#+title: automata tiles 3 #+title_extra: #+post_type: post #+filetags: #+pubdate: <2023-08-16> Previously: [[./automata-tiling-backgrounds-2.org][Automata tiling backgrounds 2]] I've been playing with Camille's [[https://github.com/turquoise-hexagon/automata][automata]] repo again, with some glue to set colors and then take a screenshot at a random time to generate a tile. Here are some of the ones I enjoy (click to demo): #+HTML_HEAD: #+BEGIN_SRC elisp :results raw :exports results ;; (->> ;; (f-files (~ "tiles")) ;; (--map (f-copy it (ns/blog-path "published/assets/posts/ca_dump3/")))) ;; cp ~/tiles/* ~/code/neeasade.github.io/published/assets/posts/ca_dump3 (->> (sh "identify %s | awk '{print $1 \"x\" $3}'" (ns/blog-path "published/assets/posts/ca_dump3/*")) (s-lines) (-map (lambda (out) (llet [(f w h) (s-split "x" out)] (list f (string-to-number w) (string-to-number h))))) (seq-sort-by (-lambda ((_ w h)) (/ h w)) '>) (-map 'first) (-map 'f-filename) (--map (format "" it it)) (--map (format "@@html: %s@@" it)) (s-join "\n")) #+end_src