######################################################################## # 98_FireTV.pm # # Control a FireTV-Device from FHEM # # Prerequisites: # 1.) enable adb debugging in your fire tv # 2.) get adb and copy the binary to /usr/bin/ # some sources for raspbian binaries: # apt-get install android-tools-adb # https://github.com/DeepSilence/adb-arm # https://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1924492 # http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1392336&d=1349930509 # # uses 73_PRESENCE.pm by Markus Bloch # uses File::MimeInfo by Michiel Beijen # # 2018 by Thomas Nesges ######################################################################## package main; use strict; use warnings; use Time::HiRes; use File::Temp qw(tempdir tempfile); sub FireTV_Initialize($); sub FireTV_Define($$); sub FireTV_Undef($$); sub FireTV_Set($@); sub FireTV_Get($@); sub FireTV_Attr(@); sub FireTV_Notify($$); sub FireTV_SetTimer($;$); sub FireTV_FetchStatus($); sub FireTV_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{DefFn} = 'FireTV_Define'; $hash->{UndefFn} = 'FireTV_Undef'; $hash->{SetFn} = 'FireTV_Set'; $hash->{GetFn} = 'FireTV_Get'; $hash->{AttrFn} = 'FireTV_Attr'; $hash->{AttrList} = "holdconnection:yes,no screenshotpath upviewdeleteafter uploaddeleteafter remotehtml interval ".$readingFnAttributes; if(LoadModule("PRESENCE") eq "PRESENCE") { # PRESENCE $hash->{ReadFn} = "PRESENCE_Read"; $hash->{ReadyFn} = "PRESENCE_Ready"; $hash->{NotifyFn} = "FireTV_Notify"; $hash->{AttrList} .= " ping_count:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10" ." absenceThreshold:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20" ." presenceThreshold:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20" ." absenceTimeout presenceTimeout " ." do_not_notify:0,1 disable:0,1 disabledForIntervals "; # disabledForIntervals seems to be broken - TODO } # PORT was introduced later, set a default here to avoid users having to redefine their devices if(! defined($hash->{PORT})) { $hash->{PORT} = '5555'; } } sub FireTV_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @param = split('[ \t]+', $def); my $name = $param[0]; if(LoadModule("PRESENCE") eq "PRESENCE") { $hash->{helper}{$name}{'PRESENCE_loaded'} = 1; } else { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_Define WARNING: couldn't load module PRESENCE"; $hash->{helper}{$name}{'PRESENCE_loaded'} = 0; } if(int(@param) < 3) { if($hash->{helper}{$name}{'PRESENCE_loaded'}) { return "too few parameters: define FireTV [sudo] [] [] [] [] []"; } else { return "too few parameters: define FireTV [sudo] []"; } } if(defined($param[2]) && $param[2]!~/^[a-z0-9-.]+(:\d{1,5})?$/i) { return "IP '".$param[2]."' is no valid ip address or hostname"; } if(defined($param[3]) && $param[3] eq "sudo") { splice @param, 3, 1; $hash->{ADB} = 'sudo '; } else { $hash->{ADB} = ''; } if(defined($param[3]) && ! -x $param[3]) { return "ADB_PATH '".$param[3]."' is not executable"; } if(defined($param[4]) && $param[4]!~/^\d+$/) { return "PRESENCE_TIMEOUT_ABSENT '".$param[3]."' is no valid integer number"; } if(defined($param[5]) && $param[5]!~/^\d+$/) { return "PRESENCE_TIMEOUT_PRESENT '".$param[3]."' is no valid integer number"; } if(defined($param[6]) && $param[6]!~/^(lan-ping|lan-bluetooth|local-bluetooth|fritzbox|shellscript|function|event)$/) { return "PRESENCE_MODE '".$param[3]."' must be one of lan-ping, lan-bluetooth, local-bluetooth, fritzbox, shellscript, function or event"; } $hash->{NAME} = $name; $hash->{IP} = $param[2]; if($hash->{IP} =~ m/(.*?):(.*)/) { $hash->{IP} = $1; $hash->{PORT} = $2; } else { $hash->{PORT} = '5555'; } $hash->{ADB} .= $param[3] || '/usr/bin/adb'; $hash->{STATE} = 'defined'; $hash->{VERSION} = '0.6.1'; FireTV_ReadDeviceInfo($hash); if($hash->{helper}{$name}{'PRESENCE_loaded'}) { # PRESENCE $hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global,$name"; $hash->{TIMEOUT_NORMAL} = $param[4] || 30; $hash->{TIMEOUT_PRESENT} = $param[5] || $hash->{TIMEOUT_NORMAL}; $hash->{MODE} = $param[6] || 'lan-ping'; $hash->{ADDRESS} = $param[7] || $hash->{IP}; if(! IsDisabled($name)) { PRESENCE_StartLocalScan($hash, 1); } } Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Define: getting packagelist"; FireTV_Get($hash, $name, 'packages'); Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Define: starting FireTV_SetTimer"; FireTV_SetTimer($hash); return undef; } sub FireTV_ReadDeviceInfo($) { my $hash = shift; if(ref $hash ne 'HASH' ) { $hash = $defs{$hash}; } my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if(! IsDisabled($name)) { $hash->{ADBVERSION} = `$hash->{ADB} version 2>&1` || $!; if(FireTV_connect($hash)) { if(FireTV_adb($hash, 'shell cat /proc/version')) { my $OSVERSION = $hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}; $hash->{OSVERSION} = $OSVERSION if $OSVERSION !~ /error:/; } else { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_ReadDeviceInfo: error reading OSVERSION"; } if(FireTV_adb($hash, 'shell getprop ro.build.version.name')) { my $OSNAME = $hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}; $hash->{OSVERSION} = $OSNAME if $OSNAME !~ /error:/; } else { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_ReadDeviceInfo: error reading OSNAME"; } if(FireTV_adb($hash, 'shell getprop ro.serialno')) { my $SERIAL = $hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}; $hash->{SERIAL} = $SERIAL if $SERIAL !