###################################################################### # # Config parameter for an OpenACS site using NaviServer. # # These default settings will only work in limited circumstances. # Two servers with default settings cannot run on the same host # ###################################################################### ns_log notice "nsd.tcl: starting to read configuration file..." #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Port settings: # # Change the HTTP and HTTPS port to e.g. 80 and 443 for production # use. Setting the configuration parameter "httpport" or # "httpsport" to the special value 0 means to active the HTTP/HTTPS # driver for ns_http, but do not listen on this port. Without # loading the driver, ns_http won't be able to the protocol. # # Note: If the specufued port is privileged (usually < 1024), OpenACS # must be started by root, and the run script must contain the flag # '-b address:port' which matches the configured address and port. # # The "hostname" (e.h. domain names) and "ipaddress" should be set to # actual values such that the server is reachable over the # Internet. The default values are fine for testing purposes. One can # specify for "hostname" and "ipaddress" also multiple values # (e.g. IPv4 and IPv6). Multiple hostnames are used as alternative # domain names names for the "http" and "https" server sections. # # hostname localhost # ipaddress ;# listen on loopback via IPv4 # ipaddress ;# listen on all IPv4 addresses # ipaddress ::1 ;# listen on loopback via IPv6 # ipaddress ::0 ;# listen on all IPv6 addresses # # All default variables in "defaultConfig" can be overloaded by: # # 1) Setting these variables explicitly in this file after # "ns_configure_variables" (highest precedence) # # 2) Setting these variables as environment variables with the "oacs_" # prefix (suitable for e.g. docker setups). The lookup for # environment variables happens in "ns_configure_variables". # # 3) Alter/override the variables in the "defaultConfig" # (lowest precedence) # set defaultConfig { hostname localhost ipaddress httpport 8000 httpsport "" nscpport "" smtpdport "" server "openacs" serverroot /var/www/$server logdir $serverroot/log homedir /usr/local/ns bindir $homedir/bin certificate $serverroot/etc/certfile.pem vhostcertificates $serverroot/etc/certificates db_name $server db_user nsadmin db_password "" db_host localhost db_port "" db_passwordfile "" CookieNamespace ad_ cachingmode full serverprettyname "My OpenACS Instance" reverseproxymode false trustedservers "" clusterSecret "" parameterSecret "" } # # Override default variables as defined by "defaultConfig" (this # allows commenting lines) # # If the same domain name serves multiple OpenACS instances, # same-named cookies will mix up. You might consider a different # namespace for the cookies. # #dict set defaultConfig CookieNamespace ad_8000_ #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Which DBMS do you want to use? PostgreSQL or Oracle? # set dbms postgres # # For Oracle, some of the defaults have to be adjusted, # make also sure that certain environment variables are set # if { $dbms eq "oracle" } { dict set defaultConfig db_password "openacs" dict set defaultConfig db_name openacs dict set defaultConfig db_port 1521 # # Traditionally, the old configs have all db_user set to the # db_name, e.g. "openacs". dict set defaultConfig db_user $server set ::env(ORACLE_HOME) /opt/oracle/product/19c/dbhome_1 set ::env(NLS_DATE_FORMAT) YYYY-MM-DD set ::env(NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF6" set ::env(NLS_TIMESTAMP_TZ_FORMAT) "YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF6 TZH:TZM" set ::env(NLS_LANG) American_America.UTF8 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # If debug is false, all debugging will be turned off. set debug false set verboseSQL false set max_file_upload_size 20MB set max_file_upload_duration 5m #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set headers that should be included in every response from the # server. # set http_extraheaders { X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" Referrer-Policy "strict-origin" } set https_extraheaders { Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" } append https_extraheaders $http_extraheaders ###################################################################### # # End of instance-specific settings # # Nothing below this point need be changed in a default install. # ###################################################################### # # For all potential variables defined by the dict "defaultConfig", # allow environment variables such as "oacs_httpport" or # "oacs_ipaddress" to override local values. # source [file dirname [ns_info nsd]]/../tcl/init.tcl ns_configure_variables "oacs_" $defaultConfig # # In case we have a db_passwordfile, use the content of the file as # the database password. Can be used, e.g., for docker secrets. # if {$db_passwordfile ne "" && [file readable $db_passwordfile]} { try { set F [open $db_passwordfile] set db_password [string trim [read $F]] } finally { close $F unset F } } # # For Oracle, we set the datasource to values which might be # changed via environment variables. So, this has to happen # after "ns_configure_variables" # if { $dbms eq "oracle" } { set datasource ${db_host}:${db_port}/$db_name ;# name of the pluggable database / service } else { set datasource ${db_host}:${db_port}:dbname=${db_name} } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Set environment variables HOME and LANG. HOME is needed since # otherwise some programs called via exec might try to write into the # root home directory. # set ::env(HOME) $homedir set ::env(LANG) en_US.UTF-8 ns_logctl severity "Debug(ns:driver)" $debug #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # # NaviServer's directories. Auto-configurable. