[ { "Name": "App:CFD:Contentful:SpaceID", "Description": "The Contentful SpaceID, belonging tot the CFD content space", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CFD:Contentful:AccessToken", "Description": "The Contentful Content Delivery Token, linked to the CFD content space", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CFD:Contentful:Environment", "Description": "The (optional) Contentful environment. Defaults to master", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CFD:Lokalise:AccessToken", "Description": "Lokalise SDK Token", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CFD:Lokalise:ProjectID", "Description": "Lokalise Project ID", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ScanTarget", "Description": "{ Details = 0, Cart = 1 }", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "1", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Scandit:AppKey", "Description": "Deprecated app setting for Scandit license key. Please use App:Scandit:LicenseKey instead", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Scandit:LicenseKey", "Description": "App setting for the Scandit license key", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Scandit:WorkingRange", "Description": "{ Normal = 0, Long = 1 }", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "0", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Session:LockTimeout", "Description": "The app will lock after an inactivity of x seconds.", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "60", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:BarcodeCustomField", "Description": "If set there will be a barcode option displayed behind the field in the Loyalty app for the provided BackendID of a user custom field", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Customer:Enabled", "Description": "Whether to always show the customer attach button in the checkout or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowBarcode", "Description": "Determines whether to show the customer barcode in the customer details page or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowSearchOnCFD", "Description": "Show an customer search option to send to CFD", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-2023"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowInitials", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowGender", "Description": "Determine whether to show gender customer details page or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:SuggestUpdateAddressOnOpenOrders", "Description": "Whether we open up a special page to suggest the user to update open orders", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-6971"], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowAddresses", "Description": "Determine whether to show addresses customer details page or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowPlaceOfBirth", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowDayOfBirth", "Description": "Determines whether to show the date of birth customer details page or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowLanguage", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowBankAccount", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowFiscalID", "Description": "Determines whether to show the fiscal ID on the customer details page or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowPreview", "Description": "Whether to show the customer details page after customer creation or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-3446"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowCompany", "Description": "Whether we show the company fields in the customer create/edit page", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-7935"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowSocialSecurityNumber", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:UseSocialSecurityNumberLookup", "Description": "Whether the social security number functionality is enabled or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-1672"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowVerifyOnCFDButton", "Description": "Enables the Onboarding button in POS create customer where you can trigger customer onboarding on CFD", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:UsePhoneNumberLookup", "Description": "Dictates if the LinkMobility platform is enabled", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-19826"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Datadog:Enabled", "Description": "Enable Datadog analytics in the app", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Datadog:RUM:SessionReplay:Enabled", "Description": "Enable Datadog session replay functionality in the app", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Datadog:Logs:Enabled", "Description": "Enable Datadog console log logging functionality in the app", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Order:ShowVatNumber", "Description": "Whether to show the vat number tile or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-2435"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Order:ShowEstimatedDeliveryTime", "Description": "Determines whether we render the delivery proposition card non the checkout or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-5542", " OPTR-4802"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Order:ShowCustomerReference", "Description": "Determine whether to show the customer reference field when on delivery", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-3244"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Order:ShowOnlyShippableLines", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Documents:DefaultPrintReceipt", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Documents:DefaultPrintInvoice", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Documents:DefaultEmailInvoice", "Description": "Determines the default value of the email checkbox in the print order pop up ( in the checkout )", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-5327"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Documents:ShowPrintInvoice", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Documents:ShowPrintGiftReceipt", "Description": "Will be used to determine if we show print gift receipt or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-5407"], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Search:DefaultMethod", "Description": "{ Query = 0, CustomID = 1 }", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "0", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Search:ProductLogicalLevel", "Description": "Determines which logical level to do a product search on", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "root", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Search:ProductProperties", "Description": "What product properties to filter on", "DataType": "string[]", "Tickets": ["OPTR-2965"], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Checkout:AllowPartialShipping", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:StockReservationTask:AvailableActions", "Description": "What actions are available in the stock reservation task, { ForceComplete = 1, Order = 2, SetAside = 4, Cancel = 8, All = 15 }", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "15", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:LineActionTypes:Available", "Description": "", "DataType": "int[]", "Tickets": [], "Default": "1,2,3,4", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:LineActionTypes:AllowMixing", "Description": "Replaced with the normal setting Orders:AllowMixed", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Subscriptions:Enabled", "Description": "Whether to use the new subscriptions or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-4424"], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Suite:DebugEnabled", "Description": "Whether to how the debug panel in app suite, or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:StockLabels:Available", "Description": "", "DataType": "int[]", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:StockMutationReasons:Available", "Description": "", "DataType": "int[]", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Basket:EnableNegativeDiscountsOnSalesOrder", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Basket:View", "Description": "{ ListView = 0, CardView = 1 }", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "1", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Search:View", "Description": "Detemines how we show search results in our application, { ListView = 0, CardView = 1 }", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "1", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:LineActionTypes:Visible", "Description": "Whether we should show LineActionType icons on orderline level", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:AlwaysScanStation", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Shipments:AllowRemoteManualReceive", "Description": "Allows receive goods tasks to be confirmed manually", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:WishLists:Enabled", "Description": "Whether we allow the creation of wishlists in this app or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:GiftWrapping:Enabled", "Description": "Whether the application allows order giftwrapping or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Bundles:Behavior", "Description": "How bundles are presented to the user on add (0=Default, 1=Fashion, 2=Disabled)", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "0", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CycleCount:RequireAllZonesToBeCounted", "Description": "Whether all zones need to be counted in order to complete a zoned cycle count", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CashDrawer:OpenReason", "Description": "{ Hide = 0, Show = 1, Required = 2 }", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "0", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:GiftCard:DefaultType", "Description": "The default giftcard type", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": ["OPTR-2220"], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:GiftCard:DefaultConfigurationID", "Description": "The default giftcard configuration provider ID that will be selected for e.g. the giftcard balance check, so that the user doesn't have to select the most common provider everytime.", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": ["OPTR-32220"], "Default": "", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:CashExpense:WarningThreshold", "Description": "Defines a threshold for the maximum cash expense amount (in the currency of the organization) before a warning should be raised, to prevent mistakes. Defaults to null, which means no warning should be raised.", "DataType": "decimal", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CashExpense:Image:Enabled", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CashExpense:Image:Enforced", "Description": "Enforce stores to always include a receipt photo when customers add expenses.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-16350"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CashJournal:AllowManualCorrections", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CashJournal:RequestRecount", "Description": "Based on the boolean, the app will request a recount before creating an automated correction and submitting the count to the server", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Search:DefaultUserTypeOverride", "Description": "The default UserType that should be used when doing a product search. { Employee = 1, Customer = 2 }", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Product:HideRelations", "Description": "Hides related products in the product details panel, based on ProductRelationTypeBackendID", "DataType": "string[]", "Tickets": ["OPTR-20390"], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Product:ShowProductStatus", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Checkout:ProductSearchTemplateID", "Description": "Whenever we have a quick buy option in the checkout, we will use this setting to find quick buy products", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": ["OPTR-7702"], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Shipping:ProductSearchTemplateID", "Description": "Based on this, we will show / hide the quick bag select option in the SFS ship page", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": ["OPTR-8915"], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Checkout:DisplayReturnDenominations", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:FaviconBlobID", "Description": "", "DataType": "guid", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ProductDetail:Properties", "Description": "Example: { \"EVA-Admin\": [\"display_value\", ...], ... }", "DataType": "object", "Tickets": [], "Default": "{ \"EVA-Admin\": [\"display_value\"] }", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:AllowSoldByOverride", "Description": "Detemines whether we show a 'sold by' tile on the checkout or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-7937"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ShowBundleConfigOnAdd", "Description": "Dictates if we show the possible bundle config modal on adding a product to