# Crontab for Sublime Text 3 [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/nayyarv/CrontabSublime.svg)](https://github.com/nayyarv/CrontabSublime/blob/master/LICENSE) [![GitHub release](https://img.shields.io/github/release/nayyarv/CrontabSublime.svg)](https://GitHub.com/nayyarv/CrontabSublime/releases/) [![Package Control](https://packagecontrol.herokuapp.com/downloads/Crontab.svg?style=flat-square)](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Crontab) ![Example screenshot][screenshot] ## Features - Syntax highlighting for crontab files (default `*.tab`, `*.crontab` and `cron.d`) - Color-coded underline for `cron` expressions. - Completions for `cron` expressions and enums like month names. - Hover on a `cron` expression for an explanation. - Shell syntax highlighting for cron commands - Comment and uncommenting lines using Ctrl+/ or Cmd+/. ## Installation 1. Run “Package Control: Install Package” command 2. Find and Install the `Crontab` plugin. 3. Restart Sublime Text. ## Todos 1. Alert on unescaped usage of `%` in crontab line. 2. Provide a template file of things to do when creating a crontab file. 3. Additional "system" crontab syntax with user/group support. 4. Options to change or disable rainbow underlines. ## Credits/Acknowledgements 1. [clarkewd][]'s original [Crontab Highlighting Package][clarkewd-cron] which was inherited from [kevinior][] and [WheresWardy][] 2. Adam Schubert and his [`cron_descriptor`][cron_descriptor] package. [screenshot]: CrontabHighlightSample.png [clarkewd]: https://github.com/clarkewd [clarkewd-cron]: https://github.com/clarkewd/SublimeCrontab [kevinior]: https://github.com/kevinior [whereswardy]: https://github.com/WheresWardy [cron_descriptor]: https://github.com/Salamek/cron-descriptor