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Where are your pages going to live ? set pageroot ${serverroot}/www set directoryfile "index.tcl index.adp index.html index.htm" #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global NaviServer parameters #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_section ns/parameters { ns_param serverlog ${logdir}/error.log ns_param pidfile ${logdir}/nsd.pid ns_param home $homedir ns_param debug $debug # Define optionally the tmpdir. If not specified, the # environment variable TMPDIR is used. If that is not # specified either, a system specific constant us used # (compile time macro P_tmpdir) # # ns_param tmpdir c:/tmp # Parameter for controlling caching via ns_cache. Potential values # are "full" or "none", future versions might allow as well # "cluster". The value of "none" makes ns_cache operations to # no-ops, this is a very conservative value for clusters. # ns_param cachingmode $cachingmode ;# default: "full" # Timeout for shutdown to let existing connections and background # jobs finish. When this time limit is exceeded the server shuts # down immediately. # # ns_param shutdowntimeout 20s ;# 20s is the default # Configuration of incoming connections # # ns_param listenbacklog 256 ;# default: 32; global backlog for ns_socket commands # and global default for drivers; can be refined # by driver parameter "backlog". # ns_param sockacceptlog 3 ;# default: 4; report, when one accept operation receives # more than this threshold number of sockets; can be refined # by driver parameter with the same name. # # Configuration of outgoing requests via ns_http # # ns_param nshttptaskthreads 2 ;# default: 1; number of task threads for ns_http when running detached # ns_param autosni false ;# default: true # # Configuration of error.log # # Rolling of logfile: ns_param logroll on ns_param logmaxbackup 100 ;# 10 is default ns_param logrollfmt %Y-%m-%d ;# format appended to serverlog filename when rolled # # Format of log entries in serverlog: # ns_param logsec false ;# add timestamps in second resolution (default: true) # ns_param logusec true ;# add timestamps in microsecond (usec) resolution (default: false) # ns_param logusecdiff true ;# add timestamp diffs since in microsecond (usec) resolution (default: false) # ns_param logthread false ;# add thread-info the log file lines (default: true) ns_param logcolorize true ;# colorize log file with ANSI colors (default: false) ns_param logprefixcolor green ;# black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, gray, default # ns_param logprefixintensity normal;# bright or normal # # Severities to be logged (can be better controlled (also at runtime) via ns_logctl) #ns_param logdebug trueug ;# debug messages #ns_param logdev true ;# development message #ns_param lognotice true ;# informational messages #ns_param sanitizelogfiles 2 ;# default: 2; 0: none, 1: full, 2: human-friendly # ns_param mailhost localhost # ns_param jobsperthread 0 ;# number of ns_jobs before thread exits # ns_param jobtimeout 5m ;# default "ns_job wait" timeout # ns_param joblogminduration 1s ;# default: 1s # ns_param schedsperthread 0 ;# number of scheduled jobs before thread exits # ns_param schedlogminduration 2s ;# print warnings when scheduled job takes longer than that # Write asynchronously to log files (access log and error log) # ns_param asynclogwriter true ;# false #ns_param mutexlocktrace true ;# default false; print durations of long mutex calls to stderr # Reject output operations on already closed or detached connections (e.g. subsequent ns_return statements) #ns_param rejectalreadyclosedconn false ;# default: true # Allow concurrent create operations of Tcl interpreters. # Versions up to at least Tcl 8.5 are known that these might # crash in case two threads create interpreters at the same # time. These crashes were hard to reproduce, but serializing # interpreter creation helped. Starting with Tcl 8.6, # the default is set to "true". #ns_param concurrentinterpcreate false ;# default: true # Enforce sequential thread initialization. This is not really # desirably in general, but might be useful for hunting strange # crashes or for debugging with valgrind. # ns_param tclinitlock true ;# default: false # # Encoding settings # # NaviServer's defaults charsets are all utf-8. Although the # default charset is utf-8, set the parameter "OutputCharset" # here, since otherwise OpenACS uses in the meta-tags the charset # from [ad_conn charset], which is taken from the db and is # per-default ISO-8859-1. ns_param OutputCharset utf-8 # ns_param URLCharset utf-8 # In cases were UTF-8 parsing fails in forms, retry with the specified charset. # ns_param formfallbackcharset iso8859-1 # # DNS configuration parameters # #ns_param dnscache true ;# default: true #ns_param dnswaittimeout 5s ;# time for waiting for a DNS reply; default: 5s #ns_param dnscachetimeout 60m ;# time to keep entries in cache; default: 1h ns_param dnscachemaxsize 500KB ;# max size of DNS cache in memory units; default: 500KB # Running behind proxy? Used also by OpenACS. This parameter is # outdated and kept here for backward compatibility. Use the # section ns/parameters/reverseproxymode instead. ns_param reverseproxymode $reverseproxymode } # # When running behind