--- title: "Synapse Clustering" author: "JLP" date: '`r Sys.Date()`' output: html_document: fig_caption: yes fig_height: 4 fig_width: 4 fig_retina: 2 highlight: pygments keep_md: yes number_sections: yes theme: cerulean toc: yes toc_depth: 3 mode: standalone pdf_document: fig_caption: yes keep_tex: yes number_sections: yes --- ```{r render, eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE} require(rmarkdown) rm(list=ls()); rmarkdown::render("./hkmeans.Rmd") system('open hkmeans.html') ``` ```{r setup,include=FALSE,results='asis'} suppressMessages(require(Matrix)) suppressMessages(require(colorRamps)) suppressMessages(require(corrplot)) suppressMessages(require(gplots)) suppressMessages(require(dplyr)) suppressMessages(require(reshape2)) suppressMessages(require(ggplot2)) suppressMessages(require(lattice)) suppressMessages(require(parallel)) suppressMessages(require(data.table)) suppressMessages(require(fpc)) suppressMessages(require(repr)) suppressMessages(require(doMC)) suppressMessages(require(aplpack)) source("./bic.r") source("./clusterFraction.r") #source("http://www.cis.jhu.edu/~parky/Synapse/getElbows.R") source("./getElbows.r") registerDoMC(6) library(rmarkdown) library(knitr) ``` ```{r knitr-setup, results='asis'} knitr::opts_chunk$set(cache=TRUE, autodep=TRUE) dep_auto() # figure out dependencies automatically opts_chunk$set(cache=FALSE,echo=TRUE,warning=FALSE,message=FALSE,comment="#", fig.path='../Figures/hkmeans_figure/', dpi=100,dev=c('png','pdf')) opts_knit$set(aliases=c(h='fig.height', w='fig.width', cap='fig.cap', scap='fig.scap')) opts_knit$set(eval.after = c('fig.cap','fig.scap')) knit_hooks$set(document = function(x) { gsub('(\\\\end\\{knitrout\\}[\n]+)', '\\1\\\\noindent ', x) }) #opts_knit$set(animation.fun = hook_scianimator) knit_hooks$set(plot = function(x, options) { paste('
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Previous work by Youngser Park can be found [here](http://www.cis.jhu.edu/~parky/Synapse/synapse.html). # Introduction > On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 11:53 AM, joshua vogelstein wrote: > we will get n=10^6 points, each in d=25 dimensions. > i want to hierarchically cluster them, in a ways: 1. recursive k-means on the data, maybe 5 levels 2. compute approximate k-neighbors, svd in d=dimensions, and then #1 3. maybe some other ways. # Data > The corresponds to 24 channels x 6 features per synapse, ordered like > c0f0,c0f1,c0f2,c0f3,c0f4,c0f5,c1f0,c1f1... etc > >f0 = integrated brightness >f1 = local brightness >f2 = distance to Center of Mass >f3 = moment of inertia around synapsin maxima >f4,f5 are features that I forget what they are.. would need to ask brad. >i would throw them out, I did so in my kohonen code (which you have, its in matlab). and > On Feb 8, 2016, at 2:00 PM, Kristina Micheva wrote: * _Excitatory presynaptic: 'Synap', 'Synap', 'VGlut1', 'VGlut1', 'VGlut2'_, * _Excitatory postsynaptic: 'psd', 'glur2', 'nmdar1', 'nr2b', 'NOS', 'Synapo'_ (but further away than PSD, gluR2, nmdar1 and nr2b) * _Inhibitory presynaptic: 'gad', 'VGAT', 'PV'_, * _Inhibitory postsynaptic: 'Gephyr', 'GABAR1', 'GABABR', 'NOS'_, * _At a very small number of inhibitory: 'Vglut3' (presynaptic), 'CR1'(presynaptic)_, * _Other synapses:'5HT1A', 'TH', 'VACht'_, * _Not at synapses: 'tubuli', 'DAPI'_. and > On March 10, 2016, 00:29:04 (UTC), Kristina Micheva wrote: There are 2 different Synap channels (2 different antibodies were used), so that part is fine. And 2 different VGluT1 channels (same antibody but done at different times) The NOS channel is