cart", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-22038"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ShowStationSelectorOnLogin", "Description": "Whether we show the station selector after login or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-8450"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ShipFromStore:AllowPartialPick", "Description": "Whether partial picking is allowed for ship from store (pick) tasks or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-9412"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ShipFromStore:PaymentMethods", "Description": "What payment methods to show for ship from store (delivery) tasks", "DataType": "string[]", "Tickets": ["OPTR-9989"], "Default": "EVAPAY,CASH", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:TapToPay:AllowPartialPayment", "Description": "Determines if we need to show partial payment modal", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-27999"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:ShipFromStore:ShowNetPrices", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ShipFromStore:ProductPropertiesToShow", "Description": "Used to instruct the frontend what properties of the product(s) to show in the SFS pick screen", "DataType": "string[]", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ShipFromStore:SupportMultipleShipments", "Description": "Whether the SFS flow supports multiple shipments or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-10347"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Checkout:FastReservationEnabled", "Description": "App setting for companion app to skip the shopping cart after scanning the QR code of the reservation.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Feature:StockReplenishmentTask:Enabled", "Description": "Whether the runner tasks functionality is enabled or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-3185"], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Feature:LockOnOrganizationUnit:Enabled", "Description": "Whether we save the organisation unit logged in with or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-9714"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Checkout:ShowSignOrder", "Description": "Whether to show the signature button in the checkout or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-2553"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Shipments:RequireReceiveMethodReason", "Description": "New name: Orders:Shipments:RequireReceiveMethodReason", "DataType": "", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ReturnToSupplier:ShipmentCanHaveTrackingCode", "Description": "Indicates if return to supplier shipments can have tracking code.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CashJournal:ShowExpectedAmount", "Description": "Show expected amount when counting cash journals.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:PrintPriceLabelTask:PrintPriceLabelRequired", "Description": "Indicates if it is required to print a price label task.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:SearchUsers:IncludeCustomers", "Description": "Indicates whether or not to include customers in search results.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:SearchUsers:IncludeEmployees", "Description": "Indicates whether or not to include employees in search results.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ShipFromStore:PrintReceiptAfterCompletion", "Description": "Indicates whether or not to print receipt after completing the checkout successfully.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:DefaultRoute", "Description": "Changes what page the POS navigates to after logging in", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": ["https://n6k.atlassian.net/browse/OPTR-20309"], "Default": "sales", "Options": [ "sales", "customerSearch", "orderSearch", "productSearch", "tasks", "moreOptions" ] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:DisableNavigationOnOpenAmount", "Description": "Indicates whether it is allowed to navigate away from an order with an open amount on the POS", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Checkout:ShowQuickBuy", "Description": "If the app should force Quick Buy into view or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Checkout:HideShowMore", "Description": "Hide ShowMore tile", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-22134"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:DisplayEndOfDayQuestion", "Description": "Indicates whether or not to display the end of day question on the POS", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:DocumentationBlobCategory", "Description": "Indicates the blob category that holds the in-store documentation", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": null, "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:EnableNativeKeyboard", "Description": "Indicates whether or not to use the native keyboard", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:DisplayExpectedAmountOnCashJournal", "Description": "Indicates whether or not to display the expected amount when counting a cashjournal", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:Contentful:SpaceID", "Description": "Contentful space ID that contains POS content", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": null, "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:Contentful:AccessToken", "Description": "Contentful Client delivery token to fetch the content for POS", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": null, "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Feature:RefundOrder:Enabled", "Description": "Indicates whether or not to display the refund order button on returns", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ConfigurableProduct:FilterProperties", "Description": "Filter properties for GetConfigurableProductDetail. Example: { \"Asian_fit\": [true, ...], ... }", "DataType": "object", "Tickets": [], "Default": null, "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ConfigurableProduct:FilterProperty", "Description": "Filter property for GetConfigurableProductDetail", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": null, "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ConfigurableProduct:FilterValues", "Description": "Filter values for GetConfigurableProductDetail", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": null, "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ConfigurableProduct:FilterDefault", "Description": "Filter default for