import sys import argparse import re import os import netfoundry # # # blame(ken) # # bulk edit role attributes for Endpoints, Services, or Edge Routers # # python3 ./ endpoints \ # --credentials credentials.json \ # --attributes sandbox staging production \ # --network-name ZitiBastions \ # --include ".*laptop$" # print to stderr def eprint(*args, **kwargs): print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "resource_type", choices={"endpoints", "edge-routers", "services"}, help="type of resource to update" ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--attributes", nargs="+", required=True, help="space-sep list of hashtag role attributes e.g. '-a \#sandbox \#staging'" ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--network-id", default=None, help="the UUID of the NF network" ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--network-name", default=None, dest="network_name", help="the name of the NF network may contain quoted whitespace" ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--include", default=None, help="only invite names that match regex" ) parser.add_argument( "-e", "--exclude", default=None, help="do not invite names that match regex" ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action='store_true', default=False, help="print INFO level messages" ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--credentials", default=None, help="API account credentials JSON file" ) args = parser.parse_args() # use the session with some organization, default is to use the first and there's typically only one organization = netfoundry.Organization( credentials=args.credentials if 'credentials' in args else None, organization_label=args.organization if 'organization' in args else None, ) # use some Network Group, default is to use the first and there's typically only one network_group = netfoundry.NetworkGroup( organization, network_group_name=args.network_group if 'network_group' in args else None ) if args.network_name and args.network_id: raise Exception("ERROR: need one of network-name or network-id") elif args.network_name: network = netfoundry.Network(network_group, network_name=args.network_name) elif args.network_id: network = netfoundry.Network(network_group, network_id=args.network_id) else: raise Exception("ERROR: need one of network-name or network-id") if args.verbose: print('INFO: operating on network "{:s}"'.format( found_resources = network.get_resources(type=args.resource_type) attributes = list() # ensure all attributes begin with a # character for attr in args.attributes: if not re.match('^[#]', attr): attr = '#'+attr attributes.append(attr) for resource in found_resources: # skip unless included if args.include and not re.match(args.include, resource['name']): if args.verbose: print('INFO: excluded {r}'.format(r = resource['name'])) continue if args.exclude and re.match(args.exclude, resource['name']): if args.verbose: print('INFO: excluded {r}'.format(r = resource['name'])) continue resource['attributes'] = attributes network.patch_resource(resource) if args.verbose: print('INFO: updated {r} with {a}'.format(r = resource['name'], a = attributes))