~ /error:/; } else { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_ReadDeviceInfo: error reading SERIAL"; } } } } sub FireTV_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); # PRESENCE if(defined($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID})) { BlockingKill($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}); } # own if(defined($hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'})) { foreach my $blockingcall ( keys(@{$hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}}) ) { BlockingKill($blockingcall->{RUNNING_PID}); } } DevIo_CloseDev($hash); return undef; } sub FireTV_Get($@) { my ($hash, @param) = @_; return '"get FireTV" needs at least one argument' if (int(@param) < 2); my $name = shift @param; my $opt = shift @param; my $value = join(" ", @param); if(! FireTV_connect($hash)) { return "error: ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}; } my $screen_state; if($opt) { # update screen_state reading $screen_state = FireTV_screen_state($hash); } if($opt eq 'packages') { if(FireTV_adb($hash, 'shell pm list packages -f -3')) { my @response = split(/[\n\r]+/, $hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}); my @apk; foreach my $line (@response) { my ($package, $apk) = split('=', $line); push @apk, $apk; } if(@apk > 0) { @apk = sort(@apk); $hash->{helper}{$name}{'packages'} = join(',', @apk); return "Found the following installed packages: \n\n".join("\n", @apk); } else { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Get: no userpackages found"; } return "no userpackages found"; } else { return "error: ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}; } } elsif($opt eq 'isapprunning') { return FireTV_is_app_running($hash, $value); } elsif($opt eq 'adb') { if(FireTV_adb($hash, $value)) { my @response = split(/[\n\r]+/, $hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}); return join("\n", @response); } else { return "error: ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}; } } elsif($opt eq 'getprop') { if(FireTV_adb($hash, 'shell getprop')) { my @response = split(/[\n\r]+/, $hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}); return join("\n", @response); } else { return "error: ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}; } } elsif($opt eq 'screen_state') { # $screen_state is updated on every $opt (see above) if($screen_state) { return $screen_state; } else { return "error: ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}; } } elsif($opt eq 'currentapp') { my $currentapp = FireTV_currentFocus($hash); if($currentapp) { return $currentapp ; } else { return "error: ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}; } } else { return "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of packages:noArg isapprunning:".$hash->{helper}{$name}{'packages'}." adb getprop:noArg screen_state:noArg currentapp:noArg"; } return undef; } sub FireTV_Set($@) { my ($hash, @param) = @_; return '"set FireTV" needs at least one argument' if (int(@param) < 2); my $name = shift @param; my $opt = shift @param; my $value = join(" ", @param); my $response = undef; if($opt =~ /^(appstart|appstop|apptoggle|button|screen|window|search|text|upload|uploadandview|view|deletefile|install|adb|screenshot)$/) { # $opt that need an adb-connection if(FireTV_connect($hash)) { # update screen_state reading FireTV_screen_state($hash); if($opt eq 'appstart') { $response = FireTV_app($hash, $value, 'start'); } elsif($opt eq 'appstop') { $response = FireTV_app($hash, $value, 'stop'); } elsif($opt eq 'apptoggle') { if(FireTV_is_app_running($hash, $value)) { $response = FireTV_app($hash, $value, 'stop'); } else { $response = FireTV_app($hash, $value, 'start'); } } elsif($opt eq 'button') { if($value eq 'up') { $response = FireTV_up($hash); } elsif($value eq 'down') { $response = FireTV_down($hash); } elsif($value eq 'left') { $response = FireTV_left($hash); } elsif($value eq 'right') { $response = FireTV_right($hash); } elsif($value eq 'enter') { $response = FireTV_enter($hash); } elsif($value eq 'back') { $response = FireTV_back($hash); } elsif($value eq 'home') { $response = FireTV_home($hash); } elsif($value eq 'menu') { $response = FireTV_menu($hash); } elsif($value eq 'prev') { $response = FireTV_playpause($hash); } elsif($value eq 'playpause') { $response = FireTV_enter($hash); } elsif($value eq 'next') { $response = FireTV_next($hash); } } elsif($opt eq 'screen') { if($value eq 'wakeup') { $response = FireTV_wakeup($hash); } elsif($value eq 'toggle') { $response = FireTV_power($hash); } elsif($value eq 'sleep') { $response = FireTV_sleep($hash); } } elsif($opt eq 'screenshot') { # check if an internal timer is already running my $pid=0; if(exists($hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'screenshot'}{RUNNING_PID})) { $pid = $hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'screenshot'}{RUNNING_PID}; if($pid && !kill 0, $pid) { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Set screenshot: killing blockingcall $pid"; delete($hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'screenshot'}{RUNNING_PID}); $pid=0; } } if(!$pid) { $hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'screenshot'}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall('FireTV_screenshot', $name, 'FireTV_screenshot_ok', 300, 'FireTV_screenshot_error', $name); return undef; } else { return "screenshot already running ($pid)"; } } elsif($opt eq 'window') { if($value eq 'settings') { $response = FireTV_settings($hash); } elsif($value eq 'appsettings') { $response = FireTV_appsettings($hash); } elsif($value eq 'fotos') { $response = FireTV_app($hash, 'com.amazon.bueller.photos', 'start'); } elsif($value eq 'music') { $response = FireTV_app($hash, 'com.amazon.bueller.music', 'start'); } } elsif($opt eq 'search') { $response = FireTV_search($hash, $value); } elsif($opt eq 'searchonly') { $response = FireTV_search_only($hash, $value); } elsif($opt eq 'text') { $response = FireTV_text($hash, $value); } elsif($opt eq 'upload') { my ($remotefile,$contenttype) = split(":", FireTV_uploadfile($hash, $value)); if($remotefile) { $response = "$remotefile:$contenttype"; # internal timer to delete the uploaded file if(defined($attr{$name}{uploaddeleteafter}) && $attr{$name}{uploaddeleteafter} >= 0) { # check if an internal timer is already running my $pid=0; if(exists($hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'deletefile_'.$remotefile}{RUNNING_PID})) { $pid = $hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'deletefile_'.$remotefile}{RUNNING_PID}; if($pid && !kill 0, $pid) { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Set upload: killing blockingcall $pid"; delete($hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'deletefile_'.$remotefile}{RUNNING_PID}); $pid=0; } } if(!$pid) { my $param = "$name|$remotefile|".$attr{$name}{uploaddeleteafter}; Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Set upload: starting blockingcall to delete remotefile $remotefile in ".$attr{$name}{uploaddeleteafter}." seconds"; $hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'deletefile_'.