the same, so count it as one even though it appears twice. It is listed two times because it can be found at both excitatory and inhibitory synapses. This is where your count of 25 comes, even though there are 24 channels. I would also add the 2 Synap channels to the Inhibitory presynaptic category - there is supposed to be synapsin there, but at lower levels compared to excitatory presynaptic category. - Note: The order of the channels are given by line `227` in the `kohenen.m` file which can be found in the dropbox folder. - `Synap` and `Synap` have been augmented to `Synap_1` and `Synap_2` for clarity. - `VGlut1` and `VGlut1` have been augmented to `VGlut1_t1` and `VGlut1_t2` to distinguish between the different times (which are unknown). ```{r cc_data, eval=TRUE} feat <- fread("../Data/synapsinR_7thA.tif.Pivots.txt.2011Features.txt",showProgress=FALSE) dim(feat) channel <- c('Synap_1','Synap_2','VGlut1_t1','VGlut1_t2','VGlut2','Vglut3', 'psd','glur2','nmdar1','nr2b','gad','VGAT', 'PV','Gephyr','GABAR1','GABABR','CR1','5HT1A', 'NOS','TH','VACht','Synapo','tubuli','DAPI') channel.type <- c('ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','ex.pre','in.pre.small', 'ex.post','ex.post','ex.post','ex.post','in.pre','in.pre', 'in.pre','in.post','in.post','in.post','in.pre.small','other', 'ex.post','other','other','ex.post','none','none') nchannel <- length(channel) nfeat <- ncol(feat) / nchannel fchannel <- as.numeric(factor(channel.type, levels= c("ex.pre","ex.post","in.pre","in.post","in.pre.small","other","none") )) ford <- order(fchannel) #ccol <- rainbow(max(fchannel))[fchannel] Syncol <- c("#197300","#5ed155","#660000","#cc0000","#ff9933","mediumblue","gold") ccol <- Syncol[fchannel] fname <- as.vector(sapply(channel,function(x) paste0(x,paste0("F",0:5)))) names(feat) <- fname fcol <- rep(ccol, each=6) #mycol <- colorpanel(100,"blue","grey","red") #mycol <- redgreen(100) #mycol <- colorpanel(100, "purple", "black", "blue") mycol <- colorpanel(100, "purple", "black", "green") mycol2 <- matlab.like(nchannel) ``` ## Transformations Each of the channels has an arbitrary independent linear transformation and thus converting to z-scores or quantiles is required. Selecting only the `f0` features, we will use both the raw data and a transformed version, transforming by adding 1 and taking the log base 10 for each column and scaling. ```{r cc_featF0, eval=TRUE} f0 <- seq(1,ncol(feat),by=nfeat) featF0 <- subset(feat, select=f0) #featF0s <- scale(featF0, scale=TRUE, center=TRUE) #flog <- apply(X=(featF0+1),2,log10) #f01 <- data.table(apply(X=featF0, 2, function(x){((x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)))})) #qs <- apply(f01, 2, quantile, probs=c(.025,.5,.75,.99)) ### Tunrcating to the inner 98% tmpG <- featF0[,lapply(.SD,function(x){x >= quantile(x,prob=.01)})] tmpL <- featF0[,lapply(.SD,function(x){x <= quantile(x,prob=1 - 0.01)})] ind <- apply(tmpG,1,all) ind2 <- apply(tmpL,1,all) fil98F0 <- featF0[ind & ind2,] ### taking log_10 flog <- log10(fil98F0) fs <- scale(flog, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE) ### scaling between [0,1] f01 <- data.table(apply(X=flog, 2, function(x){((x-min(x))/(max(x)-min(x)))})) ``` The data ### Kernel Density Estimates of the marginals ```{r cc_kde1, eval=TRUE, cache=FALSE,w=8,h=8,fig.cap=fig$cap("f0kde1","Kernel density estimates for each channel, on scaled data.")