apiVersion: v1 data: passwordprofileinitcfg.yaml: | # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) always_reload: false active_profile_name: default pwd_profiles: # only default profile is supported. - name: default comment: default from configMap min_len: 6 min_uppercase_count: 0 min_lowercase_count: 0 min_digit_count: 0 min_special_count: 0 enable_block_after_failed_login: false block_after_failed_login_count: 0 block_minutes: 0 enable_password_expiration: false password_expire_after_days: 0 enable_password_history: false password_keep_history_count: 0 # Optional. value between 30 -- 3600 default 300 session_timeout: 300 roleinitcfg.yaml: | # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) always_reload: false roles: # Optional. - Comment: test role # Mandatory. name can have ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+[.:a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ Name: testrole # Mandatory Permissions: - id: config read: true write: true - id: rt_scan read: true write: true - id: reg_scan read: true write: true - id: ci_scan write: true - id: rt_policy read: true write: true - id: admctrl read: true write: true - id: compliance read: true write: true - id: audit_events read: true - id: security_events read: true - id: events read: true - id: authentication read: true write: true - id: authorization read: true write: true ldapinitcfg.yaml: | # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) always_reload: false # Mandatory. OpenLDAP or MicrosoftAD directory: OpenLDAP # Mandatory. Hostname: # Optional. the default value is 389 Port: 389 # Optional true or false or empty string(false) SSL: false # Mandatory. base_dn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org # Optional. bind_dn: dc=example,dc=org # Optional. bind_password: password # Optional. empty string(memberUid for openldap or member for windows ad) group_member_attr: # Optional. empty string(cn for openldap or sAMAccountName for windows ad) username_attr: # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) Enable: false # Optional. admin or reader or empty string(none) Default_Role: admin group_mapped_roles: - group: admin1 global_role: admin - group: reader1 global_role: reader - group: cipos1 global_role: ciops - group: admin2 global_role: admin - group: reader2 global_role: reader - group: ciops2 global_role: ciops - group: ns global_role: role_domains: testrole: - ns2-ciops1 - ns2-ciops2 reader: - ns2-reader1 - ns2-reader2 admin: - ns2-admin1 - ns2-admin2 - group: custom global_role: testrole role_domains: ciops: - custom-ciops1 - custom-ciops2 reader: - custom-reader1 - custom-reader2 admin: - custom-admin1 - custom-admin2 oidcinitcfg.yaml: | # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) always_reload: false # Mandatory Issuer: https://... # Mandatory Client_ID: f53c56ec... # Mandatory Client_Secret: AyAixE3... # Optional. empty or string(group filter info) GroupClaim: # Optional. empty string(openid,profile,email) Scopes: - openid - profile - email # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) Enable: false # Optional. admin or reader or empty string(none) Default_Role: admin group_mapped_roles: - group: admin1 global_role: admin - group: reader1 global_role: reader - group: cipos1 global_role: ciops - group: admin2 global_role: admin - group: reader2 global_role: reader - group: ciops2 global_role: ciops - group: ns global_role: role_domains: testrole: - ns2-ciops1 - ns2-ciops2 reader: - ns2-reader1 - ns2-reader2 admin: - ns2-admin1 - ns2-admin2 - group: custom global_role: testrole role_domains: ciops: - custom-ciops1 - custom-ciops2 reader: - custom-reader1 - custom-reader2 admin: - custom-admin1 - custom-admin2 group_claim: groups samlinitcfg.yaml: | # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) always_reload: false # Mandatory SSO_URL: https://... # Mandatory Issuer: https://... # Mandatory X509_Cert: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC8DCCAdigAwIBAgIQSMNDFv5HI7RPgF0uHW8YJDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADA0MTIwMAYDVQQD ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- x509_cert_extra: - | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC8DCCAdigAwIBAgIQSMNDFv5HI7RPgF0uHW8YJDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADA0MTIwMAYDVQQD ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- # Optional. empty or string(group filter info) GroupClaim: # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) Enable: false # Optional. admin or reader or empty