$remotefile}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall('FireTV_deletefile_blocking', $param, 'FireTV_deletefile_blocking_ok', $attr{$name}{uploaddeleteafter}+30, 'FireTV_deletefile_blocking_error', $param); } else { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Set upload: blockingcall to delete remotefile $remotefile already running ($pid)"; } } } else { return "error while uploading localfile $value"; } } elsif($opt eq 'view') { my ($remotefile,$contenttype) = split(/\ |:/, $value); if(! $contenttype) { return "please specifiy the files contenttype, e.g: $remotefile image/png" } if(FireTV_wakeup($hash)) { $response = FireTV_view($hash, $remotefile, $contenttype); } } elsif($opt eq 'uploadandview') { my ($remotefile,$contenttype) = split(":", FireTV_uploadfile($hash, $value)); if($remotefile) { if(FireTV_wakeup($hash)) { $response = FireTV_view($hash, $remotefile, $contenttype); } # internal timer to delete the uploaded file if(defined($attr{$name}{upviewdeleteafter}) && $attr{$name}{upviewdeleteafter} >= 0) { my $pid=0; if(exists($hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'deletefile_'.$remotefile}{RUNNING_PID})) { $pid = $hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'deletefile_'.$remotefile}{RUNNING_PID}; if($pid && !kill 0, $pid) { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Set uploadandview: killing blockingcall $pid"; delete($hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'deletefile_'.$remotefile}{RUNNING_PID}); $pid=0; } } if(!$pid) { my $param = "$name|$remotefile|".$attr{$name}{upviewdeleteafter}; Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Set uploadandview: starting blockingcall to delete remotefile $remotefile in ".$attr{$name}{upviewdeleteafter}." seconds"; $hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'deletefile_'.$remotefile}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall('FireTV_deletefile_blocking', $param, 'FireTV_deletefile_blocking_ok', $attr{$name}{upviewdeleteafter}+30, 'FireTV_deletefile_blocking_error', $param); } else { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Set uploadandview: blockingcall to delete remotefile $remotefile already running ($pid)"; } } } else { return "error while uploading localfile $value"; } } elsif($opt eq 'deletefile') { return FireTV_deletefile($hash, $value); } elsif($opt eq 'install') { # implemented as blocking call # there should be no need to implement this nonblocking, since apk installation is usually something you oversee $response = FireTV_adb($hash, "install -r $value"); } elsif($opt eq 'adb') { $response = FireTV_adb($hash, $value); } } else { $response = "error: Couldn't connect to FireTV ".$hash->{NAME}." (".$hash->{IP}.")"; } } elsif($opt =~ /^(connect|disconnect|statusRequest)$/) { if($opt eq 'connect') { $response = FireTV_connect($hash); } elsif($opt eq 'disconnect') { $response = FireTV_connect($hash, 'disconnect'); # PRESENCE } elsif($opt eq 'statusRequest' && $hash->{helper}{$name}{'PRESENCE_loaded'}) { if($hash->{MODE} ne "lan-bluetooth") { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Attr: starting local scan"; return PRESENCE_StartLocalScan($hash, 1); } else { if(exists($hash->{FD})) { DevIo_SimpleWrite($hash, "now\n", 2); } else { return "FireTV_Attr Definition '$name' is not connected to ".$hash->{DeviceName}; } } } } else { my $packages = $hash->{helper}{$name}{'packages'} || ''; my @buttons = sort(qw(up down left right enter back home menu prev playpause next)); my @keys = sort(qw(KEYCODE_DPAD_UP KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT KEYCODE_BACK KEYCODE_HOME KEYCODE_MENU KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE KEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD KEYCODE_WAKEUP KEYCODE_POWER)); my @windows = sort(qw(appsettings settings fotos music)); my @presence; if($hash->{helper}{$name}{'PRESENCE_loaded'}) { push @presence, 'statusRequest:noArg'; } return "Unknown argument $opt choose one of " ."appstart:".$packages." appstop:".$packages." apptoggle:".$packages." " ."connect:noArg disconnect:noArg screen:sleep,toggle,wakeup screenshot:noArg " ."search searchonly text upload uploadandview view deletefile install adb " ."key:".join(',', @keys)." " ."button:".join(',', @buttons)." " ."window:".join(',', @windows)." " .join(',', @presence)." "; } if(!$response) { $response = "error: ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{'lastadbresponse'}; } return $response eq "1"?undef:$response; } sub FireTV_Attr(@) { my ($cmd,$name,$attr_name,$attr_value) = @_; my $hash = $defs{$name}; if($cmd eq "set") { my $err; if($attr_name eq "holdconnection") { if($attr_value !~ /^yes|no$/) { $err = "Invalid argument $attr_value to $attr_name. Must be yes or no."; } } elsif($attr_name =~ /^upviewdeleteafter|uploaddeleteafter$/) { if($attr_value !~ /^\d*$/) { $err = "Invalid argument $attr_value to $attr_name. Must be a valid integer number."; } } elsif($attr_name eq "screenshotpath") { my $basename = $attr_value; if(-d $basename ) { if($basename !~ /\/$/) { $basename .= '/'; } } else { $basename =~ s|(.*/).*|$1|; } if(! -w $basename) { $err = "$basename is not writeable"; } } elsif($attr_name =~ "/^(absenceThreshold|presenceThreshold|ping_count)$/") { if($attr_value !~ /^\d+$/) { $err = "$attr_name must be a valid integer number"; } if($hash->{MODE} eq "event") { $err = "$attr_name is not applicable for mode 'event'"; } } elsif($attr_name =~ "/^(absenceTimeout|presenceTimeout)$/") { if($attr_value !~ /^\d?\d(?::\d\d){0,2}$/) { $err = "$attr_value is not a valid time frame value. See commandref on PRESENCE for the correct syntax" ; } if($hash->{MODE} ne "event") { $err = "$attr_name is only applicable for mode 'event'"; } } elsif($attr_name eq "disable") { if($attr_value) { $hash->{STATE} = 'disabled'; RemoveInternalTimer($hash); } else { $hash->{STATE} = 'defined'; FireTV_ReadDeviceInfo($hash); PRESENCE_StartLocalScan($hash, 1); } readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $hash->{STATE}, 1); } if($err) { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_Attr ERROR: $err"; return $err; } } elsif($cmd eq "del") { if($attr_name eq "disable") { $hash->{STATE} = 'defined'; FireTV_ReadDeviceInfo($hash); PRESENCE_StartLocalScan($hash, 1); readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state", $hash->{STATE}, 1); } } return undef; } sub FireTV_Notify($$) { my ($hash,$dev) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $dev_name = $dev->{NAME}; return undef if(!defined($hash) or !defined($dev)); return undef if(!defined($dev_name) or !defined($name)); my $events = deviceEvents($dev,0); if($hash->{helper}{$name}{'PRESENCE_loaded'}) { # reread packages on state change from absent to present if($dev_name eq $name) { foreach my $event (@{$events}) { if($event eq 'present' && OldValue($name) eq 'absent') { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Notify: changed state from absent to present; reread packages"; FireTV_Get($hash, $name, 'packages'); Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_Notify: changed state from absent to present; reread device info"; FireTV_ReadDeviceInfo($hash); } } } else { return PRESENCE_Notify($hash, $dev); } } return; } # wrapper for the adb command sub FireTV_adb($$) { my $hash = shift; my $cmd = shift; if(ref $hash ne 'HASH' ) { $hash = $defs{$hash}; } my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $ip = $hash->{IP}; # connect if not connected # don't rely on that! # always call FireTV_connect before issuing commands, to make sure that # an old/broken connection is reset first if($cmd !~ /^(?:dis)?connect/) { if(!$hash->{adbconnected}) { FireTV_connect($hash); } } if($hash->{adbconnected} || $cmd =~ /^connect/ ) { my $deviceid = "-s ".$hash->{IP}.":".$hash->{PORT}; if($cmd =~ /^connect/) { $deviceid=''; } $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbcmd} = $hash->{ADB}." $deviceid $cmd"; Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_adb command: ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbcmd}; # execute command $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse} = `$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbcmd} 2>&1` || ''; # check if adb server needs a restart if($hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse} =~ /cannot bind '.*?:5037'/) { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_adb response: ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}; Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_adb: restarting adb server and repeating last command"; system($hash->{ADB}." kill-server"); system($hash->{ADB}." start-server"); system($hash->{ADB}." connect ".$hash->{IP}.":".$hash->{PORT}); $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse} = `$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbcmd} 2>&1` || ''; } $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse} =~ s/^\s*//sg; $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse} =~ s/\s*$//sg; Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_adb response: ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse} if $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}; return 1; } else { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_adb not connected: ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}; } return undef; } # connect/disconnect adb to your device sub FireTV_connect($;$) { my $hash = shift; my $action = shift || 'connect'; if(ref $hash ne 'HASH' ) { $hash = $defs{$hash}; } my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $ip = $hash->{IP}; # if marked as connected, disconnect first if($action eq 'connect' && $hash->{adbconnected}) { if(!defined($attr{$name}{holdconnection}) || $attr{$name}{holdconnection} ne 'yes') { system($hash->{ADB}." disconnect ".$hash->{IP}.":".$hash->{PORT}); # FireTV_adb($hash, "disconnect $ip"); } else { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_connect: no disconnect because of holdconnection yes"; } } # connect/disconnect if(FireTV_adb($hash, "$action $ip")) { if($action eq 'disconnect') { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_connect (disconnect): ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}; $hash->{adbconnected} = 0; return 1; } elsif($action eq 'connect' && $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse} =~ 'unable to connect') { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_connect (connect): ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}; $hash->{adbconnected} = 0; } else { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_connect (connect): ".$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}; $hash->{adbconnected} = 1; } return $hash->{adbconnected}; } return undef; } # send a single keyevent sub FireTV_key($$) { my $hash = shift; my $key = shift; return FireTV_adb($hash, "shell input keyevent $key"); } # send a text sub FireTV_text($;$) { my $hash = shift; my $text = shift; $text =~ s/ /%s/g; return FireTV_adb($hash, "shell input text $text"); } # fire remote buttons sub FireTV_up($) { return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_DPAD_UP"); } sub FireTV_down($) { return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN"); } sub FireTV_left($) { return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT"); } sub FireTV_enter($) { return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER"); } sub FireTV_right($) { return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT"); } sub FireTV_back($) { return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_BACK"); } sub FireTV_home($) { return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_HOME"); } sub FireTV_menu($) { return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_MENU"); } sub FireTV_prev($) { return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS"); } sub FireTV_playpause($) { return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE"); } sub FireTV_next($) { return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD"); } sub FireTV_wakeup($) { # wakeup from daydream return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_WAKEUP"); } sub FireTV_power($) { # press power button -> go to sleep or wakeup return FireTV_key(shift, "KEYCODE_POWER"); } sub FireTV_sleep($) { my $hash = shift; if(FireTV_key($hash, "KEYCODE_WAKEUP")) { usleep(10000); return FireTV_key($hash, "KEYCODE_POWER"); } return undef; } # inspired by https://github.com/happyleavesaoc/python-firetv sub FireTV_dumpsys($$) { my $hash = shift; my $service = shift; if(ref $hash ne 'HASH' ) { $hash = $defs{$hash}; } my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if(FireTV_adb($hash, "shell dumpsys $service")) { return $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}; } return; } sub FireTV_dumpsys_has($$$) { my $hash = shift; my $service = shift; my $regex = shift; my $dump = FireTV_dumpsys($hash, $service); return $dump =~ $regex; } sub FireTV_currentFocus($) { my $hash = shift; my $dump = FireTV_dumpsys($hash, "window windows"); if($dump =~ /mCurrentFocus=Window\{.