import { createHttpClient } from "@d2api/httpclient"; import "./App.css"; import { DefinitionsProvider, verbose, includeTables, loadDefs, setApiKey } from "@d2api/manifest-react"; import { getAllInventoryItemLiteDefs, getInventoryItemLiteDef, getSeasonDef, getStatDef } from "@d2api/manifest-web"; import { BungieMembershipType, DestinyCharacterResponse, DestinyComponentType, DestinyItemType, DestinyVendorResponse, getCharacter, getProfile, getVendor, } from "bungie-api-ts/destiny2"; import { CoreSettingsConfiguration, getCommonSettings } from "bungie-api-ts/core"; import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { OAuthSetup, getLatestOAuth, getOAuthHttpClient } from "@d2api/oauth-react"; import { GeneralUser, getBungieNetUserById, getMembershipDataForCurrentUser } from "bungie-api-ts/user"; import { getApplicationApiUsage } from "bungie-api-ts/app"; // import { OAuthSetup } from "@d2api/d2oauth-react"; const { api_key, client_id, client_secret } = BUNGIE_APP_INFO; // these initiate definitions download. // they're at the top level of this file, not within the react structure, // so that things start getting ready as soon as possible. verbose(); includeTables(["InventoryItemLite", "Season", "Stat"]); setApiKey(api_key); // we're not awaiting this promise, just dispatching it to do its thing, while react builds the page loadDefs(); function App() { const fallback = <b>hi, definitions are loading...</b>; return ( <> <h2>you can see this sentence immediately</h2> <p>below this though, is the definitions-reliant area</p> {/* everything within DefinitionsProvider wrapper waits for defs to be available before rendering, otherwise get✕✕✕✕Def functions would fail. until then, it shows the fallback ↓ "loading" message */} <DefinitionsProvider fallback={fallback}> <h2>you can see this once the definitions load</h2> <h3>here, have a random weapon:</h3> <p> <D2Item /> </p> <h3>here, have a specific weapon:</h3> <p> <D2Item itemHash={2575506895} /> </p> <h2>let's hit a few API endpoints</h2> <h3>what season is it anyway?</h3> <p> <ThisSeason /> </p> <h3>what's Platypie0803 up to?</h3> <p> <KineticEquipment /> </p> </DefinitionsProvider> <h2>pssst wanna OAuth?</h2> <OAuthStuff /> </> ); } /** displays an item's icon+name, given its hash. if no item hash was provided, picks a random weapon. */ function D2Item({ itemHash }: { itemHash?: number }) { const allWeapons = getAllInventoryItemLiteDefs().filter((i) => i.itemType === DestinyItemType.Weapon); const aRandomWeapon = allWeapons[Math.floor(Math.random() * allWeapons.length)]; const itemDef = itemHash ? getInventoryItemLiteDef(itemHash) : aRandomWeapon; const name = itemDef?; const icon = itemDef?.displayProperties.icon; return ( <> <img height={32} width={32} src={"" + icon} /> {name} </> ); } // create an anonymous httpClient, (anonymous as in: no OAuth) // which can be used with functions from bungie-api-ts (like getCommonSettings() below) const httpClient = createHttpClient(api_key); /** displays which destiny 2 season it is, according to bungie's global settings endpoint */ function ThisSeason() { const [coreSettings, setCoreSettings] = useState<CoreSettingsConfiguration | undefined>(); useEffect(() => { getCommonSettings(httpClient).then((s) => setCoreSettings(s.Response)); }, []); if (!coreSettings) return "still loading settings"; const currentSeason = getSeasonDef(coreSettings.destiny2CoreSettings.currentSeasonHash); return `it's currently season ${currentSeason?.seasonNumber}: ${currentSeason?}`; } /** * gets some example information from Platypie0803's account and displays * what item the hunter has equipped in the kinetic slot right now * * the CharacterEquipment component shows equipped items, even if * someone has the majority of their inventory set to private. * so we can do this with an anonymous httpClient */ function KineticEquipment() { const [characterResponse, setCharacterResponse] = useState<DestinyCharacterResponse | undefined>(); useEffect(() => { const getCharacterParams = { membershipType: BungieMembershipType.TigerXbox, // console players......... destinyMembershipId: "4611686018455948551", // Platypie0803 characterId: "2305843009572044204", components: [DestinyComponentType.CharacterEquipment], }; getCharacter(httpClient, getCharacterParams).then((s) => setCharacterResponse(s.Response)); }, []); if (!characterResponse) return "still loading equipment"; const kineticWeapon = => i.bucketHash === 1498876634); // InventoryBucket [1498876634] "Kinetic Weapons" return ( <> Platypie's hunter is currently holding a... <br /> <D2Item itemHash={kineticWeapon?.itemHash} /> </> ); } /** * show oauth setup, then later, do some stuff that demonstrates we have working oauth */ function OAuthStuff() { const [completedAuthBnetUser, setCompletedAuthBnetUser] = useState(""); if (!client_id) return ( <> you'll need to set your app information in <code>vite.config.ts</code> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank"> set up or get that information here </a> </> ); // this tells use whether there's currently a token loaded up and ready const latestAuthed = getLatestOAuth(client_id)?.token.membership_id; return ( <> {/* unless we just completed auth, show information for performing auth */} {!completedAuthBnetUser ? ( <> <h3>fyi:</h3> your <code>client_id</code> is <code>{client_id}</code> <br /> your <code>api_key</code> is {api_key ? <code>{api_key}</code> : "missing"} <br /> your <code>client_secret</code> is {client_secret ? <code>{client_secret}</code> : "missing"} <br /> {(!api_key || !client_secret) && ( <> <code>client_id</code> is all that's required to establish OAuth, but: <br /> {!api_key && ( <> • <code>api_key</code> will be required to make API requests <i>using</i> OAuth <br /> </> )} {!client_secret && ( <> • without <code>client_secret</code>, OAuth expires after 1 hour <br /> (longer requires a "Confidential" OAuth Client Type{" "} <a href="" target="_blank"> here </a> ) <br /> </> )} </> )} <br /> {latestAuthed ? ( <> you already have a token set up, but if you want, you can <br /> </> ) : null} <OAuthSetup clientId={client_id} clientSecret={client_secret} warnUser verbose sideEffect={(str) => setTimeout(() => { setCompletedAuthBnetUser(str); }, 10) } /> <br /> </> ) : ( <> looks like OAuth flow was just completed for user {completedAuthBnetUser} <br /> API reports that {completedAuthBnetUser} belongs to:{" "} <BungieName bnetMembershipId={completedAuthBnetUser} /> <br /> </> )} {latestAuthed && ( <> <h3>so:</h3> {completedAuthBnetUser ? "also, " : ""}we recently acquired an OAuth token for user{" "} {latestAuthed} <br /> API reports {latestAuthed} belongs to <BungieName bnetMembershipId={latestAuthed} /> {completedAuthBnetUser && completedAuthBnetUser !== latestAuthed && ( <> <br /> weird that they don't match... <br /> </> )} <h4>ok now, what's something we can only do as a logged-in user....</h4> <AuthenticatedTask /> </> )} </> ); } /** displays which destiny 2 season it is, according to bungie's global settings endpoint */ function BungieName({ bnetMembershipId }: { bnetMembershipId: string }) { const [bnetUser, setBnetUser] = useState<GeneralUser | undefined>(); useEffect(() => { getBungieNetUserById(httpClient, { id: bnetMembershipId }).then((s) => setBnetUser(s.Response)); }, [bnetMembershipId]); if (!bnetUser) return "loading user..."; return `${bnetUser.cachedBungieGlobalDisplayName}#${bnetUser.cachedBungieGlobalDisplayNameCode}`; } /** do some stuff that demonstrates we have working oauth */ function AuthenticatedTask() { const latestAuthed = getLatestOAuth(client_id)!.token.membership_id!; const authedClient = getOAuthHttpClient(api_key, client_id, client_secret, latestAuthed, { verbose: true }); // we'll store a string if there's an error. again, a little silly, just doing this for fewer lines of code. const [vendorResponse, setVendorResponse] = useState<DestinyVendorResponse | undefined>(); useEffect(() => { (async () => { // we know who we are (the user this OAuth is for (latestAuthed)) but we haven't looked up who we are in Destiny 2 const membershipInfo = (await getMembershipDataForCurrentUser(authedClient)).Response; getApplicationApiUsage(authedClient, { applicationId: 16281 }); // a single bnet account have have multiple attached destiny accounts. this is the id of the main cross-saved one. const primaryId = membershipInfo.primaryMembershipId; // using a few !s to make assumptions. don't log into a bnet account with no destiny profile :) const primaryMembership = membershipInfo.destinyMemberships.find((m) => m.membershipId === primaryId)!; // a destiny account has an id, and a type (platform) const { membershipId, membershipType } = primaryMembership; // getProfile is the main endpoint: inventory, triumphs, characters, everything's here. // which components you request, determines which information will be sent back const profileResponse = ( await getProfile(httpClient, { destinyMembershipId: membershipId, membershipType: membershipType, components: [DestinyComponentType.Profiles], // here, we ask for the most basic component }) ).Response; // the goal here is simply to find the ID of one of our characters, so we can make a vendor call // pick the first char in the list const characterId =!.characterIds[0]; // getVendor only works with user authentication. you can't check someone else's vendors const fetchedVendorResponse = ( await getVendor(authedClient, { vendorHash: 350061650, // let's check on ada-1's armor characterId, membershipType, destinyMembershipId: membershipId, // we'll find out what she's selling, and what the stats are for any items she sells components: [DestinyComponentType.VendorSales, DestinyComponentType.ItemStats], }) ).Response; // now that we got the API data we wanted, store it in this component's state setVendorResponse(fetchedVendorResponse); })(); }, [authedClient]); if (!vendorResponse) return "loading account and vendor info..."; // let's find a piece of armor that our favorite exo offers const aPieceOfArmor = Object.values(!).find((sale) => { // a sale item has very little information about the item itself, mostly the sale. // we'll use the item's definition for a fuller picture of it const itemDef = getInventoryItemLiteDef(sale.itemHash); // check its ItemType and stop searching when we find an armor return itemDef?.itemType === DestinyItemType.Armor; }); if (!aPieceOfArmor) return "hmm. is ada-1 not selling any armor?"; // vendor sales, components, etc, are in dictionaries, keyed by vendorItemIndex // their property structure is a little silly and redundant, as you can see from the below path. const armorStats =![aPieceOfArmor.vendorItemIndex].stats!; // this ^ is a dictionary of stat information, keyed by stat hash. const armorDef = getInventoryItemLiteDef(aPieceOfArmor.itemHash)!; return ( <> ada-1 is selling a{" "} <b> {} ({armorDef.itemTypeDisplayName}) </b> <ul> {Object.values(armorStats).map((s) => { const statDef = getStatDef(s.statHash)!; const statName =; return ( <li key={s.statHash}> {statName}: {s.value} </li> ); })} </ul> </> ); } export default App;