#+title: fortune quotes #+pubdate: <2021-01-04> [[https://monade.li][Naïm]] has a nice ~gitconfig~ alias that they use for all their dotfiles repo commits: #+begin_src [alias] cf = !git commit -m \"$(fortune -sn 60)\" #+end_src Sometimes nice stuff comes out, sometimes not so nice stuff comes out. This page will be a random 50 fortune quotes (called with the same args) each time the site is generated: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results raw :exports results (s-join "\n" (-map (lambda (_) (format "%s\n#+begin_quote\n%s\n#+end_quote\n" (ns/blog-make-hsep) (s-replace "\n" "\n\n" (ns/shell-exec "fortune -sn 60")))) (range 50))) #+end_src