*?\s.*?\s(.*?)\}/) { return $1; } return; } sub FireTV_screen_state($) { my $hash = shift; my $screen_state; if(! FireTV_dumpsys_has($hash, 'power', 'Display Power: state=ON')) { $screen_state = 'off'; } elsif(! FireTV_dumpsys_has($hash, 'power', 'mWakefulness=Awake')) { if(FireTV_currentFocus($hash) =~ /^dream$/) { $screen_state = 'daydream'; } else { $screen_state = 'idle'; } } elsif(FireTV_currentFocus($hash) =~ /^com.amazon.tv.launcher/) { $screen_state = 'standby' } elsif(! FireTV_dumpsys_has($hash, 'power', 'Locks: size=0')) { $screen_state = 'playing' } else { $screen_state = 'paused' } readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "screen_state", $screen_state, 1); return $screen_state; } # complex actions # navigate to global search, enter some text and navigate to the first result sub FireTV_search($$) { my $hash = shift; my $text = shift; if($text) { if(FireTV_search_only($hash,$text) && FireTV_down($hash) && FireTV_enter($hash)) { return 1; } } return undef; } sub FireTV_search_only($$) { my $hash = shift; my $text = shift; if(ref $hash ne 'HASH' ) { $hash = $defs{$hash}; } my $osversion = 0; if($hash->{OSVERSION} =~ /\((\d+)\)/ ) { $osversion = $1; } if(FireTV_wakeup($hash)) { usleep(5000); FireTV_home($hash); usleep(5000); FireTV_home($hash); # we're on the homescreen now if($osversion && $osversion < 573210520) { # search is 'up' on older ui versions FireTV_up($hash); usleep(200); } else { # ...and 'left' on newer builds FireTV_left($hash); usleep(200); } if(FireTV_enter($hash)) { usleep(200); if($text) { # input searchtext if(FireTV_text($hash,$text)) { return FireTV_next($hash); } } } } return undef; } # navigate to system settings sub FireTV_settings($) { my $hash = shift; if(FireTV_wakeup($hash)) { usleep(10000); return FireTV_adb($hash, "shell am start -n com.amazon.tv.launcher/.ui.SettingsActivity"); } return undef; } # navigate to system settings -> installed apps sub FireTV_appsettings($) { my $hash = shift; if(FireTV_wakeup($hash)) { usleep(10000); return FireTV_adb($hash, "shell am start -n com.amazon.tv.settings/.tv.AllApplicationsSettingsActivity"); } return undef; } sub FireTV_app($$;$) { my $hash = shift; my $app = shift; my $action = shift || 'start'; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if(FireTV_wakeup($hash)) { if($action eq 'start') { my $response; # try LEANBACK_LAUNCHER intent Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_app: trying LEANBACK_LAUNCHER for $app"; if(FireTV_adb($hash, "shell monkey -p $app -c android.intent.category.LEANBACK_LAUNCHER 1")) { $response = $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}; if($response !~ /No activities found to run, monkey aborted/i) { return $app.' started'; } } # try LAUNCHER intent Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_app: trying LAUNCHER for $app"; if(FireTV_adb($hash, "shell monkey -p $app -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1")) { $response = $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}; if($response !~ /No activities found to run, monkey aborted/i) { return $app.' started'; } } Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_app: couldn't start $app"; return "error: ".$response; } elsif($action eq 'stop') { if(FireTV_adb($hash, "shell am force-stop $app")) { return $app.' stopped'; } } } return undef; } sub FireTV_is_app_running($$) { my $hash = shift; my $app = shift; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if(FireTV_adb($hash, 'shell ps|grep '.$app)) { my $adb = $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}; if($adb =~ /(.+?)\s+(\d+)\s+.*$app/) { my $pid = $2; return $pid; } return 0; } return undef; } sub FireTV_rndnam($) { return shift .chr(97+rand(24)) .chr(97+rand(24)) .chr(97+rand(24)) .chr(97+rand(24)) .chr(97+rand(24)) .chr(97+rand(24)) .int(rand(8999)+1000); } sub FireTV_tempfile($;$$$) { my $hash = shift; my $prefix = shift || '/sdcard/'; my $suffix = shift || ''; my $maxtries = shift || 5000; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $c=0; my $tempfile = FireTV_rndnam($prefix).$suffix; until(FireTV_adb($hash, "shell ls $tempfile") && $hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse} =~ /no such file or directory/i) { $tempfile = FireTV_rndnam($prefix).$suffix; return undef if($hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse} =~ /device is offline/i); return undef if(++$c>$maxtries); } if(! FireTV_adb($hash, "shell touch $tempfile")) { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_tempfile: couldn't touch tempfile ".$tempfile; } Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_tempfile tempfile: ".$tempfile; return $tempfile; } sub FireTV_localtempfile($;$$$) { my $hash = shift; my $prefix = shift || tempdir( CLEANUP=>1 ); my $suffix = shift || ''; my $maxtries = shift || 5000; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if($prefix !~ /\/$/) { $prefix .= '/'; } my $c=0; my $tempfile = FireTV_rndnam($prefix).$suffix; until(! -e $tempfile) { $tempfile = FireTV_rndnam($prefix).$suffix; return undef if(++$c>$maxtries); } if(open my $fh, ">>", $tempfile) { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_localtempfile tempfile: ".$tempfile; close $fh; return $tempfile; } return undef; } sub FireTV_screenshot($) { my $hash = shift; if(ref $hash ne 'HASH' ) { $hash = $defs{$hash}; } my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if(FireTV_connect($hash)) { if(FireTV_wakeup($hash)) { my $remote_tempfile = FireTV_tempfile($hash, '/sdcard/screenshot'); if(FireTV_adb($hash, "shell screencap -p $remote_tempfile")) { my $localfile; if(!defined($attr{$name}{screenshotpath})) { my ($fh, $localfile) = tempfile(); } elsif(-d $attr{$name}{screenshotpath}) { $localfile = FireTV_localtempfile($hash, $attr{$name}{screenshotpath}, '.png') } else { $localfile = $attr{$name}{screenshotpath}; } if($localfile) { FireTV_adb($hash, "pull $remote_tempfile $localfile"); if(! -e $localfile) { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_screenshot: couldn't pull to localfile $localfile (".$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}.")"; } } else { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_screenshot: couldn't create localfile (".