--- title: "Synapse Stats: Synapse Exploration on *Lin F0*" author: "JLP" date: '`r Sys.Date()`' output: html_document: fig_caption: yes fig_height: 5 fig_width: 5 highlight: pygments keep_md: yes number_sections: yes theme: cerulean toc: yes toc_depth: 3 pdf_document: fig_caption: yes keep_tex: yes number_sections: yes --- ```{r render, eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE} require(rmarkdown) rm(list=ls()); rmarkdown::render(grep("^SynapseExploration.Rmd", dir(), value=TRUE)) system('open SynapseExploration.html') system('say -r 200 Your R-script has completed') ``` ```{r setup,include=FALSE,results='asis',message=FALSE,warning=FALSE} ### Library calls here. require(Matrix) require(MASS) require(colorRamps) require(RColorBrewer) require(hexbin) require(corrplot) require(gplots) require(dplyr) require(reshape2) require(ggplot2) require(gridExtra) require(lattice) require(parallel) require(data.table) require(fpc) require(repr) require(mclust) require(doMC) require(rgl) require(rglwidget) require(deldir) source("./bic.r") source("./clusterFraction.r") source("./kmpp.r") #source("./getElbows.r") source("http://www.cis.jhu.edu/~parky/Synapse/getElbows.R") registerDoMC(6) library(rmarkdown) library(knitr) ``` ```{r knitr-setup, include=FALSE, results='asis'} ### The following options and figure numbering functions ### were setup by Youngser Park knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache=TRUE, autodep=TRUE) dep_auto() # figure out dependencies automatically opts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE, echo=TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.show='hold', comment="#", fig.path='../Figures/SynapseExploration_figure/', dpi=227,dev=c('png','pdf')) opts_knit$set(aliases = c(h = 'fig.height', w = 'fig.width', cap='fig.cap', scap='figscap')) opts_knit$set(eval.after = c('fig.cap','fig.scap')) knit_hooks$set(document = function(x) { gsub('(\\\\end\\{knitrout\\}[\n]+)', '\\1\\\\noindent ', x) } ) #opts_knit$set(animation.fun = hook_scianimator) knit_hooks$set(plot = function(x, options) { paste('
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', sep = '') }) fn = local({ i = 0 function(x) { i <<- i + 1 paste('Figure ', i, ': ', x, sep = '') } }) fig <- local({ i <- 0 ref <- list() list( cap=function(refName, text) { i <<- i + 1 ref[[refName]] <<- i paste("Figure ", i, ": ", text, "

", sep="") }, ref=function(refName) { ref[[refName]] }) }) ``` [Homepage](http://docs.neurodata.io/synaptome-stats/) The formatted source code for this file is [here](https://github.com/neurodata/synaptome-stats/blob/gh-pages/Code/SynapseExploration.Rmd). And a [raw version here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/neurodata/synaptome-stats/gh-pages/Code/SynapseExploration.Rmd). Previous work by Youngser Park can be found [here](http://www.cis.jhu.edu/~parky/Synapse/synapse.html). ```{r cc-data, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE} featFull <- fread("../data/synapsinR_7thA.tif.Pivots.txt.2011Features.txt", showProgress=FALSE) locFull <- fread("../data/synapsinR_7thA.tif.Pivots.txt",showProgress=FALSE) ### Setting a seed and creating an index vector ### to select half of the data set.seed(2^10) half1 <- sample(dim(featFull)[1],dim(featFull)[1]/2) half2 <- setdiff(1:dim(featFull)[1],half1) feat <- featFull[half1,] feat2 <- featFull[half2,] loc <- locFull[half1,] ## Setting the channel names channel <- c('Synap_1','Synap_2','VGlut1_t1','VGlut1_t2','VGlut2','Vglut3', 'psd','glur2','nmdar1','nr2b','gad','VGAT', 