--- title: Tensors author: nbloomf date: 2017-10-14 tags: ml, literate-haskell --- First some boilerplate. > {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} > module Tensors where > > import Data.Array > import Data.Foldable > import Control.Applicative > import qualified Text.PrettyPrint as PP > import Test.QuickCheck > > import Indices > import IndexIsos [Earlier](/posts/ml/Indices.html), we defined two algebras whose elements represent the possible sizes of multidimensional arrays and possible indices into multidimensional arrays, respectively. We did this in such a way that the possible indices into an array with (vector space) dimension $k$ can be mapped to $\{0,1, \ldots, k-1\}$ in a canonical way. With this in hand, we can define a tensor of size $s \in \mathbb{S}$ as a mapping from the indices of $s$ to $\mathbb{R}$. And thanks to the canonical mapping to integers, we can implement our tensors in memory using a linear array. In math notation, we will identify each $s \in \mathbb{S}$ with its indices, and think of tensors as elements of $\mathbb{R}^s$ (that is, functions from indices to real numbers). > data Tensor r = T > { size :: Size > , elts :: (Array Integer r) > } We'll say that two tensors are strictly equal, denoted ``$==``, if they have the same sizes and the same entries at each index. > ($==) :: (Eq r) => Tensor r -> Tensor r -> Bool > a@(T u x) $== b@(T v y) = (u == v) && (x == y) (Strict equality is too, well, strict. We'll nail down the real equality on tensors in a moment.) A tensor "is" a map from indices to $\mathbb{R}$s. The ``tensor`` function lets us build a tensor by supplying this map. > tensor :: Size -> (Index -> r) -> Tensor r > tensor s f = T s (array (0,(dimOf s)-1) entries) > where > entries = [(flatten s t, f t) | t <- indicesOf s] To retrieve the entry of a tensor at a given index, we evaluate the tensor as a function. We'll call this ``at``. So in math notation, we'd write $\mathsf{at}(A,i) = A(i)$ or $A_i$. We're actually going to define two slightly different versions of ``at``. The first works only on nonzero sizes, but for all entry types. The second treats the size zero vector as if it has entry 0 at every possible index, but of course only makes sense for numeric entry types. (Looking ahead, there's a good reason for doing this, having to do with dual numbers and automatic differentiation.) > at' :: Tensor r -> Index -> r > at' (T s a) t = if t `isIndexOf` s > then a ! (flatten s t) > else error $ "at: incompatible index " ++ show t > ++ " for size " ++ show s > > at :: (Num r) => Tensor r -> Index -> r > at a t = > if (size a) ~= 0 > then 0 > else a `at'` t So ``tensor`` and ``at`` obey the following identities: ```haskell a@(T u _) == tensor u (\i -> a`at`i) (tensor u f) `at` i == f i ``` We'll also define some helper functions to make building tensors more convenient. For instance, a uniform tensor has the same value at each index. > uniform :: Size -> r -> Tensor r > uniform s x = tensor s (\_ -> x) > > ones, zeros :: (Num r) => Size -> Tensor r > ones s = uniform s 1 > zeros s = uniform s 0 We'll use the notation $\mathsf{Zero}_s$ to denote the zero tensor of size $s$. We can use ``at`` and the canonical isomorphism on index sets to define equality for tensors. > instance (Eq r) => Eq (Tensor r) where > a@(T u _) == b@(T v _) = if u ~= v > then all (\i -> (a`at'`i) == (b`at'`(mapIndex u v i))) (indicesOf u) > else False We'll see the reason for this weak equality in a