} df <- melt(as.matrix(flog)) names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value") ts <- 22 gg1 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + scale_color_manual(values=ccol) + scale_fill_manual(values=ccol) + geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..,group=channel,colour=channel),bins=100) + geom_density(aes(group=channel, color=channel),size=1.5) + facet_wrap(~ channel, scale='fixed') + theme(plot.title=element_text(size=ts), axis.title.x=element_text(size=ts), axis.title.y=element_text(size=ts), legend.title=element_text(size=ts), legend.text=element_text(size=ts-2), axis.text=element_text(size=ts-2), strip.text=element_text(size=ts))+ ggtitle("Kernel Density Estimates of f01 transformed data ") print(gg1) ``` ```{r cc_kde2, eval=TRUE, cache=FALSE,w=8,h=6,fig.cap=fig$cap("f0kde2","Kernel density estimates for each channel, on f01 data.")} df <- melt(as.matrix(f01)) names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value") ts <- 22 gg2 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + scale_color_manual(values=ccol) + scale_fill_manual(values=ccol) + geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..,group=channel,colour=channel),bins=21) + geom_density(aes(group=channel, color=channel),size=1.5) + facet_wrap(~ channel, scale='fixed') + theme(plot.title=element_text(size=ts), axis.title.x=element_text(size=ts), axis.title.y=element_text(size=ts), legend.title=element_text(size=ts), legend.text=element_text(size=ts-2), axis.text=element_text(size=ts-2), strip.text=element_text(size=ts))+ ggtitle("Kernel Density Estimates of f01 transformed data ") print(gg2) df <- melt(as.matrix(flog)) names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value") gg3 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + scale_color_manual(values=ccol) + geom_density(aes(group=channel, colour=channel))+ facet_wrap( ~ channel, scale='free')+ ggtitle("Kernel Density Estimates on log transformed data.") print(gg3) ``` ```{r cc_kde3, eval=TRUE, cache=FALSE,w=8,h=4,fig.cap=fig$cap("f0kde3","Kernel density estimates for each channel, on log transformed scaled data.")} df <- melt(as.matrix(fs)) names(df) <- c("ind","channel","value") ggplot(df, aes(x=value)) + scale_color_manual(values=ccol) + geom_density(aes(group=channel, colour=channel)) ``` ## K-Means Level 1 ** Note that a seed is being set for the random initialization of K-means. ** ```{r cc_kmeans,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE} K1 <- 12 ## Set the upperbound for k-means. ## Run kmeans on the untransformed data kvecF0 <- foreach(i = 1:K1) %dopar% { set.seed(2^13 - 1) kmeans(featF0,centers=i) } ## Run kmeans on the ## log \circ scale transformed data kvecfs <- foreach(i = 1:K1) %dopar% { set.seed(2^13 - 1) kmeans(fs,centers=i) } ``` Here we calculate the `bic` from a user defined function and pick the maximum. ```{r cc_bic2} bicF0 <- kbic(kvecF0) bicfs1 <- kbic(kvecfs) mxF0 <- t(c(which(bicF0 == max(bicF0)), max(bicF0))) mxfs1 <- t(c(which(bicfs1 == max(bicfs1)), max(bicfs1))) ``` ```{r cc_plot-bic2,w=8,h=5} par(mfrow=c(1,2)) plot(bicF0, type='b', main="BIC on raw data.") points(mxF0[,1], mxF0[,2], col='red', pch=20) plot(bicfs1, type='b', main="BIC on scaled data.") points(mxfs1[,1], mxfs1[,2], col='red', pch=20) ``` ### Heat maps: Untransformed Data For the following we manualy choose 2 clusters. ```{r cc_agg, eval=TRUE} ## Formatting data for heatmap feat2 <- aggregate(featF0,by=list(lab=kvecF0[[2]]$cluster),FUN=mean) feat2 <- as.matrix(feat2[,-1]) rownames(feat2) <- clusterFraction(kvecF0[[2]]) ford <- order(fchannel) ``` ```{r cc_km1-heatmap,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,fig.cap=fig$cap("heat1", "Heatmap of the cluster means vs channels. Rows and columns are rearranged according to hclust.")