+++ date = "2017-10-15T14:08:35+02:00" draft = false title = "Code" weight = 1 feed_tags = ["r", "R"] +++ Here are a few R packages that I've published to [CRAN](https://cran.r-project.org/): - [httptest](/r/httptest/): A Test Environment for HTTP Requests in R - [httpcache](/r/httpcache/): Query Cache for HTTP Clients - [skeletor](https://github.com/nealrichardson/skeletor): An R Package Skeleton Generator - [crunch, crplyr, crunchy](http://crunch.io/r/): Several packages to facilitate working with the [Crunch](http://crunch.io/) data platform. See [GitHub](https://github.com/nealrichardson?utf8=%E2%9C%93&tab=repositories&q=&type=source&language=r) for a list of other unpublished packages.