a reverse proxy, use the following parameters # ns_section ns/parameters/reverseproxymode { ns_param enabled $reverseproxymode # # When defining "trustedservers", the X-Forwarded-For header field # is only accepted in requests received from one of the specified # servers. The list of servers can be provided by using IP # addresses or CIDR masks. Additionally, the processing mode of # the contents of the X-Forwarded-For contents switches to # right-to-left, skipping trusted servers. So, the dangerof # obtaining spoofed addresses can be reduced. # ns_param trustedservers $trustedservers # # Optionally, non-public entries in the content of X-Forwarded-For # can be ignored. These are not useful for e.g. geo-location # analysis. # #ns_param skipnonpublic false } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Definition of NaviServer servers (add more servers, when true # NaviServer virtual hosting should be used). # --------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_section ns/servers { ns_param $server $serverprettyname } # # In case, a docker mapping is provided, source it to make it # accessible during configuration. The mapping file is a Tcl script # providing at least the Tcl dict ::docker::containerMapping # containing the docker mapping. A dict key like "8080/tcp" (internal # port) will return a dict containing the keys "host", "port" and # "proto" (e.g. proto https host port 58115). # if {[file exists /scripts/docker-dict.tcl]} { source /scripts/docker-dict.tcl } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration for plain HTTP interface -- module nssock #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if {[info exists httpport] && $httpport ne ""} { # # We have an "httpport" configured, so load and configure the # module "nssock" as a global server module with the name "http". # ns_section ns/modules { ns_param http ${bindir}/nssock } ns_section ns/module/http { ns_param defaultserver $server ns_param address $ipaddress ns_param hostname [lindex $hostname 0] ns_param port $httpport ;# default 80 ns_param maxinput $max_file_upload_size ;# 1MB, maximum size for inputs (uploads) ns_param recvwait $max_file_upload_duration ;# 30s, timeout for receive operations # ns_param maxline 8192 ;# 8192, max size of a header line # ns_param maxheaders 128 ;# 128, max number of header lines # ns_param uploadpath /tmp ;# directory for uploads # ns_param maxqueuesize 256 ;# 1024, maximum size of the queue of preprocessed requests # ns_param backlog 256 ;# 256, backlog for listen operations # ns_param acceptsize 10 ;# backlog; Maximum number of requests accepted at once. # ns_param sockacceptlog 3 ;# ns/param sockacceptlog; report, when one accept operation # receives more than this threshold number of sockets # ns_param deferaccept true ;# false, Performance optimization, may cause recvwait to be ignored # ns_param bufsize 16kB ;# 16kB, buffersize # ns_param readahead 16kB ;# value of bufsize, size of readahead for requests # ns_param sendwait 30s ;# 30s, timeout for send operations # ns_param closewait 2s ;# 2s, timeout for close on socket # ns_param keepwait 2s ;# 5s, timeout for keep-alive # ns_param nodelay false ;# true; deactivate TCP_NODELAY if Nagle algorithm is wanted # ns_param keepalivemaxuploadsize 500kB ;# 0, don't allow keep-alive for upload content larger than this # ns_param keepalivemaxdownloadsize 1MB ;# 0, don't allow keep-alive for download content larger than this # ns_param spoolerthreads 1 ;# 0, number of upload spooler threads ns_param maxupload 100kB ;# 0, when specified, spool uploads larger than this value to a temp file ns_param writerthreads 2 ;# 0, number of writer threads ns_param writersize 1kB ;# 1MB, use writer threads for files larger than this value # ns_param writerbufsize 8kB ;# 8kB, buffer size for writer threads # ns_param writerstreaming true ;# false; activate writer for streaming HTML output (when using ns_write) # # Options for port reuse (see https://lwn.net/Articles/542629/) # These options require proper OS support. # # ns_param reuseport true ;# false; normally not needed to be set, set by driverthreads when necessary # ns_param driverthreads 2 ;# 1; use multiple driver threads; activates "reuseport" # # Extra driver-specific response headers fields to be added for # every request. # ns_param extraheaders $http_extraheaders } # # Define, which "host" (as supplied by the "host:" header field) # accepted over this driver should be associated with which # server. The variable hostname can contain multiple hostnames # (domain names) which are registered below. # ns_section ns/module/http/servers { foreach domainname $hostname { ns_param $server $domainname } foreach address $ipaddress { ns_param $server $address } if {[info exists ::docker::containerMapping] && [dict exists $::docker::containerMapping $httpport/tcp]} { set __host [dict get $::docker::containerMapping $httpport/tcp host] set __port [dict get $::docker::containerMapping $httpport/tcp port] ns_log notice "added white-listed address '${__host}:${__port}' for server $server on HTTP driver" ns_param $server ${__host}:${__port} } } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Configuration for HTTPS interface (SSL/TLS) -- module nsssl #--------------------------------------------------------------------- if {[info exists httpsport] && $httpsport ne ""} { # # We have an "httpsport" configured, so configure this module. # # # We have an "httpsport" configured, so load and configure the # module "nsssl" as a global server module with the name "https". # ns_section