bit. But for now, note that the following two tensors are equal, but not strictly equal. ```haskell x = ones (2*(2*2)) :: Tensor Int y = ones ((2*2)*2) :: Tensor Int ``` More generally, strict equality implies equality, but not vice versa. The simplest possible (nontrivial) tensor has size 1; we will call these cells. > cell :: r -> Tensor r > cell r = tensor 1 (\_ -> r) We'll also provide a simple way to construct vectors and matrices with natural number size. > vec :: [r] -> Tensor r > vec xs = tensor k (\(Index i) -> xs !! (fromIntegral i)) > where > k = Size $ fromIntegral $ length xs > > mat :: [[r]] -> Tensor r > mat [] = tensor 0 (const undefined) > mat [[]] = tensor 0 (const undefined) > mat xss = tensor (r :* c) $ > \((Index i) :& (Index j)) > -> (xss !! (fromIntegral i)) !! (fromIntegral j) > where > r = Size $ fromIntegral $ length xss > c = Size $ fromIntegral $ length $ head xss The downside of defining our tensors recursively is that it's less clear what the index of a given entry is. To help out with this, we'll define two helpers: ``indexOf``, that defines a tensor of a given size whose entries are equal to their indices, and ``orderOf``, that shows how the entries of a tensor are linearized internally. > indexOf :: Size -> Tensor Index > indexOf s = tensor s id > > orderOf :: Size -> Tensor Integer > orderOf s = tensor s (flatten s) This works because we can pass ``tensor`` any function on indices. For example, here are three different views of a size $3 \otimes 3$ tensor. ```haskell $> ones (3*3) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $> indexOf (3*3) (0,0) (0,1) (0,2) (1,0) (1,1) (1,2) (2,0) (2,1) (2,2) $> orderOf (3*3) 0 3 6 1 4 7 2 5 8 ``` Try using ``indexOf`` on more complicated sizes. Tensor as a Functor ------------------- One of the first questions we ask about type constructors is whether they are naturally members of any interesting classes. It's not too surprising that ``Tensor`` is a functor, where ``fmap`` is "pointwise" function application. > instance Functor Tensor where > fmap f a@(T u _) = tensor u (\i -> f (a`at'`i)) To verify the functor laws, we make sure that ``fmap id == id``. (Remember that ``$==`` means strict equality.) ```haskell fmap id a $== fmap id a@(T u _) $== tensor u (\i -> id (a`at`i)) $== tensor u (\i -> a`at`i) $== a ``` and that ``fmap (g . f) == fmap g . fmap f``. ```haskell fmap g (fmap f a) $== fmap g (fmap f a@(T u _)) $== fmap g (tensor u (\i -> f (a`at`i))) $== tensor u (\i -> g ((tensor u (\j -> f (a`at`j))) `at` i)) $== tensor u (\i -> g (f (a`at`i))) $== tensor u (\i -> (g . f) (a`at`i)) $== fmap (g . f) a ``` We can also define a ``Foldable`` instance for tensors, using the canonical order on indices. > instance Foldable Tensor where > foldMap f a@(T u _) > = foldMap f [ a`at'`i | i <- indicesOf u ] From here we can immediately take the ``sum`` and ``maximum`` of a tensor. We'll also define a kind of ``zip`` for tensors of equivalent size; I had trouble finding a good general class for zippable functors in the libraries. > tzip :: Tensor a -> Tensor b -> Tensor (a,b) > tzip a@(T u _) b@(T v _) = if u ~= v > then tensor u (\i -> (a`at'`i, b`at'`(mapIndex u v i))) > else error "zip: tensors must have equivalent size" > > tzipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Tensor a -> Tensor b -> Tensor c > tzipWith f a b = fmap (uncurry f) $ tzip a b ``Tensor`` is also applicative. (Making this work is the main motivation for defining equality the way