GetConfigurableProductDetail", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": null, "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:PrintPriceLabelTask:Enabled", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Checkout:AllowChangingShippingMethod", "Description": "", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Shipments:AutoGenerateShipmentBackendIDForInterbranchOrders", "Description": "Ignore given backendID on shipment create and generate EVA backendID (only on interbranch)", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:OverrulingUserLanguage", "Description": "when populated this language set in this setting over rules the languages set on the user", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ShipFromStore:DeterminationType", "Description": "this setting determines which task should be picked first", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Order:DisplayUserCustomFields", "Description": "Shows custom field in the order details panel, based on BackendID", "DataType": "string[]", "Tickets": [], "Default": null, "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Order:ShowFiscalID", "Description": "Determines whether to show the fiscal ID on the order or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CustomerProductValue", "Description": "setting to influence which ID is displayed in the pages", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "ProductID", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:OrganizationUnit:AirportOU", "Description": "Determines whether to show the flights tab on the organization unit or not", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Shipment:UrlContainsSlash", "Description": "Determines whether a slash still needs to be added or not to make the tracking link clickable", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:RunnerTask:QuickPicking", "Description": "Determines whether runner tasks can be completed without individual scanning each item", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Loyalty:DisableScanCard", "Description": "Disables the scan card option in the loyaly section of CFD app", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Loyalty:OnboardingQRUrl", "Description": "Onboarding URL for loyalty members", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": null, "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Loyalty:WalletQRUrl", "Description": "The Add to Apple Wallet URL", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": null, "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Order:ShowCustomFields", "Description": "Determine which order custom fields will show up as order options. values should be backendid", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": null, "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Returns:PrefilledOrganizationUnit", "Description": "When set to 'true' or 'original' the return is automatically assigned to the original OU of the order that is being returned. When set to 'current' the return is automatically assigned to the OU that the merchant is currently using. When unset or set to 'false' the return OU can be freely changed.", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": ["OPTR-26228"], "Default": null, "Options": ["true", "false", "original", "current"], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:ShowReturnSignatureOnCFD", "Description": "Indicates whether or not to display request signature from CFD tile on returns in checkout (deprecated)", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-18386"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ShowSignatureOnCFD", "Description": "Indicates whether or not to display request signature from CFD tile on signature options in checkout", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-32582"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Customer:AccountType", "Description": "{ standard = 0, basic = 1, incognito = 2 }", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": ["OPTR-20938"], "Default": "1", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Login:PreferredMethod", "Description": "Dictates what tab to be opened on login", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": ["https://n6k.atlassian.net/browse/OPTR-22804"], "Default": "Email", "Options": ["Email", "QRCode", "SSO", "PIN"] }, { "Name": "App:TaskPresence", "Description": "To influence which tasks are present, { RunnerTask = 1, FullStockCount = 2, RepairTask = 4, MoveStock = 8, PrintPriceLabel = 16, AdjustStock = 32 ALL = 63}", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": [], "Default": "7", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Order:ShowTakeoverAlert", "Description": "Set to false to disable rogue order takeover alerts", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-22730"], "Default": "true", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Order:IgnoreTakeoverUpdateUsers", "Description": "User IDs in this array will be ignored by the rogue order takeover alert feature", "DataType": "int[]", "Tickets": ["OPTR-22730"], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Scanner:Provider", "Description": "Determines the default scanner to be used", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Scanner:SupportedSymbologies", "Description": "Determines the default scanner symbologies that are supported", "DataType": "string[]", "Tickets": [], "Default": "ean13,ean8,upce,code39,code128,i2of5,dataMatrix,qr", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:ShowIndicationOnInteractionLogs", "Description": "When set to true we show an indication on the interactions tab in order and consumer chapter when there are interacts made on the selected item", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-24076"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:SearchUsers:HideCountryFilter", "Description": "Hides the country filter in customer search", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-24385"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Clientela:BaseUrl", "Description": "When this setting has a value we show the 'View Customer Details in Clientela' button, which will use the set value as base url to open, which should open the clientela app", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": ["OPTR-23808"], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Product:ShowPriceProductVariations", "Description": "Determines if we show prices on product variations", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-24091"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowCases", "Description": "Determines if we show customer cases on customers", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-24596"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:ShowBarcodeCapture", "Description": "Determines