ns/modules { ns_param https ${bindir}/nsssl } ns_section ns/module/https { ns_param defaultserver $server ns_param address $ipaddress ns_param port $httpsport ns_param hostname $hostname ns_param ciphers "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305" #ns_param ciphersuites "TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256:TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256" ns_param protocols "!SSLv2:!SSLv3:!TLSv1.0:!TLSv1.1" ns_param certificate $certificate ns_param vhostcertificates $vhostcertificates ;# directory for vhost certificates of the default server ns_param verify 0 ns_param writerthreads 2 ns_param writersize 1kB ns_param writerbufsize 16kB ;# 8kB, buffer size for writer threads # ns_param writerstreaming true ;# false # ns_param spoolerthreads 1 ;# 0, number of upload spooler threads # ns_param maxupload 100kB ;# 0, when specified, spool uploads larger than this value to a temp file # ns_param backlog 256 ;# 256, backlog for listen operations # ns_param acceptsize 10 ;# backlog; Maximum number of requests accepted at once. # ns_param sockacceptlog 3 ;# ns/param sockacceptlog; report, when one accept operation # receives more than this threshold number of sockets # ns_param deferaccept true ;# false, Performance optimization # ns_param nodelay false ;# true; deactivate TCP_NODELAY if Nagle algorithm is wanted ns_param maxinput $max_file_upload_size ;# Maximum file size for uploads in bytes ns_param recvwait $max_file_upload_duration ;# 30s, timeout for receive operations ns_param extraheaders $https_extraheaders ns_param OCSPstapling on ;# off; activate OCSP stapling # ns_param OCSPstaplingVerbose on ;# off; make OCSP stapling more verbose } # # Define, which "host" (as supplied by the "host:" header field) # accepted over this driver should be associated with which # server. This parameter is for virtual servers. Here we just # register the $hostname and the $address (in case, the server is # addressed via its IP address). # ns_section ns/module/https/servers { foreach domainname $hostname { ns_param $server $domainname } foreach address $ipaddress { ns_param $server $address } if {[info exists ::docker::containerMapping] && [dict exists $::docker::containerMapping $httpsport/tcp]} { set __host [dict get $::docker::containerMapping $httpsport/tcp host] set __port [dict get $::docker::containerMapping $httpsport/tcp port] ns_log notice "added white-listed address '${__host}:${__port}' for server $server on HTTPS driver" ns_param $server ${__host}:${__port} } } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Thread library (nsthread) parameters #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_section ns/threads { ns_param stacksize 1MB } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extra mime types #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_section ns/mimetypes { # Note: NaviServer already has an exhaustive list of MIME types: # see: /usr/local/src/naviserver/nsd/mimetypes.c # but in case something is missing you can add it here. #ns_param default */* #ns_param noextension text/html #ns_param .pcd image/x-photo-cd #ns_param .prc application/x-pilot } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global fastpath parameters #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_section ns/fastpath { #ns_param cache true ;# default: false #ns_param cachemaxsize 10MB ;# default: 10MB #ns_param cachemaxentry 100kB ;# default: 8kB #ns_param mmap true ;# default: false #ns_param gzip_static true ;# check for static gzip; default: false #ns_param gzip_refresh true ;# refresh stale .gz files on the fly using ::ns_gzipfile #ns_param gzip_cmd "/usr/bin/gzip -9" ;# use for re-compressing #ns_param minify_css_cmd "/usr/bin/yui-compressor --type css" #ns_param minify_js_cmd "/usr/bin/yui-compressor --type js" #ns_param brotli_static true ;# check for static brotli files; default: false #ns_param brotli_refresh true ;# refresh stale .br files on the fly using ::ns_brotlifile #ns_param brotli_cmd "/usr/bin/brotli -f -Z" ;# use for re-compressing } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Server-level configuration # # There is only one server in NaviServer, but this is helpful when multiple # servers share the same configuration file. This file assumes that only # one server is in use so it is set at the top in the "server" Tcl variable # Other host-specific values are set up above as Tcl variables, too. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Server parameters # ns_section ns/server/$server { # # Scaling and Tuning Options # # ns_param maxconnections 100 ;# 100; number of allocated connection structures ns_param rejectoverrun true ;# false (send 503 when queue overruns) #ns_param retryafter 5s ;# time for Retry-After in 503 cases #ns_param filterrwlocks false ;# default: true # ns_param maxthreads 10 ;# 10; maximal number of connection threads ns_param minthreads 2 ;# 1; minimal number of connection threads #ns_param connsperthread 1000 ;# 10000; number of connections (requests) handled per thread ;# Setting connsperthread to > 0 will cause the thread to ;# graciously exit, after processing that many requests, thus ;# initiating kind-of Tcl-level garbage collection. # ns_param threadtimeout 2m ;# 2m; timeout for idle threads. ;# In case, minthreads < maxthreads, threads are shutdown after ;# this idle time until minthreads are reached. # ns_param lowwatermark 10 ;# 10; create additional threads above this queue-full percentage ns_param highwatermark 100 ;# 80; allow concurrent creates above this queue-is