model izhikevich_tutorial_neuron: state: v mV = -65 mV # Membrane potential in mV # TODO: add new variable u with the type real # NESTML syntax for variables: variable_name type = initial_value equations: v' = (.04 * v * v / mV + 5 * v + (140 - u) * mV + (I_e * GOhm)) / ms # TODO: add an ODE for u parameters: a real = .02 # describes time scale of recovery variable # TODO: add remaining variables input: spikes <- spike I_e pA <- continuous output: spike update: integrate_odes() onReceive(spikes): # add synaptic current v += spikes * mV * s onCondition(v >= 30mV): # TODO: implement threshold crossing check # use an if-condition block. The NESTML syntax looks like: # if a >= b: # a += b # b = a # emit_spike()