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(feat2), trace="none",col=mycol,colCol=ccol,cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) # ``` ```{r cc_km1-heatmapSorted,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,fig.cap=fig$cap("heat1", "Heatmap of the cluster means vs channels. Rows and columns are rearranged according to synapse type.")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(feat2[,ford]),dendrogram='row',Colv=NA,trace="none", col=mycol,colCol=ccol[ford],cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) ``` ### Heat maps: Transformed Data ```{r cc_aggfs, eval=TRUE} ## Formatting data for heatmap feat2fs <- aggregate(fs,by=list(lab=kvecfs[[2]]$cluster),FUN=mean) feat2fs <- as.matrix(feat2fs[,-1]) rownames(feat2fs) <- clusterFraction(kvecfs[[2]]) ford <- order(fchannel) ``` ```{r cc_km1-heatmapFS,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,fig.cap=fig$cap("heat1", "Heatmap of the cluster means vs channels. Rows and columns are rearranged according to hclust.")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(feat2fs), trace="none",col=mycol,colCol=ccol,cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) # ``` ```{r cc_km1-heatmapSortedFS,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,fig.cap=fig$cap("heat1", "Heatmap of the cluster means vs channels. Rows and columns are rearranged according to synapse type.")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(feat2fs[,ford]),dendrogram='row',Colv=NA,trace="none", col=mycol,colCol=ccol[ford],cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) ``` ## K-Means Level 2 ```{r cc_level21, eval=TRUE, echo=TRUE} synOnly<-channel.type!= "none" & channel.type!="other" fs11 <- fs[kvecfs[[2]]$cluster==1,][,synOnly] fs12 <- fs[kvecfs[[2]]$cluster==2,][,synOnly] dim(fs11) dim(fs12) ## Run kmeans on the untransformed data kvecL21synOnly <- foreach(i = 1:K1) %dopar% { set.seed(2^13 - 1) kmeans(fs11,centers=i) } ``` ## PAMK: Level 1 The `pamk` function performs something similar to K-means. ```{r cc_PAMkmeans1, eval=TRUE} pamout <- pamk(fs, krange=1:K1,usepam=FALSE,critout=FALSE) labs <- pamout$pamobject$clustering ``` ```{r cc_depth1.4,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,fig.cap=fig$cap("pamk1", "Average silhouette width plot of the level 1 clustering.")} plot(pamout$crit,type="b") ``` ```{r cc_f5, eval=TRUE} feat5 <- aggregate(fs,by=list(lab=pamout$pamo$clustering),FUN=mean) feat5 <- as.matrix(feat5[,-1]) rownames(feat5) <- clusterFraction(labs) ### Reordering based on synapse type. ford <- order(fchannel) ``` ```{r cc_heat,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,echo=TRUE,fig.cap=fig$cap("depth1-heat", "Default Sorting")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(feat5), trace="none",col=mycol,colCol=ccol,cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) # ``` ```{r cc_sorted,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,echo=TRUE,fig.cap=fig$cap("depth1-heat-sorted", "Sorted by Synapse type")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(feat5[,ford]),dendrogram='row',Colv=NA,trace="none", col=mycol,colCol=ccol[ford],cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) ``` ## PAMK: Level 2 ### PAMK: Level 2.1 We begin by splitting the data into the two clusters as calculated above. ```{r cc_fs-lv2, eval=TRUE} fs1 <- fs[pamout$pamobject$clustering==1,] fs2 <- fs[pamout$pamobject$clustering==2,] ``` ```{r cc_PAMkmeans2, eval=TRUE} pamout21 <- pamk(fs1, krange=1:K1,usepam=FALSE,critout=FALSE) labs21 <- pamout21$pamobject$clustering ``` ```{r cc_sil-level2,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,fig.cap=fig$cap("pamk2", "Average silhouette width plot of the level 2 clustering.")