{ "services": [ { "id": "app1", "display_name": "Hello-App1", "source_repository": "-b main https://github.com/newrelic/demo-nodetron.git", "deploy_script_path": "deploy/linux/roles", "port": 5001, "destinations": ["host1"], "files":[{ "destination_filepath": "engine/data/index.json", "content": [ "


", "Congrats! You have successfully setup our Hello World demo environment. So, what's been deployed?", "", " ", "Next, start generating some traffic on the app. This can be done by clicking the Inventory button, which will simply return a collection of items. You can then click each item to see its details.", "You can also use postman to generate a burst of requests. The APIs for the app are quite simple:", "", " ", "Now, head on over to New Relic and explore what's been created.", "", "
", "Build some awesome graphs in Query Builder with this NRQL:", "
SELECT count(*) FROM Transaction FACET request.headers.userAgent WHERE appName = 'Hello-App1' LIMIT MAX
", "
SELECT average(duration) FROM Transaction FACET name WHERE appName = 'Hello-App1'
", "
SELECT count(*) FROM Transaction TIMESERIES FACET httpResponseCode WHERE appName = 'Hello-App1'
", "
SELECT average(memoryUsedPercent) as '% Used', average(memoryFreePercent) as '% Free' FROM SystemSample TIMESERIES WHERE apmApplicationNames = 'Hello-App1'
", "
", "That's it! We hope you enjoyed this quick Hello World example. Please give us feedback and ideas in our Explorer's Hub community.", " ", "


Make sure to tear down the infrastructure and app you just provisioned!" ] }, { "destination_filepath": "engine/cronjob.json", "content": [ { "frequency": "* * * * *", "job": "for ((i=1;i<=30;i++)); do curl '[service:app1:url]/'; curl '[service:app1:url]/api/inventory'; sleep 1; done" } ] } ] } ], "global_tags": { "dxOwningTeam": "DemoX", "dxEnvironment": "development", "dxDepartment": "Area51", "dxProduct": "Hello" }, "resources": [ { "id": "host1", "display_name": "Hello-Host1", "provider": "aws", "type": "ec2", "size": "t3.micro" } ], "instrumentations": { "resources": [ { "id": "nr_infra", "resource_ids": ["host1"], "provider": "newrelic", "source_repository": "-b main https://github.com/newrelic/demo-newrelic-instrumentation.git", "deploy_script_path": "deploy/linux/roles", "version": "1.12.1" } ], "services": [ { "id": "nr_node_agent", "service_ids": ["app1"], "provider": "newrelic", "source_repository": "-b main https://github.com/newrelic/demo-newrelic-instrumentation.git", "deploy_script_path": "deploy/node/linux/roles", "version": "6.11.0" } ] } }