we did.) > instance Applicative Tensor where > pure = cell > > a@(T u _) <*> b@(T v _) = tensor (u :* v) $ > \(i :& j) -> (a `at'` i) (b `at'` j) We need to see that this implementation satisfies the applicative laws. First the identity law: ``pure id <*> a == a`` for all ``a`` ```haskell pure id <*> a $== cell id <*> a@(T u _) $== (tensor 1 (const id)) <*> a@(T u _) $== tensor (1 :* u) (\(i :& j) -> id (a`at`j)) $== tensor (1 :* u) (\(i :& j) -> a`at`j) == tensor u (\j -> a`at`j) $== a ``` Next we establish the composition law: ``pure (.) <*> a <*> b <*> c == a <*> (b <*> c)``. ```haskell pure (.) <*> a <*> b <*> c $== tensor 1 (const (.)) <*> a@(T u _) <*> b <*> c $== tensor (1 :* u) (\(i :& j) -> (.) (a`at`j)) <*> b@(T v _) <*> c $== tensor ((1 :* u) :* v) (\((i :& j) :& k) -> (a`at`j) . (b`at`k)) <*> c@(T w _) $== tensor (((1 :* u) :* v) :* w) (\(((i :& j) :& k) :& l) -> (a`at`j) . (b`at`k) $ (c`at`l)) == tensor (u :* (v :* w)) (\(j :& (k :& l)) -> (a`at`j) $ (b`at`k) (c`at`l)) $== a <*> tensor (v :* w) (\(k :& l) -> (b`at`k) (c`at`l)) $== a <*> (b <*> c) ``` The homomorphism law: ``pure f <*> pure x == pure (f x)`` ```haskell pure f <*> pure x $== tensor 1 (const f) <*> tensor 1 (const x) $== tensor (1 :* 1) (\(i :& j) -> f x) == tensor 1 (\_ -> f x) $== pure (f x) ``` And the interchange law: ``a <*> pure x = pure ($ x) <*> a`` ```haskell a <*> pure x $== a@(T u _) <*> tensor 1 (const x) $== tensor (u :* 1) (\(i :& j) -> (a`at`i) x) == tensor (1 :* u) (\(j :& i) -> ($ x) (a`at`i)) $== tensor 1 (const ($ x)) <*> a@(T u _) $== pure ($ x) <*> a ``` It may seem like overkill to go to the trouble of defining equality the way we did just to make ``Tensor`` an applicative functor, and it is -- we won't need the applicativeness much. But there's a payoff: the outer product of tensors is defined in terms of ``<*>``. While we're at it, ``Tensor`` is also ``Alternative``. > instance Alternative Tensor where > empty = tensor 0 (\_ -> undefined) > > a@(T u _) <|> b@(T v _) = tensor (u :+ v) $ > \case > L i -> a `at'` i > R j -> b `at'` j We should also verify the ``Alternative`` laws. First the monoid laws that everyone agrees ``Alternatives`` should satisfy. Left identity: ``empty <|> a == a`` ```haskell empty <|> a $== tensor 0 (const undefined) <|> a@(T u _) $== tensor (0 :+ u) (\case L i -> undefined; R j -> a`at`j) == tensor u (\j -> a`at`j) $== a ``` Right identity: ``a <|> empty == a`` ```haskell a <|> empty $== a@(T u _) <|> tensor 0 (const undefined) $== tensor (u :+ 0) (\case L i -> a`at`i; R j -> undefined) == tensor u (\i -> a`at`i) $== a ``` Associativity: ``(a <|> b) <|> c == a <|> (b <|> c)`` ```haskell (a <|> b) <|> c $== (a@(T u _) <|> b@(T v _)) <|> c $== (tensor (u :+ v) (\case L i -> a`at`i R j -> b`at`j )) <|> c@(T w _) $== tensor ((u :+ v) :+ w) (\case L l -> case l of L i -> a`at`i R j -> b`at`j R k -> c`at`k) $== tensor ((u :+ v) :+ w) (\case L (L i) -> a`at`i L (R j) -> b`at`j R k -> c`at`k) == tensor (u :+ (v :+ w)) (\case L i -> a`at`i R (L j) -> b`at`j R (R k) -> c`at`k) $== tensor (u :+ (v :+ w)) (\case L i -> a`at`i R l -> case l of L j -> b`at`j R k -> c`at`k)) $== a <|> tensor (v :+ w) (\case L j -> b`at`j R m -> c`at`m) $== a <|> (b <|> c) ``` And some of the laws that only hold for some ``Applicative`` instances (including this one). Left zero: ``empty <*> a == empty`` ```haskell empty <*> a $== tensor 0 (const undefined) <*> a@(T u _) $== tensor (0 :* u) (\(i :& j) -> undefined (a `at` j)) == tensor 0 (\_ -> undefined) $== empty ``` Right zero: ``a <*> empty == empty`` ```haskell a <*> empty $== a@(T u _) <*> tensor 0 (const undefined) $== tensor (u :* 0) (\(i :& j) -> (a`at`i) undefined) == tensor 0 (\_ -> undefined) $== empty ``` Vector Arithmetic ----------------- Tensors are vectors, so they should have the usual vector operations of plus, negate, and scale. Other vector spaces will show up later, so we'll define these operations with a class. > class Vector t where > (.