auTitle := "YEP Auto-Update" auVersion := 0.12 auAuthorShort := "Nekoyoubi" auAuthorFull := "Lance May (Nekoyoubi)" auSupportEmail := "" #SingleInstance, force #Persistent IniRead, isDev, dev.ini, Config, Dev, 0 if (!isDev) { Menu, Tray, UseErrorLevel } menu, tray, icon, yep_yanfly.ico menu, tray, add, Manually Update YEP (WIN+Y), ManualUpdate menu, tray, add, Force YEP Update, ForceUpdate menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, Enable %auTitle%, EnableToggle menu, Interval, add, Every 1 Hour, SetInterval1h menu, Interval, add, Every 2 Hours, SetInterval2h menu, Interval, add, Every 4 Hours, SetInterval4h menu, Interval, add, Every 8 Hours, SetInterval8h menu, Interval, add, Every 12 Hours, SetInterval12h menu, Interval, add, Every 24 Hours, SetInterval24h menu, tray, add, Set Update Interval, :Interval menu, Notifications, add, Notify on Update, NotifyUpdate menu, Notifications, add, Notify on No Updates, NotifyNoUpdate menu, tray, add, Notifications, :Notifications menu, tray, add menu, ExtractionTool, add, 7-Zip, SetExTool7zip menu, ExtractionTool, add, WinRAR, SetExToolwinrar menu, tray, add, Extraction Tool, :ExtractionTool menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, Add Project Directory, AddProjectDir menu, tray, add, Edit Project Directories, EditProjectDirs menu, tray, add, Edit Config File, EditConfigFile menu, tray, add menu, Links, add, Visit Yanfly's YEP Page on, VisitYEP menu, Links, add, Support Yanfly on Patreon, VisitPatreon menu, Links, add, Watch Yanfly's Videos on YouTube, VisitYouTube menu, Links, add menu, Links, add, Visit %auTitle% on GitHub, VisitGitHub menu, Links, add, Visit %auAuthorShort% at Stitch Gaming, VisitStitch menu, Links, add, Email %auAuthorShort% for Support, EmailAuthor menu, Links, add menu, Links, add, Check for Updates, CheckForUpdates menu, tray, add, Links && Support, :Links menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, Close %auTitle%, CloseAU menu, tray, NoStandard ; Just a developer convenience feature. Enables the compilation of the script from the menu if on the developer's machine. if (!%A_IsCompiled% && isDev) { menu, tray, add menu, tray, add, Compile Binaries, CompileBinaries } ; Hour-to-Millisecond translation. e1h := 3600000 ; 1*60*60*1000 e2h := 7200000 ; 2*60*60*1000 e4h := 14400000 ; 4*60*60*1000 e8h := 28800000 ; 8*60*60*1000 e12h := 43200000 ; 12*60*60*1000 e24h := 86400000 ; 24*60*60*1000 ; Detect WinRAR RegRead, auHasWinRAR, HKLM, SOFTWARE\WinRAR, EXE32 if (ErrorLevel) { RegRead, auHasWinRAR, HKLM, SOFTWARE\WinRAR, EXE64 } if (ErrorLevel) { RegRead, auHas7Zip, HKLM, SOFTWARE\7-Zip, Path } ; Yes, the double ifs are an intentional fall-through. if (auHasWinRAR) { auInstalledExTool = winrar } if (auHas7Zip) { auInstalledExTool = 7zip } if (auInstalledExTool = ) { MsgBox, 4, %auTitle%, %auTitle% could not determine what archive tool you have installed. Would you like to download 7-Zip now? IfMsgBox, Yes Run } ; Reads config file; if none exists, writes the initial. IfNotExist, config.ini { IniWrite, 1, config.ini, Config, AutoUpdateActive IniWrite, 12, config.ini, Config, AutoUpdateInterval IniWrite, 1, config.ini, Config, NotifyUpdate IniWrite, 0, config.ini, Config, NotifyNoUpdate IniWrite, 20, config.ini, Config, NotifyClose IniWrite,, config.ini, Config, ChangelogURL IniWrite, YEP English -.rar?dl=1, config.ini, Config, YEPURL IniWrite, 7zip, config.ini, Config, ExtractionTool IniWrite, 7z.exe, config.ini, Config, 7ZipPath IniWrite, unrar.exe, config.ini, Config, WinRARPath } ; Reads in the config file and sets up initial variables. IniRead, auOn, config.ini, Config, AutoUpdateActive, 1 IniRead, auInterval, config.ini, Config, AutoUpdateInterval, 12 IniRead, auNotifyUpdate, config.ini, Config, NotifyUpdate, 1 IniRead, auNotifyNoUpdate, config.ini, Config, NotifyNoUpdate, 0 