#+date: <2014-02-17 00:00> #+title: Creation of a time based wallpaper with feh One of the most popular posts of all time over in /r/wallpapers is an album set of 8 8-bit landscapes for every time of day. Here is a quick glimpse:   [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="1152"][[http://i.imgur.com/axNNqyH.png]] summary picture![/caption] If you use feh to manage you background, the current background filename is stored in ~/.fehbg. If you name each picture in the 8 picture set 01 - 09, you can easily set an appropriate picture to the time of day. Here is the bash script I am currently using to do this: #+BEGIN_QUOTE imagepath="/home/neeasade/images/8bitday";\\ while :\\ do\\ if echo 0$(expr $(date +%H) / 3).png != cat /home/neeasade/.fehbg | egrep '[0-9]{2}.png'; then\\ feh --bg-fill $imagepath/0$(expr $(date +%H) / 3).png;\\ fi\\ sleep 5\\ done #+END_QUOTE The above while runs forever, checking the name of the current background picture at an interval of 5 seconds. Since there are 8 pictures in the total group, you can take the current hour of the day(out of 24) divided by 3 using integer division. running this in the background on startup as been giving me a nice wallpaper to match the time of day!