#+title: Sharath led primary notes #+pubdate: <2023-05-08> Context: [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashtanga_vinyasa_yoga][Ashtanga Yoga]] I was lucky enough to participate in 2 led primaries under paramguru Sharath Jois on his Miami tour (organized by Sonima), catching the second weekend (May 6, 7th 2023). Here are my notes from the sessions/observations compared to my usual practice: - His opening chant had a melodical/musical tilt to it (call and response) - There were 5 Sun Salutation B's and potentially 7 A's, I lost count. He always cued the last one ("okay last one") - His 5th count was "full" - I am used to teachers cuing "5-inhale" almost immediately, but there were several times he would cue to hold - Would call out anticipatory transitions as well/not to do it - No blocks available - He holds the 5th Navasana foreverrr - Tolasana count was very slow (intermittent cue of "I'm watching you") - No guided end to Shavasana, rise at your own pace Personal experience for me (nb have been practicing Ashtanga only about 8 months) - During the practice he is walking all over the room giving assists, but it always feels like he is right next to you due to the speaker - I got an assist from the man himself! on Ardha Baddha Padma Paschimattanasana (half bound lotus folded pose) - On the left side of the pose, I caught the top of my foot in my thigh in the wrong way and found myself unable to fold deeply (I adjusted because lengthening was pushing the pinch point). He came and didn't force the fold, but lengthened and bowed my head. - Doing the practice 2 days in a row was helpful -- the first day I was in-my-head about him being /the/ guru, but near the start of day 2's sequence I had accept it was simply about the practice and he's here to help, move and accept (helped that I was so sore from day 1) - it was my first time practicing in such close quarters due to the amount of people present - for poses such as Parshvottanasana and Upavishta Konasana, alternating columns of practitioners would scoot forward and back so we were staggered in the pose Other: At the end of day 1 there was a lecture series and a Q&A. There were various things discussed, but my main takeaway was the emphasis on constancy. Get to the mat. Keep getting to the mat. ----- Sharath has passed away at the age of 53. I am grateful I had the opportunity to practice with him.