percentage # 100 means to disable concurrent creates #ns_param connectionratelimit 200 ;# 0; limit rate per connection to this amount (KB/s); 0 means unlimited #ns_param poolratelimit 200 ;# 0; limit rate for pool to this amount (KB/s); 0 means unlimited # Compress response character data: ns_return, ADP etc. # ns_param compressenable on ;# false, use "ns_conn compress" to override # ns_param compresslevel 4 ;# 4, 1-9 where 9 is high compression, high overhead # ns_param compressminsize 512 ;# Compress responses larger than this # ns_param compresspreinit true ;# false, if true then initialize and allocate buffers at startup # Enable nicer directory listing (as handled by the OpenACS request processor) # ns_param directorylisting fancy ;# Can be simple or fancy # # Configuration of replies # # ns_param realm yourrealm ;# Default realm for Basic authentication # ns_param noticedetail false ;# true, return detail information in server reply # ns_param noticeadp returnnotice.adp ;# returnnotice.adp; ADP file for ns_returnnotice. # ns_param errorminsize 0 ;# 514, fill-up reply to at least specified bytes (for ?early? MSIE) # ns_param headercase preserve ;# preserve, might be "tolower" or "toupper" # ns_param checkmodifiedsince false ;# true, check modified-since before returning files from cache. Disable for speedup # # Extra server-specific response headers fields to be added for # every response on this server # #ns_param extraheaders {...} } ######################################################################## # Connection thread pools. # # Per default, NaviServer uses a "default" connection pool, which # needs no extra configuration. Optionally, multiple connection # thread pools can be configured using the following parameters. # # map # connsperthread # highwatermark # lowwatermark # maxconnections # rejectoverrun # retryafter # maxthreads # minthreads # poolratelimit # connectionratelimit # threadtimeout # # In order to define thread pools, do the following: # # 1. Add pool names to "ns/server/$server/pools" # 2. Configure pools with the noted parameters # 3. Map method/URL combinations for these pools # # All unmapped method/URL's will go to the default server pool of the # server. # ######################################################################## ns_section ns/server/$server/pools { # # To activate connection thread pools, uncomment one of the # following lines and/or add other pools. #ns_param monitor "Monitoring actions to check healthiness of the system" #ns_param fast "Fast requests, e.g. less than 10ms" #ns_param slow "Slow lane pool, for request remapping" } ns_section ns/server/$server/pool/monitor { ns_param minthreads 2 ns_param maxthreads 2 ns_param map "GET /SYSTEM" ns_param map "GET /acs-admin" ns_param map "GET /admin/nsstats" ns_param map "GET /ds" ns_param map "GET /request-monitor" ns_param map "POST /SYSTEM" ns_param map "POST /acs-admin" ns_param map "POST /admin/nsstats" ns_param map "POST /ds" } ns_section ns/server/$server/pool/fast { ns_param minthreads 2 ns_param maxthreads 2 ns_param rejectoverrun true ns_param map "GET /*.png" ns_param map "GET /*.PNG" ns_param map "GET /*.jpg" ns_param map "GET /*.pdf" ns_param map "GET /*.gif" ns_param map "GET /*.mp4" ns_param map "GET /*.ts" ns_param map "GET /*.m3u8" } ns_section ns/server/$server/pool/slow { ns_param minthreads 2 ns_param maxthreads 5 ns_param maxconnections 600 ns_param rejectoverrun true } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Special HTTP pages #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_section ns/server/$server/redirects { ns_param 404 /shared/404 ns_param 403 /shared/403 ns_param 503 /shared/503 ns_param 500 /shared/500 } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # ADP (AOLserver Dynamic Page) configuration #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_section ns/server/$server/adp { ns_param enabledebug $debug ns_param map /*.adp ;# Extensions to parse as ADP's # ns_param map "/*.html" ;# Any extension can be mapped # # ns_param cache true ;# false, enable ADP caching # ns_param cachesize 10MB ;# 5MB, size of ADP cache # ns_param bufsize 5MB ;# 1MB, size of ADP buffer # # ns_param trace true ;# false, trace execution of adp scripts # ns_param tracesize 100 ;# 40, max number of entries in trace # # ns_param stream true ;# false, enable ADP streaming # ns_param enableexpire true ;# false, set "Expires: now" on all ADP's # ns_param safeeval true ;# false, disable inline scripts # ns_param singlescript true ;# false, collapse Tcl blocks to a single Tcl script # ns_param detailerror false ;# true, include connection info in error backtrace # ns_param stricterror true ;# false, interrupt execution on any error # ns_param displayerror true ;# false, include error message in output # ns_param trimspace true ;# false, trim whitespace from output buffer # ns_param autoabort false ;# true, failure to flush a buffer (e.g. closed HTTP connection) generates an ADP exception # # ns_param errorpage /.../errorpage.adp ;# page for returning errors # ns_param startpage /.../startpage.adp ;# file to be run for every adp request; should include "ns_adp_include [ns_adp_argv 0]" # ns_param debuginit some-proc ;# ns_adp_debuginit, proc to be executed on debug init # } ns_section ns/server/$server/adp/parsers { ns_param fancy ".adp" } # # Tcl Configuration # ns_section ns/server/$server/tcl { ns_param library ${serverroot}/tcl ns_param debug $debug # ns_param nsvbuckets 16 ;# default: 8 # ns_param nsvrwlocks false ;# default: true } ns_section ns/server/$server/fastpath { ns_param serverdir ${homedir} ns_param pagedir ${pageroot} # # Directory listing options # # ns_param directoryfile "index.adp index.tcl index.html index.htm" # ns_param directoryadp $pageroot/dirlist.adp ;# default "" # ns_param directoryproc _ns_dirlist ;# default "_ns_dirlist" # ns_param directorylisting fancy ;# default "simple"; can be "simple", # ;# "fancy" or "none"; parameter for _ns_dirlist # ns_param hidedotfiles true ;# default false; parameter for _ns_dirlist # } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # HTTP client (ns_http) configuration #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_section ns/server/$server/httpclient { # # Set default keep-alive timeout for outgoing ns_http requests # #ns_param keepalive 5s ;# default: 0s # # Configure log file for outgoing ns_http requests # ns_param logging on ;# default: off ns_param logfile ${logdir}/httpclient.log ns_param logrollfmt %Y-%m-%d ;# format appended to log filename #ns_param logmaxbackup 100 ;# 10, max number of backup log files #ns_param logroll true ;# true, should server log files automatically #ns_param logrollonsignal true ;# false, perform roll on a sighup #ns_param logrollhour 0 ;# 0, specify at which hour to roll } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # OpenACS specific settings (per server) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Define/override OpenACS kernel parameter for $server # ns_section ns/server/$server/acs { # # Provide optionally a different cookie namespace (used for # prefixing OpenACS cookies). This is important when e.g. # multiple servers are running on different ports of the same # host, but should not share cookies. # ns_param CookieNamespace $CookieNamespace # # Define a mapping between MIME types and CSP rules for static # files. The mapping is of the form of a Tcl dict. The mapping is # used e.g. in "security::csp::add_static_resource_header". # ns_param StaticCSP { image/svg+xml "script-src 'none'" } # # The configuration file might contain white-listed hosts to be # accepted as value of the host header field (typically domain # name with optional port). Validation is needed, e.g., to avoid # accepting spoofed host header fields causing hijacking to a # different web site via redirects. Setting these values is # typically necessary when running behind a proxy server and/or in # containerized environments, where the host header field does not # match any driver configuration. # # Watch out for "ignore untrusted host header field" in the error # log for cases, where a value might be missing. # ns_param whitelistedHosts {} # # The following option should causes on acs-admin/server-restart # the usage of "ns_shutdown -restart" instead of plain # "ns_shutdown". This seems to be required in current Windows # installations. Default is 0. # # ns_param NsShutdownWithNonZeroExitCode 1 # # Should deprecated log be used? Use value of 1 on legacy # sites. Default is 1. # # ns_param WithDeprecatedCode 0 # # Should user_ids be included in log files? Some sensitive sites # do not allow this. Default is 0. # # ns_param LogIncludeUserId 1 # # # Cluster secret for intra-cluster communications. Clustering will # not be enabled if no value is provided. # ns_param clusterSecret $clusterSecret # # "parameterSecret" is needed for signed query and form parameters # ns_param parameterSecret $parameterSecret } # Define/override OpenACS package parameters in section # ending with /acs/PACKAGENAME # # Provide tailored sizes for the site node cache in acs-tcl: # ns_section ns/server/$server/acs/acs-tcl { # ns_param SiteNodesCacheSize 2000000 # ns_param SiteNodesIdCacheSize 100000 # ns_param SiteNodesChildenCacheSize 100000 # ns_param SiteNodesPrefetch {/file /changelogs /munin} # ns_param UserInfoCacheSize 2000000 } # # Set for all package instances of acs-mail-lite the # EmailDeliveryMode. Setting this to "log" is useful for developer # instances. # ns_section ns/server/$server/acs/acs-mail-lite { # ns_param EmailDeliveryMode log } # # API browser configuration: setting IncludeCallingInfo to "true" is # useful mostly for developer instances. # ns_section ns/server/$server/acs/acs-api-browser { # ns_param IncludeCallingInfo true } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # WebDAV Support (optional, requires oacs-dav package to be installed #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_section ns/server/$server/tdav { ns_param propdir ${serverroot}/data/dav/properties ns_param lockdir ${serverroot}/data/dav/locks ns_param defaultlocktimeout 300 } ns_section ns/server/$server/tdav/shares { ns_param share1 "OpenACS" # ns_param share2 "Share 2 description" } ns_section ns/server/$server/tdav/share/share1 { ns_param uri "/dav/*" # all WebDAV options ns_param options "OPTIONS COPY GET PUT MOVE DELETE HEAD MKCOL POST PROPFIND PROPPATCH LOCK UNLOCK" } #ns_section ns/server/$server/tdav/share/share2 { # ns_param uri "/share2/path/*" # read-only WebDAV options # ns_param options "OPTIONS COPY GET HEAD MKCOL POST PROPFIND PROPPATCH" #} #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Access log -- nslog #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_section ns/server/$server/module/nslog { # # General parameters for access.log # ns_param file ${logdir}/access.log # ns_param maxbuffer 100 ;# 0, number of logfile entries to keep in memory before flushing to disk # # Control what to log # # ns_param suppressquery true ;# false, suppress query portion in log entry # ns_param logreqtime true ;# false, include time to service the request ns_param logpartialtimes