$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}.")"; } if(! FireTV_adb($hash, "shell rm $remote_tempfile")) { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_screenshot: couldn't delete remote tempfile $remote_tempfile"; } return "$name|$localfile"; } } } return undef; } sub FireTV_deletefile($$) { my $hash = shift; my $remotefile = shift; if(ref $hash ne 'HASH' ) { $hash = $defs{$hash}; } my $name = $hash->{NAME}; # only allow to delete files that this device has uploaded # uploaded files are memorized in internalval uploadedfiles $remotefile =~ s/:.*//; my @uploadedfiles = split(/,\ */, $hash->{uploadedfiles}); if(grep {$_ =~ /^$remotefile:/ } @uploadedfiles) { @uploadedfiles = grep { $_ !~ /^$remotefile:/ } @uploadedfiles; $hash->{uploadedfiles} = join ', ', @uploadedfiles; my $response = FireTV_adb($hash, "shell rm $remotefile"); Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_deletefile: deletefile $remotefile: $response"; return $response; } else { if($remotefile eq '--all') { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_deletefile: deletefile --all"; if(@uploadedfiles > 0) { my @deleted; foreach my $ufile (@uploadedfiles) { my ($file, $type) = split(/:/, $ufile); if(FireTV_adb($hash, "shell rm $file")) { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_deletefile: deleted file $file"; my @u = split(/,\ */, $hash->{uploadedfiles}); @u = grep { $_ !~ /^$file:/ } @u; $hash->{uploadedfiles} = join ', ', @u; push @deleted, $file; } } return "deleted all uploaded files: ".join("\n", @deleted); } else { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_deletefile: no uploaded files to delete"; return "no uploaded files to delete"; } } return "$remotefile wasn't uploaded by this device, so I reject deleting it"; } } sub FireTV_deletefile_blocking($) { my @param = split(/\|/, shift); my $name = $param[0]; my $remotefile = $param[1]; my $delay = $param[2] || 0; my $hash = $defs{$name}; if($remotefile ne '--all') { sleep($delay); return "$name|$remotefile|".FireTV_deletefile($hash, $remotefile); } else { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_deletefile_blocking: --all is not allowed here"; } } sub FireTV_deletefile_blocking_ok($) { my @param = split(/\|/, shift); my $name = $param[0]; my $remotefile = $param[1]; my $response = $param[2]; my $hash = $defs{$name}; Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_deletefile_blocking_ok: $response"; # delete the file from uploadedfiles # FireTV_deletefile does this, but it's lost in the fork my @uploadedfiles = split(/,\ */, $hash->{uploadedfiles}); @uploadedfiles = grep { $_ !~ /^$remotefile:/ } @uploadedfiles; $hash->{uploadedfiles} = join ', ', @uploadedfiles; delete($hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'deletefile_'.$remotefile}{RUNNING_PID}); } sub FireTV_deletefile_blocking_error($) { my @param = split(/\|/, shift); my $name = $param[0]; my $remotefile = $param[1]; my $delay = $param[2] || 0; my $hash = $defs{$name}; Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_deletefile_blocking_error: $name"; delete($hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'deletefile_'.$remotefile}{RUNNING_PID}); } sub FireTV_screenshot_ok($) { my @param = split(/\|/, shift); my $name = $param[0]; my $localfile = $param[1]; my $hash = $defs{$name}; if(-r $localfile && -s $localfile) { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_screenshot_ok: $localfile"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "screenshot", $localfile, 1); } else { readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "screenshot", '', 1); my $details = ''; if(!-e $localfile) { $details = 'file does not exist'; } elsif(!-r $localfile) { $details = 'file ist not readable'; } elsif(!-s $localfile) { $details = 'file ist zero sized'; } Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_screenshot_ok: something went wrong when saving $localfile for $name ($details)"; } delete($hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'screenshot'}{RUNNING_PID}); } sub FireTV_screenshot_error($) { my $name = shift; my $hash = $defs{$name}; Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_screenshot_error: $name"; readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "screenshot", '', 1); delete($hash->{helper}{$name}{'blockingcall'}{'screenshot'}{RUNNING_PID}); } sub FireTV_uploadfile($$;$$) { my $hash = shift; if(ref $hash ne 'HASH' ) { $hash = $defs{$hash}; } my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $localfile = shift; my $remotefile = shift || FireTV_tempfile($hash); my $contenttype = shift; if(! -r $localfile) { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_uploadfile: can't read localfile $localfile"; return; } if(FireTV_adb($hash, "push $localfile $remotefile")) { # logic to guess the content-type needs File::MimeInfo # content-type is needed for FireTV_view if(! $contenttype) { eval 'use File::MimeInfo "mimetype";1'; if($@) { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_uploadfile: please install File::MimeInfo to automatically guess the content-type of uploaded files"; } else { $contenttype = mimetype($localfile); } } # memorize uploaded files in internalval uploadedfiles my @uploadedfiles = split(/,\ */, $hash->{uploadedfiles}); push @uploadedfiles, "$remotefile:$contenttype"; $hash->{uploadedfiles} = join ', ', @uploadedfiles; return "$remotefile:$contenttype"; } else { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_uploadfile: couldn't upload localfile $localfile to remotefile $remotefile (".$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}.")"; } return undef; } sub FireTV_view($$$) { my $hash = shift; if(ref $hash ne 'HASH' ) { $hash = $defs{$hash}; } my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $remotefile = shift; my $contenttype = shift; if($contenttype eq 'load') { # download the file to guess it's contenttype - ugly! my $localfile = FireTV_localtempfile($hash); if(FireTV_adb($hash, "pull $remotefile $localfile")) { # logic to guess the content-type needs File::MimeInfo eval 'use File::MimeInfo "mimetype";1'; if($@) { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_view: please install File::MimeInfo to automatically guess the files content-type"; } else { $contenttype = mimetype($localfile); } unlink $localfile; } else { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_view: couldn't download remotefile $remotefile to localfile $localfile (".