# Urtext package for Sublime Text ## What Urtext Is Urtext is a syntax and system for writing using plaintext. It is for prose writing, research, documentation, journaling, project organization, notetaking, and any other writing or information management that can be done in text form. ## Documentation For an overview, description, and full installation instructions, see the Urtext Documentation README at https://github.com/nbeversl/urtext-docs. Urtext does not have a user interface and requires implementation using a text editor or other wrapper. This package is an implementation for desktop (PC/Mac/Linux) using Sublime Text. ## Installation **Either with package control:** (If you do not have Package Control installed, follow the instructions at https://packagecontrol.io/installation.) When Package Control is installed, Press ⌘/Ctrl + ⇧ + P to open the command palette. Type Install Package and press Enter. Then search for Urtext. **Or install manually:** Clone or download `https://github.com/nbeversl/urtext_sublime`. Place it in your Packages folder (Sublime Text 3/Packages) Once installed, Urtext will look for any files with the .txt extension in Sublime's open folders and attempt to compile them into a project. The documentation of Urtext is itself an Urtext project at https://github.com/nbeversl/urtext-docs. You can read it in directly on Github or download it as a navigable project. ## Issues https://github.com/nbeversl/urtext-sublime/issues ## Versioning [SemVer](http://semver.org/). ## Contributors https://github.com/nbeversl https://github.com/PhilipvonMaltzahn ## License Urtext is licensed under the GNU 3.0 License. ## Acknowledgments Hat tip to @c0fec0de for [anytree](https://github.com/c0fec0de/anytree).