/** * Meural Canvas II v0.01 Beta * * Copyright 2022 Norbert Brinkley * * Thanks to Joel Wetzel for his iPhone WiFi Presence Sensor v1.03 driver that helped me get started on this * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Release Notes: * v0.00 Beta * v0.01 Added IlluminanceMeasurement capability and cleaned up attributes to align correctly with capabilities. This improved Alexa Power Level. * * Future additions: * /remote/get_galleries_json * */ import groovy.json.* import java.text.SimpleDateFormat metadata { definition (name: "Meural Canvas II", namespace: "norbertbrinkley", author: "Norbert Brinkley") { capability "Refresh" capability "Light" capability "Switch" capability "SwitchLevel" capability "Actuator" capability "IlluminanceMeasurement" //20220203 -added to utilize the "lux" attribute that Meural provides via its sensor //{"status":"pass","response":{"product":"69L31175A0141","version":"2.2.10_2.0.13","als":true,"backlight":"69","lux":"50","gsensor":"landscape","server":{"state":"online","sync":"2022-01-12 07:12:36","error":""},"date":{"day":"Tuesday","month":"February","day_month":"22","time":"08:59","tz":"EST","epoch":"1645538373"},"orientation":"landscape","alias":"klimt-785","name":"Living Room Left","wifi_status":{"state":"wifi","name":"Brinkley","ip":"","signal":"-39","freq":"5240","bit":"433.3","remote":false,"bands":"2","softap":{"name":"meural-klimt-785","password":"f434d47e","ip":"NA","state":"offline"}},"bt_status":{"state":"offline","ip":"","key":"535215"},"lan_status":{"state":"offline","ip":""},"free_space":3979,"boot_status":"image","sdcard":true,"language":"en","country":"US"}} attribute "product", "string" attribute "version", "string" attribute "asofdatetime", "string" attribute "name", "string" attribute "current_gallery_name", "string" //add descriptive information command "setLevel", [[name: "Set Brightness", type: "NUMBER", description: "Manually set brightness level as a percent. Meural restricts the range to 9 through 94. Use 0 or 100 to restore automatic level setting"]] //Example command "testEnum", [[name:"Testing Enum", type: "ENUM", description: "Pick an option", constraints: ["one","two","three"] ] ] } preferences { section { input ( type: "string", name: "ipAddress", title: "Meural IP Address", required: true ) input ( type: "bool", name: "enableDebugLogging", title: "Enable Debug Logging?", required: true, defaultValue: true ) } } } def log(msg) { if (enableDebugLogging) { log.debug(msg) } } void logOff() { log.info "${device.displayName}.logOff()" device.updateSetting('enableDebugLogging',[value:'false',type:'bool']) } def installed() { log.info "${device.displayName}.installed()" refresh() } def initialize() { log.info "${device.displayName}.initialize()" refresh() } def updated() { log.info "${device.displayName}.updated()" refresh() } def refresh() { log.info "${device.displayName}.refresh()" updateState() unschedule() // disable logs in 30 minutes, placed after unschedule() to avoid turning this scheduled item off if (enableDebugLogging) { runIn(1800, logOff) } runEvery5Minutes(updateState) } def updateState() { log "${device.displayName}.updateState()" if (ipAddress == null || ipAddress.size() == 0) { return } asynchttpGet("httpGetSystemInfo", [ uri: "http://${ipAddress}", path: "/remote/control_check/system/", timeout: 10 ]); asynchttpGet("httpGetGalleryInfo", [ uri: "http://${ipAddress}", path: "/remote/get_gallery_status_json", timeout: 10 ]); } def httpGetCallback(response, data) { meuralResponse = response.getJson() log "${device.displayName}: ${meuralResponse.status}" } def httpGetSystemInfo(response, data) { meuralResponse = response.getJson() log "${device.displayName}: ${meuralResponse.status}" //System info try { sendEvent(name: "product", value: meuralResponse.response.product) sendEvent(name: "version", value: meuralResponse.response.version) sendEvent(name: "level", value: meuralResponse.response.backlight) sendEvent(name: 'illuminance', value: meuralResponse.response.lux) sendEvent(name: "name", value: meuralResponse.response.name) Date dateObj = new Date(1000L * (meuralResponse.response.date.epoch as int)) def cleanDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(dateObj) sendEvent(name: "asofdatetime", value: cleanDate) } catch (e) { log "${device.displayName}: ${e}" } } def httpGetGalleryInfo(response, data) { meuralResponse = response.getJson() log "${device.displayName}: ${meuralResponse.status}" //Gallery info try { sendEvent(name: "current_gallery_name", value: meuralResponse.response.current_gallery_name) } catch (e) { log "${device.displayName}: ${e}" } } def on() { log "${device.displayName}.on()" if (ipAddress == null || ipAddress.size() == 0) { return } asynchttpGet("httpGetCallback", [ uri: "http://${ipAddress}", path: "/remote/control_command/resume", timeout: 10 ]); sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on") } def off(){ log "${device.displayName}.off()" if (ipAddress == null || ipAddress.size() == 0) { return } asynchttpGet("httpGetCallback", [ uri: "http://${ipAddress}", path: "/remote/control_command/suspend", timeout: 10 ]); sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "off") } def setLevel(level) { setLevel(level, 0) } def setLevel(level, duration) { log "${device.displayName}.setLevel()" if (ipAddress == null || ipAddress.size() == 0 || level == null) { return } sendEvent(name: "level", value: level) if (level == 0 || level == 100) { asynchttpGet("httpGetCallback", [ uri: "http://${ipAddress}", path: "/remote/control_command/als_calibrate/off/", timeout: 10 ]); } else { asynchttpGet("httpGetCallback", [ uri: "http://${ipAddress}", path: "/remote/control_command/set_backlight/${level + 1}/", //buggy meural is off by one timeout: 10 ]); } }