$hash->{helper}{$name}{lastadbresponse}.")"; } } if(! $contenttype) { Log3 $name, 3, "[$name] FireTV_view: please specify the files content-type"; return; } return FireTV_adb($hash, "shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d file://$remotefile -t $contenttype"); } # define FIRETV_REMOTE weblink htmlCode { FireTV_Remote('FIRETV', 'it_remote', 1) } sub FireTV_Remote($;$$$) { my $hash = shift; my $remoteicon = shift || 'it_remote'; my $collapsible = shift || 0; my $devicelink = shift; if(ref $hash ne 'HASH' ) { $hash = $defs{$hash}; } my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if($hash->{TYPE} ne 'FireTV') { return "$name is not of type FireTV"; } if(defined($devicelink)){ if($devicelink eq "0") { $devicelink=""; } else { $devicelink="$devicelink"; } } else { $devicelink="Remote for ".AttrVal($name, 'alias', $name).""; } my $btncmd = "FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd.$name=set $name button "; my $remotehtml = AttrVal($name, 'remotehtml', undef); if($remotehtml && $remotehtml =~ m/^\s*{.*}\s*$/) { $remotehtml = eval $remotehtml; } # example for remotehtml # replace FIRETV (sub name and $name) with your devices name # { # my $name = 'FIRETV'; # my $cmd = "FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd.$name=set $name "; # # return "
# # ".FW_makeImage("kodi", "Kodi", "rc-button")." # ".FW_makeImage("spotify", "Spotify", "rc-button")." # ".FW_makeImage("twitch", "twitch", "rc-button")." # # # ".FW_makeImage("rc_TV\@red", "sleep", "rc-button")." # ".FW_makeImage("rc_TV", "wakeup", "rc-button")." # ".FW_makeImage("rc_SETUP", "settings", "rc-button")." # # # ".FW_makeImage("upload", "upload", "rc-button")." # ".FW_makeImage("upload\@red", "upload", "rc-button")." # ".FW_makeImage("trash", "delete all", "rc-button")." # # # ".FW_makeImage("image", "screenshot", "rc-button")." # ".FW_makeImage("music", "music", "rc-button")." # ".FW_makeImage("robot2", "hasta la vista", "rc-button")." # "; # } my $icon=''; my $style=''; if($collapsible) { $icon = "" .FW_makeImage($remoteicon, "expand/collapse", "rc-button").""; $style = "style='display:none'"; } else { $icon = FW_makeImage($remoteicon, "Remote", "rc-button"); } my $html = ""; return $html; } sub FireTV_SetTimer($;$) { my ($hash, $start) = @_; my $nextTrigger; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $now = gettimeofday(); $start = 0 if (!$start); my $interval = AttrVal($name, 'interval', 0); if($interval) { if ($hash->{TimeAlign}) { my $count = int(($now - $hash->{TimeAlign} + $start) / $interval); my $curCycle = $hash->{TimeAlign} + $count * $interval; $nextTrigger = $curCycle + $interval; } else { $nextTrigger = $now + ($start ? $start : $interval); } $hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = $nextTrigger; $hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT} = FmtDateTime($nextTrigger); RemoveInternalTimer("update:$name"); Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_SetTimer: set InternalTimer"; InternalTimer($nextTrigger, "FireTV_FetchStatus", "$name", 0); } else { $hash->{TRIGGERTIME} = 0; $hash->{TRIGGERTIME_FMT} = ""; } } sub FireTV_FetchStatus($) { my $hash = shift; if(ref $hash ne 'HASH' ) { $hash = $defs{$hash}; } my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if($hash->{STATE} eq 'absent' ) { Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_FetchStatus: Device is absent. Skipping"; } elsif(!IsDisabled($name) && (!defined($attr{$name}{disabled}) || $attr{$name}{disabled} ne 'yes')) { $hash->{BUSY} = 1; $hash->{LASTSEND} = gettimeofday(); Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_FetchStatus: starting FireTV_screen_state"; FireTV_screen_state($hash); $hash->{BUSY} = 0; } else { $hash->{STATE} = 'disabled'; Log3 $name, 4, "[$name] FireTV_FetchStatus: Device is disabled. Skipping"; } FireTV_SetTimer($hash); } 1; =pod =begin html


    FireTV is used to remote control a Amazon FireTV device. It is not able to read the currently playing music/movie or other status information, but sending commands to the device. A working copy of adb is needed.

    • Activate adb debugging in your fire tv (see here)
    • Get adb for your fhem-server. Depending on your system, you have several options:
    • uses the perl module File::MimeInfo for some tasks. Installs via apt-get install libfile-mimeinfo-perl on some systems
    • uses 73_PRESENCE.pm by Markus Bloch for presence-detection (included in Fhem by default)


      or, if 73_PRESENCE.pm is not available:

      define <name> FireTV <IP> [<ADB_PATH>]

      Example: define FIRETV FireTV /usr/local/bin/adb

      HOST is the ip-address or hostname of your FireTV-device
      PORT is the port where adb listens on the FireTV-device. It shouldn't be necessary to ever set this parameter. Default: 5555
      sudo the keyword sudo ensures that adb is called using sudo. You need to add an entry for your fhem-user to call adb without password in /etc/sudoers ADB_PATH is the full path to your adb-binary. Default: /usr/bin/adb
      PRESENCE_TIMEOUT_ABSENT timeout (in seconds) to the next presence check if the device is absent. Default: 30
      PRESENCE_TIMEOUT_PRESENT timeout (in seconds) to the next presence check if the device is present. Default: <PRESENCE_TIMEOUT_ABSENT>
      PRESENCE_MODE mode for the presence check, see PRESENCE. Default: lan-ping
      PRESENCE_ADRESS address for the presence check, see PRESENCE. Default: <IP>

      • adb <COMMAND>
        Execute an adb command on your firetv and return it's response. Try adb help.
      • currentapp
        Returns the package name off the currently active app
      • isapprunning <PACKAGE>
        Returns the PID of a running app, or 0 if not running
      • getprop
        Returns all of fires system properties
      • packages
        Reads the list of installed packages on your firetv and stores it internally. get packages is called automatically when the device changes state from absent to present to populate the select-boxes for some other commands (e.g. appstart) in FHEMWEB
      • screen_state
        Returns the current screen status. May be one off: off, idle, daydream, standby, playing, paused
      • adb <COMMAND>
        Execute an adb command on your firetv. If you need to see the devices response use the get version of this command instead.