string(none) Default_Role: admin group_mapped_roles: - group: admin1 global_role: admin - group: reader1 global_role: reader - group: cipos1 global_role: ciops - group: admin2 global_role: admin - group: reader2 global_role: reader - group: ciops2 global_role: ciops - group: ns global_role: role_domains: testrole: - ns2-ciops1 - ns2-ciops2 reader: - ns2-reader1 - ns2-reader2 admin: - ns2-admin1 - ns2-admin2 - group: custom global_role: testrole role_domains: ciops: - custom-ciops1 - custom-ciops2 reader: - custom-reader1 - custom-reader2 admin: - custom-admin1 - custom-admin2 group_claim: groups sysinitcfg.yaml: | # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) always_reload: false # Optional. Choose between Discover or Monitor or Protect or empty string(Discover) New_Service_Policy_Mode: Discover # Optional. zero-drift or basic or empty string(zero-drift) New_Service_Profile_Baseline: zero-drift # Optional. input valid ipv4 address or empty string Syslog_ip: # Optional. input 17, 6 or 66 here for udp, tcp, tcp+tls or empty string(17) Syslog_IP_Proto: 17 # Optional. it is required when Syslog_IP_Proto is 66 only Syslog_Server_Cert: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIC8DCCAdigAwIBAgIQSMNDFv5HI7RPgF0uHW8YJDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADA0MTIwMAYDVQQD ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- # Optional. empty string(514) Syslog_Port: 514 # Optional. chose between Alert/Critical/Error/Warning/Notice/Info/Debug or empty string(Info) Syslog_Level: Info # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) Syslog_status: false Syslog_Categories: # Optional. can chose multiple between event/security-event/audit or empty string - event - security-event - audit # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) Syslog_in_json: false Auth_By_Platform: false single_cve_per_syslog: false syslog_cve_in_layers: false # Optional Webhooks: - name: myslack url: http... type: Slack enable: true use_proxy: false - name: mywebhook url: http... enable: true use_proxy: false # Optional. empty string Cluster_Name: cluster.local # Optional. chose multiple between cpath/mutex/conn/scan/cluster or empty string Controller_Debug: - cpath # Optional. true or false or empty string(true) Monitor_Service_Mesh: true # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) Registry_Http_Proxy_Status: false # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) Registry_Https_Proxy_Status: false # Optional. http/https registry proxy or empty string Registry_Http_Proxy: URL: http... Username: username Password: password Registry_Https_Proxy: URL: https... Username: username Password: password Xff_Enabled: true Net_Service_Status: false Net_Service_Policy_Mode: Discover Disable_Net_Policy: false Scanner_Autoscale: # Optional. Choose between immediate or delayed or empty string Strategy: Min_Pods: 1 Max_Pods: 3 # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) No_Telemetry_Report: false # Optional. Mode Automation Discovery to Monitor. true or false or empty string(false) Mode_Auto_D2M: false # Optional. default value is 0. unit is seconds and range is between 3600 and 2592000 (1 hour to 30 days) Mode_Auto_D2M_Duration: 0 # Optional. Mode Automation Monitor to Protect. true or false or empty string(false) Mode_Auto_M2P: false # Optional. default value is 0. unit is seconds and range is between 3600 and 2592000 (1 hour to 30 days) Mode_Auto_M2P_Duration: 0 Scan_Config: # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) Auto_Scan: false # Optional. default value is 24. unit is hour and range is between 0 and 168 Unused_Group_Aging: 24 userinitcfg.yaml: | # Optional. true or false or empty string(false) always_reload: false users: # add multiple users below - # this user will be added # Optional. EMail: user1@email.com # Mandatory. username can have ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+[.:a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$ Fullname: user1 # Optional. en or zh_cn or empty string(en) Locale: en # Optional. password length minimal 6, don't lead with ]`}*|<>!% Password: password # Optional. admin or reader or empty string(none) Role: reader # Optional. admin group or reader group or empty string Role_Domains: admin: - admin1 - admin2 reader: - reader1 - reader2 # Optional. value between 30 -- 3600 default 300 Timeout: 300 - # this user will overwrite the original admin user Fullname: admin Password: password Role: admin kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: neuvector-init namespace: neuvector