true ;# false, include high-res start time and partial request durations (accept, queue, filter, run) ns_param logthreadname true ;# default: false; include thread name for linking with error.log # ns_param formattedtime true ;# true, timestamps formatted or in secs (unix time) # ns_param logcombined true ;# true, Log in NSCA Combined Log Format (referer, user-agent) ns_param checkforproxy $reverseproxymode ;# false, check for proxy header (X-Forwarded-For) ns_param masklogaddr true ;# false, mask IP address in log file for GDPR (like anonip IP anonymizer) ns_param maskipv4 ;# mask for IPv4 addresses ns_param maskipv6 ff:ff:ff:ff:: ;# mask for IPv6 addresses # # Add extra entries to the access log via specifying a Tcl # list of request header fields in "extendedheaders" # if {[ns_config "ns/server/$server/acs" LogIncludeUserId 0]} { ns_param extendedheaders "X-User-Id" } # # # Control log file rolling # # ns_param maxbackup 100 ;# 10, max number of backup log files # ns_param rolllog true ;# true, should server log files automatically # ns_param rollhour 0 ;# 0, specify at which hour to roll # ns_param rollonsignal true ;# false, perform roll on a sighup ns_param rollfmt %Y-%m-%d ;# format appended to log filename } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # # CGI interface -- nscgi, if you have legacy stuff. Tcl or ADP files # inside NaviServer are vastly superior to CGIs. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # ns_section ns/server/$server/modules { # ns_param nscgi ${bindir}/nscgi # } # ns_section ns/server/$server/module/nscgi { # ns_param map "GET /cgi-bin ${serverroot}/cgi-bin" # ns_param map "POST /cgi-bin ${serverroot}/cgi-bin" # ns_param Interps CGIinterps # ns_param allowstaticresources true ;# default: false # } # ns_section ns/interps/CGIinterps { # ns_param .pl "/usr/bin/perl" # } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # # PAM authentication # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # ns_section ns/server/$server/modules { # ns_param nspam ${bindir}/nspam # } # ns_section ns/server/$server/module/nspam { # ns_param PamDomain "pam_domain" # } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Dbms drivers: # # Make sure the drivers are compiled and put it in $bindir. # #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ns_section ns/db/drivers { if { $dbms eq "oracle" } { ns_param nsoracle ${bindir}/nsoracle } else { ns_param postgres ${bindir}/nsdbpg # ns_logctl severity "Debug(sql)" -color blue $verboseSQL } if { $dbms eq "oracle" } { ns_section ns/db/driver/nsoracle ns_param maxStringLogLength -1 ns_param LobBufferSize 32768 } else { ns_section ns/db/driver/postgres # Set this parameter, when "psql" is not on your path (OpenACS specific) # ns_param pgbin "/usr/local/pg960/bin/" } } # Database Pools: This is how NaviServer "talks" to the RDBMS. You # need three for OpenACS, named here pool1, pool2 and pool3. Most # queries use to first pool, nested queries (i.e. in a db_foreach, # which is actually not recommended) use pool2 and so on. Make sure to # set the "db_*" the variables with actual values on top of this file. # # NaviServer can have different pools connecting to different databases # and even different database servers. See # # http://openacs.org/doc/tutorial-second-database # ns_section ns/server/$server/db { ns_param pools pool1,pool2,pool3 ns_param defaultpool pool1 } ns_section ns/db/pools { ns_param pool1 "Pool 1" ns_param pool2 "Pool 2" ns_param pool3 "Pool 3" } ns_section ns/db/pool/pool1 { # ns_param maxidle 0 ;# time interval for shut-down of idle connections; default: 5m # ns_param maxopen 0 ;# time interval for maximum time of open connections; default: 60m # ns_param checkinterval 5m ;# check pools for stale handles in this interval ns_param connections 15 ns_param LogMinDuration 10ms ;# when SQL logging is on, log only statements above this duration ns_param logsqlerrors $debug ns_param datasource $datasource ns_param user $db_user ns_param password $db_password if { $dbms eq "oracle" } { ns_param driver nsoracle } else { ns_param driver postgres } } ns_section ns/db/pool/pool2 { # ns_param maxidle 0 # ns_param maxopen 0 # ns_param checkinterval 5m ;# check pools for stale handles in this interval ns_param connections 5 ns_param LogMinDuration 10ms ;# when SQL logging is on, log only statements above this duration ns_param logsqlerrors $debug ns_param datasource $datasource ns_param user $db_user ns_param password $db_password if { $dbms eq "oracle" } { ns_param driver nsoracle } else { ns_param driver postgres } } ns_section ns/db/pool/pool3 { # ns_param maxidle 0 # ns_param maxopen 0 # ns_param checkinterval 5m ;# check pools for stale handles in this interval ns_param connections 5 # ns_param LogMinDuration 0ms ;# when SQL logging is on, log only statements above this duration ns_param logsqlerrors $debug ns_param datasource $datasource ns_param user $db_user ns_param password $db_password if { $dbms eq "oracle" } { ns_param driver nsoracle } else { ns_param driver postgres } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Which modules should be loaded for $server? Missing modules break # the server, so don't uncomment modules unless they have been # installed. ns_section ns/server/$server/modules { ns_param nslog ${bindir}/nslog ns_param nsdb ${bindir}/nsdb ns_param nsproxy ${bindir}/nsproxy # # Determine, if libthread is installed. First check for a version # having the "-ns" suffix. If this does not exist, check for a # legacy version without it. # set libthread [lindex [lsort [glob -nocomplain $homedir/lib/thread*/libthread-ns*[info sharedlibextension]]] end] if {$libthread eq ""} { set libthread [lindex [lsort [glob -nocomplain $homedir/lib/thread*/libthread*[info sharedlibextension]]] end] } if {$libthread eq ""} { ns_log notice "No Tcl thread library installed in $homedir/lib/" } else { ns_param libthread $libthread ns_log notice "Use Tcl thread library $libthread" } # LDAP authentication # ns_param nsldap ${bindir}/nsldap # These modules aren't used in standard OpenACS installs # ns_param nsperm ${bindir}/nsperm } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Example configuration for the NaviServer Control Port (nscp) # # To enable: # # 1. Define an address and port to listen on. For security reasons # listening on any ipaddress other than the loopback address # ( or ::1) is not recommended. For this script, it can be # activated by setting the variable "nscpport" to a valid port used # for listening (e.g. 9999). # # 2. Decide whether you wish to enable features such as password # echoing at login time, and command logging. # # 3. Add a list of authorized users and passwords. The entries # take the following format: # # :: # # You can use the ns_crypt Tcl command to generate an encrypted # password. The ns_crypt command uses the same algorithm as the # Unix crypt(3) command. You could also use passwords from the # /etc/passwd file. # # The first two characters of the password are the salt - they can be # anything since the salt is used to simply introduce disorder into # the encoding algorithm. # # ns_crypt # ns_crypt x t2 # # The configuration example below adds the user "nsadmin" with a # password of "x". # # 4. Make sure the "nscp" module is loaded in the modules section. # ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/nscp" { ns_param address ns_param port $nscpport ns_param echopassword 1 ns_param cpcmdlogging 1 } ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/nscp/users" { ns_param user "nsadmin:t2GqvvaiIUbF2:" } ns_section "ns/server/${server}/modules" { if {$nscpport ne ""} {ns_param nscp nscp} } # # nsproxy configuration # ns_section ns/server/$server/module/nsproxy { # ns_param maxworkers 8 # ns_param sendtimeout 5s # ns_param recvtimeout 5s # ns_param waittimeout 100ms # ns_param idletimeout 5m # ns_param logminduration 1s } # # nsstats configuration (global module) # # When installed under acs-subsite/www/admin/nsstats.tcl it is due to # its /admin/ location safe from public access. # ns_section ns/module/nsstats { ns_param enabled 1 ns_param user "" ns_param password "" ns_param bglocks {oacs:sched_procs} } # # Sample letsencrypt configuration. # # To use this, it is necessary to install the NaviServer letsencrypt # module first, uncomment the two "ns_param" lines, and provide your # desired domain names. # ns_section "ns/server/${server}/modules" { #ns_param letsencrypt tcl } ns_section ns/server/${server}/module/letsencrypt { # Provide one or more domain names (latter for multi-domain SAN # certificates). These values are a default in case the domains # are not provided by other means (e.g. "letsencrypt.tcl"). In # case multiple NaviServer virtual hosts are in used, this # definition must be on the ${server}, which is used for # obtaining updates (e.g. main site) although it retrieves a # certificate for many subsites. #ns_param domains { openacs.org openacs.net fisheye.openacs.org cvs.openacs.org } } # # Sample configuration for the nssmtpd module. # # To use this, it is necessary to install the NaviServer nssmtpd # module first, and to provide a nonempty "smtpdport" below, and set # the package parameter "EmailDeliveryMode" in the acs-mail-lite # package to "nssmtpd". See: https://openacs.org/xowiki/outgoing_email # ns_section "ns/server/${server}/module/nssmtpd" { ns_param port $smtpdport ns_param address ns_param relay localhost:25 ns_param spamd localhost ns_param initproc smtpd::init ns_param rcptproc smtpd::rcpt ns_param dataproc smtpd::data ns_param errorproc smtpd::error ns_param relaydomains "localhost" ns_param localdomains "localhost" # # Next section is for STARTTLS functionality: # #ns_param certificate "pathToYourCertificateChainFile.pem" #ns_param cafile "" #ns_param capath "" #ns_param ciphers "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:DHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305" ns_param logging on ;# default: off ns_param logfile ${logdir}/smtpsend.log ns_param logrollfmt %Y-%m-%d ;# format appended to log filename #ns_param logmaxbackup 100 ;# 10, max number of backup log files #ns_param logroll true ;# true, should server log files automatically #ns_param logrollonsignal true ;# false, perform roll on a sighup #ns_param logrollhour 0 ;# 0, specify at which hour to roll } ns_section ns/server/${server}/modules { if {$smtpdport ne ""} {ns_param nssmtpd nssmtpd} } #ns_logctl severity Debug(ns:driver) on #ns_logctl severity Debug(request) on #ns_logctl severity Debug(task) on #ns_logctl severity Debug(connchan) on ns_logctl severity debug $debug ns_logctl severity "Debug(sql)" $verboseSQL # # In case, you want to activate (more intense) SQL logging at runtime, # consider the two commands (e.g. entered over ds/shell) # # ns_logctl severity "Debug(sql)" on # ns_db logminduration pool1 10ms # # If you want to activate core dumps, one can use the following command # #ns_log notice "nsd.tcl: ns_rlimit coresize [ns_rlimit coresize unlimited]" ns_log notice "nsd.tcl: using threadsafe tcl: [info exists ::tcl_platform(threaded)]" ns_log notice "nsd.tcl: finished reading configuration file."