IniRead, auNotifyClose, config.ini, Config, NotifyClose, 20 IniRead, auChangelogURL, config.ini, Config, ChangelogURL, IniRead, auYEPURL, config.ini, Config, YEPURL, YEP English -.rar?dl=1 IniRead, auExTool, config.ini, Config, ExtractionTool, 7zip IniRead, au7zPath, config.ini, Config, 7ZipPath, 7z.exe IniRead, auUnrarPath, config.ini, Config, WinRARPath, unrar.exe ; Checks to make sure the directory listing is accounted for. If not, creates it, and instructs the user on its use. IfNotExist, yep_dirs.txt { FileAppend,, yep_dirs.txt IfNotExist, *.rpgproject Gosub, AddProjectDir } if (auOn) { menu, tray, tip, %auTitle%: On menu, tray, check, Enable %auTitle% } else { menu, tray, tip, %auTitle%: Off } auRunEvery := auInterval*60*60*1000 ; If the interval specified in the config file doesn't line up with a menu item none will ; be selected, but it should still allow you to set any amount of hours needed. if (auInterval == 1) { menu, Interval, check, Every 1 Hour } else if (auInterval == 2) { menu, Interval, check, Every 2 Hours } else if (auInterval == 4) { menu, Interval, check, Every 4 Hours } else if (auInterval == 8) { menu, Interval, check, Every 8 Hours } else if (auInterval == 12) { menu, Interval, check, Every 12 Hours } else if (auInterval == 24) { menu, Interval, check, Every 24 Hours } if (auNotifyUpdate) { menu, Notifications, check, Notify on Update } if (auNotifyNoUpdate) { menu, Notifications, check, Notify on No Updates } if (auExTool = "7zip") { menu, ExtractionTool, check, 7-Zip } else if (auExTool = "winrar"){ menu, ExtractionTool, check, WinRAR } ; Sets the initial timer that will handle the YEP auto-updates. SetTimer, AutoUpdate, %auRunEvery% ; Checks for updates to the YEP Auto-Update at launch. Gosub, CheckForUpdates Return ; SUPER(WIN)+Y -- Runs a manual update of the YEP scripts. #y::Gosub, Update ; Handles all the checking, downloading, and installing of the YEP scripts. Update: ; Downloads Yanfly's changelog to scrape the most current plugin updates revision date. UrlDownloadToFile, %auChangelogURL%, changelog.txt FileRead, changelog, changelog.txt RegExMatch(changelog, "Plugin Updates as of Launch Date to .*?\(.*?)\<\/strong\>\<\/span\>\~", updated) FileDelete, changelog.txt ; Based on user feedback, I realized that there may be instances where the %updated1% may be empty, ; which would mess everything up, so I added this to at least notify the user that there was an issue. if (updated1 = ) { MsgBox,, %auTitle%, The most recent YEP version could not be found. Please try to visit Yanfly's changelog at and ensure that you can access this page. Also, if you changed the ChangelogURL setting in the config.ini, please make sure that the page referenced is actually Yanfly's changelog., %auNotifyClose% Return } ; Notifies the user if an update was not found (message box self-closes after 20 seconds). if (!auForceUpdate) { if (auNotifyNoUpdate) { IfExist, yep_%updated1%.rar { MsgBox,, %auTitle%, No update was necessary. YEP already at version %updated1%., %auNotifyClose% Return } } } else { FileDelete, yep_%updated1%.rar auForceUpdate := false } ; If the current YEP version is not found, download it. IfNotExist, yep_%updated1%.rar { ; Get any changes to the extraction tool from config.ini IniRead, auExTool, config.ini, Config, ExtractionTool, 7zip IniRead, au7zPath, config.ini, Config, 7ZipPath, 7z.exe IniRead, auUnrarPath, config.ini, Config, WinRARPath, unrar.exe ; Download the new YEP archive UrlDownloadToFile, %auYEPURL%, yep_%updated1%.rar FileGetSize, dirsize, yep_dirs.txt ; Check for a non-0-byte dirs file. If found, cycle through the directories, extracting the YEP into each. ; Otherwise, assume the current directory is a project root, and extract once into its js/plugins. if (dirsize > 0) { Loop, Read, yep_dirs.txt { if (auExTool = "7zip") { RunWait "%au7zPath%" x yep_%updated1%.rar -aoa -o"%A_LoopReadLine%\js\plugins",,hide } else if (auExTool = "winrar"){ RunWait "%auUnrarPath%" x yep_%updated1%.rar -o+ -y "%A_LoopReadLine%\js\plugins\",,hide } } } else { if (auExTool = "7zip") { RunWait "%au7zPath%" x yep_%updated1%.rar -aoa -o"js\plugins",,hide } else if (auExTool = "winrar"){ RunWait "%auUnrarPath%" x yep_%updated1%.rar -o+ -y "js\plugins\",,hide } } ; Once download and extraction are complete, notify the user that they have a new YEP (if they want to know). if (auNotifyUpdate) { MsgBox,, %auTitle%, YEP successfully updated to version %updated1%., %auNotifyClose% } } Return ; Check for updates to the YEP Auto-Update. CheckForUpdates: ; Downloads the latest YEP Auto-Update script to see if it's the most recent. UrlDownloadToFile,, cfu.txt FileRead, versioncheck, cfu.txt RegExMatch(versioncheck, "auVersion \:\= (.*?)", cfuv) FileDelete, cfu.txt if (cfuv1 > auVersion) { MsgBox, 4, %auTitle%, You are currently using v%auVersion%, but newer version of the %auTitle% is available (v%cfuv1%). Would you like to visit GitHub to download the newer version? } IfMsgBox, Yes Gosub, VisitGitHub Return ; Checks if the auto-update is enabled. If so, runs the Update routine. Used by the timer. AutoUpdate: if (auOn){ Gosub, Update } Return ; Activates the update regardless of schedule. Does not reset the timer. ManualUpdate: Gosub, Update Return ForceUpdate: auForceUpdate := true Gosub, Update Return ; Toggles whether the auto-update timer will have any effect. EnableToggle: menu, tray, togglecheck, Enable %auTitle% auOn := !auOn tip := auOn ? "On" : "Off" menu, tray, tip, %auTitle%: %tip% IniWrite, %auOn%, config.ini, Config, AutoUpdateActive Return ; Sets the auto-update timer to 1 hour intervals. SetInterval1h: if (auRunEvery != e1h) { auRunEvery := e1h menu, Interval, check, Every 1 Hour menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 2 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 4 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 8 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 12 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 24 Hours IniWrite, 1, config.ini, Config, AutoUpdateInterval SetTimer, AutoUpdate, %auRunEvery% } Return ; Sets the auto-update timer to 2 hour intervals. SetInterval2h: if (auRunEvery != e2h) { auRunEvery := e2h menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 1 Hour menu, Interval, check, Every 2 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 4 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 8 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 12 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 24 Hours IniWrite, 2, config.ini, Config, AutoUpdateInterval SetTimer, AutoUpdate, %auRunEvery% } Return ; Sets the auto-update timer to 4 hour intervals. SetInterval4h: if (auRunEvery != e4h) { auRunEvery := e4h menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 1 Hour menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 2 Hours menu, Interval, check, Every 4 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 8 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 12 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 24 Hours IniWrite, 4, config.ini, Config, AutoUpdateInterval SetTimer, AutoUpdate, %auRunEvery% } Return ; Sets the auto-update timer to 8 hour intervals. SetInterval8h: if (auRunEvery != e8h) { auRunEvery := e8h menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 1 Hour menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 2 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 4 Hours menu, Interval, check, Every 8 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 12 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 24 Hours IniWrite, 8, config.ini, Config, AutoUpdateInterval SetTimer, AutoUpdate, %auRunEvery% } Return ; Sets the auto-update timer to 12 hour