow keep-alive for upload content larger than this #ns_param keepalivemaxdownloadsize 1MB ;# 0, don't allow keep-alive for download content larger than this # # Spooling Threads # ns_param writerthreads 1 ;# default: 0, number of writer threads #ns_param writersize 1KB ;# default: 1MB, use writer threads for files larger than this value #ns_param writerbufsize 16kB ;# default: 8kB, buffer size for writer threads #ns_param writerstreaming true ;# false; activate writer for streaming HTML output (e.g. ns_writer) #ns_param spoolerthreads 1 ;# default: 0; number of upload spooler threads #ns_param driverthreads 2 ;# default: 1, number of driver threads (requires support of SO_REUSEPORT) # # TCP tuning # #ns_param nodelay false ;# true; deactivate TCP_NODELAY if Nagle algorithm is wanted #ns_param deferaccept true ;# false, Performance optimization # # SSL/TLS parameters # ns_param ciphers "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305" #ns_param ciphersuites "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256" ns_param protocols "!SSLv2:!SSLv3:!TLSv1.0:!TLSv1.1" ns_param certificate $certificate #ns_param vhostcertificates $home/etc/certificates ;# directory for vhost certificates of the default server ns_param verify 0 ns_param extraheaders $https_extraheaders ns_param OCSPstapling on ;# off; activate OCSP stapling # ns_param OCSPstaplingVerbose on ;# off; make OCSP stapling more verbose } # # Define, which "host" (as supplied by the "host:" header field) # accepted over this driver should be associated with which # server. This parameter is for virtual servers. Here we have just # the "default" server and we register the $hostname and the # $address (in case, the server is addressed via its IP address). # The variable "hostname" can contain multiple hostnames (domain # names) which are all registered for the server "default". # ns_section ns/module/https/servers { foreach domainname $hostname { ns_param default $domainname } ns_param default [ns_info hostname] foreach address $ipaddress { ns_param default $address } } } # # The following section defines, which hostnames map to which # server. In our case for example, the host "localhost" is mapped to # the nsd server named "default". # ns_section ns/module/http/servers { ns_param default localhost ns_param default [ns_info hostname] } ######################################################################## # Settings for the "default" server ######################################################################## ns_section ns/server/default { ns_param enabletclpages true ;# default: false #ns_param filterrwlocks false ;# default: true ns_param checkmodifiedsince false ;# default: true, check modified-since before returning files from cache. Disable for speedup ns_param connsperthread 1000 ;# default: 0; number of connections (requests) handled per thread ns_param minthreads 5 ;# default: 1; minimal number of connection threads ns_param maxthreads 100 ;# default: 10; maximal number of connection threads #ns_param maxconnections 100 ;# default: 100; number of allocated connection structures ns_param rejectoverrun true ;# default: false; send 503 when thread pool queue overruns #ns_param threadtimeout 2m ;# default: 2m; timeout for idle connection threads #ns_param concurrentcreatethreshold 100 ;# default: 80; perform concurrent creates when queue is fully beyond this percentage ;# 100 is a conservative value, disabling concurrent creates #ns_param connectionratelimit 200 ;# 0; limit rate per connection to this amount (KB/s); 0 means unlimited #ns_param poolratelimit 200 ;# 0; limit rate for pool to this amount (KB/s); 0 means unlimited # Extra server-specific response header fields #ns_param extraheaders {Referrer-Policy "strict-origin"} } ns_section ns/server/default/modules { if {$nscpport ne ""} {ns_param nscp nscp} ns_param nslog nslog ns_param nscgi nscgi } ns_section ns/server/default/fastpath { ns_param pagedir $pagedir #ns_param serverdir "" #ns_param directoryfile "index.adp index.tcl index.html index.htm" #ns_param directoryadp dir.adp #ns_param directoryproc _ns_dirlist ns_param directorylisting fancy ;# default: simple; parameter for _ns_dirlist #ns_param hidedotfiles true ;# default: false; parameter for _ns_dirlist } ns_section ns/server/default/vhost { #ns_param enabled false #ns_param hostprefix "" #ns_param hosthashlevel 0 #ns_param stripport true #ns_param stripwww true } ns_section ns/server/default/adp { ns_param map "/*.adp" #ns_param enableexpire false ;# default: false; set "Expires: now" on all ADP's #ns_param enabledebug true ;# default: false #ns_param enabletclpages true ;# default: false #ns_param singlescript false ;# default: false; collapse Tcl blocks to a single Tcl script #ns_param cache false ;# default: false; enable ADP caching #ns_param cachesize 5MB #ns_param bufsize 1MB } ns_section ns/server/default/tcl { ns_param nsvbuckets 16 ;# default: 8 ns_param nsvrwlocks false ;# default: true ns_param library modules/tcl # # Example for initcmds (to be executed, when this server is fully initialized). # #ns_param initcmds { # ns_log notice "=== Hello World === server: [ns_info server] running" #} } ns_section ns/server/default/module/nscgi { ns_param map "GET /cgi-bin $home/cgi-bin" ns_param map "POST /cgi-bin $home/cgi-bin" ns_param interps CGIinterps #ns_param allowstaticresources true ;# default false; serve static resources from cgi directories } ns_section ns/interps/CGIinterps { ns_param .pl "/opt/local/bin/perl" ns_param .sh "/bin/bash" } ns_section ns/server/default/module/nslog { ns_param file $logdir/access.log #ns_param rolllog true ;# default: true; should server log files automatically #ns_param rollonsignal false ;# default: false; perform roll on a sighup #ns_param rollhour 0 ;# default: 0; specify at which hour to roll ns_param maxbackup 7 ;# default: 10; max number of backup log files #ns_param rollfmt %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M ;# format appended to log filename #ns_param logpartialtimes true ;# default: false #ns_param logreqtime true ;# default: false; include time to service the request ns_param logthreadname true ;# default: false; include thread name for linking with error.log ns_param masklogaddr true ;# false, mask IP address in log file for GDPR (like anonip IP anonymizer) ns_param maskipv4 ;# mask for IPv4 addresses ns_param maskipv6 ff:ff:ff:ff:: ;# mask for IPv6 addresses } ns_section ns/server/default/module/nscp { ns_param port $nscpport #ns_param address } ns_section ns/server/default/module/nscp/users { ns_param user "::" } set ::env(RANDFILE) $home/.rnd set ::env(HOME) $home set ::env(LANG) en_US.UTF-8 # # For debugging, you might activate one of the following flags # #ns_logctl severity Debug(ns:driver) on #ns_logctl severity Debug(request) on #ns_logctl severity Debug(task) on #ns_logctl severity Debug(sql) on #ns_logctl severity Debug(nsset) on