#!/usr/bin/env bash # Markdown-wdiff -- format diff of Markdown files with decoration # Usage: # wdiff old.md new.md | markdown-format-wdiff # git diff --word-diff origin/master -- README.md docs/tutorial/README.md | markdown-format-wdiff # # Author: Jaeho Shin <netj@cs.stanford.edu> # Created: 2013-11-18 set -eu # word diff the given unified diff as input, and format it by hunks sed ' # format ins/del of words s|\[-|<del class="del">|g; s|-]|</del>|g s|{+|<ins class="ins">|g; s|+}|</ins>|g ' # attach a small stylesheet echo ' <style> .del,.ins{ display: inline-block; margin-left: 0.5ex; } .del { background-color: #fcc; } .ins{ background-color: #cfc; } </style> '