#+title: my shell prompt #+rss_title: my shell prompt #+pubdate: <2020-11-09> A [[https://nixers.net/Thread-Your-PROMPT][thread]] was recently promoted on nixers to show your shell prompt, so I'll share some features of mine. I usually use bash with Emacs shell-mode, so I get vim bindings for free via evil, with the mode indicator being the cursor ('|' vs '█'). I usually use '♥' as a prompt character, but for the sake of this post I'll use '$', as the heart can look wildly different depending on your font setup. Errors and background processes: #+begin_src text $ false ! vim temp.txt [1]+ Stopped vim temp.txt $! true $$ fg vim temp $ #+end_src git stuff: #+begin_src text $ cd $(mktemp -d) $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/tmp.enlQwywyEv/.git/ $ touch readme.md ? $ git checkout -b new_branch Switched to a new branch 'new_branch' (new_branch|?) $ git add readme.md (new_branch|+) $ echo 'edit' >> readme.md (new_branch|+*) $ git commit -m "initial" [new_branch (root-commit) 3ff638e] initial 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 readme.md (new_branch) $ git checkout -b master; git reset --hard Switched to a new branch 'master' HEAD is now at 3ff638e initial $ #+end_src non-standard environment detection (checks capital variables): #+begin_src text $ PYTHONPATH="$HOME/something/stateful" E $ envv PYTHONPATH=/home/neeasade/something/stateful E $ unset PYTHONPATH $ #+end_src ssh hostname: #+begin_src text $ ssh super.cool.vps trouw $ logout $ #+end_src and a hack that tells Emacs where the shell is (including tramp information -- this is normally used in the prompt, I'm just showing it out here): #+begin_src text $ ssh super.cool.vps trouw $ tell_emacs_shell_location +Pr0mPT+/ssh:neeasade@ trouw $ logout $ #+end_src Source is here: [[https://github.com/neeasade/dotfiles/blob/083d2996df4a2fff6b7ebfbc237a6a27babcf4b9/shell/.sh.d/style#L109][~/.sh.d/style]]