@) :: (Num r) => r -> t r -> t r > (.+) :: (Num r) => t r -> t r -> t r > neg :: (Num r) => t r -> t r > > (.-) :: (Num r) => t r -> t r -> t r > a .- b = a .+ (neg b) > > vsum :: (Num r) => [t r] -> t r > vsum = foldr1 (.+) > > > instance Vector Tensor where > r .@ a = fmap (r*) a > > a .+ b > | size a ~= 0 = b > | size b ~= 0 = a > | otherwise = tzipWith (+) a b > > neg = fmap negate The Hadamard or entrywise product is also handy. While we're at it, entrywise quotients. > (.*) :: (Num r) => Tensor r -> Tensor r -> Tensor r > (.*) = tzipWith (*) > > (./) :: (Num r, Fractional r) => Tensor r -> Tensor r -> Tensor r > (./) = tzipWith (/) Thinking of tensors as vectors, we can dot them together in the usual way. > dot :: (Num r) => Tensor r -> Tensor r -> r > dot a b = sum $ a .* b In math notation, if $A,B \in \mathbb{R}^s$, $$\mathsf{dot}(A,B) = \sum_{i \in s} A_i B_i.$$ The 'dot square' of a tensor will also be handy later. > normSquared :: (Num r) => Tensor r -> r > normSquared a = dot a a We also have some tensor-centric operations. First is ``oplus``, which constructs a tensor with sum shape. > oplus, (⊕) :: Tensor r -> Tensor r -> Tensor r > oplus = (<|>) > > (⊕) = oplus In a rough and handwavy way, if $a \in \mathbb{R}^u$ and $b \in \mathbb{R}^v$, then $$a \oplus b \in \mathbb{R}^u \oplus \mathbb{R}^v \cong \mathbb{R}^{u \oplus v},$$ and $\oplus$ is the operator that achieves this isomorphism. This function ``otimes`` is called the dyadic or outer product. > otimes, (⊗) :: (Num r) => Tensor r -> Tensor r -> Tensor r > otimes = liftA2 (*) -- omg > > (⊗) = otimes Structural Arithmetic --------------------- Now we'll define some structural operators on tensors; these are functions that manipulate the size of a tensor, or combine tensors into more complicated ones, or extract subparts. These are mostly based on ``extract``, which defines a new tensor in terms of an existing one. > extract :: Size -> (Index -> Index) -> Tensor r -> Tensor r > extract u f a = tensor u (\i -> a `at'` (f i)) For example, we can extract "terms" from a summand tensor using ``extract`` like so. > termL, termR :: Tensor r -> Tensor r > > termL a@(T (u :+ _) _) = extract u L a > termL _ = error "termL: argument must have sum shape" > > termR a@(T (_ :+ v) _) = extract v R a > termR _ = error "termR: argument must have sum shape" In math notation we have $\mathsf{termL} : \mathbb{R}^{s \oplus t} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^s$ given by $\mathsf{termL}(A)_i = A_{\mathsf{l}(i)}$, and $\mathsf{termR}$ is similar. Next we have projection operators, which take a tensor in $\mathbb{R}^{s \otimes t}$ and fix one of the index components. In the usual matrix language, projection would extract one row or one column of a matrix. There are two of these, with the following signature. > projR, projL :: Index -> Tensor r -> Tensor r > > projR i a@(T (u :* v) _) = if (i `isIndexOf` u) > then extract v (i :&) a > else error "projR: index and size not compatible." > projR _ _ = error "projR: tensor argument must have product shape" > > projL j a@(T (u :* v) _) = if (j `isIndexOf` v) > then extract u (:& j) a > else error "projL: index and size not compatible." > projL _ _ = error "projL: tensor argument must have product shape" In math notation we have $\mathsf{projR} : s \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{t \otimes s} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^t$ given by $\mathsf{projL}(i,A)_j = A_{i \& j}$, and $\mathsf{projL}$ is similar. Now $\mathbb{R}^{u \otimes v}$ and $\mathbb{R}^{v \otimes u}$ are not equal, but they are canonically isomorphic; likewise $\mathbb{R}^{u \oplus v}$ and $\mathbb{R}^{v \oplus u}$. ``comm`` achieves this. > comm :: Tensor r -> Tensor r > > comm a@(T (u :* v) _) = > extract (v :* u) f a > where > f (j :& i) = (i :& j) > > comm a@(T (u :+ v) _) = > extract (v :+ u) (opIndex PlusComm) a > > comm _ = error "comm: wrong shape" Similarly, $\mathbb{R}^{u \otimes (v \otimes w)}$ and $\mathbb{R}^{(u \otimes v) \otimes w}$ are canonically isomorphic, and likewise for $\oplus$. > assocL, assocR :: Tensor r -> Tensor r > > assocL a@(T (u :* (v :* w)) _) = > extract ((u :* v) :* w) (opIndex TimesAssocR) a > > assocL a@(T (u :+ (v :+ w)) _) = > extract ((u :+ v) :+ w) (opIndex PlusAssocR) a > > assocL _ = error "assocL: argument has wrong shape" > > > assocR a@(T ((u :* v) :* w) _) = > extract (u :* (v :* w)) (opIndex TimesAssocL) a > > assocR a@(T ((u :+ v) :+ w) _) = > extract (u :+ (v :+ w)) (opIndex PlusAssocL) a > > assocR _ = error "assocR: argument has wrong shape" We also have $$\mathbb{R}^{(a \otimes b) \oplus (a \otimes c)} \cong \mathbb{R}^{a \otimes b} \times \mathbb{R}^{a \otimes c}.$$ We'll define a couple of operators to canonically "undistribute" $\otimes$ over $\oplus$. > vcat, (~-~) :: Tensor r -> Tensor r -> Tensor r > vcat a@(T (u :* h) _) b@(T (v :* k) _) = > if h == k > then extract ((u :+ v) :* k) (opIndex DistR) (oplus a b) > else error "vcat: size mismatch" > vcat a b = error $ "vcat: sizes with wrong shape: " ++ show (size a) > ++ " and " ++ show (size b) > > (~-~) = vcat > > > hcat, (~|~) :: Tensor r -> Tensor r -> Tensor r > hcat a@(T (h :* u) _) b@(T (k :* v) _) = > if h == k > then extract (k :* (u :+ v)) (opIndex DistL) (oplus a b) > else error "hcat: size mismatch" > > (~|~) = hcat We give ``vcat`` and ``hcat`` symbolic synonyms, meant to evoke what they do on matrices. ``vcat`` concatenates matrices vertically, and ``hcat`` concatenates them horizontally. Matrix Operations ----------------- Now for a couple of matrix-specific operations. First the identity matrix. > idMat :: (Num r) => Size -> Tensor r > idMat n = tensor (n :* n) (\ (i :& j) -> kronecker i j) where ``kronecker`` representes the Kronecker delta function $$\delta_{i,j} = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & \mathrm{if}\ i = j \\ 0 & \mathrm{otherwise}. \end{array} \right.$$ > kronecker :: (Eq a, Num r) => a -> a -> r > kronecker x y = if x == y then 1 else 0 And we can "diagonalize" any tensor. > diag :: (Num r) => Tensor r -> Tensor r > diag a@(T u _) = tensor (u :* u) $ > \(i :& j) -> (kronecker i j) * (a`at`i) The tensor generalization of matrix multiplication is sometimes called contraction. We'll mostly be interested in plain matrix multiplication. We'll define it as a matrix-matrix operation, a matrix-vector operation, and a vector-matrix operation using slightly different symbols. Surely this won't come back to haunt