'PV','Gephyr','GABAR1','GABABR','CR1','5HT1A', 'NOS','TH','VACht','Synapo','tubuli','DAPI') ## Setting the channel types channel.type <- c('ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','in.pre.small', 'ex.post','ex.post','ex.post','ex.post','in.pre','in.pre', 'in.pre','in.post','in.post','in.post','in.pre.small','other', 'ex.post','other','other','ex.post','none','none') nchannel <- length(channel) nfeat <- ncol(feat) / nchannel ## Createing factor variables for channel and channel type sorted properly ffchannel <- (factor(channel.type, levels= c("ex.pre","ex.post","in.pre","in.post","in.pre.small","other","none") )) fchannel <- as.numeric(factor(channel.type, levels= c("ex.pre","ex.post","in.pre","in.post","in.pre.small","other","none") )) ford <- order(fchannel) ## Setting up colors for channel types Syncol <- c("#197300","#5ed155","#660000","#cc0000","#ff9933","#0000cd","#ffd700") Syncol3 <- c("#197300","#197300","#cc0000","#cc0000","#0000cd","#0000cd","#0000cd") ccol <- Syncol[fchannel] ccol3 <- Syncol3[fchannel] exType <- factor(c(rep("ex",11),rep("in",6),rep("other",7)),ordered=TRUE) exCol<-exType;levels(exCol) <- c("#197300","#990000","mediumblue"); exCol <- as.character(exCol) fname <- as.vector(sapply(channel,function(x) paste0(x,paste0("F",0:5)))) names(feat) <- names(feat2) <- fname fcol <- rep(ccol, each=6) #mycol <- colorpanel(100, "purple", "black", "green") mycol <- colorpanel(100, "black", "pink") mycol2 <- matlab.like(nchannel) ``` ```{r cc-datatrans, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE} f <- lapply(1:6,function(x){seq(x,ncol(feat),by=nfeat)}) f2 <- lapply(1:6,function(x){seq(x,ncol(feat2),by=nfeat)}) featF <- lapply(f,function(x){subset(feat,select=x)}) featF2 <- lapply(f2,function(x){subset(feat2,select=x)}) featF0 <- featF[[1]] featF02 <- featF2[[1]] f01e3 <- 1e3*data.table(apply(X=featF0, 2, function(x){((x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)))})) f01e32 <- 1e3*data.table(apply(X=featF02, 2, function(x){((x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)))})) fs <- f01e3 fs2 <- f01e32 ``` # Definition of Markers From email correspondence with Kristina Micheva we have the following definitions of the given markers and their corresponding class colors used throughout this document. The abbreviations are presented as they were given. > On Feb 8, 2016, at 2:00 PM, Kristina Micheva wrote: * _Excitatory presynaptic: 'Synap', 'Synap', 'VGlut1', 'VGlut1', 'VGlut2'_, * _Excitatory postsynaptic: 'psd', 'glur2', 'nmdar1', 'nr2b', 'NOS', 'Synapo'_ (but further away than PSD, gluR2, nmdar1 and nr2b) * _Inhibitory presynaptic: 'gad', 'VGAT', 'PV'_, * _Inhibitory postsynaptic: 'Gephyr', 'GABAR1', 'GABABR', 'NOS'_, * _At a very small number of inhibitory: 'Vglut3' (presynaptic), 'CR1'(presynaptic)_, * _Other synapses:'5HT1A', 'TH', 'VACht'_, * _Not at synapses: 'tubuli', 'DAPI'_. Notes from correspondence : - `Synap` is listed twice, this is not a mistake as it was used twice with different antibodies -- I was not told which. - `VGlut1` is also listed twice. It was measured at two different times using the same antibody. - `NOS` is listed in two different categories and the analysis so far does not allow that. It will be considered as **Excitatory postsynaptic** from here on. We will be using the data scaled to $[0,1000]$ for this exploration. - `fs`: The feature vector scaled between $[0,1000]$. # Level 0 Level 0 refers to the un-clustered data, that is all of the data lives in one cluster. ```{r cc-dat0,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE} dat <- fs dat2 <- fs2 ``` ## Heat maps (Lv 0): ```{r cc_agg0, eval=TRUE} ## Formatting data for heatmap by taking the column means. ## heatmap.2 requires at least two rows and columns. aggp <- apply(dat, 2, mean) aggp <- t(cbind(aggp, aggp))[, ford] ``` The following is a heatmap showing the averages of the marker values over the entire dataset. The reader should notice that the markers believed to be excitatory have higher means than do markersthe difference between groups of markers as compared with their believed classes. ```{r cc-kmpp-heatmapSortedLV0,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=5,fig.cap=fig$cap("heatfs1", "Heatmap of the marker means. Columns are rearranged according to synapse type.")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(aggp),dendrogram='none',Colv=NA,trace="none", col=mycol,colCol=ccol[ford],cexRow=0.8, keysize=1.25,symkey=FALSE, symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90,main="Heatmap of `fs` data.", labRow = "") ``` ## Jittered scatter plot: Lv 0 ```{r cc-kmpp0,eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE} set.seed(2^13) L <- bhkmpp(dat,blevels=4) ``` ```{r ggJitter} set.seed(1024) s2 <- sample(dim(dat)[1], 1e4) ggJdat <- data.table(cbind(stack(dat[s2]),L[s2])) ggJdat$ind <- factor(ggJdat$ind, ordered=TRUE, levels=names(dat)[ford]) ggJ0 <- ggplot(data = ggJdat, aes(x = ind, y = values)) + geom_point(alpha=0.25) + geom_jitter(width = 1) + geom_boxplot(alpha =0.35, outlier.color = 'NA') + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank()) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = ccol[ford], angle=45, vjust = 0.5)) ``` ```{r jitter0, h=6, w=14, fig.cap=fig$cap("jitter1","Scatter Plot Level 0 ")} print(ggJ0) ``` The above scatter plot is a random sample of the data points. ## Correlations: Lv 0 ```{r cc_cor,w=5,h=5, eval=TRUE,fig.cap=fig$cap("cor","Correlation on untransformed F0 data, reordered by synapse type.")} cmatfs <- cor(fs)[ford, ford] cmatfs2 <- cor(fs2)[ford, ford] corrplot(cmatfs,method="color",tl.col=ccol[ford], tl.cex=1) ``` ### PCA of the within cluster correlation matrices at level 0. ```{r cc-pca0} pcaL0 <- prcomp(cmatfs, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) pcaL02 <- prcomp(cmatfs2, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) ``` #### PCA Lv0 ```{r cc_3dCorr0,echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.cap=fig$cap("rgl0","PCA 1-3 on untransformed correlation matrix")} pca0 <- data.frame(pcaL0$x) pca02 <- data.frame(pcaL02$x) rgl::plot3d(pca0[,1],pca0[,2],pca0[,3],type='s',col=ccol3[ford], size=1, xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", zlab = "PC3") rgl::rgl.texts(pca0[,1],pca0[,2],pca0[,3],abbreviate(rownames(pca0)), col=ccol3[ford], adj=c(0,2)) title3d(main = "Lv 0") subid <- currentSubscene3d() rglwidget(elementId="rgl-pca0",width=720,height=720) #rgl::plot3d(pca02[,1],pca02[,2],pca02[,3],type='s',col=ccol3[ford], size=1, # xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", zlab = "PC3") #abclines3d(0, 0, 0, a = diag(3), col = "gray") #rgl::rgl.texts(pca02[,1],pca02[,2],pca02[,3],abbreviate(rownames(pca02)), col=ccol3[ford], adj=c(0,2)) ``` ```{r cc-reg3d, eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE} (pcaOt <- pca0[exType == 'other', 1:3]) names(pcaOt) <- letters[24:26] lm.fit3d <- lm(z ~ 1 + x + y, data = pcaOt) lm.fit3d <- lm(z ~ 0 + x + y, data = pcaOt) Z <- predict(lm.fit3d) (coefs <- coef(lm.fit3d)) rgl::plot3d(pcaOt[,1],pcaOt[,2],pcaOt[,3],type='s',col='blue', size=1, xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", zlab = "PC3") rgl::plot3d(pca0[,1],pca0[,2],pca0[,3],type='s',col=ccol3[ford], size=1, xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", zlab = "PC3") a <- coefs["x"] b <- coefs["y"] c <- 1 d <- coefs["(Intercept)"] nv <- as.numeric(c(-a,-b,1)) D4 <- data.frame(pcaOt[,1:2], z = Z) rgl.clear() plot3d(D4, col='red', type = 's', size = 1, xlim= c(-5,5), ylim=c(-5,5), zlim=c(-5,5)) plot3d(pcaOt, type = 's', add=TRUE, size = 1, col = 'green') ## z = ax + by + d ## => -ax - by + 1z - d = 0 #planes3d(-a,-b,1,0, col='red', alpha = 0.25) #planes3d(1,1,1,0, col='red', alpha = 0.25) r0 <- apply(pcaOt, 2, mean) tmp <- scale(pcaOt,center=TRUE, scale=FALSE) abclines3d(r0, a = svd(tmp)$v[,1]) (pcaOt <- pca0[exType == 'other', 1:3]) (pcaEx <- pca0[exType == 'ex', 1:3][-11,]) (pcaIn <- pca0[exType == 'in', 1:3][-6,]) colnames(pcaEx) <- colnames(pcaIn) <- colnames(pcaOt) <- c('x', 'y', 'z') ex0 <- apply(pcaEx,2, mean) in0 <- apply(pcaIn,2, mean) ot0 <- apply(pcaOt,2, mean) r0 <- apply(pca0, 2, mean) vEx <- svd(scale(pcaEx,center=FALSE,scale=FALSE))$v[,1] vIn <- svd(scale(pcaIn,center=FALSE,scale=FALSE))$v[,1] vOt <- svd(scale(pcaOt,center=FALSE,scale=FALSE))$v[,1] rgl::plot3d(pca0[,1],pca0[,2],pca0[,3],type='s',col=ccol3[ford], size=1, xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", zlab = "PC3") abclines3d(c(0,0,0), a=diag(3)) lmEx <- lm(z ~ 0 + x + y, data = pcaEx) lmIn <- lm(z ~ 0 + x + y, data = pcaIn) lmOt <- lm(z ~ 0 + x + y, data = pcaOt) cEx <- coef(lmEx) cIn <- coef(lmIn) cOt <- coef(lmOt) planes3d(a = -cEx[1], b = -cEx[2], c = 1, d = ex0[3], col='green', alpha=0.25) planes3d(a = -cIn[1], b = -cIn[2], c = 1, d = in0[3], col='red', alpha=0.25) planes3d(a = -cOt[1], b = -cOt[2], c = 1, d = ot0[3], col='blue', alpha=0.25) abclines3d(c(0,0,0), a = vEx, col='green',size = 3) abclines3d(c(0,0,0), a = vIn, col='red') abclines3d(c(0,0,0), a = vOt, col='blue') rgl::plot3d(pca0[,1],pca0[,2],pca0[,3],type='s',col=ccol3[ford], size=1, xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", zlab = "PC3") abclines3d(ex0, a = vEx, col='green',size = 3) abclines3d(in0, a = vIn, col='red') abclines3d(ot0, a = vOt, col='blue') ``` ### LDA on Lv 0 Using LDA with re-substitution to create a voronoi diagram for Lv 0. ```{r cc-lda0, h = 7, w = 7, fig.cap=fig$cap("lda0", "LDA for 3 classes on Lv 0" )} tr <- factor(exType, ordered = FALSE) lda.fit0 <- lda(tr ~ ., data = pca0[, 1:10]) lda.pred0 <- predict(lda.fit0) titlesvor <- paste("LDA decision boundaries for", paste0("F", 0:5)) voronoidf <- data.frame(lda.fit0$means) #voronoidf <- data.frame(x=lda.fit$means[,1],y=lda.fit$means[,2]) #This creates the voronoi line segments plot(pca0[,1:2], col=ccol3[ford], pch=20, cex=1.5, xlim = c(min(pca0[,1:2]) -3, 5)) text(pca0[,1:2], labels=rownames(pca0), pos=ifelse(exType %in% c('ex', 'in'), 2, 4), col=ccol3[ford], cex=1.2) deldir(x = voronoidf[,1],y = voronoidf[,2], rw = c(-15,15,-15,15), plotit=TRUE, add=TRUE, wl='te') text(voronoidf[,1:2], labels=rownames(voronoidf), cex=1.25, pos=2) ``` ## Mean-difference Explorations Staring from the correlation matrix `cmatfs` we compute the class means; $v_1 = column\_mean($Excitatory$)$, $v_2 = column\_mean($Inhibitory$)$, $v_3 = column\_mean($Other$)$. We then compute $r_1 = v_1 - v_2$ and $r_2 = v_1 - v_3$. We then multiply $[cmatfs] \cdot [r_1 |\, r_2]$. The transformed points are then plotted below. ```{r cc-msp} tmp <- cmatfs; diag(tmp) <- 0 exMat <- tmp[exType == 'ex',] -> g1 inMat <- tmp[exType == 'in',] -> g2 otMat <- tmp[exType == 'other',] -> g3 mEx <- apply(exMat, 2, mean) -> v1 mIn <- apply(inMat, 2, mean) -> v2 mOt <- apply(otMat, 2, mean) -> v3 mXI <- mEx - mIn mXO <- mEx - mOt rotM <- data.frame(XI = mXI, XO = mXO) -> r1r2 colnames(r1r2) <- c("r1", "r2") mdm2 <- data.frame(cmatfs %*% as.matrix(rotM)) mdm1 <- data.frame(XI = mdm2[,1], row.names=rownames(mdm2)) newFord <- order(mdm2$XI) ``` ### Within Group Heatmaps ```{r cc-heatG123,eval=TRUE, fig.show='hold',w=6,h=6,fig.cap=fig$cap("heatg123", "Heatmaps of groups Ex, In, Ot" )} heatmap.2(as.matrix(g1[, newFord]),dendrogram='none', Colv=NA,trace="none", col=mycol,colCol=ccol3[ford][newFord], cexRow=0.8, keysize=1.25, symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE, scale="none", srtCol=90, main="Excitatory") heatmap.2(as.matrix(g2[, newFord]),dendrogram='none', Colv=NA,trace="none", col=mycol,colCol=ccol3[ford][newFord], cexRow=0.8, keysize=1.25, symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE, scale="none", srtCol=90, main="Inhibatory") heatmap.2(as.matrix(g3[, newFord]),dendrogram='none', Colv=NA,trace="none", col=mycol,colCol=ccol3[ford][newFord], cexRow=0.8, keysize=1.25, symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE, scale="none", srtCol=90, main="Other") rm(tmp) ``` ### Group Mean Heatmaps ```{r cc-heatV123,eval=TRUE, fig.show='hold',w=6,h=4,fig.cap=fig$cap("heatV123", "Heatmaps of v1, v2, v3" )} tmp <- t(cbind(v1, v1))[, newFord] heatmap.2(as.matrix(tmp),dendrogram='none', Colv=NA,trace="none", key= FALSE, col=mycol,colCol=ccol3[ford][newFord], cexRow=0.8, keysize=1.25, symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE, scale="none", srtCol=90, labRow='', main="v1 = Mean Excitatory") tmp <- t(cbind(v2, v2))[, newFord] heatmap.2(as.matrix(tmp),dendrogram='none', Colv=NA,trace="none", key = FALSE, col=mycol,colCol=ccol3[ford][newFord], cexRow=0.8, keysize=1.25, symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE, scale="none", srtCol=90, labRow='', main="v2 = Mean Inhibitory") tmp <- t(cbind(v3, v3))[, newFord] heatmap.2(as.matrix(tmp),dendrogram='none', Colv=NA,trace="none", key = FALSE, col=mycol,colCol=ccol3[ford][newFord], cexRow=0.8, keysize=1.25, symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE, scale="none", srtCol=90, labRow='', main="v3 = Mean Other") rm(tmp) ``` ### Mean Difference Vectors Heatmap ```{r cc-heatR1R2, eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,fig.cap=fig$cap("heatR1R2", "Heatmap of the mean difference vectors r1 and r2." )} heatmap.2(as.matrix(t(r1r2)[, newFord]),dendrogram='none', Colv=NA,trace="none", col=mycol,colCol=ccol3[ford][newFord], cexRow=0.8, keysize=1.25, symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE, scale="none", srtCol=90, main="Mean difference vectors") ``` ### Mean-difference Marker Projections ```{r p-mdp2, results='hold', w=7,h=7,fig.cap=fig$cap("mdp2", "Mean-difference projections 2d")} plot(mdm2, col = ccol3[ford], pch = 20, cex=1) abline(h = 0, v = 0) text(mdm2, labels=rownames(mdm2), col=ccol3[ford], cex = 0.75, pos=1) lm.fit <- lm(mdm2[,2] ~ mdm2[,1]) rL <- list(a = lm.fit$coefficients[1], b = lm.fit$coefficients[2]) L1 <- function(x){ rL$a + rL$b * x } summary(lm.fit) abline(rL$a,rL$b, col = 'darkorange', lty=2) text(-0.1,L1(0.1) , labels=expression(L[1]), col='darkorange', cex = 1) legend(list(x= -1.5,y=1.6), legend = c('regression line'), col = 'darkorange', lty=2) title("Mean-difference projections of markers") ``` The following is the projection onto $r_1$. ```{r p-mdp1, w=7,h=3,fig.cap=fig$cap("mdp1", "Mean-difference projections 1d")} set.seed(2^8) print(ggplot(mdm1, aes(x = XI, y = 0, label=rownames(mdm1))) + geom_point(color = ccol3[ford]) + geom_text(color = ccol3[ford], check_overlap=FALSE, position='jitter')) ``` We will now project the individual synapse points onto the line $L_1$ by first projecting into the mean-difference space then projecting onto $L_1$ followed by a rotation into $\mathbb{R}$. ```{r cc-synProj21, eval=FALSE} mfs <- as.matrix(fs) r <- as.matrix(mdm1) projR1 <- mfs %*% r plot(density(projR1)) if(FALSE){ require(ggvis) data.frame(projR1) %>% ggvis(x = ~XI) %>% layer_densities( adjust = input_slider(.1, 2, value = 1, step = .1, label = "Bandwidth adjustment"), kernel = input_select( c("Gaussian" = "gaussian", "Epanechnikov" = "epanechnikov", "Rectangular" = "rectangular", "Triangular" = "triangular", "Biweight" = "biweight", "Cosine" = "cosine", "Optcosine" = "optcosine"), label = "Kernel") ) } ``` ```{r cc-BIC, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE} #bic on mdm1 n <- nrow(mdm1) d <- ncol(mdm1) G <- 3 emDat <- cbind(mdm1, type=as.numeric(exType)) emEst <- me(modelName = 'V', data=as.matrix(emDat[, -2]), unmap(emDat[,2])) #names(emEst) #args(bic) #do.call('bic', emEst) B <- foreach(i = 1:25, .combine='c') %do% { bic(modelName="V", loglik=emEst$loglik, n=n, d=d, G=i) } plot(B, type = 'b') ``` ```{r cc-svdRSV,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,fig.cap=fig$cap("svdRSV", "Heatmap of 1:2 right singular vectors of 'fs' data ordered by projection on L_1." )} svdfs <- svd(as.matrix(fs)[,newFord]) rightSV <- data.frame(t(svdfs$v[,1:2])) colnames(rightSV) <- rownames(mdm2[order(mdm2$XI),]) heatmap.2(as.matrix(rightSV),dendrogram='row',Colv=NA,trace="none", col=mycol,colCol=ccol3[ford][newFord],cexRow=0.8, keysize=1.25,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90,main="r. singular vectors of 'fs' data") ``` # Level 1: K-means++ for $K=2$. We run a Hierachical K-means++ for $K=2$ on the `fs` data with 4 levels. ```{r cc-kmpp,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE} set.seed(2^13) L <- bhkmpp(dat,blevels=4) ``` ## Heat maps (Lv 1): ```{r cc_agg, eval=TRUE} ## Formatting data for heatmap aggp <- aggregate(dat,by=list(lab=L[[1]]),FUN=mean) aggp <- as.matrix(aggp[,-1])[, ford] rownames(aggp) <- clusterFraction(L[[1]]) ``` The following are heatmaps generated from clustering via K-means++ (at level 1) ```{r cc-kmpp-heatmapLV1,eval=FALSE,echo=FALSE,w=6,h=6,fig.cap=fig$cap("heat1", "Heatmap of the cluster means vs channels. Rows and columns are rearranged according to hclust.")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(aggp), trace="none",col=mycol,colCol=ccol,cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90,main="Heatmap of `fs` data") # ``` ```{r cc-kmpp-heatmapSortedLV1,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,fig.cap=fig$cap("heatfs1", "Heatmap of the cluster means vs channels. Rows and columns are rearranged according to synapse type.")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(aggp),dendrogram='row',Colv=NA,trace="none", col=mycol,colCol=ccol[ford],cexRow=0.8, keysize=1.25,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90,main="Heatmap of `fs` data.") ``` Percentage of data within cluster is presented on the right side of the heatmap. ## Jittered scatter plot: Lv 1 ```{r ggJitter1} ggCol <- brewer.pal(4,"Set1")[order(table(L[[1]]))] cf1 <- data.frame(cf = clusterFraction(L[[1]])) ggJ1 <- ggplot(data = ggJdat, aes(x = ind, y = values, color = as.factor(lv1))) + scale_color_manual(values=ggCol, name="Cluster") + geom_point(alpha=0.25, position=position_jitterdodge()) + geom_boxplot(alpha =0.35, outlier.color = 'NA') + annotate("text", x = levels(ggJdat$ind)[c(2,20)], y = 1.15*max(ggJdat$values), label= cf1[1:2,]) + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank()) + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = ccol[ford], angle=45, vjust = 0.5)) ``` ```{r jitter1, h=6, w=14, fig.cap=fig$cap("jitter1","Scatter Plot Level 1 ")} print(ggJ1) ``` ## Within cluster correlations (Lv 1) ```{r cc-wcc1, h=8,w=8,fig.cap=fig$cap("corkp1","Within cluster correlations, clock-wise from top left, Cluster 1, Cluster 2, difference C1 - C2")} corkp1 <- cor(dat[L[[1]] == 1,])[ford, ford] corkp2 <- cor(dat[L[[1]] == 2,])[ford, ford] difCor12 <- (corkp1 - corkp2) layout(matrix(c(1,2,3,3), 2, 2, byrow=TRUE)) corrplot(corkp1,method="color",tl.col=ccol[ford], tl.cex=0.8, mar=c(0,0,3,0)) title("Cluster 1") corrplot(corkp2,method="color",tl.col=ccol[ford], tl.cex=0.8, mar=c(0,0,3,0)) title("Cluster 2") corrplot(difCor12,is.corr=FALSE,method="color", tl.col=ccol[ford], tl.cex=0.8, mar=c(0,0,3,0), col=colorRampPalette(c("#998ec3","white","darkorange"))(50)) title("Difference(1,2)") ``` Notice that the non-synaptic markers change very little between clusters. Also note that the correlations between (`gad, VGAT, PV, Gephyr`) and `VGlut1` at both times change significantly between clusters. Next we compute PCA for the within cluster correlation matrices and embed in 3d. ### PCA of the within cluster correlation matrices at level 1. ```{r cc-pca1,h=7,w=7,fig.cap=fig$cap("pairs1","PCA of untransformed correlation matrix")} pcaL <- lapply(list(corkp1, corkp2), prcomp, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) elB <- lapply(pcaL, function(x) {getElbows(x$sdev, plot=FALSE)}) ``` #### PCA C1 Lv1 ```{r cc_3dCorr1,echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.cap=fig$cap("rgl1","PCA 1-3 on untransformed correlation matrix")} pca <- pcaL[[1]]$x rgl::plot3d(pca[,1],pca[,2],pca[,3],type='s',col=ccol3[ford], size=1, xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", zlab = "PC3") rgl::rgl.texts(pca[,1],pca[,2],pca[,3],abbreviate(rownames(pca)), col=ccol3[ford], adj=c(0,2)) title3d(main = "Cluster 1: Lv 1") subid <- currentSubscene3d() rglwidget(elementId="rgl-pca1",width=720,height=720) ``` #### PCA C1 Lv1 ```{r cc_3dCorr2,echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.cap=fig$cap("rgl2","PCA 1-3 on untransformed correlation matrix")} pca <- pcaL[[2]]$x rgl::plot3d(pca[,1],pca[,2],pca[,3],type='s',col=ccol3[ford], size=1, xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2", zlab = "PC3") rgl::rgl.texts(pca[,1],pca[,2],pca[,3],abbreviate(rownames(pca)), col=ccol3[ford], adj=c(0,2)) title3d(main = "Cluster 2: Lv 1") subid <- currentSubscene3d() rglwidget(elementId="rgl-pca2",width=720,height=720) ``` ### LDA on Lv1 ```{r cc-voronoi1Lv1,h=8,w=12,fig.cap=fig$cap("voronoiLv1","Voronoi diagrams on class means from LDA on PCA of untransformed correlation matrices")} lda.fit <- lapply(list(pcaL[[1]]$x[,1:elB[[1]][2]], pcaL[[2]]$x[,1:elB[[2]][2]]), function(y) { lda(tr ~ ., data = as.data.frame(y)) }) titlesvor <- paste("LDA decision boundaries for", paste0("C", 1:2)) voronoidf <- lapply(lapply(lda.fit, '[[', 3), data.frame) #This creates the voronoi line segments par(mfrow = c(1,2)) for(i in 1:length(pcaL)){ plot(pcaL[[i]]$x[,1:2], col=ccol3[ford], pch=20, cex=1.5) title(titlesvor[i]) text(pcaL[[i]]$x[,1:2], labels=rownames(pcaL[[i]]$x), pos=ifelse(pcaL[[i]]$x[,1]

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