#!/bin/bash #!/sbin/runscript ### with a few add on commands add the Sabayon Linux Overlays. ## Wildly Inspired by https://github.com/adrienthebo/sabayon-chroot-builder bootstrap-sabayon.sh ### goals an easy to Install Sabayon Linux LXC container, which is Gentoo Completable ,and has many uses... #### yet faster to update & administrate...and in many cases easier and or a GP Sabayon box suitable for a server farm LXC Virtual hosting... #### testing packages without nuking prime Sabayon System.. ,Likewise building them & testing ### Requires Gentoo, lxc-gentoo.in run gentoo then these few conversions ####{rootfs} {rootfs}="${SAB_rootfs}" ##{rootfs} # never hurts to have a fail-safe. need to keep the var in this script after lxc-gentoo.in exits ## from ${SAB_rootfs} CHROOT this script will *hotwire* the container to Sabayon spec. goal is once called it should be automatic. Include lxc-gentoo.in echo "Starting lxc-gentoo.in. to Build the Gentoo Stock Container" echo "Just Be sure to Name It Sabayon something.... " exec "lxc-gentoo.in"|| exit 1 echo "Starting Sabayon Migration of The Generic Gentoo Container and Adding the Sugar & Spice of Sabayon Linux Overlays..." chroot_sabayon setup_lang setup_system prepare_portage install_layman install_entropy update_entropy x11_setup unchroot_sabayon # Chroot into LXC container after Gentoo LXC Build proses. and do a few commands to convert. chroot_sabayon() { depend() { need localmount need bootmisc } ebegin "Mounting chroot directories" mount -o bind /dev "${SAB_rootfs}/dev" mount -t devpts none "${SAB_rootfs}/dev/pts" mount -t tmpfs none "${SAB_rootfs}/dev/shm" mount -t proc none "${SAB_rootfs}/proc" mount -t sysfs none "${SAB_rootfs}/sys" eend $? "An error occurred while mounting chroot directories" env-update source /etc/profile export PS1="(SAB-LXC-CHROOT) $PS1" } setup_lang() { export LANG=en_US export LANGUAGE=${LANG} export LC_ALL=${LANG}.UTF-8 echo "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.gen locale-gen } setup_system() { ## ln -sf ../usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Los_Angeles /etc/localtime done prior in lxc-gentoo.in by user selection. echo "nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844 " > /etc/resolv.conf #adds google public dns # sets python 2.7 as default eselect python set 1 env-update source /etc/profile } prepare_portage() { #emerge --sync echo "sys-apps/entropy ~amd64" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords/entropy echo "app-admin/equo ~amd64" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords/entropy echo "app-portage/layman git mercurial sync-plugin-portage darcs subversion g-sorcery" > /etc/portage/package.use/layman env-update source /etc/profile } install_layman() { emerge -v --buildpkg layman eix eix-remote add "http://gpo.zugaina.org/eix_cache/eix-cache.tbz2" eix-remote fetch "http://gpo.zugaina.org/eix_cache/eix-cache.tbz2" layman -L layman -a sabayon layman -S echo "source /var/lib/layman/make.conf" >> /etc/portage/make.conf env-update source /etc/profile } install_entropy() { emerge -vt app-admin/equo sys-apps/entropy --autounmask-write etc-update --automode -5 emerge -vt app-admin/equo sys-apps/entropy } update_entropy() { ebegin "entropy update and portage to entropy sync and system upgrades" ## Sync portage db to entropy equo rescue spmsync equo repo mirrorsort sabayonlinux.org # Find the fastest mirrors equo update # update bin repo remote db to get latest packages equo install entropy equo ## update entropy core and equo entropy txt client equo upgrade equo deptest equo libtest ### tests dependencies and libs installs if required etc-update --automode -5 eend $? "An error occurred while unmounting chroot directories } x11_setup() { # Add some goodies later like VNC or something ? to allow use of X11 when runing #in lxc and or just apps via chroot for now K,i,s,s. more to do latter. export DISPLAY=":0.0" } unchroot_sabayon() { ebegin "Unmounting chroot directories" umount "${SAB_rootfs}/dev/pts" umount "${SAB_rootfs}/dev/shm" umount "${SAB_rootfs}/dev" umount "${SAB_rootfs}/proc" umount "${SAB_rootfs}/sys" eend $? "An error occurred while unmounting chroot directories" } ECHO " Congratulations Sabayon Linux is now Installed, however only X64 is officially supported" export DISPLAY=":0.0" sabayon_logo_end() { echo $" MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMI??II??III?I?MMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMIIII????III????III?MMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMIII??IIIINNN8NNNIIII????IMMMMMMMM MMMMMM?????77DOOOO8888888D77???IIMMMMMMM MMMMM?I?I77OOOOOO88 8888DDDD77I???MMMMMM MMMM???I$NOOOOOO888 888DDDDDDN7?I??MMMMM MMM????$NOOOOOO8888888DDDDDDDDN$????MMMM MM?II??$OOOOOO8888 DDDDDDDDNN$??II?MMM MMI?I?$NOOOOO88888 DDDDDDDNNNN$?I?IMMM MMI???ZNNNOO888888 DDDDDDNNNNNZ?I?IMMM MMI??IZNNNN888888N NNNNNNN NNZ?I?IMMM MMI??IZNNN NNNNNNN NNNN NNNNZ?I??MMM MM?II??ZNNN NNN NN NNNNZI??IIMMM MMM????ZNNNNN NNNNNNZIII?MMMM MMMM??I?ZNNNNNN ZNNNNNNNZ????IMMMM MMMMM???I$NNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNN$I???IMMMMM MMMMMMI????$NNNNNNNNNNNNNNN$?III?MMMMMMM MMMMMMMIII??IIINNNNNNNNNI7?III??MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMIIII?II????IIII????IMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMI???I?III???IMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM " Echo "Welcome to your Sabayon Linux container" } # %%% %%%%%%% |#| # %%%% %%%%%%%%%%% |#|#### # %%%%% % %%% |#|=##### # %%%%% % @ @ %% | | ==#### # %%%%%% % (_ () ) %% | | ===## # %% %%% % \_ | %% | | =## # % %%%% % u^uuu %% | | ==# # %%%% %%%%%%%%% | | V ### Brought to you by Necrose99 , Put a Scythe to your problems shall we...