us. > (***) :: (Num r) => Tensor r -> Tensor r -> Tensor r > a@(T (m :* n) _) *** b@(T (u :* v) _) = > if u == n > then tensor (m*v) > (\ (i :& j) -> sum > [ (a`at`(i :& k))*(b`at`(k :& j)) | k <- indicesOf n ]) > else error "(***): inner sizes must match." > _ *** _ = error "(***): expected mat/mat." > > (**>) :: (Num r) => Tensor r -> Tensor r -> Tensor r > a@(T (m :* n) _) **> b@(T u _) = > if u == n > then tensor m > (\i -> sum > [ (a`at`(i :& k))*(b`at`k) | k <- indicesOf n ]) > else error "(**>): inner sizes must match." > _ **> _ = error "(**>): expected mat/vec." > > (<**) :: (Num r) => Tensor r -> Tensor r -> Tensor r > a@(T u _) <** b@(T (n :* m) _) = > if u == n > then tensor m > (\i -> sum > [ (a`at`k)*(b`at`(k :& i)) | k <- indicesOf n ]) > else error "(<**): inner sizes must match." > _ <** _ = error "(<**): expected vec/mat." Pretty Printing --------------- We'll end this post with the ``Show`` instance for tensors; we'll build it on top of the pretty printing [combinator library](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pretty- by John Hughes and Simon Peyton Jones. (The original [paper](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= on that library is a nice case study in DSL design.) First we convert a tensor of strings to a ``Doc`` (in the pretty printer parlance), doing more or less the obvious thing. > toDoc :: Tensor String -> PP.Doc > toDoc a@(T s _) = > case s of > Size k -> PP.hsep $ map PP.text [ a`at'`i | i <- indicesOf s ] > u :+ v -> (toDoc $ termL a) PP.$$ (toDoc $ termR a) > u :* v -> PP.vcat [ > PP.hsep [ > PP.text $ a `at'` (i :& j) > | j <- indicesOf v ] > | i <- indicesOf u ] To actually show the tensor, we show the entries (pointwise) and pad to the maximum entry width (so the cells line up), then show the corresponding ``Doc``. > instance (Show r) => Show (Tensor r) where > show a = > let > cellWidth = maximum $ fmap (length . show) a > m = fmap (padLeft cellWidth . show) a > in > PP.render $ toDoc m > where > -- left-pad a string with spaces to a given length > padLeft :: Int -> String -> String > padLeft k = reverse . take k . (++ (repeat ' ')) . reverse This method for displaying tensors is not perfect, but it has the advantage of being simple and doing mostly the right thing in the most common cases of $k$ and $m \otimes n$ tensors (i.e. vectors and matrices). Apropos of nothing: further support for this method is that tensors with shape $k_1 \oplus k_2 \oplus \cdots \oplus k_n$ look like [Young tableaux](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_tableau). Tests ----- In future posts we'll be writing tests involving tensors, so I'll put an ``Arbitrary`` instance here. > instance (Arbitrary r) => Arbitrary (Tensor r) where > arbitrary = arbitrary >>= (arbTensorOf undefined) > > shrink a@(T u _) = case u of > Size k -> > if k <= 0 > then [] > else > [ tensor (Size $ k-1) (\i -> a`at'`i) > , uniform (Size $ k-1) (a`at'`0) > ] > > _ :+ _ -> concat > [ [ h <|> k | h <- shrink $ termL a, k <- shrink $ termR a ] > , [ termL a, termR a ] > ] > > _ -> [] > > arbTensorOf :: (Arbitrary r) => r -> Size -> Gen (Tensor r) > arbTensorOf _ s = do > as <- vectorOf (fromIntegral $ dimOf s) arbitrary > return $ tensor s (\i -> as !! (fromIntegral $ flatten s i)) > > arbBinaryTensorOf :: (Arbitrary r, Num r) => r -> Size -> Gen (Tensor r) > arbBinaryTensorOf _ s = do > as <- vectorOf (fromIntegral $ dimOf s) $ elements [0,1] > return $ tensor s (\i -> as !! (fromIntegral $ flatten s i))