} plot(pamout21$crit,type="b") ``` ```{r cc_f21, eval=TRUE} agg21 <- aggregate(fs1,by=list(lab=pamout21$pamo$clustering),FUN=mean) agg21 <- as.matrix(agg21[,-1]) cs <- paste(paste0("C", 1:pamout21$nc), foreach(i =1:pamout21$nc,.combine=c)%do%{(sprintf("%.2g",sum(labs21==i)/length(labs21)))}) rownames(agg21) <- cs ``` ```{r cc_heat21,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,echo=TRUE,fig.cap=fig$cap("depth21-heat", "Default Sorting")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(agg21), trace="none",col=mycol,colCol=ccol,cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) # ``` ```{r cc_sorted21,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,echo=TRUE,fig.cap=fig$cap("depth21-heat-sorted", "Sorted by Synapse type")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(agg21[,ford]),dendrogram='row',Colv=NA,trace="none", col=mycol,colCol=ccol[ford],cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) ``` ### PAMK: Level 2.2 ```{r cc_PAMkmeans22, eval=TRUE} pamout22 <- pamk(fs2, krange=1:K1,usepam=FALSE,critout=FALSE) labs22 <- pamout22$pamobject$clustering ``` ```{r cc_sil-level22,eval=TRUE,echo=TRUE,fig.cap=fig$cap("pamk2", "Average silhouette width plot of the level 2 clustering.")} plot(pamout22$crit,type="b") ``` ```{r cc_f22, eval=TRUE} agg22 <- aggregate(fs2,by=list(lab=pamout22$pamo$clustering),FUN=mean) agg22 <- as.matrix(agg22[,-1]) cs <- paste(paste0("C", 1:pamout22$nc), foreach(i =1:pamout22$nc,.combine=c)%do%{(sprintf("%.2g",sum(labs22==i)/length(labs22)))}) rownames(agg22) <- cs ``` ```{r cc_heat22,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,echo=TRUE,fig.cap=fig$cap("depth21-heat", "Default Sorting")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(agg22), trace="none",col=rev(mycol),colCol=ccol,cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) # ``` ```{r cc_sorted22,eval=TRUE,w=6,h=6,echo=TRUE,fig.cap=fig$cap("depth21-heat-sorted", "Sorted by Synapse type")} heatmap.2(as.matrix(agg22[,ford]),dendrogram='row',Colv=NA,trace="none", col=rev(mycol),colCol=ccol[ford],cexRow=0.8, keysize=1,symkey=FALSE,symbreaks=FALSE,scale="none", srtCol=90) ``` ```{r cc_corFS, eval=TRUE, fig.cap=fig$cap("corFS", "Correlation on log ยบ scaled data, reordered by synapse type.")} tmp <- as.numeric(table(fchannel)) cmat <- cor(fs) corrplot(cmat[ford,ford],method="color",tl.col=ccol[ford]) corrRect(tmp,col=Syncol,lwd=4) ``` # Exploring pair-wise relationships ```{r lattice1, eval=FALSE,w=25,h=25, fig.cap=fig$cap("lat", "Lattice Regression plots.")} set.seed(2^13) s1 <- sample(1e6,1e4) dm <- as.matrix(f01[s1,]) c1 <- combn(24,2) d2 <- foreach(i = 1:dim(c1)[2],.combine=rbind)%do%{ colset1 <- as.matrix(dm[,c1[,i]]) colnames(colset1) <- NULL l <- paste(channel[c1[,i]][2],channel[c1[,i][1]],sep='~') data.frame(colset1,l,check.names=FALSE) } colnames(d2) <- c("x", "y", "g") p1 <- xyplot(y ~ x | g, data=d2, panel=function(x,y,...){ panel.xyplot(x,y,...) fit <- lm(y ~ x) panel.lines(x,fitted(fit), col.line='red', lwd=2) }) print(p1) p2 <- xyplot(y ~ x | g, data=d2, type=c('p', 'smooth'), col.line='red',lwd=3,pch='.',scales = list(y = list(relation = "free"),x = list(relation = "free"))) pdf('~/Desktop/tmp1.pdf', height=40,width=60) print(p1) dev.off() tmp <- as.matrix(f01[s1,]) plot(Synap_2F0 ~ Synap_1F0, data=f01) chull(tmp) polygon(tmp[chull(tmp),]) bagplot(tmp[,c(1,2)]) ```