intervals. SetInterval12h: if (auRunEvery != e12h) { auRunEvery := e12h menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 1 Hour menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 2 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 4 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 8 Hours menu, Interval, check, Every 12 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 24 Hours IniWrite, 12, config.ini, Config, AutoUpdateInterval SetTimer, AutoUpdate, %auRunEvery% } Return ; Sets the auto-update timer to 24 hour intervals. SetInterval24h: if (auRunEvery != e24h) { auRunEvery := e24h menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 1 Hour menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 2 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 4 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 8 Hours menu, Interval, uncheck, Every 12 Hours menu, Interval, check, Every 24 Hours IniWrite, 24, config.ini, Config, AutoUpdateInterval SetTimer, AutoUpdate, %auRunEvery% } Return ; Toggles the notification that there was an update (updated successfully). NotifyUpdate: menu, Notifications, togglecheck, Notify on Update auNotifyUpdate := !auNotifyUpdate IniWrite, %auNotifyUpdate%, config.ini, Config, NotifyUpdate Return ; Toggles the notification that there were no updates (changelog downloaded, but nothing changed). NotifyNoUpdate: menu, Notifications, togglecheck, Notify on No Updates auNotifyNoUpdate := !auNotifyNoUpdate IniWrite, %auNotifyNoUpdate%, config.ini, Config, NotifyNoUpdate Return ; Allows the user to add RMMV project directories with a handy-dandy visual dialog. AddProjectDir: FileSelectFolder, auAddProject, *%A_WorkingDir%, 1, Please select your RMMV project's root folder... if auAddProject != { FileGetSize, auDirsSize, yep_dirs.txt if (auDirsSize > 0) { FileAppend,`r`n%auAddProject%, yep_dirs.txt } else { FileAppend,%auAddProject%, yep_dirs.txt } MsgBox,, %auTitle%, %auAddProject%`r`n`r`n... was added to your yep_dirs.txt file., %auNotifyClose% } Return ; Opens the yep_dirs.txt file for editing. EditProjectDirs: Run yep_dirs.txt Return ; Opens the config.ini file for editing. EditConfigFile: Run config.ini Return ; Sets the active extraction tool to 7-Zip SetExTool7zip: menu, ExtractionTool, check, 7-Zip menu, ExtractionTool, uncheck, WinRAR auExTool := "7zip" IniWrite, %auExTool%, config.ini, Config, ExtractionTool Return ; Sets the active extraction tool to WinRAR SetExToolwinrar: menu, ExtractionTool, uncheck, 7-Zip menu, ExtractionTool, check, WinRAR auExTool := "winrar" IniWrite, %auExTool%, config.ini, Config, ExtractionTool Return ; The link to Yanfly's YEP page. VisitYEP: Run Return ; The link to Yanfly's Patreon page. VisitPatreon: Run Return ; The link to Yanfly's YouTube channel. VisitYouTube: Run Return ; The link to the YEP Auto-Update GitHub repository. VisitGitHub: Run Return ; The link to one of the author's sites. VisitStitch: Run Return ; The link to the YEP Auto-Update GitHub repository. EmailAuthor: Run mailto:%auSupportEmail% Return ; Closes the auto-update application. CloseAU: ExitApp Return ; Compiles the current loose script into 32/64-bit binaries. (Just a convenience feature for the author. Feel free to disregard.) CompileBinaries: RunWait C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe /in %A_WorkingDir%\yep_autoupdate.ahk /out %A_WorkingDir%\bin\yep_autoupdate_32bit.exe /icon %A_WorkingDir%\yep_yanfly.ico /bin "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Unicode 32-bit.bin" RunWait C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Ahk2Exe.exe /in %A_WorkingDir%\yep_autoupdate.ahk /out %A_WorkingDir%\bin\yep_autoupdate_64bit.exe /icon %A_WorkingDir%\yep_yanfly.ico /bin "C:\Program Files\AutoHotkey\Compiler\Unicode 64-bit.bin" MsgBox,, %auTitle%, Binary compilation complete., %auNotifyClose% Return