# Application log and cert. files # Example: data/nervatura.log, data/x509/server_cert.pem, data/x509/server_key.pem NT_APP_LOG_FILE= NT_TLS_CERT_FILE= NT_TLS_KEY_FILE= # Server settings: # host.ip:port NT_HTTP_ENABLED=true NT_HTTP_PORT=5000 # Default snapcrafts value: /var/snap/nervatura/common/http.log NT_HTTP_LOG_FILE= # SSL/TLS authentication NT_HTTP_TLS_ENABLED=false # Seconds NT_HTTP_WRITE_TIMEOUT=30 NT_HTTP_READ_TIMEOUT=30 # http root redirect # valid values: # /admin - Admin GUI # /client - Nervatura Client # /docs - Nervatura Docs # other valid url NT_HTTP_HOME=/admin # GUI session # database session store. if value is empty then file or memory store. # example: sqlite://file:data/session.db?cache=shared&mode=rwc NT_SESSION_DB= NT_SESSION_TABLE=session # file session store. if value is empty then memory store. # example: data/session NT_SESSION_DIR= NT_GRPC_ENABLED=true NT_GRPC_PORT=9200 # SSL/TLS authentication NT_GRPC_TLS_ENABLED=false # Nervatura Client custom config file # example: PATH/YOUR_CLIENT_CONFIG.json # see more -> https://nervatura.github.io/nervatura/docs/start/customization # default: data/client_config.json NT_CLIENT_CONFIG= # Report font. Default: empty (built-in Cabin font) NT_FONT_FAMILY= # Default empty. Example: data/fonts # Report font files format: # FAMILY-Regular.ttf, FAMILY-Italic.ttf, FAMILY-Bold.ttf, FAMILY-BoldItalic.ttf # e.g. Roboto-Regular.ttf ... NT_FONT_DIR= # Nervatura Report JSON def. files. Example: data/templates # Default value: empty (built-in templates files) NT_REPORT_DIR= NT_API_KEY= # Enabled/disabled API password login NT_PASSWORD_LOGIN=true # Bearer authentication NT_TOKEN_ISS=nervatura NT_TOKEN_PRIVATE_KID= # Token signing method algorithm NT_TOKEN_ALG=HS256 # Private key or file path NT_TOKEN_PRIVATE_KEY= # JWT expiration time (hours) NT_TOKEN_EXP=6 # External token validation public key or file path. Default: empty (disabled). NT_TOKEN_PUBLIC_KEY= # External token kid NT_TOKEN_PUBLIC_KID= # External token validation public keys. Default: empty (disabled). NT_TOKEN_PUBLIC_KEY_URL= # JWK_X509 certificates endpoint (Firebase) #NT_TOKEN_PUBLIC_KEY_URL=https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/securetoken@system.gserviceaccount.com # Google OAuth2 public keys #NT_TOKEN_PUBLIC_KEY_URL=https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs NT_HASHTABLE= # EMAIL SMTP SETTINGS: NT_SMTP_HOST= NT_SMTP_PORT=465 NT_SMTP_USER= NT_SMTP_PASSWORD= # Valid values: 769, 770, 771, 772 (TLS 1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3) NT_SMTP_TLS_MIN_VERSION=769 # SQLDriver settings # Sets the maximum number of open connections to the database. # If n <= 0, then there is no limit on the number of open connections. # If this value is set, new queries will be blocked until a connection becomes available. # You’ll always want to set this value in production! # The maximum number of connections is based on database memory. SQL_MAX_OPEN_CONNS=10 # Sets the maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool # If n <= 0, no idle connections are retained. # You’ll want to set this value to be a fraction of the MaxConnections. # Whether it’s 25%, 50% or 75% (or sometimes even 100%) will depend on your expected load patterns SQL_MAX_IDLE_CONNS=3 # Sets the maximum amount of time a connection may be reused. # Configuration values are in minutes! # Expired connections may be closed lazily before reuse. If d <= 0, connections are reused forever. # You’ll want to set this if you’re also setting the max idle connections. SQL_CONN_MAX_LIFETIME=15 # Default value: single (permanent data connection) or multiple database usage (data connection on request) # Value: a valid database alias name (e.q. demo) or empty (multiple database) NT_ALIAS_DEFAULT= # Database alias list NT_ALIAS_DEMO=sqlite://file:data/demo.db?cache=shared&mode=rwc NT_ALIAS_PGDEMO=postgres://postgres:password@ NT_ALIAS_MYDEMO=mysql://root:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/nervatura NT_ALIAS_MSDEMO=mssql://sa:Password1234_1@localhost:1433?database=nervatura # Set default server CORS middleware configuration NT_CORS_ENABLED=true # Defines a list of origins that may access the resource. NT_CORS_ALLOW_ORIGINS=* # Defines a list methods allowed when accessing the resource. NT_CORS_ALLOW_METHODS=GET,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS # Defines a list of request headers that can be used when making the actual request. NT_CORS_ALLOW_HEADERS=Accept,Authorization,Content-Type,X-CSRF-Token,X-Api-Key # Indicates whether or not the response to the request can be exposed when the credentials flag is true. NT_CORS_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS=false # ExposeHeaders defines a whitelist headers that clients are allowed to access. NT_CORS_EXPOSE_HEADERS= # Indicates how long (in seconds) the results of a preflight request can be cached NT_CORS_MAX_AGE=0 # HTTP Server security settings # See more: github.com/unrolled/secure (default options) NT_SECURITY_ENABLED=false NT_SECURITY_ALLOWED_HOSTS= NT_SECURITY_ALLOWED_HOSTS_ARE_REGEX=false NT_SECURITY_SSL_REDIRECT=false NT_SECURITY_SSL_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT=false NT_SECURITY_SSL_HOST= NT_SECURITY_PROXY_HEADERS= NT_SECURITY_STS_SECONDS=0 NT_SECURITY_STS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS=false NT_SECURITY_STS_PRELOAD=false NT_SECURITY_FORCE_STS_HEADER=false NT_SECURITY_FRAME_DENY=false NT_SECURITY_CUSTOM_FRAME_OPTIONS_VALUE= NT_SECURITY_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF=false NT_SECURITY_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER=false NT_SECURITY_CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY= NT_SECURITY_PUBLIC_KEY= NT_SECURITY_REFERRER_POLICY= NT_SECURITY_FEATURE_POLICY= NT_SECURITY_EXPECT_CT_HEADER= NT_SECURITY_DEVELOPMENT=false