#+date: <2018-05-07 00:00> #+title: git svn workflow Git provides an [[https://git-scm.com/docs/git-svn][svn-wrapper]], allowing you to use git tools and keep your decentralized workflow even when you aren't. The following commands are effected: | git | git svn | |-----------+-----------------------------| | git pull | git svn fetch git svn merge | | git push | git svn dcommit | | git clone | git svn clone | If you are a [[https://magit.vc/][magit]] user, you can install [[https://github.com/magit/magit-svn][magit-svn]]. To enable magit-svn globally (magit will still work find with git repos): #+begin_src elisp (add-hook 'magit-mode-hook 'magit-svn-mode) #+end_src To enable magit-svn on a per-repo basis: #+begin_src bash cd /path/to/repository git config --add magit.extension svn #+end_src