if we show barcode capture buttons", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-24685"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:ScannerProvider", "Description": "Determines which scanner we use for barcode capture. Choose between'appleScanner' or 'scandit'", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": ["OPTR-24685"], "Default": "appleScanner", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:ShowBarcodeCaptureOnLogin", "Description": "This setting will dictates to show (or not) the barcode capture menu option on login/unlock", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-24685"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Pos:Scandit:BarcodeCaptureCameraPosition", "Description": "This setting will dictates what Scandit camera position to use. Choose between 'front' or 'back'", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": ["OPTR-24685"], "Default": "back", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Product:OrganizationUnitBackInStock", "Description": "Determines which WebshopID to use for back in stock notification", "DataType": "int", "Tickets": ["OPTR-24521"], "Default": "0", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:Scan:Behaviour", "Description": "Determines the scan behaviour in the app. Can be set to 'button' for manual button press scan or 'auto' for automatic scanning.", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": [], "Default": "auto", "Options": ["button", "auto"] }, { "Name": "App:Orders:DisplayPrefiguredDiscounts", "Description": "Determines if we show prefigured discounts that only have one unmet requirement in the basket on the sales app", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-23362"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:HidePendingBankDeposits", "Description": "Hides the option for pending bank deposits", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-25481"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CFD:IsPassive", "Description": "Determines whether the CFD operates in a passive or active (interactive) mode.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-22954"], "Default": "false", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:CFD:CollapseBundles", "Description": "Determines whether the CFD collapses bundles by default.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-27383"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Replenishment:PimPropertiesToDisplayInOverview", "Description": "Determines which properties are displayed in the replenishment product table", "DataType": "string", "Tickets": ["OPTR-25513"], "Default": "", "Options": [] }, { "Name": "App:BankDeposits:RequireSignature", "Description": "Signature is required for a new bank deposit", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-25482"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:PrintTasks:HideDelete", "Description": "Determines whether a bin icon is displayed in the print tasks and SFS print tasks overviews in the Admin Suite, allowing for deletion of a print task.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": [], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Customer:ShowBoughtProducts", "Description": "Dictates if we show customer bought products on customers", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-27466"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:DistanceUnit:ShowMiles", "Description": "Dictates if back-end responses in kilometers will be converted to miles in the front-end", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-27410"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Search:ShowDiscounts", "Description": "Determines whether discounts are displayed in product search", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-28031"], "Default": "true", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Checkout:ValidateCashDrawerAmount", "Description": "Enables device cash amount validation for cash refunds", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-26277"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:BankDeposits:DefaultPending", "Description": "Determines whether the checkbox to mark bank deposits as pending is checked by default", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-27934"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:PickupAvailability:IncludeOrganizationUnitsWithoutStock", "Description": "Determines if we show OUs without stock in the pickup point order option", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-28632"], "Default": "true", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Orders:HideTransferOrders", "Description": "Determines the default state of the transfer orders filter option", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-27990"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:SerialNumber:AutoScan", "Description": "We are going to automatically open the serial number scanner when we encounter a serialNumber product requirement.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-29126"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:CFD:HideGreeting", "Description": "Hides the greeting on CFD for the attached customer.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-30958"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:TapToPay:DisableWarmUp", "Description": "Disables the Tap To Pay warmup on app startup.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-29171"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Checkout:ExpandShowMore", "Description": "Always show all refund options when auto-refund is available.", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-32591"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:SoldBy:RoleIDs", "Description": "An array of role IDs by which we will filter the sold by employee list", "DataType": "string[]", "Tickets": ["OPTR-32674"], "Default": "", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:BankDeposit:ShowExpectedAmount", "Description": "Determines whether the expected amount is shown on the bank deposit screen", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-33570"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:CashJournal:UseCashFloat", "Description": "Determines whether the cash float is used when closing a cash journal", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-33596"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true }, { "Name": "App:Checkout:GroupCustomPaymentTypes", "Description": "Determines whether payment types with the same payment method id are grouped together in the checkout", "DataType": "bool", "Tickets": ["OPTR-33252"], "Default": "false", "Options": [], "Converted": true } ]