      • appstart <PACKAGE>
        Start an app on your firetv. You may read names of installed packages via get packages (see above)
      • appstop <PACKAGE>
        Stop an app on your firetv
      • apptoggle <PACKAGE>
        Start/stop an app on your firetv. Start if not running, stop otherwise
      • button <BUTTON>
        Send a button-press to your firetv. Possible buttons (in order of appearance on a standard fire remote): up, left, ok, right, down, back, home, menu, prev, playpause, next
      • connect
        Connect adb to your firetv. This is done automatically by all defined set/get-commands
      • deletefile <PATH>
        Delete a file on your firetv. This command is restricted to files, that where uploaded vie upload/uploadandview (see below)
      • disconnect
        Disconnect adb from your firetv
      • install <APK>
        Install ("sideload") an apk-file on your firetv. APK is a local path on your fhem-server. install is implemented as a blocking call, don't use it in scripts
      • key <KEYCODE>
      • screen <wakeup|toggle|sleep>
        Set screen to wake up or sleep or toggle between these states
      • screenshot
        Take a screenshot and download it to a local tempfile on your fhem-server. Since it may take some seconds to produce a screenshot, this function is implemented nonblocking (iow: no direct feedback). The path to the local tempfile is saved in a reading "screenshot" and may be set by the attribute "screenshotpath". Screenshots taken while playing a movie/tv-show/etc from amazons library are in general just black. On error the reading "screenshot" is emptied
      • search <TEXT>
        Navigate to the search-menu on your firetv, enter text and navigate to the first result
      • searchonly <TEXT>
        Navigate to the search-menu on your firetv and enter text
      • statusRequest
        Schedules an immediate presence-check
      • text <TEXT>
        Send text to your firetv
      • uploadandview <PATH:CONTENTTYPE>
        Upload a file to your firetv and view it on screen. The view action is dependend on an arbitrary installed app that handles CONTENTTYPE and is not limited to images. You may omit CONTENTTYPE if you have the perl module File::MimeInfo installed on your system. Such files may be automatically deleted when the attribute upviewdeleteafter is set (see below)
      • upload <PATH>
        Upload a file to your firetv. Such files may be automatically deleted when the attribute uploaddeleteafter is set (see below)
      • view <PATH:CONTENTTYPE>
        View a file on your firetv. The view action is dependend on an arbitrary installed app that handles CONTENTTYPE and is not limited to images. If you have the perl module File::MimeInfo installed on your system, you may replace CONTENTTYPE whith the keyword load: The file will be downloaded to your fhem-server prior viewing it on screen, then (which may take some time and is generally speaking inefficient).
      • window <appsetting|fotos|music|settings>
        Activate a named window of the firetv menu.

      • interval <SECONDS>
        Setting interval to a number greater than 0 activates a cyclic refresh of screen_state every interval seconds
      • holdconnection yes|no
        "yes" to keep the adb connection open or "no" to close it after every command. Default: no
      • remotehtml <HTML>
        HTML to add to the output of FireTV_Remote() (see below)
      • screenshotpath <PATH>
        If screenshotpath is set to a filename, every new screenshot (see set screenshot) will overwrite that file. If set to a directory, a random file will be created in that directory. If not set, a random file is created in your systems tempdirectory. Default: not set
      • uploaddeleteafter <SECONDS>
        Files uploaded via set upload are deleted after SECONDS when set to a positve integer number. Default: not set
      • upviewdeleteafter <SECONDS>
        Files uploaded via set uploadandview are deleted after SECONDS when set to a positve integer number. Default: not set
      Inherited from PRESENCE:
      • absenceThreshold
      • absenceTimeout
      • disable
      • ping_count
      • presenceThreshold
      • presenceTimeout

    Values of STATE
      • active
        devicestatus is unknown, but a check is running (checked via 73_PRESENCE)
      • absent
        device is absent (checked via 73_PRESENCE)
      • defined
        device is defined
      • disabled
        presence-check is disabled, all other functions may still work
      • present
        device is present (checked via 73_PRESENCE)

      The module provides an additional function FireTV_Remote() which returns html code for a graphic remote control usable in FHEMWEB. Just define a weblink device like:

      define FIRETV_REMOTE weblink htmlCode { FireTV_Remote('FIRETV') }
      define FIRETV_REMOTE weblink htmlCode { FireTV_Remote(DEVICE, ICON, COLLAPSIBLE, DEVICELINK) }

      • DEVICE: Devicename of your FireTV-Device
      • ICON: Icon to display in the upper left corner. Default: it_remote
      • COLLAPSIBLE: If set to a positive value (1), the remote is displayed collapsed and will expand after clicking it's icon. Default: not set
      • DEVICELINK: If not set, the Remote has a clickable title which links to the controlled device. If set to "0" it has no title. If set to any other value, that value will be used as clickable title. Default: not set

      The content of the attribute remotehtml is added at the end of FireTV_Remote() output. If the content is wrapped in curly brackets it is interpreted as perl-code. The output is structured in a three-column table-layout. Here is an example of how to add some additional buttons to the remote:
              my $device = 'FIRETV';
              my $cmd = "FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd.$device=set $device ";
              return "<tr><td colspan='3'><hr></td></tr>
                          <td><a onClick=\"$cmd appstart org.xbmc.kodi')\">".FW_makeImage("kodi", "Kodi", "rc-button")."</a></td>
                          <td><a onClick=\"$cmd appstart com.spotify.tv.android')\">".FW_makeImage("spotify", "Spotify", "rc-button")."</a></td>
                          <td><a onClick=\"$cmd appstart tv.twitch.android.viewer')\">".FW_makeImage("twitch", "twitch", "rc-button")."</a></td>
                          <td><a onClick=\"$cmd screen sleep')\">".FW_makeImage("rc_TV\@red", "sleep", "rc-button")."</a></td>
                          <td><a onClick=\"$cmd screen wakeup')\">".FW_makeImage("rc_TV", "wakeup", "rc-button")."</a></td>
                          <td><a onClick=\"$cmd window settings')\">".FW_makeImage("rc_SETUP", "settings", "rc-button")."</a></td>
=end html =cut